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File: 152 KB, 1269x763, IMG_20200925_185306_387~4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22877211 No.22877211 [Reply] [Original]

YF Moonbeam scam general
>make yfbeam and lose 95%
>try again to make a copy project and raise 1777 more eth

SCAM, do not buy. YFMoombeam. got caught copying their website and had to change it once they got called out. Theyre just copypasting projects. Stay away.

They are the same team as YFMoonshot also, and now theyre pretending to "audit" their own project to help it sell out and scam 1777 more eth.

>> No.22877234

Shitskin this is the 5th time you have posted this, if you dont have anything new to post, just fuck a goat like your people always do :)

>> No.22877550
File: 284 KB, 1208x886, Screen Shot 2020-09-27 at 5.58.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking indian shitskins lol.. don't know when to give up. Everyone knows you are from YFBEAM / YFGAMMA and you are just pissed that YFMOONBEAM and YFMOONSHOT exposed your pajeet scam and ruined your presale.

Also, China is better than India. Chinese citizens don't poop in the streets and wash their clothes in sewers.

>> No.22877592

>copying their website
Except yfbeam is built with WordPress templates and yfgamma can actually make a front end

>> No.22877600

>and yfgamma can
** Meant yfmoonbeam

>> No.22877638
File: 2.84 MB, 2514x896, 212424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YFGAMMA and YFBEAM were built with wordpress, learn to lie better you retarded indian pajeet.

YFMoonshot and YFMoonbeam were both built with React.

You stupid fucks left evidence in your html code

>> No.22877659

I literally said the same thing dude

>> No.22877660

I can't wait until China destroy's India, it will be glorious wiping you dirty, disgusting indians off the planet. Uncivilized savages

>> No.22877703

>China is better than India
That's true. Chinese, most likely, wash their hands right after they poop.

>> No.22877746
File: 21 KB, 647x359, 1601085761110 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YFBEAM and YFGAMMA exposed as the same team.

How does that feel being a dirty pajeet. India can not defeat China. China will take more than just your border, they will take everything

>> No.22877763
File: 204 KB, 1048x810, Screen Shot 2020-09-27 at 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would YFBEAM admin fud YFMOONBEAM if its the same project you retarded pajeet? Guess its not surprising retarded monkeys like you can't lie properly

>> No.22877789
File: 181 KB, 2252x398, Screen Shot 2020-09-27 at 6.45.17 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YFMoonshot devs endorsing YFMoonbeam and saying that they audited their smart contracts.

How does it feel being the inferior race? Knowing that China will take everything you have and rape your country the way you scammers are being anally raped now?

>> No.22878063

You mother fuckers of all the YF projects.why you are bringing the countries in between. I don’t know what ever country you are from you piece of shit but can surely say that your mom is brutally raped by an Indian and you came to this planet.

No body cares which ever the project is scam. If a guy involved. Scold him personally not with the country name.

>> No.22878145

LOL that broken English, the Indian pajeet has arrived. Sorry can't understand you, I don't speak Indian

>> No.22878173

Go back to eating curry, you dirty Indian and wiping your ass with your hands after you shit. You're English sucks, so don't try to speak it. Its hilarious.

>> No.22878199

Plus indians have small penises everyone knows that, LOL. Brutally raping someone? Yeah right good luck with that with those 2 inch micropenises of yours.

>> No.22878364


hahaha stupid streetshitter indian, your shithole country will never be a global superpower lmao

the capital of rape and homosexual little boy anal gape

pajeet faggot

>> No.22878456

Fuck you POO IN LOO

>> No.22878481


YF Monshot, YF Beam, YF Moonbeam, YF Gamma is all the same team.

Theyre all the same team, shilling their own projects to fill another 1777 eth raise.

Its a team scam. Dont let them scam you again.

>> No.22878514

Fuck off pajeet.

Your lies got exposed so now you are resorting to desperately claiming that all the projects are the same team. Go back to your shithole retard

Both run by Indian pajeet streetshitters
Both built with wordpress
Both don't have githubs
Both ran presale on bounce because they are run by retarded pajeets who can't code a smart contract

YFMoonshot / YFMoonbeam:
Both run by American devs
Both with custom built websites from the ground up
Both running token sale via smart contract
Both had smart contracts audited by multiple parties
YFMoonshot is up 5x from presale price

>> No.22878549
File: 407 KB, 922x880, Screen Shot 2020-09-28 at 4.46.46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YFMoonshot up 70% today, and up over 6x from presale now

>> No.22878553

Do Chinese have a pennies at all? I doubt that ? I don’t think Chinese brains work at all after eating bats, rats, dogs....kek. O my gosh!! Can’t even stand a side for a min with disgusting smell lol. Yeah right atleast Indians will clean after poop, you guys just wipe it and don’t even bath, stinky always that’s why most of the whites and Chinese prefer to fuck then with Indians... Atleast they have pennies either small or big. For you guys sorry.. gays doesn’t matter with the pennies at all. You cheap faggot

>> No.22878668

Please don't speak English, your English is so bad that I can't understand what you are saying. Go back to India where you belong and speak Hindi like the rest of the streetshitters.

