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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 851 KB, 801x650, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22871341 No.22871341 [Reply] [Original]

How much longer is /biz gonna ignore the inevitable...

>> No.22871365

How is this not a sell signal? Why would you want to align yourself with the central banks?

>> No.22871406

I'm not here to be fucking poor anon

>> No.22871430

Gonna need a source or I call larp op

>> No.22871445


Take your pride and shove it right into your asshole faggot.

The rich get rich by doing whatever it fucking takes to get there. I'm not gonna let some "Oh but muh coin is centralized now" Fud fuck me over on witnessing the largest % pump in crypto history.

>> No.22871452



>> No.22871459
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>> No.22871479

"XRP is faster, less costly, and more scalable than any other digital asset"


>> No.22871523

source: internet

>> No.22871534

literally a nothingburger kek

>> No.22871554

What do you consider a Full of Burger then?

Chain link going to sub 7.70?

>> No.22871596

>World Economic Forum brief on the future of CBDC

NOICE. I ain't even mad anon. You should read the PDF though. Good stuff

>> No.22871603

imagine willingly trusting the most jewish of jews

>> No.22871625

is this the uni thread?
who said uni was going to $125 today?
where you at you fucking kike.

>> No.22871746

This. I hate this fucking coin but hold a small bag just in case.

>> No.22871945

Have you been outside for the past six months? (((They))) won.

>> No.22872054
File: 166 KB, 680x680, TakeMeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your gay little coin is stuck at 24 cents and was supposed to be hitting $2k by now.
mUh mElLONcaMP scHIzo POst

>> No.22872896

Yet at 25 cents I bought a stack. Xrp hex, algo and tron are my cheap bets

>> No.22872998

Fake and photoshopped

>> No.22873024

If this piece of shit goes up to even 70 cents per coin, I will let everyone in this thread fuck my ass.

>> No.22873265

My cock is hard and ready nigger

>> No.22873355

oh boi, better lube up

>> No.22873407

The Jews are the ones on here trying to get us away from their video game money.

The nose knows.

>> No.22873502
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>Can't even break 24 cents
>Yet it's going to $2k
mfw retarded animals really believe this

>> No.22873608

I don't actually believe in the 2k meme and I hold a bunch of other shit too but objectively it's really hard to deny XRP is going to be doing big things, and pretty soon

>> No.22873619

Agreed. There's nothing more annoying and gay than XRP fanboys. Their entire threads are based on the phases of the moon, various bible quotes, pictures from twitter of David Schwartz showing off a home generator, and Q posting.
It is complete and total lunacy. Not even finance related really. Shit belongs on /x/.

>> No.22873645

>XRP is going to be doing big things, and pretty soon
You mean like it's going to hit 25 cents and crab there for another 3 years? That would be big things for that token and Cripple for a change.

>> No.22873683
File: 83 KB, 800x600, Ripple-partners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no other coin looks this good

>> No.22873695

dont care until flare
dont care until flare
dont care until flare
dont care until flare
dont care until flare

>> No.22873730

You mean the next big shitcoin that probably wont even top Dogecoin in price?

>> No.22873773

>Muh partnerships
Weren't most of those proven to be hoaxes?
Cripple is the ONLY crypto in the space that needs an entire army of bots to shill for it.

>> No.22873899
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Already see one I can cross off there, probably can take off like 90% of them if I look

>> No.22873966
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>Muh heckin partnerinnnnnooooo

>> No.22873996

Bruh the TOKEN is not needed. Ripple as a company are rich because of people like you. Like, HYPER rich.

ARPA is what you should be looking at, especially since CZ has such a big boner for Bella Protocol now too.

>> No.22873998

I don't think private banks have a choice when central banks enforce it
>welcome in the banking world

>> No.22874022
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>> No.22874136

Central Banks are going to use Quorom and the Fed's new "digi-dollar."
XRP/Ripple are not needed. Not even the least bit. They've never even created a service or product that's been adopted widely, or even one that works besides their little XRP token (which isn't worth dick)

>> No.22874151

I won't believe the switch exists until XRP goes to five cents.

>> No.22874157

> he doesn't know

>> No.22874158
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Better sell NOW before it crashes back to 23 cents. You've probably only got a minute or two.

>> No.22874175

>Cryptic Q posting
Sure thing, bro. Get back to me when your shitcoin actually has a use case.

>> No.22874192
File: 18 KB, 860x319, xrpoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking XRPoo is going to be worth more money than actually exists in the entire world.
It's not 25 cents, for some reason coinbase rounds up, it's actually still 0.246x

>> No.22874280

> he doesn't want to know

>> No.22874296

>space after greentext

>> No.22874323

> he chose this for himself

>> No.22874328

You sure do seem to have a hard on for Q, no one even mentions it and you bring it up, we get you’re damage control but you’re laying it on a bit too thick bud

>> No.22874343

> he won't be able to forget his choice

>> No.22874347

Meh, you've stolen his cryptic type of posting. It's the same simple bait and switch scam tactics.

