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>> No.22866105
File: 2.87 MB, 2105x1890, justlaybackinthechair_animu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anon, want to tell me how you lost your entire portfolio to $GME?

>> No.22866108

you forgot to add Trish Regans podcast...


>> No.22866125
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>> No.22866129


>> No.22866131

GME is the most valuable company in the world.

>> No.22866141

I hate anime

>> No.22866147

>>22866131 (You)
Thanks just bought 100k.

>> No.22866152
File: 1.88 MB, 853x480, Clrxx_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the buddy system

>> No.22866161

big movers you expect this week?
>Monday SHLL
>Tuesday CCL
>Wednesday PLTR
>Thursday BBBY

>> No.22866172
File: 152 KB, 1242x918, 1569473125478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hark good fellows! How goes your day of rest?

>> No.22866178


Another hit piece to scare away buyers.

>> No.22866187

Took out another $300k loan to buy more GME. Feeling good.

>> No.22866194

Buy CLIS, app releases wednesday

>> No.22866199

Wish there was a prostitution IPO.

>> No.22866206
File: 4 KB, 1118x36, coom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically have 30k in GME right now. I'm all in.
This is legit one of the least stressful investments in the last 2 years and there are people shilling against it.

>> No.22866210

For capital gains taxes, do brokers automatically sell your oldest shares? Example I buy 1 share 2 years ago and buy another share 2 months ago then I sell one, surely the old one would be sold first?

>> No.22866219
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>> No.22866232

This is textbook mega-shorters writing hit pieces.
I remember reading a few articles about this a while back. These people will pull out everything in there hands to get a stock to drop.
Of course, it won't. Nothing can stop what is cooming.

>> No.22866234
File: 466 KB, 500x296, just4you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My day of rest was yestermorrow good sir! Today, I shall be lifting burdens of the Earth! 'Tis important to achieve a figure worthy of kneeling before the Lord after all.

>> No.22866235
File: 321 KB, 1800x1200, Breakfast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made peanut butter pancakes. Transferred in some money to prepare for PLTR. Think I might take a walk.

>> No.22866250

GME is going to turtle around $10 for weeks and then rug pull both sides

>> No.22866257


>> No.22866279


>> No.22866283


I really want to go on a road trip over the weekend one of these days, staying inside and turning pasty isn't good for me.


I think most brokers do FIFO for selling shares by default, you can choose to opt for specific lot/ID or LIFO at your own discretion. Have to check with them either in account options or ring them up.

>> No.22866288

>Theta gang wins again

>> No.22866294

Look for "Cost Basis" in your account. Example:

>> No.22866297
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>He didnt buy the TSLA dip

>> No.22866302

SHLL will go up with SBE

>> No.22866338

any chads buying DFEN or BA tomorrow?

>> No.22866355

>Waffle Bigmac
Oh sergey...

>> No.22866357
File: 2.78 MB, 539x476, snake chuckle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trick everybody into short
>buy up shares at $6.97
>ride off profits of the squeez you just caused
He truly is the one of the best investors in the USA.

>> No.22866369

Bought BA calls Friday, I'm going to sell them asap though

>> No.22866372

Nothing can stop what is cooming
Be afraid shorters.

>> No.22866393
File: 701 KB, 1800x1200, short squeeze gme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only GME chads will attain this

>> No.22866439
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this Ben Yiju guy is bretty funny

>> No.22866453

the only thing that could go wrong at this point is if Cohen gets assassinated

>> No.22866458

Thanks just sold 1 million $9/$10/$11 iron butterflies with my entire net worth as collateral.

>> No.22866461

There's an anon who bought $15 1/21s lmao

>> No.22866465

january is fine

>> No.22866487

un-ironically $11 10/2 might print, though you probably would have been best selling them this past Tuesday after the Cohen filing rally

>> No.22866491
File: 34 KB, 819x772, div.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shill me on DIV. It's low volatility yet it dropped from like $25 to $11 in March, yet in the span of 7 years leading up to march, it only fluctuated like 1 dollar.

Does this mean 11 is a pretty safe bottom?
Will it crab between 14-16 for the next 7 years?
Will it go back to crabbing around 24-26 like it was pre march and then cap out?

>> No.22866525

>Does this mean 11 is a pretty safe bottom?
>He bought?

>> No.22866529

It means, like anything divvy-related, it will stay roughly around $11 forever and never go back up, until the next crash at which point it'll halve in value again.

>> No.22866534

>Shill me on DIV
nah. QYLD instead.

>> No.22866543

Literally "Gamers rise up."

>> No.22866544
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Who has the balls to short this

>> No.22866551
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rate my shitfolio

>> No.22866558
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8-12% yield per year and pays you every month is a pretty /comfy/ proposition. Yes, you would make more money overall holding SPY, but you wouldn't have to sell shares with DIV, and could just get cash every month. I think it is an important part of a diversified portfolio for many types of people, but not for all types

>> No.22866562

Jesus that dude is all over the place

>> No.22866583

Shill me on QYLD then. I'm looking to put most of my emergency fund into non volatile stocks, so I'm prioritizing safety over maximum growth, which I was hoping DIV was best suited for.

>> No.22866591

Buying stocks just fr divs is a bad idea. Its better to buy stocks with promising growth or stability and sell covered calls.

>> No.22866599

his bear posts seem more "serious" than his bull posts, so I'm gonna take it as a positive sign

>> No.22866601

Well you write covered calls so it's not 100% shit
Your GME position is kind of retarded though with the put sell + long stock.

>> No.22866610

Sorry to borrow the thread but does anyone know what the fuck is Chamath doing streaming for days nonstop? Is he actually out of money and trying to scam on youtube or is he suffering from an episode or something? This is so confusing to me.

