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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22891672 No.22891672 [Reply] [Original]

Anon shill me the best 10x you have

>> No.22891788

I don't know for certain but
Link, eth, btc, bat, lend, mana, uni, yfi, ada
Will make you a profit eventually for sure

>> No.22891857

Try your luck on uniswap. You wont get dumped, surely you will be the one who dumps.

>> No.22891898

GEEQ. Look at the team and see for yourself. Tokens are locked for a year, literal billionaires working on the project for free, this is going to be huge.

>> No.22891947

dyor. or don't. idgaf

>> No.22891978


>> No.22891989



>> No.22892050


>> No.22892091


>> No.22892097
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>> No.22892141

Satopay $STOP is sub 400k MC, with +3k telegram subs. Many coins with that membership are already +$5M. No gifs and no memespam. Once CORE peaks I'm going to dump my profits there.

>> No.22893205


>> No.22893264
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it's at 2 dollars currently, up from 1 a few days ago. I see it easily going to 20 dollars and beyond

>> No.22893285

FLOW after whitebit launch and promotion

>> No.22893328


>> No.22893350
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ROT, ez $80 a day farming with ETH-ROT pair. In 6 days I passed the IL breakeven point. Now I just sit back and watch the money roll in.

>> No.22893366


>> No.22893427
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>> No.22893444


if you try to farm this pos you lock your liquidity in for a min of 2 months. No thanks.

>> No.22893510

That girl has beautiful eyes.

>> No.22893546

that's a man

>> No.22893629


>> No.22893653


>> No.22893789

I recommend HONEYSWAP
The fastest and cheapest on the market ( see attached picture)
They also have a token HYN
24K total supply
Not listed on coingueko or coinmarket cap yet.
Built on xDai (will be really soon the Reddit contest winner)
See attached links for more information and tutorial:



Good luck anon !

>> No.22893877


they are probably 20x's honestly

>> No.22893902

If this video doesn't make an anon want to go balls deep into GEEQ, nothing will.

>> No.22893992

TRB easily. All oracles will boom. Band went from 5m market cap to 300m. TRB has better connections and will moon harder. Currently sitting at 40m mcap.
Also PNK and MLN.

>> No.22894140
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Xplosive Ethereum.


>> No.22894189

Sorry anon, I only know 1000x and 10.000x

>> No.22894273

Geeq is literally a year old and hasn't done anything.

>> No.22894554

$FAG, low MC, no CG listing yet, locked funds, staking and 1 mil max supply...

>> No.22894750

adaptive protocol iykyk

>> No.22894767

Are her initials EM now EF?

>> No.22894784

I am 90% certain this is my ex in which case hello, Michael hahahaha.

>> No.22894793
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YFMB but be fast

>> No.22894856

Dark blue, dark blue

>> No.22894857

Can't wait to see what she looks like when she's 30

>> No.22894881

Guys I'm not even kidding this is my ex.

>> No.22894927

lol, I’m looking at all the posts and not even one single of these shitcoin will survive one more year except monero

>> No.22894938

Mine too

>> No.22894980

Geeq has been a project for a month on market, not a year lmfao

>> No.22895012
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What are you gay or something?

>> No.22895097

Here buy these for 10-50x

>> No.22895116

$FAG will moon even more EOW

>> No.22895136

Absolutely fucking this. I’m balls deep in TRB and PNK

>> No.22895158

42K TS

>> No.22895162
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You made me get my old harddrive out to pull this. It's edited and she's got a no makeup look but it's her.

>> No.22895257

SYFI just had its first rebase

>> No.22895283

Where are her tits then, you fucking liar?

>> No.22895682

Lol we might have split but I still respect her. I don't even think I have any old nudes on a harddrive anywhere.

>> No.22895753

Yeah right faggot the only reason not to have pictures of a female's tits to fap to later or show your friends is if you intend to marry the bitch and be able to suck on her milkies any fucking time you like for the next thirty years but NO not you

It's because you're larping, faggot

Nobody cares about your shit threads if you center your post around a cunt, so the same rules that apply to girls apply to you. Nobody cares til tits, or gtfo

>> No.22895782


>> No.22895790

Is this not proof enough? I don't wanna post any public photos so she gets doxed. She's also married now and looks really happy.

