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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22859050 No.22859050 [Reply] [Original]

OCEAN has been handling the situation much better than I tought, all the people fudding don't understand how good pausing the contract has been for ocean as a whole, at least there will be no big dump on us.

>> No.22859090

Fuck that

>> No.22859135
File: 11 KB, 259x194, pause.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22859186

It's done. Pausing a fucking contract shows how bullshit the whole thing is. I guess Daimler and BMW and the United Nations don't mind having their "data marketplaces" frozen for a bit, to prop up the token price temporarily?

What a joke of a project.

>> No.22859198

its not organic they have like 4 threads open fudding

>> No.22859224

It is the same few people that create the fud threads every other time, this time they just have something new they can say

>> No.22859261

The token is no longer liquid, fungible, or permissionless.

>> No.22859275

they must be excited with this new tool

>> No.22859359

They didn't really have anything before, just baseless predictions that weren't coming true

>> No.22859366

once they unpause it they can still dump

>> No.22859369

The hacker has now started dumping Synthetix. Lets see if their contract gets paused.


>> No.22859420

why didn't you niggers do the smart thing and just freeze the wallet

like VIDT did

>> No.22859423

Only half a million worth of Sythetix was stolen and the mc is 5x the size of Ocean

>> No.22859435


>> No.22859461

And the effect from dumping will be minuscule compared to dumping millions of dollars worth of ocean, which has a much smaller mc

>> No.22859521

It’s not fud. Stop being emotionally attached to your coins and have a reality check. Millions will get dumped and it’s now been shown it was never decentralised. They lied.

>> No.22859534

Sometimes stuff like this has to be done, just imagine what would have happened if they let the hackers get away with it.

>> No.22859541

they dont have a pause function in the smart contract

>> No.22859544

Are you implying that Sythetix won’t stop the contract because the value of tokens is of a lesser amount?

>> No.22859617

Probably not. I doubt ocean would have either if they had only stolen 100k Ocean

>> No.22859710

So the question is how much can be hacked before it’s deemed acceptable to stop a smart contract? What is the price of decentralization?

>> No.22859742

bro you cant stop any smart contact
it has to be written into it
ocean wrote a pause function into the code

>> No.22859766

Not really, they can lock the hackers address and it basically gets stuck there

>> No.22859794

I don't care if Ocean is decentralized. I don't use it as a currency, so it doesn't matter to me. If I wan't to use a crypto as a currency, then I will worry about whether it is decentralized.

>> No.22859798

Oh i see, I missed your earlier comment. So Ocean implemented an escape hatch Lol.

>> No.22859813

no you cant...
exchanges can blacklist it but not a dex
they can just keep swapping to a new address

>> No.22859920

Don't they still know where it was coming from so that they can link it to the original hacker's address?

>> No.22860221

Just when we were starting to come back we get all this fud keeping us down, that's really unlucky.

>> No.22860312

The good news is that if the hacker does manage to dump, anyone buying the dump will basically be getting free money, so the dip wouldn't last that long

>> No.22860580

I doubt they will dump, everything is pretty much frozen already.

>> No.22860687

not on a dex
an exchange like binance can monitor the address and add to the blacklist immediately

I bet Ocean does a new token swap though

>> No.22860700

shut the fuck up you fucking shill with your centralized shitcoin lmao

>> No.22860890
File: 26 KB, 400x400, ocean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care about the hack, I didn't sell when we dumped and I am not going to sell right now.

>> No.22861231

That's just speculation at this point, they didn't talk about a token swap in their announcement.

>> No.22861614

So now it doesn't work? The transactions are stopped?

>> No.22861718

yeah uhhh...no

>> No.22861757


contract owner needs to unpause it for it to work again

either that or take a $7m hit/ crash the token

>> No.22861926

Actually it does work, they can't keep it stopped forever, it must be just as a precautionary measure to avoid dumping

>> No.22862034

They need to man the fuck up and take the hit. It’s not their job to protect what everyone does with their coin. Every exchange has risks as we’ve seen in years past. What they’re doing now is fucking horrible. A hack is natural and healthy for the longevity of true price.

>> No.22862302

It's not even that much, why is there so much fud going around?

>> No.22862381

Ocean gotta protect those VC bags. Will they pause the contract when VCs decide to dump on you?

>> No.22862666

How much are you getting paid to post this baseless fud here?

>> No.22863066
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Hard fork confirmed, guess that's a good way to deal with the problem

>> No.22863095

>Hard fork confirmed,

This just gets funnier and funnier.

Clearly all the complex data marketplace machinery that runs "on" ocean (whatever that means) hasn't been disturbed by pausing, and then forking, the contract?


>> No.22863319

It’s not their fucking problem. These idiot just nuked their stupid coin. Fuck this lol.

>> No.22863546

They are forking.

>> No.22863902

So there is no swap? I can just keep holding my ocean?

>> No.22863946

Centralized garbage coin

>> No.22863962

Hard fork means the old token is useless
They'll send you your new OCEAN tokens soon

>> No.22864215

What will happen to my pooled eth ocean tokens? I'm trying to remove my lquidity from uniswap but it gets stuck on the confirm button...the transaction is already approved. What is causing this?

>> No.22864279

The contract is paused. Maybe the team will let you know if you can do anything, or maybe they are busy protecting VC bags.

>> No.22864304

What happens to those pooled tokens in the middle of a hard fork do they fork the pool? Lol is that even possible

>> No.22864335

I was thinkin about buying some of this.. now i'll probably wait and see if it goes lower.

>> No.22864497

Those tokens will be worth nothing. Hope they'll unpause the contract so you can pull the liquidity - they should...

>> No.22864876

I don't think it will go lower than 30 cents, I have a few hundred dollars saved for the occasion but most of my stack I have already bought.

>> No.22865097

So we just need to hold and we will receive the new token? The old one gets burned or what?

>> No.22865392

SNX denied the dump

>> No.22865714

30 seems to be strong support, I don't think we are going any lower

>> No.22865920

With a pause button in your smart contract your "decentralized" token is now a security, have fun.

>> No.22866025

i can still trade Ocean on Binance

>> No.22866542

the idea was to stop deposits, if you already had your ocean on binance then you can trade it.