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22870685 No.22870685 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a shitty coin or not

>> No.22871229

No and if you had to ask this ngmi

>> No.22871262

Its an IQ test. I found this out trying to swing and fucked up. I realised its just one of those gems you need to hold onto until the time is right.

>> No.22871282

it's my way out

>> No.22871316

Yeah I’m holding. It doesn’t move a lot

>> No.22871349

Nice anon, ive got a 300k stack that I got around 0.038. We gonna make it fren.

>> No.22871411

Did you sell link for it

>> No.22871472

Yeah part of that traded link, also UNI as the Fantom fork will likely slowly take uniswaps userbase. Mostly Fiat though.

>> No.22871488

Can I see what your portfolio looks like

>> No.22871522

Haha all in on Fantom with the exception of a few ETH.

>> No.22871715
File: 5 KB, 992x247, Screenshot_2020-09-27 Fantom PWA Wallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see much better coins, but i just started recently dont listen to me

>> No.22871735

Nice humble stack there anon. Going to be a nice bit of change shortly, keep staking that shit brother.

>> No.22871775

i plan on selling FTM for COVAL or SENT
can someone please enlighten on the tech/products coming out?

>> No.22871804

Honestly, you would have to be extremely foolish to sell FTM before the rest of the defi suite is rolled out.
This is like link in its 0.50 days at the moment.

>> No.22871855

any clear examples? I have 10 hours to decide but the shilling looks pretty organic

>> No.22871899
File: 28 KB, 531x286, 1_PMgjyl6PlaH7KvCHLkYBNA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a crypto space changer

>> No.22871923

Only got a 10K bag that I fucked up the staking on last week so I’ve got to withdrawal and restake on Tuesday. Seems like a nice token to stake and forget about for a year, which I like because I’m tired of having to autistically follow these small cap projects so closely. I just want to lock the shit up in staking and forget about it. What’s a reasonable price expectation for this? $0.50-1.00?

>> No.22871955

alot of anons have made it on shittier

>> No.22871961

where do you stake it?

>> No.22872034
File: 805 KB, 1728x2304, yfv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ftm is a scam

>> No.22872139

PWA Wallet on fantoms site

>> No.22872179

Should I add some sxp and sta to my ftm

>> No.22872183

Nice anon, what validator you on?

>> No.22872198

Gofantom always

>> No.22872271

will the erc tokens be wrapped and traded on fantom chain using the copied uniswap?

>> No.22872360

Pretty sure. Its going to basically be uniswap but on Fantoms Opera blockchain so there wont be any gas fees.

>> No.22872442

Just wait for the uniswap port you mong. It'll be shilled by Andre when it drops and I doubt it will be more than a few weeks.

You can dump for at least a 2x then if you want

I'm just happy price is where it's at now so I can keep filling my bags

>> No.22872463

lol if that really happens this shit is going a lot higher than a dollar

>> No.22872501

It is happening man pending being tested on prod. Check out their github.

>> No.22872566

I agree but we'll need to spread the word if it works. Their marketing team is absolutely dogshit. Which is ironic as Fantoms offices are in Australia so they're paying top dollar

>> No.22872603

They have a decent amount of funding from what ive been told by the teams during some old AMAs.
But yeah their marketing is a downfall but be grateful its not great because its literally the only reason you guys are getting in on this at 0.04 haha.

>> No.22872639

The team might be just taking their time to build bags

>> No.22872755

Ill let you guys in on a fun fact here.
Andre has said numerous times that he owns 0 FTM. He cares that much about the defi space and changing the world with it and isnt looking to become a millionare from it.

If that doesn't convince anyone that he is genuine and is in it for the tech I have no idea what does.

>> No.22872792

shitty if you want fast profit
godlike if you want longterm profits

>> No.22872827

Yeah but the devs have millions each

>> No.22872893

If it really works marketing wont have to do shit because everyone will use it and growth will come organically. What makes you think ftm will do this and not other solutions like uniswap v3 or every other solution that isnt a chinese project

>> No.22873091

True just saying as someone experienced in the field. They don't build hype around deadlines, their roadmaps are horseshit and can come off passive aggressive to the community.

Honestly the only reason I could think for this is maybe traders are not their main target audience

>> No.22873447

its gearing up for an antshares type run

>> No.22873505

is it a good idea to buy this now and idk, staking it for a whole year? I don't really need to make it already that's why I'm looking for long term holds that would probably moon organically, I did my OR, looks good but I'm just asking for cheap shill

>> No.22873691

Buy a 200k stack and stake for a few months until the defi suite is done and ready to go then make up your mind whether you want to sell or hold further.

If you are considering it just get in now man, its pre ICO price at the moment but be warned, they test stuff in prod without warning so price can pump hard out of nowhere. Dont stress to much about the buy in, you're doing good if you cam get it at 0.04.

>> No.22873913

pajeet scam. pure vaporware.

>> No.22873930

thanks man, guess I'll build my 200k stack and see how it goes

>> No.22874094

My advice is to not watch for dips constantly while buying your bags. Its just a waste of time at this point. If you get your 200k today and stake for a month you'll negate any potential gains that you may have gotten by wasting time looking at charts for a dip.

