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22922206 No.22922206 [Reply] [Original]

Coinbase just took away $2000 from my bank account. I withdrew these $2K from coinbase to my bank last week, and today they took it back without any explaination. It's fucking weird. Also, it's not like they put the money back in my coinbase account. It's just gone. Has this happened to somebody else? I contacted coinbase support an hour ago but I'm getting no answers yet. I called my bank and they told me it's coinbase who took it back, and that I should settle it with them.

>> No.22922228

why do you retards withdraw through coinbase? just use localbitcoins and withdraw through there.

>> No.22922258

Because I don't want to get murdered?

>> No.22922272

it seemed the most convenient. They have instand card withdrawals now, I got the money in my bank in just a few seconds after clicking.

>> No.22922286


get a skrill account and order their debit card. put the money in your skrill account and use the debit card to withdraw money from any ATM. Tax free. Fuck you niggers are stupid.

>> No.22922311

Op walk us through this. For example you didn’t ach withdrawal from coinbase pro or?

>> No.22922339

So many shitty larp threads lately with the same image, is this a fucking bot?

>> No.22922359

You can't sell large amounts that way nigger. Just chump change.

>> No.22922388

fucking kek. muh currency of the future AHAHAHAHAHAHA.

piece of fucking shit coins can't even handle a couple of hundred 4chan autists claiming airdrops. imagine if just 5% of coin holders all decided to cash out.


it would crash the whole fucking industry.


>> No.22922398


enough to buy your ass some fries and chicken nuggets throughout the whole month. Saves you money by not paying taxes for your tendies.

>> No.22922410
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I did their instant withdrawal option, with a cc number. The money was instantly put in my bank account, but just as quickly as I got it, they took it.

Not a bot, not a larp. It actually happened.

>> No.22922445

lmfao you're an idiot, localbitcoin is legit and unless your literally retarded, its so easy to not get scammed. So many sellers with 3000+ trades with 100% approval are buying through western union or bank deposit. Sure there are some extra fees but its a guarantee you wont have to deal with retard coinbase or any other sketchy bullshit.

>> No.22922447

bro are you high? this thread is about centralized exchange and centralized bank dealing in dollarinos

>> No.22922497

bot posted on the wrong thread lol

>> No.22922756

Try from coinbase pro

>> No.22922862


I've only ever done ACH through Coinbase Pro dozens of times and its worked flawlessly everytime. They say 3-5 business days but I routinely get it within 2 days. I have a 50K daily limit too. I'd never use it to do any actual short term trading but its legit to cash to fiat from my experience. I would try doing that instead OP and link your bank account. I've done full KYC though as well.

>> No.22922962

Thanks for the advice guys, I'll try that next time. I hope they don't take too long in giving it back, looks like they are slow with their support tickets.

>> No.22923045

I've had no problems, using them for two+ years now, withdrew 4-5k per time for a total of about 75k over the past 2 years. Not sure what you're doing wrong

>> No.22923117

>uses Jewbase


>> No.22923234

What country are you in?

>> No.22923285


>> No.22923333
File: 59 KB, 570x447, poop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's nothing kid.
try having coinbase take 50g's from you because of a 1,000 price difference.

fucking COINKIKE.

>> No.22923395
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>OP set reoccurring deposits to 2
$2K and triggered the Jew alarm

>> No.22923447

well. this is what they'll do.
their support will be shit.

did they double charge you?
like you see -2000 on bank account 2x?
1 of them will be canceled/return to normal

they did this scam to me last year and pealed me for $2,000 and 1k linkies. last year.
got 2k stolen, and they took all my link then too. never fixed.

if they double-hit you, they'll give 1 back.
if your money ends up on coinbase, send it back to your bank..

coinbase has been very kikey this summer.

i dont mind getting pealed for a 1-2k per year.. whatever.
but now it's happening so much, i know they got malicious actors working for them
always fucking with my shit.

double charging all summer when link was athing...
then fucking me on really key trades that any other exchange would be able to handle..

fuck coinkike.

