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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22919721 No.22919721 [Reply] [Original]

the majority of you here on biz are young probably between 18-25 and dont have money. no your 100k in LINK is not alot of money. trying to turn your measly 20k or even 1k into a fortune by degening it into some shitcoin or penny stock is near impossible. your're most likely wasting precious time on shit that is negligible in the long run. I've seen so many friends,colleagues that have spent countless hours trading futures/forex/crypto and still make no money.

You need to focus on real skills and getting a high paying job before thinking about investing. theres a big difference trading with a 1k account and being able to trade with an 100k account. so stop fucking wasting time every day on shitcoins when you could be learning how to program.

>> No.22919845

Xoomer here who fell for the college and university education meme. Too old now to get a grip on that shit, but I second that post. Learn some useful skills when you are still young and your brains are working, wagecuck in a good job for some years, so you get good money that you can invest, and you can go all in on a good project with 100k instead of lunch money.

>> No.22919980


>> No.22920217

>You need to focus on real skills and getting a high paying job before thinking about investing.

>> No.22920263
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>> No.22920288

idk boomer, worth 7 figures now by investing into "shit coins" since 2017. started literally with 400$.

>> No.22920305

>nolinker support group thread
you're right about having a valuable skill tho

>> No.22920321

What are you cringing at, fren? Can't handle the truth?

>> No.22920375

Okay boomer

>> No.22920588

Well i did manage to make my 400 euros into 12k.

>> No.22920699

what a shit thread. look at 2017, look at the gains you could have made with link investing at 20ct (100x by the way), look at YFI.
are you salty, because you missed the train or what? still loads of other projects you can make money with.

>> No.22920919
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I'm on the same path, started out with 500 USD at the end of last month, sitting on 10k right now.

>> No.22920943

shut the fuck up boomer

go buy your rental property and fuck off

>> No.22920989

thankfully i had awful boomer parents, a garbage education system, and easy access to entertainment and drugs so my brain rotted before i needed to worry about becoming useful.

>> No.22921005

>no your 100k in LINK is not alot of money
>poor fags
>can't turn 1k into 100k
What the actual fuck are you even rambling about boomer?

>> No.22921025
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I turned $7.5k(CAD) into 300k in 3 years just by doing absolutely nothing but holding link. Nice blogpost tho boomer can't wait to dab on you retards

>> No.22921038

Investing/trading is a lifestyle. It means taking the challenge of making money. From where you start isn't the point, the point is that this is how we make money.

Another thing is that 100k link is $1 million. That's not a lot? Idk chief, kinda is. And keep in mind business is about business, not wagecucking. When you step into the entrepreneur world, you think and live like an investor. Working for a firm or two, 3 or 5 years is natural, but don't go thinking that's all there is to it, and you can't invest with having a couple of million dollars in your bank.

You missed the point OP. Those friends of yours either are extremely unlucky, or they're not sharing the information with you. I personally learnt my lesson of never sharing my financial situation, gains/losses, what I'm doing etc.

>> No.22921064

bros im stuck in a technical support specialist job. how do i move up

>> No.22921066

>don't think about long term prospects until you've committed yourself to servitude
that is cringe. your method to acquire
capital should be chosen as a means to achieve your long term vision, not the other way around.

>> No.22921091


Excellent bait.

>> No.22921094

Lol another fake. To think someone with $400 would have the emotional capability to hold past even $10k without panic selling/spending it Kek

>> No.22921102

God there are some pathetic fucking losers out there. 18k to 600+ and we aren't even GBR yet and hell no I never traded so NO short term capital gains. fuck with me old ass pussy

>> No.22921130

Since corona started, I told my friends about crypto and all that. Tried to teach them to trade. All it does is fuck you over. When you lose they'll laugh at you and your "monopoly money" When you get money they'll accumulate some deep hatred for even making a dollar or two. I ended up telling them I lost all my money in that crash and I put in 300$, but it's 50$ now and I honestly pulled out etc..

Friends and money do not fit. So that's maybe why your friends just don't tell you, and keeping you out.

Either way, money is money, what a dollar is valued is different from person A to person B. You do you, and don't risk anything you can't lose. Nonetheless your way of thinking isn't wrong, but a bit outdated.

>> No.22921134

Already have a $150k salary. Tired of 8% gains on the stock market. If I don't 10x at least $10k per year, I'm never going to make it. So yes, I will continue to buy LINK.

>> No.22921194

>the absolute state of nolinker cope??

>> No.22921306


i did spend some of it along the way. i mean this is an anonymous forum, so w/e. i dont know if you saw how fucking stupidly bullish the market was in 2017 though. 5-10x a day was normal on any shitcoin you bought.

>> No.22921337

its always look at the gains " you could have made" but did you? how many people in biz actually invested a sizeable amount of money into YFI at 2k and link at ICO? i'm talking to the majority of young biztards who aren't smart and funded enough to make those decisions.

