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File: 184 KB, 770x988, yfMoonbeam exposed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22878815 No.22878815 [Reply] [Original]

YF Moonbeam has been exposed as the 4th project of the YFMafiaScammers.

These guys have launched multiple projects, and sacrificed YFGamma in order to "Divert attention" from YFMoonbeam's scam sale today, raising 1777 eth.

Now they are using their other project, YFMoonshot, to shill YFMoonbeam by "auditing it". Don't let yourselves be scammed again by these pajeets raising 1777 eth and running away.

Its a big mafia team copypasting projects.

>> No.22878892

Bump its sickening. I lost money on yfbeam don’t fall the trap

>> No.22878945


thanks bro. Please do not fall for this new "YFMoonbeam" scam boys.

>> No.22878955
File: 284 KB, 1208x886, Screen Shot 2020-09-27 at 5.58.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22878965
File: 21 KB, 647x359, 1601085761110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are fudders from yfbeam / yfgamma who are pissed that yfmoonbeam and yfmoonshot took down your presale scam

>> No.22878979
File: 394 KB, 2216x1214, Screen Shot 2020-09-27 at 7.01.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


YFMoonshot up 6x from presale price. Yep looks like a scam to me alright.

>> No.22879009
File: 178 KB, 1206x1074, Screen Shot 2020-09-28 at 5.24.47 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YFMoonshot audited by Cyotee, yep seems like a scam alright

>> No.22879016
File: 407 KB, 922x880, Screen Shot 2020-09-28 at 4.46.46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


YFMoonshot up 70%

>> No.22879038


See guys, this is a LITERAL samefag shill. Look at his ID.

They pay people to shill their new project by pretending it was "audited" by an indipendent project. Its all one mafia team. They are scamming project after project.

Look at this samefag shill. Just look at his same ID.

Don't fall for this scam.

>> No.22879051

you are a dumbass, i wasn't samefagging, i can only post one screenshot per post fucktard

>> No.22879086

Sad to see yfms fud while they work their asses of and actually deliver lol.

>> No.22879160
File: 389 KB, 1218x941, YFMoonbeamScamShillzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not a samefag? Look at pic related. You paid shill are in literally multiple threads shilling the same damage control.

Posting the same shit.

people see through this, this is why your discord is dead.

>> No.22879169

Its samefagging when you use multiple IP's. The reason I'm posting multiple times is because I can only post 1 screenshot per post.

>> No.22879191

Early fud so whales can buy cheap gamma.

>> No.22879416

keep bumping my thread, paid shill scammer. its hilarious.

>> No.22879658

Based on the screenshots the other guy posted, I’m more inclined to believe that you are the scammer.

>> No.22879688

This is literally the most idiotic conspiracy theory I have ever seen. It’s literally just a picture made in pain with no evidence that any of this is true

>> No.22879752

Can you fuck off with these pajeet tier conspiracy theories. Who do you think you are fooling? Even a mentally handicapped three year old and see through this joke

>> No.22879795

yf moonshot is legit


>> No.22879807



the samefags never stop. just changed your VPN/id, but posting same messages?

LOL the samefag scammer team continues.

>> No.22879937

not clicking that scam shit nigga.

>> No.22879970

it's fuckin youtube you little fucking currynigga

>> No.22879996

Cyotee live streamed him testing the vault FFS! It’s 100% legit there’s no way they would have held back the vault by a week it is was an exit scam.

>> No.22879999

>hes literally shilling his other project right now with youtube

holy shit the absolute state of these shills.

Don't buy these scams lads, as you can see all they do is shill their stuff

>> No.22880029

I don't shill anything you fucking retard.

I just posted a video where the code was audited and OP is proven wrong. I don't give a fuck if you buy this or not

>> No.22880066
File: 39 KB, 512x512, 1527199705406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is getting pathetic. Your scams got exposed. Don't you have to get ready for your shift at McDonalds?

>> No.22880124

Andre don't want me for a moonbeam. I just wanna do some Clover 42

>> No.22880138

Why are YF Gamma so salty because they just didn't get to rug pull this time like they didn't in YF Beam.

YF Gamma and YF Beam both used same websote template and didn't even put their smart contracts up for audit. And now you question projects that have been reviewed and audited. What kind of scum is that plebs.

>> No.22880172

Words can not describe how stupid and nonsensical this picture is

>> No.22880383

Can't you see no one is buying your bullshit? There was a mountain of evidence against gamma and that is why it failed. If anything spamming this 2nd grade level fud is going to help MoonBeam

>> No.22880532

shills back in full force. yall are exposed now.

keep shilling, earn your team tokens boys. Keep shilling lads.

>> No.22880805


I'm happy this is being exposed man. YFBeam/YFMoonbeam/YFMoonshot/YFGamma is all the same team of scammers.

Don't buy it

>> No.22881161
File: 610 KB, 1412x1988, skams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

latest news on this. wtf scammers

>> No.22881395
File: 185 KB, 1294x763, 1601275495215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoopsies, you forgot to change your copypasted website for the first hour it was up.

and some anon screenshotted it and exposed the scam for what it is.

Don't get rugged here, guys.

>> No.22881468

Please elaborate

>> No.22881546

these YF Moonbeam / YFBeam/ YFGamma/ YFMoonshot are all the same team it turns out.

They are just raising 1500-2000 eth each project and just rugging/going -95% each time.

Don't invest in this next one called YF Moonbeam because they will rug too

>> No.22881588

bro you're literally cringe, what about ymax? what about moonyfi?
what about all the projects that gained? i'm fucking done with your shit

look at the discord and telegram going, and the whales and influencers shilling YFMoonbeam
literal no brianer to get in even if it was a scam, which it isn't
devs are super involved and proficient

>> No.22881916
File: 53 KB, 773x512, 1507526815146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


MoonYFI was the legit first one, but all the others are copycats by the same team.

dont get scammed anon.

>> No.22882104

so essentially stay safe.

>> No.22882194

you are posting what a dev from yfbeam said, how is yfmoonbeam and yfbeam the same team if they are shitting on each other?

are you genuinely suffering from mental retardation?

>> No.22882659

also, YMAX was different. Not the same team of scammers.

>> No.22883020

you are btfo, shill. btfo and mad

>> No.22883133
File: 1.68 MB, 504x279, 1504037204641.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22883512

Finally someone is exposing these guys. They wasted 4 days creating a fake token 'yfgamma' and made it look like they 'exposed' a scam. Its hilarious. Useless pajeets baka

>> No.22883739

sucks your VPN got range banned bro