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File: 473 KB, 1092x750, DC0BBA47-25D3-4CCF-817C-F0573A644BC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22858479 No.22858479 [Reply] [Original]

Tomorrow’s the big yfmoonbeam presale day

>> No.22858634



>> No.22858675

Doubt it, the dev personally knows the YFMS dev and together they helped expose Gamma.

>> No.22859076

The contract has been audited, website looks real, and the MoonBeam people have even said this can work on their platform. Seems as legit as any of these Y clones are going to get

>> No.22859084
File: 2.42 MB, 1163x4846, scammers_2cgky08axa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes I'm excited to see niggers getting burned

>> No.22859266

YFMoonBeam helped expose that scam. Keep up

>> No.22859434

Fair enough, how do i get in?

>> No.22859563

DYOR before taking a random biztards word for anything but there are links to everything in the discord. Looks like they have their own smart contract to handle the sale gg/nBG3AhP

>> No.22860032

Apparenrly they offer a reward for anyone who can find a flaw with their code. Anyone who thinks this is a scam should be digging for them

>> No.22860055

Yep same thoughts after checking it out, I’ll dump my UNI stack in tomorrow

>> No.22860116
File: 50 KB, 700x497, aoOnB20_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thats something other coins should do as well kek

>> No.22860433

It seems like it would help everyone out if the project is legit. If the coders made a mistake they can fix it before the presale. I wish this was the standard

>> No.22860501

that's based

>> No.22860513

I got burned on the first initial one. These pajeet shit shitters rug pulled hard right after presale

>> No.22860830


>> No.22860977

The YSBeam people are the same as Gamma, not YSMoonbeam. Unfortunently you bought a WordPress website that didn't even have a github.

>> No.22861152


>> No.22861288

this one is the only developed y clone that’s compatible with moonbeam so it’s definitely worth 10 ethereum

>> No.22861632

All things DOT related have their day

>> No.22862187

why do you think that?

>> No.22863054

Just a random fudder

>> No.22863524

Min probably

>> No.22863786


>> No.22864045

Apparently Daryl Lau is in this one too lol, heard rumors in some trading groups

>> No.22864441

Disc looks packed

>> No.22865010

There are a couple people in it

>> No.22865497

When you know you know

>> No.22865956

Everything about it looks prime for a descent listing pump

>> No.22866896
File: 475 KB, 2560x1476, YFMB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are 400+ people a lot, im too new to judge?

>> No.22867084

For this type of presale, ya its a good bit. Nothing compared to big boy coins like Polkadot though

>> No.22867119

>29 replies
>20 posters

yep, that's a -70% listing pump

>> No.22867422

Biz not sure what to do with this info but YFMoonshot's team is also behind YFMoonbeam, their admins are using sock puppets in eachothers channels, and they have made multiple oopsy crossposts from the wrong account! YFMoonBeam is doing their thing on Monday and YFMoonshot on Tuesday. Why would they be running two projects at once? I can think of one reason.

>> No.22867515

Literally the same team as YF Beam. Another 1777 ETH rugpull.

This uniswap presale market is dead. Nothing filla bounce anymore.

1777 eth rugpull from same team as YF Beam.

Its a no from me dawg

>> No.22867571


>> No.22867742

Bullshit, they are all the same scammers. Biz exposed the Gamma scam and after the pre-sale was a total failure the same scammers from Gamma that run Moonbeam/Moonshot tried to play it off like they were the ones responsible for exposing Gamma to lend credibility to their other scams. Fuck you, Pajeet.

>> No.22867756

This is exactly why you are NGMI. If your dumbass sheep mind had any capacity for criticla thinking you would realize that if name = connection then YFMOONBEAM is closer to Polkadot's MOONBEAM in name and therefore by your logic they are connected to Polkadot

>> No.22867805
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Packed like a Mumbai train, with the same people too

>> No.22867900

If this really is the case (which would be incredibly high IQ and literally 4d chess) then the pajeets have become too complex and all hope for lowcap coins is lost

>> No.22867978

Explain why those other rugs don’t even know how to build a smart contract for presale and have all used Bounce while YFMB is capable enough to do that, while offering all of their code for open audits and a bounty for exploits?

>> No.22868004

I don't think they are respons able for all those projects but htye are definitely doing YFMoonbeam and YFMoonshot.

>> No.22868279

>If this really is the case (which would be incredibly high IQ and literally 4d chess) then the pajeets have become too complex and all hope for lowcap coins is lost
Not really, their shilling is always very obvious. You can see their samefagging tactics from a mile away.

