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22888067 No.22888067[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what does kissing a girl feel like bros?

>> No.22888093

it's whatever

>> No.22888111

You know that torsion sort feeling in your testicles you'd get in puberty? Like that but in your mouth.

>> No.22888121

First it's pretty great, but it gets old quickly

>> No.22888127

it's like putting your lips into a bag of sand

>> No.22888143

I remember when I was a senior in HS my friend and I paid this junior cheerleader and her 15 year old sister 10 bucks to make out with each other when we snuck over to their house at midnight and chilled inside a tent in their backyard

>> No.22888182

not as good as green candles

>> No.22888190
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Like kissing a man but gayer

>> No.22888213

mucus membranes

>> No.22888222

It's exciting, but when you're done, it's over.
It doesn't make sense to chase these things only to become dependant on that pleasure.

>> No.22888250

Like kissing a man

>> No.22888258

On Friday I ate my gfs ass like really had my tongue up in there and then made out with her afterward that was pretty nice

>> No.22888321

so fucking hot

>> No.22888361

I am 26 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.22888386
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Having the neck, boobs, belly, weist, thighs, buttcheeks. You go for the asshole

>> No.22888430
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Why? Why do you want to literally eat shit and bacteria. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.22888458

imagine the smell

>> No.22888493

I was reminded of a sinusoidal wavefunction

>> No.22888497

>eat da poopoo

>> No.22888569

it's really nice anon

>> No.22888579

not that great. sucking her juggs is better. giving a bitch oral is just gross.

>> No.22888587

Kissing dudes is better

>> No.22888593

>Business & Finance

>> No.22888735

Depends on the girl. Different mouths taste different. Sometimes their tongues are warmer or colder.

>> No.22888772


>> No.22888899

The one on the left is a full on gypsy and the one on the right looks like a mutt.

>> No.22888918

those are two men

>> No.22889180

Person you are not very attracted to /onenightstand/ type:

Wash your forearm, kiss it. That how it feels - the teeth feeling

Magical experience from realms beyond this

>> No.22889304

this. well, idk about the second one, never had it. i've made out with a girl i saw a couple times and didn't care about and it felt like wet nothingness, no magic

>> No.22889311
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Pretty chill, and if you do it well enough you get to feel her boner grow while you do it. That's when the fun starts.

>> No.22889326


>> No.22889349

i find a good makeout session with a hot girl to be quite the rush. kissing during sex is nice too.

>> No.22889404
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Based and periodicpilled

>> No.22889451

blowjobs overated as well, unless she is a hoover and literally commited.

>> No.22889536
File: 741 KB, 322x257, 157sage dbull shit9624772291.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's feels like you're in
An experience you should have without delay.

>> No.22889568

Wtf anon,y peepee got tingly watching that!

>> No.22889611

When I make it I'm going to pay some thots to do this with my dick in the center.

>> No.22889680
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wow that was very sensual and sexy, i usually slob all over a girls face when i kiss her because i get nervous and im a little retarded

>> No.22889697

kek, based

>> No.22889866

OP, feel the inside of your cheek, that’s what it like to be a faggot.

>> No.22889952


>> No.22890110


>> No.22890157

The girl on the left in this interaction seems to be embracing the moment. Her expressions lead me to believe that she is truly grateful to be kissing the other girl. Perhaps the other girl makes her feel safe or makes her feel loved. Then the girl on the left appears far more aggressive. She seems to be more aware of being recorded. Her actions feel less authentic. Her end goal seems to be reputation. She looks like a cunt.