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22868073 No.22868073 [Reply] [Original]

i'm old guys, i know. I have 1.4m in retirement funds. Is it gonna last me? how can i make this last 30 years? 40?

>> No.22868098

Bali. All you need to prove is that you will have atleast 20k a year and hire a maid for like 200$ a month. Heard that place is fucking awesome for expats.

>> No.22868113

just spread it to different lending platforms. blockfi has 8.6% for USDC, Celsius , nexo etc

>> No.22868139

Cash out $100K, spend $1.3M on boner pills, fuck yourself to death in Thailand in a month. EZPZ

>> No.22868233

Sometimes I think about going fucking hardcore when I hit 65ish and getting penthouse for a week, an ounce of cocaine, a bunch of fucking xanax, booze and some hookers and just going out like a fucking champion.

>> No.22868311
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It should.

>> No.22868428

hahahahah wtf

ugh i guess it should last you, you could invest in boomer stocks and get dividends. Just dont fucking shit up and youre good.

lmao i cant believe im posting with some mf sixty year olds

>> No.22868456

If this isnt a larp is there any boomer wisdom you'd like to pass down to us zoomers?

>> No.22868501

Better believe it, son. I'm 78 and I'm old enough to remember when the Internets were just a little gleam in them old UCLA mainframes, connectin one or two Uni's together. I had to walk 10 miles in the snow and I liked it. Now I'm here riding this bitch to ATH's with y'all. Let's go! No HODL here, this grandpa is all up in this bitch!

>> No.22868508

I feel like 4chan is a new way to get some perspective. It feels like all the coworkers my age have way less, or are just into bonds and stocks

>> No.22868523

>dont waste your youth
>dont get addicted to drugs
>dont be afraid to fail when youre young
>take some time to "explore the world"
these are basically the /wise boomer/-advice (tm) that you can get

Im not a boomer but its always these or some variation of these. My own tip to everyone is to GET THAT MOTHAFUCKING MONEY

>> No.22868529

Hi dad, why'd you leave? We never even played catch. Miss you dad.

>> No.22868537

Thanks for riding with us gramps hope you have fun

>> No.22868544
File: 103 KB, 1280x721, photo_2020-09-27_16-03-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are going to need to buy rot. 1.4m all in on rot. no joke.

>> No.22868552


Nerves too late old timer


>> No.22868562

Avoid putting any money into crypto.

>> No.22868565

can you write me in your will before you go?

>> No.22868567

lmfao based even if larp

>> No.22868591

That's right son, THIS BITCH HAS NO BRAKES!! Go etherials and bitcoin

>> No.22868592

Properties. Get the rental income to live off, don't loose any of your investment, in fact watch it go up in value over time. Simply