>> No.22868338

Then explain this?
And how any shilling of any coin ever is different, legit or not?

>> No.22868464
File: 80 KB, 717x609, conspiracy-friends-they-are-not-ok-right-now-above-a-still-of-charlie-day-doing-the-pepe-silvia-bit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This honestly looks like coordinated fud from BETA shills. Unless you have actual evidence to back it, fuck off pajeet

>> No.22868540

you are the kind of person who loses as a crewman in Among Us. Can't trust anyone so trust no one, and be tricked by the one with the most interest to trick you ... in this case YFMoonshot and YFMoonbeam's team. Don't believe me I do not care

>> No.22868689

If you check in YFMS discord, a beta shill just got exposed trying to run the same fud campaign as you are right now.

>> No.22868711
File: 210 KB, 1044x726, Screen Shot 2020-09-27 at 5.35.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to your sinking ship you fucking beta cuck. YFMS already flipped your token, theres no coming back. KEEP COPING

>> No.22868821

I have nothing to do with yfbeta, I saw shit in the YFMS discord / telegram and needed to say somethin You can believe and do whatever you want with your money

>> No.22868874

This YFMB ramped up shilling in preparation for tomorrows pre-sale has the exact formula as the rest of the vaporshit scams albeit a bit more restrained than Gamma and Beam's firebombing the board.

I was one of the schizo fudders on yfGamma.
Any selling point regarding YFMoonBeam devs 'exposing' Gamma is complete bullshit, one of the schizo anons already proved their twitter post's screenshots were literally just taken from him from the archives. And yet the shills are still constantly ramming that selling point down gullible people's throats.

Every single of these vaporwave coins have the exact same structure regarding Discord/Telegram moderators and referral rewards. None of what I'm saying guarantees a scam. They did release their contract days before the sale and they have been putting more effort into their English. But if you've been burnt by the past few YF vaporshit coins and still getting roped into the inauthentic enthusiasm by the shitskins then I hope you get rugged so hard you jump off a bridge

>> No.22869884

YFBETA is attacking yfmb not yfgamma. The gammas were defeated and only the betas remain

>> No.22870065


Absolutely. Its all the same team scam.

Stay FAR AWAY from these boys.

>> No.22870095
File: 152 KB, 1269x763, IMG_20200925_185306_387~4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfmoonbeam and YFMoonshot team makes yfbeam and lose 95%
>try again to make a copy project and raise 1777 more eth

SCAM, do not buy. YFMoombeam. got caught copying their website and had to change it once they got called out. Theyre just copypasting projects. Stay away.

>> No.22870132
File: 132 KB, 828x448, 3DBE51FA-6C02-4FA3-8C31-8981C0567979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salty YFBeamer/YFGamma faggot

>> No.22870390 [DELETED] 


Literally this is happening. Theyre all shilling themselves, pretending to "audit" yfmoonbeam but are actually just shilling.

They used YGgamma as an obvious decoy.

Now they gonna scam another 1777 eth. Sage.

>> No.22870734
File: 394 KB, 2216x1214, Screen Shot 2020-09-27 at 7.01.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a literal pajeet from yfgamma/yfbeam whos pissed their scams got exposed

yfgamma / yfbeam:
both built with wordpress
both didn't have github
both ran on bounce.finacne

yfmoonshot / yfmoonbeam:
both websites built using react
both websites have github
both running presale via smart contract

yfmoonshot, which is still up 5x from presale just came out on telegram and endorsed yfmoonbeam and announced they audited their contracts.

does this chart look like a scam to you?

>> No.22870998

you pajeets truly have some 4D chess scam going on. Gonna enjoy the rug pull kino

>> No.22871267

desu the fudders are coming across way more jeety in this thread

>> No.22872364

Looking forward to the presale for this, will throw a sizeable moonbag at it

>> No.22873044

Fuck this scam do not buy

>> No.22873176
File: 179 KB, 1436x332, YFbeam YFMoonbeam YFgamma shitshow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post literally predicted the current situation.

>> No.22874210

Why do you think it is a scam? There is no evidence of that

>> No.22874700

Because it isn’t. The dev has been amazingly transparent within the last 30 minutes in tg. It’s a beautiful thing to watch.

>> No.22875770


as a non-investor/bystander it looks like yfmoonbeam is the real coin and the rest were just scams.

these guys are fucking white too, not pajeets

>> No.22876842

should have been DIA logos on that meme