>> No.22874404
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When xrp moons 85% of biz will be on suicide watch, not because they'll realize they were wrong. But because they'll realise how much money they missed out on

>> No.22874414

dude wtf are you on about kek, no one ever mentioned Q... you have some sort of Q derangement syndrome, surely.

Go back to Twitter or reddit, for the love of god

>> No.22874465

>Plebbit spacing
You first, Qike.

>> No.22874478

ARPA is mainly held by the biggest 97% of wallets
Bella has a bigger "Escrow" surplus than XRP proportionally
>XRP is centralized

>> No.22875518
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>> No.22875681

You disingenuous faggot, anybody with two braincells can see that xrp-crazies are cut from the same cloth as qfags. You guys are drip fed vague ideas from a main source and then go on a wild goose chase to verify the info. Do you actually believe that the central banks are going to force the adoption of xrp on the world and at the same time allow a bunch of trailer park schizos the opportunity to become financially independent?

>> No.22875776

Until it's too late.

>> No.22876828

the same amount of time they will ignore ECOCHAIN

im with you, OP

>> No.22877038

Nice shoop

>> No.22877109

So, does Ripple prevent banking collusion for interbank offerings? That would be a very nice feature for the normie pitch, being able to say "also the LIBOR scandal would've gotten caught by this new system." Or will XRP just use LINK?

>> No.22877113

Nah, we just research on sites other than 4chan...Hard to understand I know. The central banks will "force" by using it. Right now smaller banks use larger banks' nostro vostro accounts in order to send money, when xrp is fully utilized, it will be the same thing.
Honestly I have no idea why everyone hates on xrp. It is cognitive dissonance. You choose not to see the utility for some reason, maybe you got called a fag when you asked about it the first time, I don't know. The reality is, xrp will moon, and it will moon harder than anything since btc. When...is another question. If you rather swing pnd's and hold eth and link, so be it. Everyone makes money differently. I am not one to judge. But to completely rule it out because it doesn't do it today, or tomorrow, is just short sighted. I hear a lot of people call it the boomer coin, mainly because people do not see gains on it immediately. This is really the sad part about this up and coming generation, although there are plenty of people like this in every generation. Everyone is so short sighted that they cannot put off something for a few days, much less a few years in order to reach a goal. This is why even with the other popular coins on this forum, as soon as it dips, you see wojacks everywhere. People do not understand long term investments. They want to put there money in something, wait a day, and pull it out at 1000x. Well I hate to break it to you, it is not that easy, you would have to be extremely lucky or have an in. So keep fudding, nobody who holds xrp really gives a fuck. We have seen everything you could throw at us for years. We still hold our bags, and will continue to do so.

tldr: You are an impatient faggot tard who smells of elderberry.

>> No.22877196

this happen only will work once it reaches it's 1st mark at $1 and stabilize at there, before it can go higher.

>> No.22877661

I'm holding 80% XRP 20% 0_ x_ M_ R_ feeling comfy.

>> No.22877775


>> No.22877825
File: 458 KB, 822x743, 26D8173B-A29C-4C85-9B8F-54A6D2B6D183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck, the elites that openly admit they are using the pandemic to further their agenda like XRP?? The organization that has a trillion dollars of loaning capabilities, 10,000 global influencers in over 500 major cities around the world looking to restructure societies and the social contract of humanity??

Jeeze, this coin looks to be a moonshot with this backing. Gonna hope the new social contract comes with very ample individual liberties and no mandatory implants though. Fuck that.

>> No.22877997

lol check'd, blazing digits all over the board huh mate? ;)

>> No.22878096

0xmonero is trash.

>> No.22878652

looks nervously at LINK's WEF startup encouragement award

>> No.22878697
File: 235 KB, 613x878, ayyymylumens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's XLM and I'm riding with Jed on the New Jerusalem. See ya goys

>> No.22878702

he meant that one token that’s gonna make eth obsolete

>> No.22878810

Their threads are so fucking hilarious. I laughed my ass off when one fucking person put in a picture of a fisher price toy and highlight led the xrp letters, i almost had a heart attack from laughter.

>> No.22878828
File: 33 KB, 375x408, 1596403350567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRPeepee poopoo

>> No.22878839

I'm only getting it in November for the flare airdrop. Once I've got it in dumping it all.

>> No.22878872

>the banks own swift
>the "fees" banks pay to use swift goes to themselves
>the banks are going to switch to ripple because
>ripple will take over the industry and there is nothing the banks can do about it
>sessions is about to release 10000 indictments
>hillary will be arrested once the weiner laptop goes public
>trust the plan

>> No.22879603

Always bet on the jews

>> No.22880599

Never betting on this shitcoin pajeet scum coin

>> No.22881093
File: 10 KB, 227x222, atsisiųsti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine hating money fuck fuds and niggers, those wh know, know. those who dont, will stay poorfags forever. Accept the standart into your heart.

>> No.22881115

Based schizo brother IYKYK

>> No.22881817

Lmao, xrp fags try so hard to copy the organic memetic energy of link threads, but it always comes off as incredibly forced and lame.