>> No.22866611

why does anyone actually short over buying puts
when is unlimited downside ever worth it

>> No.22866618

Why are you expecting RKT to pop

>> No.22866623

I'd be looking to sell that poot you're +50% on soon

>> No.22866625

>put sell + long stock
Probably wants more cheapies.

>> No.22866628

Learn to into prospecti instead of hooking yourself up to coomer skinner boxes of, "Feed me sauce!"

>> No.22866637

oh wait thats a short put, never mind I'm retarded

>> No.22866655

Anon, I...

>> No.22866666
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>> No.22866718



>> No.22866732
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this is a lot of same numbers

>> No.22866734
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>> No.22866739

Wait does a call mean you think it’s going up or down? I’m confused.

>> No.22866751

my portfolio, am i gmi or ngmi?


what should i add? what should i get rid off? inb4 XOM

>> No.22866756
File: 728 KB, 244x271, wejustgotaletter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My most favorite phenomenon has occured: Repeating numerals. I must report my satisfaction to its poster!

>> No.22866781

I love investing in companies that will grow slower than a fucken lichen

>> No.22866783
File: 35 KB, 642x361, IMG_1820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon it's sunday and the markets are closed, you remembered to go to church right?

stocks are fun but faith in God is true prosperity.

>> No.22866786
File: 1.00 MB, 275x270, just_set_up_the_chairs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay in school, kiddo.

>> No.22866790

These are both uncanny and cute, could make a neat horror/adventure game with this aesthetic.

>> No.22866798

I wrote the call. I received premium for the contract and if it makes it to 23 dollars I'm more than happy to sell it at that price. All of the options in the pic are sells.

>> No.22866804

I'm the Chair Force guy from last thread.

Thinking of going 50k VOO, 50QQQ with a RIRA. Am I gonna make it guys? Will I be the next victim of a catty anime avi for not heeding 1 of the last fifty market crash predictions?

>> No.22866827

I have good news for you anon, that game exists! It's called FNAF.

>> No.22866838

well yes it's long term and i don't want massive drawdown

>> No.22866840
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>> No.22866841

Just read the first couple paragraphs. So this is saying that it gives the profits from the ATM calls it writes into the return of the ETF? Sounds badass.

>> No.22866843

Haha I laughed at that gif

>> No.22866878
File: 177 KB, 579x739, 1537066117424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FNAF is definitely not cute and not an adventure. You literally sit in a wagie cage.

>> No.22866888

sounds good

>> No.22866898

Airman! Didn't your recruiter tell you you receive complementary financial advice during bootcamp?! NOW DROP DOWN AND GIVE ME 50

>> No.22866903

what it means is that the ETF can fall, but it can't get back up again on it's own
so to have any hope of making long term compounding gains, you have to reinvest all of the payout
let me know if I need to explain further

>> No.22866906
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Digits confirm /smg/ is an anime thread and anime thread only

>> No.22866910

Glacial and slothpilled.

>> No.22866919

Hold and keep buying at regular intervals. Do not panic sell crashes.

>> No.22866928

50 push-ups? This ain't the Marines buddy.

>> No.22866932

shill me some growth then, pls no GME tho

>> No.22866944

50 pushups?
Come-on sarge, I didn't come here to train with pussies.

>> No.22866954

ngmi. might as well go natty guard with that attitude

>> No.22866959


>> No.22866968
File: 53 KB, 828x805, 1601085697319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who has the earnings calendar for this week?

>> No.22866977

Residential REITs seem valued as if a housing crash already happened.
What if I'm betting there won't be an eviction and foreclosure crisis?
Economic support in the US has been far stronger the news tells you.

>> No.22866991

well - it sure held off nicely against the september selloff...

>> No.22867030

Oilbros, I don't feel so good. September has been cruel to me

>> No.22867039
File: 920 KB, 2048x1836, Screenshot_20200927-150617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't panic sell crashes
Way ahead of you.

>> No.22867052

Never touched oil here.
Why are you guys so invested in oil right now? Was it because they are so cheap after Corona?

>> No.22867062


>> No.22867086

OPEC basically just announced they were going to heavily rig markets to support oil prices, and would "make [bearish] speculators ouch like hell"

>> No.22867114

those are gonna be heavy bags, TSLA isn't an index fund

>> No.22867132

Yea the "don't panic sell" advice only works if you're holding spy or qqq lmao

>> No.22867135

SNOW on Wednesday? So maybe there is a chance the stock price will finally drop down a bit

>> No.22867158

Correct. That's not the correct strat for high volatility stuff like tesla.

>> No.22867159

stairs up elevator down

>> No.22867183

How's that going?
Not trying to be a smartass, just genuinely curious since I don't really know.

>> No.22867186
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>> No.22867215

ZM isn't a penny stock. It's unlikely to make huge moves overnight.

>> No.22867224

If he has faith in the company long-term, he might as well hold.

>> No.22867234
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>> No.22867242

No lie, something like this happened to a friend of the family's. Not exactly the same, but a problem with the auto reversal. It nearly killed her.

>> No.22867255

>Trusting a car to drive itself
Even if I ever owned a Tesla I would never use autopilot. I don't have a lot in my area, but I've see 3 of them involved in crashes THIS year. Could be the people driving them, but who knows.

>> No.22867263
File: 17 KB, 474x474, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He isn't holding out of spite
>He's going to panic sell just because TSLA dipped -$300
>He lost faith when Elon was found hanging in his bathroom

>> No.22867276

Priced in :^)))))))))

>> No.22867279

As of now (from what I've read) all participants are looking to 'play ball' and are celebrating announcements of fines that will punish those who violate the cartel moves
It's hard to say though - they can keep cutting supply, but they can't force demand. India is getting hit hard, Latin America hard, USA hard, France / Spain / UK are starting to spike.. the only growth is China
With that said, it most likely will not go any lower in the near term; just at a certain point of coronavirus problems persist members will be forced to produce & sell at whatever price

>> No.22867290

>Economic support in the US has been far weaker the news tells you.

