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2290368 No.2290368 [Reply] [Original]

>This kills the Eth


>> No.2290379

wtf is his problem

>> No.2290444
File: 19 KB, 220x220, merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((they))) got a hold of him

>> No.2290572

What did he mean by this?

>> No.2290725

he can delete your money at will

>> No.2290766


eh. i think people expected this kind of centralization from eth. there are times it is useful..cancelling or repairing transactions can be useful powers to have. ofc the only problem is people abuse such powers.

its up to (((them))) if they abuse it so strongly people leave eth, or if they manage it somewhat responsibly

>> No.2290773

Eh, I'll still buy at the new floor.

>> No.2290780

uhh this is how proof of stake works senpaitachi

if you stake it is possible you can lose your money but only if you try to fight consensus. (or something)

>> No.2290799

kek confirms.
Praise him!

>> No.2290801

you are now aware that ethereum is an 85% premined scamcoin with a huge extent of centralization and even a history of hard forking to recover legally obtained coins (see the DAO).

sell now before vitalik and the other ethereum foundation founders gets arrested for selling unlicensed securities.

You got in on a ponzi scheme at the perfect time. Sell now and hold bitcoin for security or gamble on ethereums successor (probably smart contracts that aren't turing complete so they can be mathematically verified)

>> No.2290809

This means nothing, all he's saying is if someone with a huge amount of capital (billionaire?) wanted to ruin ETH they can't just pump 51% in and take full ownership stake and do whatever they want with it.

>> No.2290813
File: 61 KB, 756x553, 283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when goyim can't understand money without a merchant

>> No.2290815

ETH confirmed as next official currency of Israel.

>> No.2290958

lmao ETH shills need to get a real job.

>> No.2291079

it's a mechanism in proof of stake systems called "slashing" you retards

>> No.2291120

Sell now goys! Uhh ethereum is going nowhere! I don't have a bid wall set up

>> No.2291180

dumb nocoiner

>> No.2291217

he can just delete the badguys money, this doesn't effect me, quick buy!

>> No.2291274


>> No.2291283

we can delete your money but it's a MECHANISM bro

>> No.2291362

No! Creators of Coins can delete them!? That is impossible! They would have to be, like, the creators or something to do that!

>> No.2291386

simply the rollback after the 51% of the blockchain is more expensive than the revenue from it. But it's automated, no russians scammer involved

>> No.2291389

Are you saying that Bitcoin is not a Ponzi-scheme?

>> No.2291449

are you twelve?

>> No.2291467

Coiner btfo yet again

>> No.2291698

That's not what a 51% attack is. Get off my board please.

>> No.2292722

>Hey guys I solved the double spend problem

>just delete the attackers transactions!

>> No.2293033


>> No.2293141

Literally what is wrong with this?

>> No.2293158

why should they show sympathy towards cryptoterrorists?

>> No.2293184
File: 457 KB, 1440x1664, lord vitalik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the lord wills it, so be it.

>> No.2293365

A lot of things

>> No.2293383

>gamble on ethereums successor (probably smart contracts that aren't turing complete so they can be mathematically verified)
Which coins fit this description?

>> No.2293394

ETC>ETH flippening when?

>> No.2293409

This is why ETC is needed. No rollbacks, no bailouts with ETC.

>> No.2293429

shekel for the good goy.

(((barry))) says hi

>> No.2293435
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>> No.2293712

Stop posting here, you clearly have no idea how crypto works

>> No.2293859

Waves? Aeternity?

>> No.2293953


>decentralized coin
>can be manipulated by a central authority

>> No.2294004

The pos algorithm automatically deletes the stakes of dishonest nodes.

How is this bad?

>> No.2294190

the irony is palpable
not a single cryptocuck speculator knows how anything works, that's probably why they're all unemployed

>> No.2294210

It isn't, they just want you to sell for cheap ETH

>> No.2294225

I always knew eth wasn't a genuine freedom coin

fuck that centralized bullshit.

>> No.2294240

ITT: retards thinking they are smarter than Vitakek

>> No.2294286

ahahah this autistic fucker won't ever learn

>> No.2294316

>cancelling or repairing transactions can be useful powers to have.
slippery slope if there's on
>oh hurr durr trading weapons is evil. let's delete the arms trader's balance
>hurr durr selling drugs is evil. let's delete the dealers
>hurr homophobic remarks on twitter. let's delete his balance
if you can roll back transactions your blockchain is crap and not better than fiat. because fiat at least is regulated so some SJW autists can't team up and delete bank accounts of "transphobic" people

>> No.2294328

lol are you dumb or just old?

>> No.2294336

this. but shillfags on /biz/ are too stupid for this to realize.

>> No.2294472

Slashing will be used to solve the nothing at stake problem which will disincentivize bad behaviour due to bad actors getting their deposits burned.

>> No.2294519

idiot detected

>> No.2295462

Yep. I'm moving my ETH gains elsewhere. Probably Bancor

>> No.2295475

hope youre holding stratis

>> No.2295493

who decides who is dishonest and who isn't?

>> No.2295516

So far there are reports of 480+ wallets that have been deleted.
Including transaction history in the chain.

>DAMN you Vitalik Buterin!!!

>> No.2295578

But Casper will be PoS, that's literally what it would take for a 51% attack to happen? A billionaire or several owning over 50% of the supply and acting against the consensus?