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File: 30 KB, 480x477, 1582432192825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22881138 No.22881138 [Reply] [Original]

I want my money back
Please give me my money back
I want to die

>> No.22881148

flip them burguers for me cuck

>> No.22881242

Fuck you faggot the only reason you were ever successful in crypto was pure luck you are ugly and will never be loved by anyone

>> No.22881399

What a fucking cringe graffiti clearly from some well off, good life arts student.

> "let me just write this vacious verbose poem in graffiti in this abandoned bathroom as if some suicidal junkie wrote it"

>> No.22881425

that's true for everyone though

how much did you lose
at least vent a little

>> No.22881467
File: 16 KB, 255x255, b88db641f7cee11955aa0726a2fa4e71a06ea5a6aa61082b53d0c5d508683cb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you do research next time you retard before you throw thousands of dollars at something?

>> No.22881584
File: 140 KB, 641x1200, 1599612753569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down fren it’ll be alright. How much did you lose?

>> No.22881608

I guess your tears make the burger saltier, I prefer it that way. Good cuck.

>> No.22882132

>pure luck
When you call risk management, sane trading strategies and not following frogs and shills luck, okay

>> No.22882206

>not following frogs and shills
You mean you didn't buy link?

>> No.22882337

Not because of the frogs or the shills.
The assblaster threads were some of the most retarded larps I ever came across.

>> No.22882358

What happened?

>> No.22882542

I agree with that, I can't believe even today oldfags still believe in AB.
I wouldn't dismiss memes tho, good quality memes are a way to differentiate legitimate projects from half-assed shilled one. Link had high creativity memes, while shit like REQ or ARK or FUN had mostly low effort soulless memes.

>> No.22882605

yeah i hate shit like this. It reminds me of stupid fucking millenial "I hate my life XDDXDDXXXD" BS

>> No.22882610

I wouldn't call spoonfed 2016 cancer old fags
Memes are only a way to assess community engagement, and not a really good one. There are enough draw fags that are sick of doing commission work for perverts and more than happy to make high quality memes for a few dollar.

>> No.22882706

Yet look at what happened, link had the best memes, link had the highest return. Even more recently, RSR, PNK AND VIDT had the best memes of the start of the year 2020 and they performed very well thus far compared to other assets

>> No.22882790

It just shows that those behind the marketing are not idiots and scammers who usually search pajeet central for the cheapest or worse, tell their telegrams and discords to make memes.

>> No.22882880
File: 264 KB, 482x517, 1581182355391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll add that quality meme isn't about being drawn well, it's about originality and soul if you want.
There is also something to be said about self depreciation, shill memes are never self depreciating

>> No.22882977

you underestimate the creativity of drawfags. Also self depreciating memes are not a certain indicator; but I'm an over critical that can't be advertised to, looking at threads I'm a minority

>> No.22883533

...And you borrowed money from ya Mom

and yesterday you lost your job.

That's The Breaks

>> No.22883640


>> No.22883869

lmao you think a PNK and RSR memes were commended by the teams?

>> No.22884009