>> No.22867307


>> No.22867316

Buying the securities to write covered calls and then exercising them once a month would cause the fund to do decent in a bull run, mediocre in a crab, and terrible in a bear because it would keep buying then selling at a loss, amplifying the losses. Are you saying that the fund relies on people continually investing in it to get money to buy the securities or else it would go bust? That doesn't sound badass.

>> No.22867323

Liquidated my entire portfolio and went all in on GME. The mother of all short squeezes is right around the corner and I’m about to be a very wealthy man. I can’t wait to spend my entire life in Colombia.

>> No.22867338
File: 182 KB, 499x475, never reply to me or my cat again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't have at least a small position in GME by now, you're a fucking retard.

>> No.22867342

Whats the upside? Already down 50% on these clis shillers. This is why i only srops a few bucks on bs shills. Only doen 8 bucks with a little over 100 shares. Better go to 20 a share or get the rope nigger

>> No.22867344


>> No.22867359

Well I was on the fence but this confidence has reassured me to do the same, thanks fren!

>> No.22867361

Based and GMEpilled.

>> No.22867366

Honestly bullish

>> No.22867386
File: 8 KB, 1177x96, the big one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even meming.

>> No.22867391

Armenian azerbaijani (hot) war has started. How do we profit off this?

>> No.22867392

I'll never trust autopilot or self driving cars until over 95% or cars are self driving. Even then I'll make sure I'll have a car I can drive myself just so I can go over the speed limit and leave the country if shit ever goes down in minecraft

>> No.22867394

it's true we haven't seen a lot of bankruptcies like 08 but I am not sure about if
>Economic support in the US has been far stronger the news tells you.
is necessarily sustainable. Commercial as a whole are a bunch zombie corporations staying afloat from corona bux, that's the only reason parasitic REITs themselves are staying afloat.
i cannot put money in REITs with that much uncertainty just for a *maybe* +50%-100% in 2-3 years. You have to remember that REITs could very well keep crabbing for longer while we're waiting for a vaccine, then there's still the uncertainty with unemployment with many jobs that will probably never return.

Ultimately, why would I put money in REITs when I can just put it in tech or semiconductor picks with much lower risk or uncertainty?
If you really want to play corona recovery with commercial real estate, you're better off doing individual picks in retail especially with Black Friday soon. REITs are too spread out with very little growth, they're inherently stagnant.

like i get why it might be attractive because there seems like there's barely any downside, but that's basically what a value trap is

>> No.22867398
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>Implying we'll let the fed own houses if those mortgages default
lol, send bachelors.

>> No.22867413


Does this mean housing crash soon? I just want a house at a reasonable price, if houses don't crash within like 3 years then I kill myself

>> No.22867417

Buyer of absolute last resort due to nobody else wanting to hold steaming pile of shit MBS is bullish to you?

Got it

>> No.22867425

I did the same thing. 30k, all in.
This is our chance friends. I will not live in regret.

>> No.22867435

well i know my shit about /g/ and semiconductors so i can confidently put my money in TSM
it's always better to invest in sectors you actually understand and are confident in

TSM is leading up to become a monopoly right for bleeding edge semiconductors. They arguably already are because Samsung's behind.

>> No.22867455

You’re gonna be a very wealthy man soon. Poor women that are forced into prostitution will rim your ass clean while you live a very comfortable life as the king of a 3rd world shithole.

>> No.22867518
File: 150 KB, 1590x1585, shitputs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so long term TSLA death put spreads, eh?

>> No.22867528

it underperforms in a bull market as well, because you are far underpacing the market selling all of your upside for pennies
it does amazingly in a crab market, that is the place where it outperforms

so basically you are selling calls for an approx 1% yield every month.
but if the nosedaq goes down by 5% in a month, you only get a 1% gain, and now you're down 5%. Which wouldn't be as bad if the fund could just rebound, but if it goes up 5% in the next month, you only get a little 1% premium of that, because you sold calls so you don't get the upside.
so by the nature of it, the ETF will decay over time, because it goes down but doesn't really go up much. all of the "go up" that it has, you sell away for the monthly premium of the calls.
but the issue is, that yield also goes down over time unless you are constantly re-investing back in.
so make sure that you know what you are getting into

>> No.22867562

lol please do not buy those anon
but if you do I'll write calendars on tsla's next ER

>> No.22867568

SHLL merger = moon (and then consolidate)
CCL likely to go red as shorts have overhedged for growth
PLTR possibly debut $10-$12 range, might go up to $16 in the same day (and then pull back) - or could debut too high and then just slowly pull back..
BBBY likely same thing as CCL - overbought in the lead-up, where regardless of the numbers reported will decline

>> No.22867585

TSLA puts are way overpriced. NKLA is a much better bet for that

>> No.22867608

This is the media-addled idiocy I'm betting against, yes.
This is only bad for mortgage lenders profit margins, and in return they get stability.
Federal purchasing of MBS is normal now for like 12 years, they're done letting the market long and short MBS.
Funds with spread out commercial risk are not going to recover very well. Only smart individual recovery picks will recover, not commercial ETFs and commercial REITs.
Residential REITs, on the other hand, are valued low for literally no reason. Property prices have risen, domestic and international buying pressure is growing everywhere but NYC and Chicago.
There are residential REITs trading 2/3 below value despite their ports gaining value, is what I'm saying. When people discover that the eviction and foreclosure crisis is bullshit they won't return to mean, they'll return to mean plus 20 or 30%.
My question is if the market will be forced to agree with me soon, or will remain in denial while I watch those assets crab for two more years.

>> No.22867610

I'm too much of a pussy to put more than 10-18% of my capital into GME but a x2-x3 on 10% of my folio still feels bretty gud

>> No.22867616

I expect huge volatility in GME
up and down 10% swings

>> No.22867643

lol I don't use robinhood anymore for spreads because of shit fills. but yeah, the R/R for these ones are no good, plus it's basically an illiquid position.

