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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22892231 No.22892231 [Reply] [Original]

You shills don’t fool us. We are awake. We are lions not sheep. We trust in Q and MY PRESIDENT Donald Trump. You tried to shill us into voting for Killary and the DEMONrats in 2016, now you want to trick us into not buying XSN. Well just like 2016 election, our meme magic is strong and we will win.

>> No.22892271

pies of shite walet

>> No.22892287
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>> No.22892354
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>> No.22892397


>> No.22892426
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I PR am XSN Director! I think very highly of your posts sir!

>> No.22892447
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>> No.22892747
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>> No.22892887
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>> No.22893268
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>> No.22893827

what happend to the price?

(Not a FUD)

i want to know.

>> No.22893859

People realized uniswap on eth 2.0 makes xsn obsolete.

>> No.22894091

literally nothing from the team or any shillers for a few weeks now, so price is nose-diving.

It's whatever. pick it up cheap while poorfags shake out, there will be a major announcement shortly and raiden integration shortly after that.

>> No.22894610

fucking biz you tricked me into this eastern european scam, glad i bought this when btc was a way higher so i could sell almost zero loss. but still i could've guessed this is bullshit project as its only listed on shitty russian literally who -exchanges.

also look at their github. ridiculously empty.

>> No.22894623

Why is that? Will Eth2.0 or Uniswap be able to cross-chain? Or just using wrapped shit?

>> No.22894659
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>> No.22894694

Announcement of announcements is giving people fatigue.

"Soon" is these fuckers favorite word its all so tiresome

>> No.22894877
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Stfu CZ

>> No.22894985

Are you mongoloid? with ETH 2.0. and raiden of course they will

>> No.22895371

let me break it down for you if you're new. there's a yearly xsn shill campaign. you can check the archives on warosu. this time they managed to get a lot of nu/biz/ in by saying that link1 xsn2. blah blah blah dex release blah blah. all shit. all you need to do to these posters is ask them to post their link stacks. there's no xsn shill with more than 10k link. you know why? cause after the etherdelta fiasco, all the whales bought into xsn thinking it was going to be the only dex. at the time, it looked promising.
2 years later, 3 logo changes, narrative changes blah blah it's all the same. a lot of shite that no one wants. this year luckily, they lucked out with the development of raiden, which they had no intention to do before 2019. their plan was to do a standard wrapped token thing like everyone else. anyway i'm drunk and i'm bored of seeing these threads so i could talk for ages. lets move on.
the new bag holders, are now moving out because they realise that literally no on talks about xsn outside of the xsn discord (it's not 2017 anymore, people notice things. and people would pick up on it) the l2 space is evolving and people are realising that state channels are not an apt route for making money via trading. so they're selling (maybe at a loss or small gain) bags to get in on projects that will actually make money in the next run. as you can see from the lack of breadcrumbs and amount of 'cope' responses from the shills, that no one in their team actually believes that the project will work, however they have large enough bags that the return on block rewards doesn't matter that much. if you were indeed an early og buyer, all you have to do is follow your heart. there's no memes, no deep talk about how it'll change the future, nothing. just shill vs fud. just ask them to post link stacks.

>> No.22895657

>yearly shill campaign
>only been around since 2018
>does not show evidence of claims

>> No.22896259
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>> No.22896825

raiden best

>> No.22896947

Maybe they should just launch a scam token - I hear HOTDOG is free.

People are idiotic sheep, everything will have it's moment and the good projects will last.

When XSN 10x's from here please come back to FuD

>> No.22897460

you can check the warosu. do you want me to spoon feed you everything or are you not white?
xsn is the scam token you mong, lmao.

>> No.22897587
File: 167 KB, 1160x1420, xsnFUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks on warosu
>4/5 threads mostly retards fudding the shit out of it when it was 400 sat
see you at 10k

>> No.22897717
File: 41 KB, 798x644, EE471311-E682-41E4-B11A-C1759941904D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These memes make me cringe and want to sell ngl.

>> No.22897836
File: 293 KB, 612x408, 2epic4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of them are genuinely terrible

>> No.22897971

This is reverse FUD.

I have never seen a project with more dedicated FUD then XSN. Even LINK had periods of mass FUD, but that came and went. This is just absolutely relentless. Any mention of XSN and you'll have half a dozen 'unique' IP's shitting up your thread instantly.

>> No.22897987
File: 92 KB, 600x433, EF4963CD-3933-4DF6-BA1A-FBF06F35F8D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try DUMBocrat shills

>> No.22898039
File: 348 KB, 1000x665, 56FC8A7C-48A3-4CE5-ADC4-37C3A751C6F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know brother, so many haters in this thread.
We will persevere!

>> No.22898175

I actually like this one.

>> No.22898396
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in a way, the difference between bad and intentionally bad is the difference between r/memes and b8'ing an entire board with one word and picture

>> No.22899308
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>> No.22900370

they're turkish and/or Boomer memes. what do you expect?

>> No.22901457

Good memes