I didn't even start this thread lol, Michael probably did.

>> No.22895817


Lists in 2 hours.

T. /MilkyWayProtocol

>> No.22895828



>> No.22895920

One look at the team and current marketcap and it's a nobrainer that this is going to at least a 20m marketcap by EOY

>> No.22896068

unironically $fag it just 3xed today and retraced

>> No.22896428

Why buy a project that's pumped 3x

>> No.22896623


>> No.22896670

blue nude no.2
call me in exactly fifteen minutes.

>> No.22896690

What IS Suterusu?
Suterusu is a separate blockchain that can partner with any other blockchain and offer their coins private transactions. Suter also has a blossoming DeFi app and some other very interesting applications, but let's just focus on the first part.

What suter can do, is it can make ANY blockchain have monero level privacy. They're cryptographers who have create their own privacy system. The technology and more information is available online in their whitepaper, yellowpaper, medium articles, and much more. DYOR if you dont believe me, mind you the team is Asian so some of the English is rough at times. Imagine the implications of z-cash level privacy ethereum, bitcoin, or any of your own shitcoin blockchains like harmony (a suterusu partner!).

Now anons, this isn't just a random uniswap shitcoin that promises big and can't deliver. Suterusu has numerous partnerships with big name projects like SWFT and more. Suterusu also has a fucking testnet up where the protocol is running and in development. They've been hard at work since August of last year and 2021 is the mainnet in which suterusu will fully go online.

Suterusu has just broken through its price ceiling of months. The accumulation phase is over. Over EIGHTY FIVE PERCENT of suterusu is STAKED. Staking rewards account for 90% of the coins total supply, which still hasn't been mined out yet and is deflationary as suter is burned. Not to mention, the staking reward so far for early investors are amazing. With every new amount of suter staked, rewards drop, so mine have been steadily decreasing as we picked up steam, but they're still fucking amazing and when $1 comes in 2021 ($1 is FUD with the fucking privacy tech) they'll be worth so much. I'm earning about 300 suter a day staking my 700k stacklet size.

>> No.22896708

The foundation and team coins are LOCKED for years on publically viewable accounts. New exchange listing just happened and talks of expanding to binance are here.

Here's where the magic really happens. Suterusu has been silently working on a new DeFi lending app where you can exchange your staked suter for their own private stablecoins and wrapping of ethereum/btc. The reason they had the USDT arbitrage swap was to accumulate USDT in order to have a reserve for their own stablecoin.

Suterusu is currently on uniswap, but is illiquid as shit. The biggest market right now for Suter is kucoin.

HOWEVER, Suterusu team supplying a large amount of uniswap liquidity confirmed by telegram message with suter admin. with a very large increase in uniswap liquidity, we will see an EXPONENTIAL increase in suterusu price as the coin can be accessed by more people than ever before. The Kucoin sell book is THIN and the buy book is FAT due to most of the suter supply being staked. With the team planning on supplying a strong amount of liquidity to the uniswap pool, buying suterusu now is the best thing you can do if you want to not fomo in at 40 cents in 2021.

There are very few projects that will ever 200x, and ever fewer that will 200x on fundamentals. This is one of them. The suterusu accumulation phase is over comparatively but you are still so early to suterusu. Mainnet launches in June 2021. "thats so far away!" because they arent making stupid vaporware and it actually takes time to develop a new cryptography system which can protect cross chain transactions.

>> No.22896728

ignore the "suter has broken through its price ceiling of months" it just dumped to shit with all the other altcoins this past month so its back to being cheap as shit. thats just the copy pasta i got from the archives

>> No.22896734

Good project, check out GEEQ as well anon. I've got a big bag of Suterusu, I can tell you do your research.