>> No.22867651

What residential REITs do you recommend anon?

>> No.22867653

Only have 1k to fuck around with on RH, ToS is the goat

>> No.22867684

that collision override stuff is not ready for prime time yet.

>> No.22867697

It’s all about eatin good food
All about takin a dump and purposefully not wiping for days
It’s all about getting an impoverished Colombian girl named Valery to rim your butthole for 10 American dollars
It’s all about getting stabbed while you’re pulling money out of an atm in the middle of the night
It’s all about calling your grandma in the states and asking her to wire you some cash because you ran out
It’s all about being used as a drug mule for the cartel

>> No.22867709

Is google still a thing?

>> No.22867719

all my puts have expired worthless on zoom so far.

>> No.22867727
File: 42 KB, 687x588, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well if you're looking at residential REITs, they're definitely safer but I wouldn't say they're at a bargain either.
pic related is one of the bigger ones in Canada, very low divvy yield for a REIT too

>> No.22867728

No, they are the next blockbuster.

>> No.22867730

I hope I can get some wealth. I know that if I get a huge break on this, well I can do things in my life that I can only dream of.
I can really turn my family's life around for the better. I swear man, I can do so much good for them if I get this right.
Doesn't mean I'm not nervous as fuck.

>> No.22867731

I think people are under estimating GE's rebound potential. The renewable energy unit is inking deals left and right these days. They're stopping building new coal power plants which is on the decline however they'll still service those that are left. So that part of Power's portfolio will still be profitable. Just like aviation, the services unit is the real money maker, not the selling of the engines themselves. Which as a whole (Aviation) will bounce back as well once the droves of people are flying again. Will it take time, yeah, but so what? Get a tax break and get a fatter payday (collecting the divvy) just by waiting. Healthcare will/is still churning out a profit and more so once people feel like going to the doctor again for every little thing (ain't the new world of people being weak grand,hypochondriacs I think it's called).

>> No.22867735

They are priced between "everything is fine" and a crash. It hasn't moved because the situation is still completely unknown. Evictions have been postponed multiple times and they are surviving on government loans. Housing crash is still extremely likely, probably inevitable. If you still hold REITs, there is no upside. I've explained this before, but REITs cannot grow, they will NEVER recover. They will be broken apart and new REITs will be created, THEN perhaps you can buy those.

>it's true we haven't seen a lot of bankruptcies like 08
Thats because we are in 2007.

>> No.22867762

How to make passive income with 200k American? Dividends?

>> No.22867765

better they just expired than you getting absolutely ravaged by a short position after it quadrupled in months
i mean not that anyone wouldn't have covered before it got that bad, but that's too much stress and for sure trading psychology fucks you over and might tempt you to double down

>> No.22867770

$200k of GME.

>> No.22867773
File: 34 KB, 600x360, BigGreenWads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a REIT or oil stock for that sweet 5% divvy
>drops by 10% in a quarter
The best divvies make you work for 'em. They don't make 'em often like this any more.

>> No.22867780

With that capital you can play theta and make as much just sitting on your ass 20 minutes a day as wage slaves in this thread do working at McDonalds 40 hours a week.

>> No.22867786

Buy SPY and QQQ and sell covered calls.

>> No.22867795

Investors don't seem to have much confidence in them anymore.
Google is below their pre-Covid level, and looking at the last five years, it's the worst performing FAANG-stock by far.

>> No.22867799

Your portfolio seems a little conservative to me / geared for longterm growth; based on this I would recommend looking into CARR
>short term: coronavirus = practically EVERY building has to replace/improve their air systems / HEPA filters etc
>long term: global warming = air conditioning /heating boom
It breaks even or barely red on red days & very green on green days - pretty safe / recession proof

>> No.22867810
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>> No.22867811

Imagine becoming a multi-millionaire with GME instead of getting shitty dividends.

>> No.22867820

>doing things for your family

>> No.22867827

Are anons on here still hating on NIO because it's Chinese?

>> No.22867840
File: 195 KB, 1080x588, Screenshot_20200927-134743_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the earnings whisper calendar if any of you fags are interested

>> No.22867865

Is a new conservative justice good for stocks?

>> No.22867870

I hate on NIO because it's not GME.

>> No.22867875

>A bunch of literally whos vs McCormick, Micron, and Pepsi
Lmao why do smallcaps even bother?

>> No.22867895

MU, STZ, and BBBY are going to be interesting.

>> No.22867896

What’s theta?

>> No.22867906
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>I hate on NIO
>ID: NiO

>> No.22867923

That's my plan to; have divvies for the long term wealth I can pass on to my heirs. Have growth (total market fund) so I can enjoy a stress free good life when I'm an old man. What? Who says you can't have your cake and eat it to?. Course in my situation my "good life" starts at age 50. My growth fund shouldn't even need to be tapped due to my other income sources. But it'll be there just in case..

>> No.22867926

>Lmao why do smallcaps even bother?
fyi Bed Bath & Beyond has outperformed everything on that list since the dip

>> No.22867931


>> No.22867947

Playing BBBY

>> No.22867964

Best poster in smg

>> No.22867991

After you educate yourself on how options work you can go and sell out the money options on whatever. Imagine being an insurance company and collecting all of that premium on people who think their house is going to burn down but it never does. That's theta. 10-20% yield is a very conservative estimate for theta gang.

>> No.22867995

There's just no way BBBY is going to report good earnings on Thursday..
who goes to Bed Bath & Beyond anymore?? pre-coronavirus once a year, post coronavirus never
Do people really think we're going to see what we saw with Target?
Everything at BBBY you can buy Amazon.. Target at least has groceries

>> No.22868017


>> No.22868020

It just has to be not terrible.

