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22905394 No.22905394 [Reply] [Original]

Which is more bullish?

>> No.22905408

Either way, it's priced in

>> No.22905435

Democrats always is good for STONKS. Republicans can't keep shit up either by fate or just stupidity.

>> No.22905437
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I'm voting for Trump.

>> No.22906460

Both bearish as fuck, because November will be the most interesting time in the USA since the 60ies.

>> No.22906493
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Hope you enjoy sucking bac

>> No.22906497

I really hope a civil war happens. Tired of this larp bs

>> No.22906498

>Biden capital tax 40%
I wonder which one is more bullish

>> No.22906506

Trump is bearish short term, bullish long term. Biden is bearish long term unless you love government mandated nigger dick sucking and having no guns.

>> No.22906520

the one that looks more like the amalgamation of the DMG team

>> No.22906521

what is this "Biden will take away guns" narrative. Trump literally said:

“I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida ... to go to court would have taken a long time,” Trump said at a meeting with lawmakers on school safety and gun violence.

“Take the guns first, go through due process second,” Trump said.

>> No.22906532

Trump. He knows what kinda crap China is pulling. If Biden wins in, don't be surprised if we get our "first female president" TM sometime after.

Just look at what Dems do to all the cities. In fact, that's partly why the stimulus is held up. They wanted their cities bailed out that they jiffed up and Reps said no. A tree is known by what fruit it bears, and a man, by his actions, and to the wise, what his actions produce.

>> No.22906542

I should also add, if Trump wins, consider gun stocks lol.

>> No.22906545


>Trump pledges to cut capital gains tax in second term

>> No.22906558
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>> No.22906564
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>Biden says he worked for 180 years

>> No.22906585
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>tedros: no to Russia vax
>tedros: hell yeah, to china vax

>> No.22906586

if you cant tell the difference between democrats voting 100% at all times to take all guns, as they're on the record doing, every time they're in power anywhere, and trump larping for centrist votes, you're not going to make it.

btw, what's the hourly rate for shareblue these days?

>> No.22906594

contested election, constitutional crisis, civil war

>> No.22906597

EU starting to fall apart, Russia heading to a civil war and now US heading to a civil war.

Did China just win?

>> No.22906611

>whatever is against the groupthink are paid shills
this place really went to shit last few years

>> No.22906618

Just look at what Biden says on his website about guns, his plan is far, far to the left of even what Obama proposed after Sandy hook

>> No.22906639
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>tfw wife wants to move back to USA right before civil war 2.0

>> No.22906660

so one wants to legally take away my guns, and the other is talking about illegaly taking away my guns?

>> No.22906734

>do I want the guy that talked about something once or the guy whose staff has bills at the ready to do it and whose whole party supports him in doing so
Either way, the changes to immigration Biden wants will turn AZ, NV, TX and probably a whole lot more blue permanently, totally destroying the second amendment and anythign else right-of-center you care for

>> No.22906754
File: 2.00 MB, 1000x4250, debate-drinking-game-rev1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 words: alcohol poisoning

>> No.22906832

Trump, clearly.

Just for making a point Biden is going to slap companies with environmental legislation that doesn’t make sense. Taxes everywhere to fund their socialist pipe dream only to have it crash and burn the 4 years after him...

>> No.22906852

China is uncontrolled, at least Trump is trying to slap some sense in that concentration camp building nation. Biden will be lax on all fronts under the excuse of “avoiding conflict”.

>> No.22907161

Not sure if larp. But...
I don’t understand this, just the sheer level of incompetence by Trump would logically determine people wouldn’t vote for him. If you had a boss like this, you’d leave the company ASAP because you’d know you were aboard a sinking ship.
But hey, your country, your mess.

>> No.22907189

> what’s Guantanamo bay and ICE camps

>> No.22907213

biden? really? the entire global economy would crash if this senile old fuck has any power. look at him, just look at his face for gods sake people. wtf is wrong with this guy? Trump will pump these fucking markets boys and you know it.

>> No.22907274

Guantanamo, I sort of agree. But these people are being imprisoned because of terrorist activities (or suspicion of, this one is very dubious) not on the basis of their religion or ethnicity.

ICE "camps" people who entered illegal is the only reason they end up in one. Ethnicity nor religion is a base to end up in one.

USA had camps for natives, these and the camps for ethnic Japanese in 44 where the last camps in the USA. And the latter is a far far cry from the abysmal camps in China.

>> No.22907306

slap some sense into them? the same guy who says Xi is doing a great job?

>> No.22907320

actually if i had a boss like that who make things happen and dont give a fuck about syaing what has to be said..of course there are people who can deliver same level of things happening by good politics but just because he does it with full power doesnt mean he aint doing it right

>> No.22907329

these 2 candidates are what a failing state looks like. America is in the middle of collapse.

>> No.22907338

Stay stupid europoor...China has been fucking the US for years, Trump is the first pres to stop it. Look, no wars, great economy, low unemployment, fairer deals for US. What the fuck are you blabbing about?

>> No.22907475

You sound butthurt, I only stated the truth of your boyfriend.