>> No.22897062
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>> No.22898037


>> No.22898072


>> No.22898192
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>> No.22898409
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Unironically 10x
This board is to dumb for that

>> No.22898509

A 50m marketcap for this by EOY is almost guaranteed, I'd be surprised otherwise.

>> No.22898620



>> No.22898700
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100x with $BIDN


debate tomorrow, thats when the moonshot starts

>> No.22898725

Unironically WAY, it just launched:

>> No.22898750

its about to bring in whales is why

>> No.22898752

Why are you posting pictures of a tranny

>> No.22898844
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Theta Hands down.

Thats a fucking tranny.

Fuck jannies faggots

>> No.22898957

You've been watching too much porn if you think that's a tranny

>> No.22899194

Who is she?

>> No.22899262

RFUEL negro dyor

>> No.22899464

Highly underrated project

>> No.22899872
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>> No.22900321

Check the Telegram devs are scammers kek

>> No.22900419

Been v tempted to buy theta

>> No.22901406

buy AVAX mah niqqa

>> No.22901564
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Dextoken Governance (DEXG). It’s made by a Singaporean Company (Flowchain) with a Taiwanese CEO (Jollen Chen). You can find it on CoinGecko. Basically it’s a governance/staking rewards token for an upcoming Uniswap competitor that is going live in November. It’s dumped because most people have locked their coins into staking for 40% rewards. that opens up again on the 30th at which point it might dump more (don’t know for sure, but anything below $100 is a steal). there are 7 more staking rounds but the exchange is still months away so it is still undervalued at this point, around $3-4m mcap rn. could be 10x if things are released on time, 100x if it becomes a serious competitor to Uniswap.

the company seems pretty solid, simplified whitepaper is over 40 pages and not an easy read (original flowchain wp has some advanced math). ceo has done some ama’s, there are websites, telegram groups, etc. dyor.

>> No.22902001
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>> No.22902054

Kambria (KAT) stop gambling and ignore these shitcoins and start investing in good projects with reputable people involved. DYOR.

>> No.22902076

Muh diqk

>> No.22902434

I’d just guess wax.to me it’s like the best nft project. Way better then rari

>> No.22902673

That's the project that claimed they were airdropping, then got too many people and stiffed a bunch on the airdrop before demanding that people help them spam their project.

>> No.22902906

This is far enough down that no one will probably see it so if you scrolled this far AND done your research you deserve this 100x


>> No.22903312

Lol, look at that team

>> No.22903346

lol rugged

>> No.22903930


>> No.22903938
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> imagine not having an unicorn head
> real NFT usage
> gaming and beting in the same place
> first game to be released soon.

>> No.22903949

$GFG. round 2 starting.

>> No.22904085

my penis in your mouth

>> No.22904221


>> No.22904281

$CORE is the only legit project in this thread

>> No.22905010


>> No.22905015

Delete this

>> No.22905021


>Didn’t read the code
>can’t read the code
It’s absolute horrendous

>> No.22905275

This reeks of scam. 4 (you)s for a unknown project. Beware newfags.

>> No.22905313


you're welcome

>> No.22905318

I don’t watch porn, I save my orgasms for real sex. And that is a heavily filtered tranny

>> No.22905457

lmsg, last man standing game

50k supply, 2% (minimum of 2) of each txn burned until someone is left with the last 2 tokens that can't be sold without burning. Whole numbers of tokens only. No decimals.
Supply down to 27k already

>> No.22905479

Stfu already you greasy schizo

>> No.22905728


>> No.22905890

just do the opposite of whatever biz says.

>> No.22905973

0_x_M_R_ is an easy 10x

>> No.22905999

FLETA, obviously

>> No.22906024
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Crypto etf

>> No.22906033

I keep seeing this name popping up

>> No.22906035

4chan is where Telegram dumps their shitcoins, if you come here for advice you deserve to get dumped on, OP.

>> No.22906055


>> No.22906329

0xmr is trash, and you are a turd for promoting it.

>> No.22906482

If you want to make money you need to invest in 0,x,M,R, Monero already mooned and is old tech.