>> No.22874147

This. Also there is the very real risk of FTM spiking above 500 sats and staying there.
Don't get left behind waiting for a dip that never comes. We ARE heading into a crypto bull market and the best play for the next year is to just hold.

>> No.22874194

Yep. I got fucked over a few times trying to wait for dips back to 0.033 and lower but looking at charts that frequently to save a few hundred dollars is not worth it in my opinion. Was waiting for dips and it just shot up so just said fuck it and finished the rest of my stack around the 0.037 to 0.041.

>> No.22874807

i know october is bull time, but what happen with US election also there? anyone can tell me im 1 year into crypto

>> No.22875078

u forgot the script anon its "chink scam vaporware"

>> No.22875212
File: 43 KB, 330x440, 020279B5-D1FD-4544-8C16-CE5A398F23D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet scam

>> No.22875233

still under ico price, so judge for yourself

>> No.22875621
File: 229 KB, 859x960, 94FD4DBB-BD94-490D-814F-2FBBF1112854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This but unironically.

>> No.22875922

M8 ftm is fast but posting stuff thats incorrect isnt helping anyone ftm cant hit 300k tps andre himself said so

>> No.22875950

Yeah this is true. In theory it could but the technological limitations means it wont hit it.

Watch the interview with Andre by some youtuber called Matty something (cant fully remember the channel).

>> No.22876321

How about that tweet where he staked 10k fantom? Cant share screenshot because some ip restriction

>> No.22876380

Him not owning any isn’t a good thing

>> No.22876540

He owns some since he actually shared a picture and tweeted about it..

>> No.22876632

This was from interviews he has done in the psst. He very well could own some now.

>> No.22876668

>10k fantom
damn, that's a jeet stack. He also sold his YFI at $30. Someone should really teach him how to trade.

>> No.22876750
File: 191 KB, 559x559, 995881C6-16DD-4DC3-82D1-66AFAFB4635D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m locking up 500k FTM for a year on my birthday and removing it from my portfolio
Setting a reminder for a year and cashing out my 2m birthday present

>> No.22876879

he's States multiple times he is in it for the tech over money. He gets funding so I dont think he is wanting to get mega rich in a few months by scamming.

>> No.22876889

>Setting a reminder for a year and cashing out my 2m birthday present
if only that would happen, good luck anon

>> No.22876993

What do you realistically see the price being EONY?

>> No.22877102

end of 2021, if they deliver on their promises and that's a big if, probably around $8

>> No.22877112

So is this Uniswap port different than the fSwap platform described on fantom.finance?

>> No.22877143

I was thinking the same desu. Either way I hate constantly checking prices and I’m always worried I’ll panic sell at some small pump or dump.
Locking it up sounds fun anyway and I wouldn’t be stressed about it then. Just wanna put it totally out of mind for a year and build another portfolio from scratch

>> No.22877151

Good idea. Whats your current stack anon?

>> No.22877161

It's another 2018 shitcoin "muh eth scaling." A group of whales decided to pump it. If you honestly think ftm will be the one yo solve eth scaling then kys

>> No.22877178

makes sense, I got a stack slightly bigger than yours, but I'm not locking it, just in case it pumps massively over the next few months

>> No.22877195

Nice just rebought 100k

>> No.22877220

ETH 2.0 is going to beat it plus there is UNI v3 coming out soon as well.

>> No.22877290

eth 2.0 kek, don't hold your breath

>> No.22877297


>> No.22877350

my fren, we're well aware of phase 0, if you watch the video even chico explains that this will not have an impact on the performance of ethereum through 2021

>> No.22877352
File: 347 KB, 849x748, 8C3E749F-87EA-4302-A5DF-E7DE0E6AAA38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently on 500k

Yeah that’s my only worry. I might buy another 100k which would basically cover the cost of my whole stack and a bit if it pumped to $.50
The 500k locked in would be a long term hold. If it went to $8 that’s $4mm. Would make for a hell of a birthday party

>> No.22877369

What about the implication that staking may come on Oct 2 which will obviously effect the price?

>> No.22877390

Nice im tempted to push a bit higher but waiting for a dip as im already on 300k.

>> No.22877446

staking returns are pretty abysmal, and beacon chain is already known, it would already be priced in. plus, staking doesn't automatically pump price anyway, look at all the other POS chains that have staking

>> No.22877462

It’s looking really bullish at the moment, as long as you DCA you’ll be fine. Besides when it’s $8 buying in at 300 stats vs 350 won’t make a huge difference

>> No.22877583

This coin will never hit $8 or even $0.06

>> No.22877609

it already has, faggot

>> No.22877629

hahahahah OMG this coin is absolutely shitcoin, RLC is 10000% better and thats a shitcoin itself. lose your money anon,

>> No.22877669

bought 170k, wish me luck chads

>> No.22877735

This is the weakest FUD I’ve seen here in weeks. Try harder, I want to buy more

>> No.22877992


>> No.22878584

I have a bag of Fantom. Should i use it to Staking or DeFI mint in Fantom Wallet? How to make most of it?

>> No.22878608

how much do you have?

>> No.22878726

13k I know it's not much. Could put some more, maybe at 50k total. What does my stack size matter in staking or defi mint?

>> No.22878967

wow, stay poor
t. 200k fanties