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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 50 KB, 960x540, andre-cronje-yfi-defi-1-gID_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22906016 No.22906016 [Reply] [Original]

He did nothing wrong.

>> No.22906038

Y'all just are too stupid and do not deserve him

>> No.22906058
File: 3.13 MB, 400x400, CD0AFA35-995D-4DCE-8FE9-BB2ABFB5C665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit.
/biz/ is just a bunch of retarded nigger jews that bought something without a whitepaper or website based off a fucking retweet

>> No.22906133

I think he's a scammer that stole his code from someone else

>> No.22906256

>Retweets photos and said a project is coming soon
That was all he did and people aped in kek. They deserve it for being stupid

>> No.22906265

I bought some fuck it

>> No.22906271

No shit. I knew /biz/ was full of schizos but didn't think they were actual fucking schizo.
Retards like that who lose everything and blame someone else should go to a mental asylum.

>> No.22906315
File: 140 KB, 741x405, ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw I'm getting a refund so I'm fine

>> No.22906390

You brainlets realize he's using ETH as his testnet before they deploy it fully to the mainnet (Fantom), right? He pretty much already said it wasn't meant for production on ethereum.

>> No.22906417

There is most likely a shadow dev and he's just "the face". Shadow dev pulls the rug and he gets $8mil "back" to restore good faith with the retards

>> No.22906440

does it matter what we do with the tokens now? can i just sell everything for a total of $5?

>> No.22906473

Biz and twitter degen r so retarded , andre made it clear dude test in prod i mean look at pinned tweet lmao

>> No.22906475

Its easier to scam people than convince them they've been scammed.

>> No.22907192

What about the 8M DAI?

>> No.22907228


>> No.22907250
File: 2 KB, 125x93, 1596547913956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuck detected.

>> No.22907257

To all the Andre white knights ITT, are you doing it for FREE?

>> No.22907280

This 2bh. I've been brutally attacked on discord and telegram for showing proof the devs were dumping on everyone in the chat.

Theres nothing you can really do to help these people—If it wasn't this scam—it would be that scam. They stand no chance.

>> No.22907332

You were warned.
“I'm a lab accident away from becoming a super villain.... that lab accident really needs to show up sometime soon now...” Andre Cronje

>> No.22907349


>> No.22907381

Say same thing when YFI bug would be exploited .Andre would do a PRL .

>> No.22907448

8 million? Don't you mean 10 million DAI?

>> No.22907472

Busy with feminism apparently. Kek.

>> No.22907561

What happened and why are the six trillion threads about this faggot?

>> No.22907634

This. And whoever was dumb enough to fall for his scam is retarded as shit.

>> No.22907659

kek Justine sun cannot compete with live Andre rugpulls

>> No.22907768

andre is based, just retards started worshipping him because he made them rich and they made everyone buy an unfinished token out of greed

>> No.22907847

Andre created defi hype , now ended it

>> No.22908163

Lol defi is just beginning. Retarded fud

>> No.22908548

roughly 1/3 will be refunded I believe

>> No.22908580

What's his end game?
Why does he keep going when he hates the whole space and refuses to profit from his ponzis himself?

>> No.22908604

To convert us all into diversity fags like himself.

>> No.22908658

Free would be better than losing money like you did, you retard.

>> No.22908746
File: 130 KB, 941x1080, 1580719963983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's secretly profiting from all of them and he exploited EMN himself to teach retards a lesson. Only he would give some of it back.

>> No.22908766

Blue kirby promoted it on his twitter also

>> No.22908835

epic rug pool anon. $15M pulled right out of the hottest trading pair on uni last night.

>> No.22908840
File: 593 KB, 774x358, andre cronje face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic always reminds me of this guy.

>> No.22909010

This but unironically.
He was dumping SAFE into the pump while promoting it on Twitter:
He dumped 100% of his SWRV while promoting it on Twitter too.
You're naive if you didn't think he was one of the biggest YFI whales and dumping into the pump too.
I don't know why people are so cucked by this guy.

>> No.22909069


Chimps gone Wild investing in this man.


>> No.22909268