>> No.22878699
File: 170 KB, 770x994, scammers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay away from these YF Moon clone scams.

dont let the pajeets scam another 1777 eth from you by shilling their own project.

>> No.22878711
File: 38 KB, 1080x720, 4-China-vs-India-GDP-per-capita-1980-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

India will never be a powerful country, it will also be a shit hole. Cause you disgusting pajeets are too busy wiping your asses with your hands, pooping in the street, and washing your clothes in the sewers.

China will destroy India. Do you know why? Because Indians are the inferior race. You dirty Indians were born with lower IQs.

>> No.22878974


its the same team scamming by "auditing"/shilling their other project so they can steal another 1777 eth.

Its a scam mafia, dont let them scam you too. Stay away.

>> No.22879059
File: 178 KB, 1206x1074, Screen Shot 2020-09-28 at 5.24.47 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

audited by cyotee, who has never audited a scam before

>> No.22879143
File: 389 KB, 1206x941, YFMoonbeamScamShillz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look how their literal paid shills respond and try to damage control.

massive payments trying to damage control this scam. Just look at the samefagging shill.

Don't fall for this targeted, mafia-style scam. Theyre trying to scam 1777 more eth and have literal paid shills on payroll.

This is not a joke.

>> No.22879154

It's literally one person, which is me. I can only post one screenshot per post which is why I have to make multiple. Fuck off you mentally handicapped retard.

>> No.22879431

>the paid shill (literally) has to post this or else he does not get his % of team tokens as a payment.

top lel shill.

>> No.22879465

Based anon larping as pajeet to bait (You)s.
Truly high IQ like only a white could be.

>> No.22879521

The fact you have to use a photoshopped photo and can’t provide any evidence to back it up is a joke. It seems like this is literally yfbeam/yfgamma scammers trying to retaliate

>> No.22879558

Reading through all of these posts. It literally comes off as a bunch of yfbeam / yfgamma pajeets trying to fud yfmoonbeam and can’t come up with anything logical so are pulling shit out of their ass

>> No.22879581

didn’t we already come to the conclusion YFbeam and YFgamma are the same team?

>> No.22879637

Why yoy lying? I just went and checked the web archives and yfmoonbeam site never looked like that

>> No.22879703

OP why are you lying? I went and checked the way back machine and just confirmed that their website never looked like that.

>> No.22879794


>why you lying
>why you lying
samefag. lol paid shill keep samefagging. nice vpn to change ID but sending same messages? Holy shit what a scammer team.

>> No.22879830

Honestly speaking, you actually seem like the one lying here.

>> No.22879856

Why is YFBEAM fudding yfmoonbeam on telegram if they are the same team? It doesn’t make much sense

>> No.22879974

because they already raised 1500 eth with YFBeam and it went -95%.

Then their devs broke off and are doing YFMoonbeam to try and scam another 1777 eth and ruin people with another -95%.

>> No.22880163

yfbeam / yfgamma pajeets trying to fud yfmoonbeam.

Can you stfu pajeets!

>> No.22880197

So why are YFBEAM devs fudding YFMOONBEAM in the telegram channel? You didn’t answer the question

>> No.22880263

hahah ohhhh man you should really be looking into Clover 42 anon

>> No.22880339

Because they got exposed by MoonBeam as being the same people behind gamma. They are salty that moonbeam helped destroy their second project

>> No.22880405

Except the Gamma/Beam scammers had a unique posting style like they were mentally slow or ESL or something and they swapped IDs constantly. You've actually convinced me that YF Moonbeam is legit.

>> No.22880450

Why do I have a feeling you made all 3 of these posts? Just stop dude, this is so sad.

>> No.22880499

shills in full force here. its all the same team scamming over and over.

keep shilling, earn your team tokens as payment bro.

>> No.22880567

You sound more like a pajeet then anyone defending Gamma. People aren't retarded, they see through your bullshit

>> No.22880845
File: 610 KB, 1412x1988, skams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says the literal paid shill again, becoming increasingly more nervous that he has been found out as a scammer

>> No.22881132


Indian men are the biggest faggots I've ever met. I've fucked some nice indian women and they all complain about the little penises and fragile egos of the streetshitting men in their coutnry lmao

>> No.22881220

You are literally posting a screenshot from YFBeam who exit scammed. Do you really think people on this board are that retarded?

>> No.22881253

And this is coming from Beam, who are confirmed scammers?

>> No.22881491


not gonna scam anymore with your scam mafia raising 1777 eth today.

>> No.22881721

shill mad

>> No.22881789
File: 50 KB, 175x175, 1598833549874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha forgot to change your ID, genius

>> No.22882228

nope, i won't change it because im not a paid shill so its all good.

>> No.22882686

indians are top lel

>> No.22883039

btfo shill

>> No.22883096

I'm guessing your VPN got range banned? lol