>> No.22921378

thats great but what can 10k do for you? get a job you'll thank me later

>> No.22921381

>learning how to program
useless... the job market is filled with overqualified zoomers

>> No.22921411

>that level of projection


>> No.22921418

>go all in on a good project with 100k
and you lose them all
Bad advices anon
Learning a skill and getting an high paying job is a good advice but people will 1000 link will outperform your boomer advices

>> No.22921437

A lot of people on biz did actually invest in link when it was near .17 cents. Then there's people like me, I was late, so only have 8k but still accumulating because I make 120k a year, live a modest lifestyle, and there is no better investment opportunity available right now. Your advice is only good for people who want to do nothing but neet and wait for moon, which are admittedly a few, but I wouldn't steer motivated and intelligent individuals away from crypto (just don't go chasing shitcoins/pumps because that will always end poorly).

>> No.22921479

Sorry Boomer but the NEETs will inherit the earth because of ChainLink (Ticker: LINK)

>> No.22921483

>To think someone with $400 would have the emotional capability to hold past even $10k without panic selling/spending
I have seen Link go to 20$ and having 200k and then losing 100k from the top all the way down and still not selling.
You belong to leddit if you think oldfags would ever sell Link

>> No.22921505

the thing is, if you are the least bit smart, you can make money in this market. i did make money by investing in link at 40cts. that's still a 50x at $20.
so, turning $1k into $50k (cashed out around $20k) is pretty fucking cool for a poorfag. so gtfo boomer

>> No.22921527

LINK did a 650% just this year alone
you're fucking salty that shit like YFI and HEX did more than 5 thousand % while you spent years building your 401kike

>> No.22921572

>did you?
LMAO dude
it's a bull market
everything did 1000% or more
you're just MAD SALTY

>> No.22921687


A clear 20k is a down payment on a duplex, king.

>get duplex
>live rent free
>have an asset
>save more
>get a second home
>rent both sides of duplex
>pay off duplex
>rental income
>use rental income to get another rental income

>> No.22921805

I am 26 and 27 in November. I guess I am a boomer now

>> No.22921874

I have a job and I've never entertained the illusion that 10k would get me far, but it's a good starting amount, especially for a Balkanfag such as myself. 10k USD's a lot of money around these parts.

>> No.22921914
File: 77 KB, 667x599, fucking casuls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked on sick chemistry skillz before investing and lost my job. Not gonna get into the why's but I was out of work for a year and exited the industry for finance.

I'm working my way up from scratch again in a new field following a different career path. Following your advice I would have nothing. But after spending my savings while unemployed, and losing a chunk of it in the 2017 crypto bust, The asset side of my balance sheet increased from $1-3k up to $60k in the span of 2 years.

Fuck your advice. I agree that wealth generating skills is necessary in this system we live in, but you need to start investing today so you can learn to manage your money tomorrow. You can get sick programming skillz and invest at the same time.

If you're a retard, sure, focus on your career and stick to safe investments; most people need to do that. But you need to learn to game this system if you're going to beat it.

I think of it like gaming. In Dark Souls you get thrown into an extremely hostile environment with no tutorial, no instruction, trial by fire. But if you play the game, study it, learn the game mechanics, figure out how to game that system; you stop getting your ass kicked and you start to win.

This is worth devoting time to because if you don't learn to manage your money, you will inevitably lose it, even if all your own is bonds.

>> No.22921919

I would but every time I've a "real" job the first thing I think about in the morning is suicide and the last thing I think about when going to bed is suicide.

Everywhere I worked so far I'm doing 10hrs a day or have sociopaths as colleges, I cant do this shit and either I'm going to find my way of "making it" or I'm probably going to end it.

>> No.22922179

you poorfags are truly insufferable. its not even that your poor its because you're lazy and dont have it in you to work hard at something. i never said you cant make money in crypto but thinking/hoping you're 20k in crypto gains is going to change your life significantly in any way is delusional.

>> No.22922238

Thanks, but I'm not taking financial advice from someone that doesn't know the difference between a/an, go back and get your GED.

>> No.22922260

I'm not 20k in crypto gains, i'm anon. Fag.

>> No.22922276

you are the insufferable one, asshole.
you can wage and still invest the little money you have. so i don't have much to invest, so what? rather not invest it at all? are you retarded? i don't earn 100k by working. but with even half that and investing little amounts, i can get to 100k a year.
fuck off, retard. crypto gains are real. go back to stocks, faggot

>> No.22922378

Show portfolio then

>> No.22922401

>100k is not a lot of money
I live in a third world shithole and such money is absolutely life changing, lottery tier.

And I have double of that just because of LINK

>> No.22922535

I seriously disagree. When you have thousands of dollars you invest that shit as soon as possible or you'll just be another bitch with a 2% yearly gain unless you have an ego in which you'll probably can't even do that.

I had 25k cad and bought 50k link. Then bought around 6k link w 15k cad. Idc, the money i have now having almost 600k usd makes me certain that boomers like you need to die.


>> No.22922560

Speak for yourself


>> No.22922587

How about learning to program at uni and trying to get rich off a $100k crypto portfolio?

>> No.22922594

Thanks bro

>> No.22922602

what if that 20k can get to 150k?

>> No.22922603


>> No.22922620

No! No programming. Some of us don't think that way. We're too stupid to intuitively comprehend what's going on with computers.