>> No.22868021

I've never invested in REITs before but I'm eyeing these ones. I'm looking for places the market is way too bearish like California, or not bullish enough like Colorado.

>As of December 31, 2019, the company owned interests in 250 apartment complexes, aggregating 60,570 apartment units, and 1 office building comprising 106,716 square feet.
>As of December 31, 2019, the company owned or had investments in 309 properties consisting of 79,962 apartment units in Southern California, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., New York City, Boston, Seattle, and Denver.
>As of January 31, 2020, the company owned 79,636 apartment units, all of which were in New England, the New York City metropolitan area, the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, Seattle, and California. It is the 3rd largest owner of apartments in the United States.

>> No.22868027

The best thing to ever happen on this God forsaken Earth.

>> No.22868032

I have UUP 26c for next week and QQQ 341 puts. Along with 1000 shares UVXY. How am I doing?

>> No.22868058

Dude, look at how many families own homes over time. A handful of companies and the gov’t own most homes now. Home ownership is going down overtime. And hey, maybe “no one wants the bags” and maybe they really are buying just to prop up the economy but facts are facts. Home ownership is disapearing fast, what happens when only a few own all the land? Probably nothing good better to own anyways and not think too hard about the immediate opporubity cost. I live in cali so home keep going up even when the market shits so i have the best of both worlds.
I dont even live in the greatest area and “made” just under 20k a year for about 5 years now in unrealized gains. Like 50% increase in value. If the market tanks 30% i’ll still have my money in this house

>> No.22868091

To add to this no one really knows how many companies own peoperties because of how many home ownerships are structured now compared to the past. No one even knows how many homes are owned by a few.

>> No.22868099

In regards to QQQ, you're miles better than people that have something retarded like a 250p weekly.

>> No.22868115

Not a bad pick with how many people your country plans to import over the next decade.

>priced between "everything is fine" and a crash.
That's a good point, it limits my upside if I'm right so I'll keep it in mind.
I can't agree with your sentiment on an inevitable crash. After extensively researching the levels of support available to typical American families I conclude the vast majority of them will hold on just fine. Families are better supported than businesses, but the news says the opposite. I'm arbitraging that information gap.

>> No.22868148

Did you take into account record unemployment, unpaid utility and credit cards, and missed mortgage payments?

>> No.22868163

ENB investor?

>> No.22868166
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>> No.22868192

Idk - to me, it seems way overbought, where even if the #'s were right at the estimate, it would still decline - check out 4 hour - 1 day RSI; to me this looks like shorts trying to protect themselves on a surprise earnings beat

>> No.22868193

is that the bilibili logo? lmao

>> No.22868225
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these fucking futures are going to RIP tonight lads

>> No.22868228

i just don't see why bother with REITs when you can just pick something without the uncertainty and probably still end up outperforming in the end

there is definitely a risk and downside, especially if you're thinking of residential REITs which are not priced at a housing crash valuations like commercial REITs (which in comparison would probably just crab forever at worst)

>> No.22868243

I live in an area that's fixing for a big surge in growth. Due to its location. Next to an interstate. Right smack in the middle distance wise to the two largest cities in the state. But it has loads of shit here as well to keep residents happy/supplied with shit they need. With all the riots and shit people will be leaving the largest cities like mad.

>> No.22868264

>get a text while driving, checks phone
>flat foots the tesla into a parked car

>> No.22868280
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Yes. China is booty blasted that Coco happened to acknowledge Taiwan in her stream. She was just talking about the countries her viewers live in but oh no, no no no, winnie the pooh no like mention of Taiwan.

>> No.22868289
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Dubs and I call out of work tomorrow and Tuesday... trips and I fake corona virus and take two weeks off paid

>> No.22868299


Call in faggot work is for fags

>> No.22868320

I can't stop watching coco vids on youtube bros...
these stupid hololive girls infected my brain
I think they are owned by T in some way

>> No.22868323

Yes. I'm betting against the overreaction to 10% unemployment rapidly falling, debt being repaid in records amounts, and mortgage support to every level of society from renter to landlord to mortgage broker which the news refuses to report on because it would make things look ok.
Do you actually have a counterargument? Don't mean to be rude but I've been searching for a counterargument, not just stuff that confirms I might be smart money here.

>> No.22868326
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Singles and you wage slave until you're 60 lmao

>> No.22868329


>> No.22868334
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You suddenly got rich off stocks.


>> No.22868368

What about the Sabra healthcare REIT lots of old people, I see nursing homes everywhere

>> No.22868371

Im suspicious he is lying about this and was probably texting or something and just trying to avoid the consequences.

>> No.22868372

Where is the stay on biz option? You don't think its actually possible to leave this place right?

>> No.22868378

Who is winning the election /biz/?

>> No.22868388
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>residential REITs which are not priced at a housing crash valuations
Look at this. Apartment values are in fact up, not down 30%.
What am I missing, besides the fact that everyone is betting on a foreclosure crisis?

>> No.22868398

Its multiple choice, you simply dont click the option as not clicking it basically means you'll be on here.

>> No.22868402
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Remember, you're here forever.

>> No.22868418
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Probably do 5% distribution. Which is generous considering the size of my family. Three siblings, mom and dad divorced and remarried twenty years ago so that'd be 5% each. Would still trade. Still shitpost here because it's fun and I like you guys.

>> No.22868425

You didn't explain why those things aren't a problem, you just dismissed them as concerns.
How are millions of still unemployed Americans going to pay their bills?
Where does the money come from to pay off credit cards?
What happens to defaulted credit card debt?
What happens when evictions become legal again and people start getting kicked out?
What if another wave of unemployment happens?
How will banks stay in business if nobody is paying them?
What is the FED going to do with all their bad mortgages?
How will the FED deal with inflation if they print more money to pay for things?
What happens when the FED stop printing money to pay for things?

