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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22907378 No.22907378 [Reply] [Original]

How do I turn 150$ and 1ETH in 20k?

>> No.22907402

That's a man.

>> No.22907409
File: 10 KB, 310x162, pepe-crows-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats one hell of a man you got there op

>> No.22907429

ask yourself how you could turn 20k to 150$ and to the opposite. simple as that.

>> No.22907545

What a tard , ok I can lose 20k on buying some uniswap meme bullshit , now I dint buy it still got my 150$

>> No.22907713
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>> No.22907814

the /biz/ way, never fails
Simple as.

>> No.22908114

buy kneepads

>> No.22908147
File: 124 KB, 1024x762, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drive with windows open, money flies out of car
>drive in reverse, money flies in car

>> No.22908170

Short it then

>> No.22908184
File: 143 KB, 1276x907, 0xbtc to 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can easily turn 20k usd into 150 usd by investing in 0xBitcoin

>> No.22908470

sauce please

>> No.22908476

built for scat

>> No.22908584
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Could someone post a real suggestion pls?

>> No.22908612

swing, buy low sell high never sell at a loss

>> No.22908651
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by Vishnu save it for your favorite street Ranjesh
Find yourself a 10x so you have some real money to roll with
-start going through posts here and actually DYOR, hope for a real gem in mountains of shit
-find a PnD telegram that actually hits their marks
-go 50/50 on XRP/LINK and hope for $1k eoy
-buy RLC
-use your autism to write a bot that transcends all known trading algorithms and makes you 1000% profit per second

good luck anon, you can do it

>> No.22908673


Leveraged trades on something stable like BTC. Grind away at it for a few months aiming to get a few % a day in profit. 1% a day will double your crypto net worth in under 3 months. Make sure you fucking do your research first before doing live trades. Here's some good starter resources to start with:



>> No.22908764

How do I get prostitutes to pay me?

>> No.22908834

convince one to drug a guy and take his money but set it up so she thinks she kills him
then "take care of everything" for her, throw the guy some money to disappear, and become her pimp by blackmail of her "murder" basically. In minecraft. Pimping 101 mayne

>> No.22908908

Isn't that a chappelle bit

>> No.22908937

No lol, it's from a book about Pimping written by one of the most brutal pimps of his time, I forget his name

>> No.22908939

Be early and be lucky. Worked for me.

>> No.22908960

Iceberg Slim. The coldest pimp in the game.

>> No.22909019

I was partially right. Chappelle did a but about that.

>> No.22909063

idk man I'm a pretty big chappelle fan.
or was he's been kind of sjw-y lately but see if you can find it

>> No.22909140
File: 26 KB, 437x398, 5D047518-6DF7-48D0-9646-FCDEC5FB8971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

libertas. site launches tomorrow, been pumping for 2 weeks, just shook out a 10% whale. get it while it’s cheap.
also jannies van this fucking soft core porn. it’s obnoxious, baits shit replies, and floods the whole thread with lol man memes.

>> No.22909192
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>a nice ass is obnoxious
faggot alert
opinion discarded

>> No.22909234

Anon kind of has a point, image baits like these don't really make for constructive threads

>> No.22909251

faggot shilling scam coin. Jannies, do your fucking job.

>> No.22909255
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>> No.22909267


>> No.22909280

>that spike in volume

surely something is gonna happen, r-r-ight?

>> No.22909352
File: 27 KB, 450x450, KEcl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can't see a nice ass and also read the OP and respond accordingly you're a retard and nmgi

>> No.22909815

literally kill yourself fudder, don’t scare people out of money or karma will catch up to you
okay simp coomer, go drain your wallet and dignity on onlyfans

>> No.22909887
File: 111 KB, 640x960, bd blonde 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't enjoy free ass pics without also being a simp
go back to plebbit niggerfag

>> No.22909940


Do you have any humanity left, or just coom?

>> No.22910091
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Without coom there is no humanity

>> No.22910426

Jannies, where the fuck are you? The faggot is still shilling that shit.
>site launches tomorrow
Having a website is huge progress nowadays in a comparison with other scam shit projects.

>> No.22910491
File: 2.79 MB, 435x250, 5EDBD2D8-7620-46DC-A214-57BA1EE98438.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are two MAJOR faggots in this thread.

>> No.22910517


I've done lots of research on some other shit, could you guys spoonfeed me on hex and its staking? All i know is that there was a tab in uniswap about toys and there was the first time i saw hex

>> No.22910523

>also jannies van this fucking soft core porn. it’s obnoxious
And I've found one of them

>> No.22910669


>> No.22910717

she is built for bbc

>> No.22910768


>> No.22910961

You don't, go and wage-slave for 5 years.

>> No.22911398
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When you use HEX properly, you are not holding "bags", you are in possession of A RARE ASSET, whose value depends on how you use it, i.e. how much time you attach to it when staking. It's the first fully operational system of true time monetisation, in that it pays you exponentially more for the more time you are willing to stake it.

If you use the system as it's intended i.e. staking your coins, while for instance selling only the interest you've made while restaking to gain more income passively, then HEX works as a positive sum game, due to how staking behaviour relates to other game-theoretic aspects of the system.

HEX is designed to replace the financial foundation of the legacy world. It is designed to replace the FED and banking systems, which operate while profiting only those who control them. It is designed to replace the inflation mechanism of the world, decentralizing it and giving anyone the possibility of generating their own money meritocratically.

This is the actual reason why it is censored and hated so much. Crypto is run by cartels, which want to keep power to themselves. The exchanges are partnered up with the banks and governments of the world, whose interests are the opposite of decentralization, anonymity and everything that crypto should be about.

There's very few people who really understand what he's made here. Most who are in HEX are only in it for the gains, which is fine. RH's ambition is bigger than anything I've ever seen. HEX is not just another coin, it is made with the intention to change the foundation of the world. He's not kidding about this having the possibility to become the fastest and highest appreciating asset in the history of finance. It is actually good enough to do it.

>> No.22912286

Thank you anon