>> No.22922639

>To think someone with $400 would have the emotional capability to hold past even $10k without panic selling
you have truly no idea. even if I told you, you just would not believe me.

>> No.22922695

I'm going into my third year of a CompSci degree
Can barely code Hello, World
thinking of paying someone on Fiverr to do the work for me this year desu
Hopefully my cryptos moon within 2 years

>> No.22923001

Boomer here with no connection to the real world, let me tell you all how you suck. All you need to do is shine your shoes, pull up your socks and get a well paying job. Easy. Don't have a well paying job? Just show up and ask for one dummy!
Overqualified? Underpaid? Lol doesn't exist, I'd see it on the news.
When I was young I walked 17km one way to my shift as a bee keeper where they didn't even give me a uniform. I was paid 30c per kg of Honey and I never complained once. I WORKED HARD! 10kg of Honey was my rent and food bills covered. I worked hard! After 35 yrs of hard work they gave me a jar of free honey!

>> No.22923698

After a couple years of 150k a year + 50k bonuses i saved a quarter mil. I haven't worked in years and trade shitcoins to pay rent and stack silver/gold without dipping into savings. The rest is in highly leveraged medium term equity plays. I splatter my gf's huge tits with cum when she begs for it, travel where I want, when I want, for as long as I want, read and write books, and help my loved ones follow their passions.

Go fuck yourself OP, and everyone else in this thread.

>> No.22923924

Cringing is fear smiling. Are you horrified or were you just emasculated long before you read the words that are causing you to recoil uncontrollably?

>> No.22923996

Im a 21 year old neet millionaire

>> No.22924007



>> No.22924045

Where's the best place to start? Udemy?

>> No.22924117


Are you retarded? The entire MCAP of all crypto is supposed to hit nearly 8 Trillion by 2025. That's almost a 30x for the whole space in 5 years and obviously specific assets will see easily 100x some will even see 500-1000x. Almost no one has 20K in digital assets right now probably 1% of the planet.

>> No.22924151

You could use it to 100x leverage something, and if the price goes up 1%, you get 10K, if it goes down 1%, you get liquidated. 10K is a coin flip between being poor and riches my pal. I do enjoy this thread, it's something I've come to learn. Getting an EE degree, and I'm fully employed as an electricians apprentice. Have been for two years. The crypto ultra money is icing on the cake fren.

>> No.22924311

God damn you sound like such a fucking boomer faggot. A real boomer born in 1950 not a god damn 35 year old boomer.
T.39 year old.

>> No.22924387




>> No.22924465 [DELETED] 

I only think that 18-25 should put more money into Index or decent performing fund managers for long term growth.

However, "high income" job. I think either you are a boomer or larping. What High Income jobs? You must get deeply in debt to now secure a job which is easily gonna be replaced by Pajeet, alongside the destruction of Fiat curreinces with wages not keeping up...

Always has been, always will be.

Introvert fag, over 200k at 23. Only way to be.

>> No.22924486

I wonder if the coding meme is real. It seems hard as fuck to get a job.

>> No.22924516 [DELETED] 

Some of us are not supposed to make it.

>> No.22924618

meh i dunno anon. a bit superficial imo. people who put in lunch money in link ico are doing much better than those who just slaved away for the last 2+ years. lunch money-20k is life changing if you weren't fed with a silver spoon. but i do agree picking up a valuable skill in addition to crypto.

>> No.22924649

I agree with oldfag, as an oldfag myself. STAY OUT OF DEBT is #1. Debtors/borrowers are thieves and counterfeit people. Fake through and through and illiquid.

>> No.22924662

OP is a newfag who thinks he is an oldfag because he is literally old

>> No.22924694

I made it in two weeks, just holding PRQ and XCM not gambling on rugpulls.
It aint much but sure is nice to be on the vawe, not watching by side as ETH mooned

>> No.22924709

desu he did only call himself an old faggot

>> No.22924809

I think it is to be honest. I know a few friends irl who made career changes into it, but they paid like 8k for 'bootcamp' courses. Would rather learn online

>> No.22925121

This is disgustingly bad advice. Telling a teenager to put money into the lowest possible risk investments on earth when he has nearly 50 years to retire. Fuck off and don’t listen to this guy who probably took his advice from some financial gurus book or paid advice.

>> No.22925137
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The 4th Industrial revolution is near my friends gather your shitcoins and piss jugs and meet me in district 22.

>> No.22925198

Imagine telling people that the only way to succeed is to play the "get lucky or go broke" job market where you only succeed if you get lucky enough to meet the right person at the right time.

Then going so far as to say that investing in crypto/stocks is a bad idea because of its risk and uncertainty.

As if wagecucking and trying to develop skills is some sort of guaranteed path to success with no "luck" factor involved at all. How 'old' are you? 70? Get with reality.

Keep working and invest 'extra' money. Don't quit working and don't invest money you can't afford to lose. But don't just stop investing and wagecuck expecting to succeed because that's still gambling. And don't just wagecuck without investing.

>> No.22925233

>so stop fucking wasting time every day on shitcoins when you could be learning how to program.