>> No.22868439
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Inspired by this based man I might go to work in the morning tomorrow to do a few very necessary task, and then around lunch time go tell my boss I don't feel so well go home, not going to work at all on tuesday. After lunch is some weekly meetings and other useless bullshit anyway.

>> No.22868467

I meant 371* almost ITM

>> No.22868497


>> No.22868500

me would post portfolio every day and show off complete shitbuys kek

>> No.22868514

Not impossible. I rarely visited until I got back into trying to get rich off of stocks.

>> No.22868531

checked and based

Do you guys ever wonder, with how many posters there are in /smg/, we could unironically pool money and create a public company with members of /smg/ as officers. What would we sell? Would we finally make it?

>> No.22868568

Anyone in ODP?
Seems relatively cheap to me.

>> No.22868576
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just buy GME

>> No.22868577

/smg/ tried doing something like that it went horribly and anons almost got scammed but guy who made it was nice

>> No.22868601
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>> No.22868604

It's not dismissive, I'm saying the stats aren't gloomy at all.
>How are millions of still unemployed Americans going to pay their bills?
With their jobs. Unemployment is at 8% and rapidly falling.
>Where does the money come from to pay off credit cards?
Massive deleveraging has already happened, the news doesn't cover it. Student loans have been 0% for almost a whole year, the news doesn't cover it.
That's why the market has an unreasonably gloomy perspective.
>What happens to defaulted credit card debt?
Show me the defaults.
>What happens when evictions become legal again and people start getting kicked out?
The massive amounts of renter, landlord, and mortgage broker support the news refuses to cover has obviated this concern.
>What if another wave of unemployment happens?
Nothing short of the Yellowstone supervolcano can rival this year's black swan in the near future.
>How will banks stay in business if nobody is paying them?
They are priced for nearly-zero profitability. Interest rates are expected to stay at 0 until 2023.
Why aren't you taking advantage of that predictability is a better question.
>What is the FED going to do with all their bad mortgages?
There will be very few, and the Fed will take the loss. That's why the Fed has dominated MBS since 2008, to make sure it can take the loss instead of the market.
>How will the FED deal with inflation if they print more money to pay for things?
The Fed announced it will struggled to meet 2% inflation goal until 2023, at which point it will try to over-inflate for a few years to catch up.
Why aren't you taking advantage of that predictability?
>What happens when the FED stop printing money to pay for things?
Treasuries fall off a cliff, stocks pump even harder. 2022 or 2023. I plan to take some profits on stocks then and buy some TMF.

I do all this hoping you will have some valid counterarguments. The resi REIT play is only for 2021. I want to 2x on that and then put it back in growth ETFs.

>> No.22868608

i wouldn't count on a short-term spike in real estate prices to justify buying REITs.
there's a difference to having housing prices go up because people are less certain about cash/stocks and because interest rates are at all time lows, vs. the long-term outlook of real estate.

im sure they will eventually recover, but the argument for going back to 2019 valuations is basically price memory. Also this is ultimately a speculative play with limited upside, what's the point when you got better picks with fundamentals to play with?
I ditched REITs in my portfolio by June/July when it became very clear they were going to crab forever. Still made off with +15% gains from just holding a few months but that's pitiful in this climate right now.

>> No.22868642

>Giving my family anything
They'll just waste it on frivolous bullshit, and when I told them about investing the laughed at the idea.

>> No.22868648

A saw some posts implying that savings accounts were bad or a dumb idea. I'm new to finance in general so I'm wondering why that is, or if it's just a meme.

>> No.22868650
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Oh no, hes completely delusional....

>> No.22868657

I was interested but then they did the reverse split and I gtfo'd. Almost never a good sign even if the company is doing fine. Plus if the company is doing fine, rather than screwing over investors they should do a stock buyback instead (I mean they're so confident why not remove shares from existance where everyone wins not a reverse split where shareholders lose ironic how shareholder are supposedly the owners of the company but get screwed over most)

>> No.22868664
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They changed the overnight upside limit, why??

>> No.22868670

My "high interest" savings account yields 0.05% a year. Obviously not the same for every bank, but they are pitifully low and won't recover for at least the next 3 years.

>> No.22868677

Having money in a savings account puts you in a better position than a lot of poverty stricken people. The thing with savings accounts is that even the one's that are considered high yield are still 1-2% a year. Which is fuck all, and doesn't keep up with inflation unless you already have a lot of capital to keep in that account and not touch.

>> No.22868678

It's not price memory really. Price memory is assuming the oil market will ever be the same again without doing any research.
ESS owns CA apartments. Their assets have only gone up in value.
The crab is my biggest concern. Assuming I'm right, I have to wait until the market realizes it.
You made a good point about r/e being inflated by people fleeing stocks. Easy to forget that something can drop 40% while bubbling up 10% at the same time. That digs into my upside as well.

>> No.22868680

Lmao you couldn’t be more wrong.

Powell looks like a 12 year old about to grab his first tit at each meeting. They are out of ideas, the house is on fire and they have no idea how to put it out.

>> No.22868683

Why isn’t that adventure in some regularly reposted screencaps instead of fucking
> the bear will leave its cave foreeeeeveeer....boo!

>> No.22868696

because you're only getting 2.5% yearly

meanwhile retards here get +50% in weeks because they bandwagonned into a rally (GME GME GME GME) or bought into a chinese pump and dump and get over +100% overnight (CBAT). And the best part is, you just have to be smarter than 51% of other trades to profit.

then you have the crazy moon like Tupperware stock going +2000% in months, never mind Overstock going +4000%

>> No.22868719

If I was wrong you would have specific counterarguments.

>> No.22868732
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its cooming and they know it. plus everyone expects IV around 25-30 for the next few months

>> No.22868753
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>2.5% yearly
In a savings account?