>> No.22923451

Redpill me on localbitcoins. Do they require anyform of kyc, submitting pictures,have cashout limits or something like that?

>> No.22923458

>using coinbase
unironically for what reason, you euros have 1000 better exchanges than the one shitty one we have

>> No.22923470

quads checked
fuck coinbase, use Gemini, still trash af so ... nvm just stick to CB -__-

>> No.22923535

This. OP sounds like a 2020 newfag

>> No.22923542

There's the problem. From what I've heard so far, you'd probably be better off using Kraken.

>> No.22923557

i catch coinkike double hitting my bank account all the time, money will already be on coinkike.. and then i see another "pending" transaction coming in for the same exact fucking amount.. . and my bank automatically takes that out of my bank funds..
so it will appear like this..
say i have $2k in bank..
i buy 1k of crypto..
my bank acc has 1k, coinkike has the other 1k.
then the 1k coinkike happens again..
and my bank will show 0 or negative funds.
locking me out of using debit.. or atm withdrawal etc.
then bank trys fucking me for "overdraft"
then coinkike "pending" gets reversed
and my 1k is returned to my bank acc..
shit pisses me off.
happened 2-3 times this past summer.
fucked me out of lunch a few times.

>> No.22923560

I wanted to use kraken but i needed the money fast, i didn't want to go through the account verification process. That's the best exchange for euros right?

>> No.22923574

I've been using Gemini for over 3 years, zero problems.

>> No.22923709

if you have a debit card or something, use that instead of the bank 1.
it is faster.
i think if coinbase doesn't get the money within x amount of time, they request it again.
and once the first 1 comes in, they refund the 2nd attempt if it goes through.

i notice with the mobile app using a debit is faster than using ach.

on coinbase pro, ach is ok, but the debit is faster.

they'll hold the coin/funds for about a week via ach. with debit, i think its faster.

ach is just slow. 2-7 days slow.
debit is alot faster for confirmations imo.

in usa atleast.

>> No.22923847

Bitpanda, Kraken, binance (have fiat now too)
everything is better than this US ultra high fee NSA scam exchange

>> No.22924058


>> No.22924138

Why the fuck do people still use that shithole exchange? Just use kraken, never any issue what so ever, safer than fort fucking knox and always instant support on chat. Support crew is probably Indians but works anyway

>> No.22924636

can't stress this enough.
I've used kraken for years, they used to have problems when the network use would increase to much but they have NEVER fucked around with my money. I always get it within 24 hours

>> No.22925036

>>sketchy bullshit
>>western union


>> No.22925161

lmfao have you ever even used western union? I use it every month for sending and receiving thousands of dollars and never have an issue, every now and then they will want a utility bill or proof of address bullshit or to call some number to verify something, but all in all, its never a big problem, If you yourself are sketchy as fuck then thats why your having issues.

>> No.22925205
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>Tax free
Reported your ip to the irs

>> No.22925274


coinbase is like owned by the IRS and the gay bank system.

>> No.22925827

This is why you should always wire transfer.

>> No.22925831

This happened to me with this instant shit. Some banks don’t accept / can’t handle it and send it back.

>> No.22925901

This sounds like something a Coinbase competitor or some chump who has a grudge against CB would post.

>> No.22926101

Shoulda just looked at DIA anon.

>> No.22926136

Coinbase is literally bigger than most banks. It will be resolved aspie settle down

>> No.22926148
File: 90 KB, 379x628, what the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure it will.

>> No.22926270

Should have converted to OMG

>> No.22926328

Didn't that pajeet recently become head of exchange for coinbase?

>> No.22926352

What's the best exchange for a US citizen?

>> No.22926385

Surprised you haven’t learned anything from this thread- use coinbase pro. First of all you are being rekt on fees and now you have this sketchy reversal to deal with. perhaps you should talk to an attorney about your issue anyway, you do have their in writing reversal and breaking of their own terms