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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 45 KB, 400x400, contract_exploit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22857482 No.22857482 [Reply] [Original]

Guys there is a huge exploit going on in $CORE right now where the liquidity is not truly locked. https://etherscan.io/address/0x1e559dba578e519c81c8cfd059714cd69b1bc706 has been performing experiments and found out how to unlock the supposedly "locked" LP tokens (just look at his txs...). You've been warned. If i saved you a buck or two feel free to donate to 0xe5fFA7a379De4300fA48E6eA83DE2c4b3B87D52c

>> No.22857512

BY MAJOR, I MEAN ALL LIQUIDITY CAN BE DRAINED. There is a way to "redeem" the LP (even pre-sale) for the underlying assets. Good luck.

>> No.22857566

1. https://etherscan.io/tx/0xb210910a467c7ba56b6c1f38d8d020f818ac8f2f98ac0817061c7ceded9f2ff4 fails from "usual" method

2. he tests a small amount using a workaround and it succeeds

3. large amount of liquidity withdrawn

>> No.22857602

keeping this thread bumped so people know about the possible liquidity drain. don't get burned on this one.

>> No.22857621
File: 44 KB, 600x600, TENSHI SAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't get burned in this one

Most people already lost like a thousand bucks in the panic selloff so it's a little late for that.

>> No.22857642

2.32 eth from a pool of 12mil
What a mad man

>> No.22857647

If you're still holding, i'd advise selling asap. the dev is just denying the problem exists because he can't migrate the liquidity. the whole contract and everyone's funds are fucked from this bug.

>> No.22857649

Bill mouth is full of cum and he cant stand a successful project so he have to FUD like a faggot

>> No.22857656

most people are fucking retarded for decided to buy a coin after it goes up 3500%. Some people shouldn't be allowed to control their money.

>> No.22857663

this fud has been addressed FUCKING HUNDREDS OF TIMES IN DISCORD AND TELEGRAM FAGGOT. All newfags pay attention, this guy wants to buy core cheaper.

>> No.22857666

this is only the beginning dumbass. the bug is that pre-sale LP holders can actually unstake, they just don't know it.

>> No.22857669

the project been out for a day and there are already a list of bugs...

>> No.22857673

Yes, it's been called an "edge case" but what happens when people figure out how to abuse the edge case. use your brain.

>> No.22857703

Bill mouth is full of cum and he cant stand a successful project so he have to FUD like a faggot

>> No.22857716

Are you blind? do you not see the liquidity being withdrawn on uniswap.info? Please tell me that is just some random 1/1000 chance event LMFAO

>> No.22857727
File: 22 KB, 662x478, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it was a scam, but I was going to try to ride the pump for some gains before cashing out. I didn't think it would all go to shit so quickly, I thought they would try to do like ORB and hit 10k or 40k before rugging people and I could recover my losses on other shitcoins.

>> No.22857728

Annnnd another one


$3.4k usd worth this time. not a bad haul.

>> No.22857738

>>22857727orb went from 39k to 12k in 15 minutes. You clearly don't know anything other than FOMO into coins late and without research. This is why you lose money. Put forth a bit of effort instead of losing mommies money.

>> No.22857741

Does this mean cyotee audits are useless?

>> No.22857789

OP here. Watch the youtube video. watch the part where removing liquidity using metamask doesn't work and he automatically assumes that the bug is fixed. That's not good enough of a test.

>> No.22857795


update on the exploit transactions, they seems to involve setting a high gas fee (.1-.2 eth)...

>> No.22857808

So that means cyotee audits are useless

>> No.22857822

He rushed it for sure. But the dev is actively trying to cover it up, which is much worse.

>> No.22857851

I didn't invest in ORB, retard. The sheer number of projects with "legit" looking code and paper dwarf the Y clones created by pajeets yet the rugpulls remains the same. At this point in time the shitcoin market is the same as it was when the bullrun ended in 2017 because of the sheer fucking number of scam projects pissing people off and turning them off coins. Now BTC is being bought up by banks and the IRS wants to know if you've made more than 20k on crypto. You reap what you sow when your idea of a "decentralized trading space" is "how can I fuck this guy out of his money and get away with it". BTC was a novel idea for trading goods but all these projects claiming to do something that never materializes have totally fucked the possibility of crypto ever being anything but a gay meme.

>> No.22857856

You know after being in crypto I’ve learned that people like you don’t have everyone else’s best interest at heart. I’ve been in your shoes. Waiting to buy too late to a project. Trying to spread FUD to buy in at a cheaper price. But look at you. You’re pathetic. Stay poor, pajeet.

>> No.22857880

You didn't invest in orb, yet in your previous comment you are comparing it to orb. Holy shit you're fucking dumb. Shut your fucking whiney mouth and exit the crypto scene, you can not handle it.

>> No.22857879
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>> No.22857896

No it doesn’t because I have invested $0 in this project. I just wanted to call you out on your obvious bullshit. You’re writing in CAPS for Christ’s sake.

>> No.22857907

That’s what you greedy fucking retards get for chasing insane APY

>> No.22857915

>$0 invested

>> No.22857926

$0 invested but you went out of your way to stand up for the project. Lmao sure thing.

>> No.22857929

yup, this one's not going to end well...

>> No.22857953

the whole point is that LP is "locked" forever

>> No.22857954

And I’m sure you’re heavily invested in the project and are just taking the time out of your day to post this. Fuck off.

>> No.22857972

I'm just tired of seeing people get rugged. the contract is fucked. there's no way to fix it.

>> No.22857978

Pajeets like you all are the reason why everyone from 2017 /biz moved to Twitter

>> No.22857995

I get it anon....don't trust anons.... but verify for yourself. you can literally go to uniswap.info for CORE and see the list of removes from the pool though. its def possible to remove liquidity....

>> No.22858019

Thanks op
I sold enough to cover my initial

I was all in but this is sketch. Looks like they are testing it out in increasing sizes

>> No.22858118

Looked into it and why the fuck would Coyote lie during an audit he did livestream? He’s not going to risk his reputation for a shitcoin. And looks like out of $80M volume there was $5K unstaked. Which if you did any research at all, those who unstable don’t get to trade the lp tokens which are the lifeblood of this project. But thanks for alerting everyone and wasting my time dumbass.

>> No.22858134

I mean... the dev knows about this and it is fixable. -----

"Yea im addressing that, thats not a smart contract bug rather than rounding error on the account of too much decimals and javascript is getting confused" - $CORE dev

>> No.22858143

Seems pretty obvious, he either doesnt know how to audit or audits fraud for cash.
He already audited 2 other coins that were massive rug pulls, idk why everyone is trusting this guy

>> No.22858148

Old fud


>> No.22858198

what don't you understand? the contract is not supposed to allow LP tokens to be withdrawn....but that has been happening now. yes, only 5k was removed.....cause thats all the guy who withdrew had in the pool retard. if he can do it though, everyone else can too. its only a matter of time until the bigger liquidity providers realize this, figure out how, and remove.