>> No.22868788
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>unemployed people will just get a job
>credit cards are not defaulting
>landlord and mortgages have magical support
>unemployment cant happen
>banks can pay people with magic money to indefinitely operate without cash inflow
>bad mortgages aren't actually bad
>stocks only go up
Pure fucking delusion.

>> No.22868796

pretty sure they just wanted ON futures match day value
it was discombobulating global markets having two different rules

>> No.22868799

Your money is just stuck there doing nothing. The average yield nationally here in the US is 0.05%.
So, if you place $10,000 in a savings account, then you'll only gain $50 at the end of the year.
High yield accounts can sometimes go from 1%-2%, but that's still a $100-200 gain yearly off of a $10,000 deposit.
Meanwhile you can just dump that $10,000 in a few stocks you'll likely gain 1%-5% from safe stocks like Amazon; 10%+ if you're active in the markets.

TL;DR: Savings accounts are a stupid way to grow your wealth. They're just that: savings. You only put money in there that you want to keep safe from volatility in case something like the March stock market crash occurs.

>> No.22868800

how much are you planning to put into REITs anyways, it's not a bad idea not to be too overexposed to tech considering what just happened this month, but I'm frustrated by REITs by experience when meanwhile retail stocks have been recovering the entire time, never mind tech just absolutely mooning past and continuing to show massive growths

when REITs recover +50% in 2-3 years, I fully expect TSM to be +100% (~$150) by then because their yields only got better and everyone is thirsty for their capacity. AMD, NVDA, AAPL, QCOM, even fucking intel.
And even if you have no knowledge of semiconductors, anyone would probably be safe just brainlessly putting money into MSFT and even AAPL after it cools down.

>> No.22868816

it's probably lower than that isn't it, even worse
now that I think about it, GICs probably only give 2% yields so savings account must be giving much lower

>> No.22868855

Alright, I see. I was curious if having a savings account itself was somehow a detriment, but it seems like it's just because of the low interest yield.

>> No.22868876
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GME Chads, we need to create more inspiration art pieces

>> No.22868882

>but I'm frustrated by REITs
Same. Dividend has been going up but price is nearly yhe same. At this rate if NYMT gets back to a 20 cent quarterly dividend it'll only take 3.25 years to make intial back while tossing dividends at bigger gaining stocks.

>> No.22868900
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>> No.22868903

OK, so basically there's better things you can do with your money than have it sit there, assuming you're willing to take the risk/smart enough to invest well.

>> No.22868910
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I've made like 7 shitty ones so far, but I'm currently out of ideas

>> No.22868920

Read >>22867735
REITs are a bad bet right now.

>> No.22868940

Im in NYMT, it survived 2007-2009.

>> No.22868958

This is the derangement I'm betting against. Thanks for the validation.
Not much, maybe 10% of my port max. I am betting on a recovery by January because my thesis is that housing prices are already up and the fear will melt away rapidly, not over 2-3 years. They're priced low for fear, not because there's actually been a crash.
If I'm wrong and it crabs I've at least hedged tech a little, like you said. If the housing bust thesis is right I'll lose money but this thread has confirmed that there's no informed bear thesis, just a delusional one.
I agree that tech is a better 3 year bet. If I get in a REIT and it hasn't started picking up by December I'll probably get out with the same disappointment as you.

>> No.22868962


>> No.22868973

no, i agree they're fucking terrible
but at the very least they're not like airliners and at worst they'll just crab for eternity while everything else goes up another +100%

i'd have thought commercial REITs might start going up with Black Friday coming up soon, but it turns out only individual retail picks are trending up

>> No.22868985

>slightly down
Calls for an "aaaa" at most.
What are we going to do about AAAA inflation?

>> No.22869000

Poopoo peepee I buy GME.

>> No.22869020
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I'm gonna be a good little goy and just accept it.

>> No.22869038

Spreading your risk among a random assortment of commecial leases that includes movie theaters seems like an obviously bad ida.
I've yet to hear why apartments are going to go down, other than from NBC viewers.

>> No.22869051

We hodl goooooooooooooooooooooooooodl

>> No.22869057

That's what TMF is for! 3x 20 year treasuries.
Not now. In 2023 when we actually start inflating.

>> No.22869061

well yeah, I really doubt anyone can lose money in REIT other than the opportunity cost, and ultimately I still did make gains on it since I entered it May. That opportunity cost fucking hurts though, I was holding something 20% of my portfolio in REITs while my tech portion was mooning like +50% through June/July.
also the fact that there were 100 better picks than REITs back in fucking May that would have went up even higher by now

honestly back in May, it really looked like REITs were going to shoot back up since it was clearly an overreaction, their financials are still fine entirely, future was just uncertain. And it certainly went up as high as +25% in June after just a few weeks before it dipped and triggered my stop loss. And from then on, eternal crab

Fuck REITs

>> No.22869100
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>futures in 2 minutes

>> No.22869114
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/ES +10

>> No.22869124
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horse chads, we're going to make it, right?

>> No.22869127

Rank or pick stocks out of these options


Or is now not a good time to get in?

>> No.22869132

+2% incoming

>> No.22869136


>> No.22869137

yeah it's terrible, thought i was getting deep value, turns out it was just value trap
The market doesn't believe residential REITs are going to go down, like CAR.UN is back to mid-2019 levels already

>> No.22869140


>> No.22869142


>> No.22869145


>> No.22869146
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>> No.22869167

everyone FOMOing back in

>> No.22869178

Are futures printing? finviz didn't update yet and I have put credit spreads on spy

>> No.22869192
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>> No.22869193
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>> No.22869204

bro it's in the OP
does anyone even read the OP


>> No.22869236
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>> No.22869244

I don't even click the hentai links in OP unless it's furry lmao

>> No.22869246


>> No.22869266

nah i'm just a big fan of "AH" posting

>> No.22869275

The problem is you might suddenly wake up to find that the economy has taken a shit and you've lost most of your savings overnight (EG. just a few months ago). For the average normie, this is probably really bad because tough economic times are likely also the exact same time they would need to draw upon their savings.

Basically - you should have ~some~ savings account buffer minimum, then the rest should go into stonks that you promise yourself to never sell until you retire (or whatever other far-away goal you need the money for).

>> No.22869276


>> No.22869292
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>> No.22869297

Just use a savings account bro for 50 years, that's what most of the population does anyway.

Better not, leave it in your fucking checking account.

>> No.22869301
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3300 party tonight


>> No.22869302

i mean thats obviously a joke

>> No.22869316

Silver opened fairly strong
Watch Euro / USD pair (if Euro gains) & market bounce - could make for some very green days for silver this week

>> No.22869317
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Is your enthusiasm is high /biz/? Good. See you Monday afternoon.

>> No.22869321

Out of the brokers listed in the OP, what are the most favored by /smg/? I want a little more information than what's given on that list. A friend of mine is suggesting Robinhood since he uses it and has a referral link.

>> No.22869339

Thanks for your input!

>> No.22869351


>> No.22869366
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>> No.22869367

shut the fuck up

>> No.22869369

time decay of options
if you sell an option you are by definition short theta

>> No.22869372

I bought 2 shares of SQQQ on Friday.
I take sole responsibility for triggering the Bog pump algorithms.
You can thank me, if you feel like it.
It's not like I want you to praise me or anything, baka~

>> No.22869387

I'm settling on buying in when my favorite hits +10%. No use being there for a crab that might not until January or later.
Thanks for your input.

>> No.22869398

GICs give about 0.6%. "High yield" used to give about 2% but it went to like 1% during covid.

>> No.22869406

please tell me you dont have GME

>> No.22869410

Im confused though, everyone was saying that a stronger dollar meant weaker stocks but the dollar is still up and not stocks are up too.

>> No.22869419
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>> No.22869446

Can't wait to see loss porn from bearcels who held puts over the weekend tomorrow morning 8-)

>> No.22869454

>Im confused
Welcome to /smg/.

>> No.22869458


RH sucks unless you just want to trade on a 3-4 fig credit line to dip your toe in the water. Anyone serious will use a real broker like IB/Schwab/Fidelity/TDA/TW for options/Vanguard for ETFs.

>> No.22869461
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Gimme some ideas and I'll make 'em. I'm the artiste behind pic related (as well as the fox and the grapes)

>> No.22869465
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Theta Gang 4 lyfe

>> No.22869466


Eh, they're all pretty much the same. Just go for robinhood because it's the easiest

>> No.22869467

None of the people you listed matter to the prices of assets very much.

Simple as that, unfortunately. 80% of shares alone of owned by institutions, how many of the shares left do you think are owned by poor people after you factor out the rich and middle class?

Probs less than 1%, I'm pretty sure I read somewhat is less than 1%.

>> No.22869481


>> No.22869483

People in here are as bad as news articles that pick some arbitrary reason why stocks are up or down. I need to filter the noise, I know.

>> No.22869492

Dxy is heavily weighted to EUR/USD so a shift up doesn't necessarily mean deflation is happening. Stocks also aren't as heavily correlated to dxy as commodities so sometimes they move in the same direction

>> No.22869505
File: 143 KB, 500x253, tumblr_nwzggxgHcR1uaylcyo1_500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need one that mocks newfags that call it the next blockbuster without having any idea what they are talking about.
Just to shut them the fuck up.

>> No.22869506

Bulls in a crowded line to buy PS5, pedestrians are bears.

>> No.22869509

Or just have two brokers, have robinhood as a side broker so you can get the free referral stock and in case you suddenly want to buy a bunch of stocks during a crash flash sale, you can still take advantage of robinhood's 1000 dollar instant deposit.

>> No.22869531



>> No.22869540

make it yourself fag

>> No.22869548


>> No.22869554
File: 548 KB, 936x1407, 1599665219389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this but have coom cat as the bull

>> No.22869561
File: 13 KB, 263x192, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robinhood ain't bad for play money caliber trades

>> No.22869566

im only in it for the short burn or squeeze but it'd be hilarious if Gamestop ends up pulling a Netflix

>> No.22869579

>Wait, it's all Bog?
Always has been.

>> No.22869605
File: 17 KB, 428x330, 1536782535424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if Gamestop ends up pulling a Netflix

>> No.22869613

But yeah, that's what I mean. They think the fact that it might go under or whatever 2 years from now even fucken matters to us.

>> No.22869621

Palantir is the 28th

>> No.22869626

hey, even walmart's a tech stock now

>> No.22869674

basically unless a stock just uses actual horsepower to mine coal or something, I consider them a tech stock
like they just have to use some kind of machine or computer
I don't think that there are any purely agrarian companies remaining

>> No.22869684

>nobody talking about the hot caucasus war that just started

>> No.22869690
File: 64 KB, 920x1080, 1595883834728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

futures already peaked. slow bleed from here

>> No.22869693

I would give my mum and dad money, but more assist them.

Giving the capital amount of even 5% to your lower-class family members would be dumb and could actually tear an entire family apart mind you... Mine can't handle any kind of money for very long without some sort of supernatural strength to not buy dumb shit.

Glad it wasn't passed onto me fuck, I'd be waging in mac donalds otherwise with Wojack.

>> No.22869709






>> No.22869753

>The company will begin trading on Wednesday, September 30th, under the ticker PLTR

>The big debut of the week is Palantir Technologies (PLTR), which is expected to start trading in a direct listing on the NYSE on September 30.

>> No.22870002

good she deserves extended banned

>> No.22870040

Russian small arms.

>> No.22870234

Great for gun stocks, bad for abortion stocks.

>> No.22870406

I'm air national guard myself. It's the greatest scam in the armed forces.

>> No.22870408

I got a special promo at 2.85%