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22856257 No.22856257 [Reply] [Original]


It's funny how all of the threads I saw in the archive about it never got more than 3 replies at best, whereas obivious PnDs get all of the attention here.

The daily compounding gains I've enjoyed for 8 days now thanks to the positive rebases have made xeth the best gainer in my portfolio. And it doesn't stop here. Staking is coming soon, along with a proper whitepaper. Both of them should certainly increase the buying pressure, but not to unreasonable hype levels. And that's unironically the best part.

Read the website, see how advantageous it is compared to other rebase projects and most of all look at the weekly chart. You'll easily realize that this is the safest investment you can make in crypto right now, if you're looking to buy and hold.
Explanation video here : https://youtu.be/OY0AyrWSIng

Of course, it may be the "safest" but it doesn't come without risks. Namely :
>Sell tax/burn not being strong enough to prevent massive panic dumping/selling
>Liquidity is still low, allowing for uniswap bots to take advantage of the rebases as soon as it occurs making the price a little volatile
>it has no real utility other than being an investment giving you compounding daily interests - while there are incentives to reward holders, the fact remains that it's basically useless on its own and is reliant on everyone around you not selling due to greed

Do what you will, though.

>> No.22856275

I look at this as a hedge against Eth doing badly. If ETH plummets then I'll get paid insurance through xETH. If ETH is soaring then I can just sit and hodl (without losing anything) till ETH turns.

This thread will slide like the rest

>> No.22856306
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>I look at this as a hedge against Eth doing badly.
This could TECHNICALLY be described as a valid usecase. But a hedge that is reliant on other people not selling might not really the best way to promote it.

And yes, it's likely that this thread will remain unnoticed. It's a real shame.

>> No.22856339

The selling will make less of an impact once lp staking is implemented
Besides, holders selling is the only way to bring price back to the peg, which is the end goal. Although IMO they're offloading a bit too early. But less market share in the hands of big accounts is better in the long run, every time they sell a rebase they're losing a %

>> No.22856413

>But less market share in the hands of big accounts is better in the long run, every time they sell a rebase they're losing a %
As long as the amount they sell quickly gets bought up like I've seen this week, things should hopefully be fine even if they offload their stack.

>> No.22856448

yeah; these dips are getting bought up real quick. If we get real euphoria induced run 0.04 eth is gonna be a juicy swing. More than that would be insanity and probably not in the realm of possibility
But marketing is happening soon... maybe faggot CT shills will finally be pumping my bags

>> No.22856597
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I hope that the marketing campaign (if we can really call Twitter shilling a proper marketing campaign) won't turn this into a PnD because the FUD and disbelief that will result afterwards will delay the natural progression of this project, except maybe for gamblers looking for a quick flip. The main reason that made me buy was the expectation of xeth being a comfy slow grower, and it looks like most people in the trannygram channel think the same.

I didn't catch any pajeets, or moonboys trying to hype this project as if it was a new paradigm in crypto. There is the occasional seething message at AMPL but that it's.

>> No.22856611

>without losing anything

How true is this though? I bought xBTC instead of this and lost big, does this actually try to keep the money you put in stable or what?

>> No.22856669
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Not really. You don't lose money if :
>xETH remains above 0.01 ETH
>the daily rewards you gain after every rebase negates the negative price action, if there's any

The token has some incentives to prevent sellers and reward holders, but it's not foolproof to the market. So it's somewhat safe, but not perfect. However, looking at the charts you can see that it's been crabbing, never falling too low or rising up too high.

Numbers of holders is steadily increasing, and there are more stuff coming this week like LP staking as another anon said, and supposedly marketing.

>> No.22856703

dont buy this folks, this is the new promise of ampl gains when in fact its in the red and they are just waiting for you to fomo in

>> No.22856713

I don't want a p&d either but getting a wider audience is inevitable.
I bought xbtc also on uniswap and I'm down 50%, actually about to double down if it goes lower, but I won't be going as big on it as I am on xEth
The thing about xEth is you want to buy it as close to the peg as possible because there is no negative rebase, so no fear of death spiral at all
Since buying in presale I've about more than tripled my original stack off rebasing alone. I've bought more on dips as well. It's something to accumulate for right now.
Whales are playing the game of selling the "top" above 0.02 ETH. I'm playing the game of collecting rebases and compounding like a Eth savings account.
It's not really stable at the moment as I mentioned it's sometimes a 100% swing daily right now, very choppy.

tl;dr buy it low and win, you never lose coins and going below baseline is no longer a reason to panic sell

>> No.22856719

nice fud faggot, literally no one is down money on this right now

>> No.22856739
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>this is the new promise of ampl gains
I barely mentioned AMPL in this thread, addressing how some pajeets in the TG were seething at it trying to make xETH look good in a potential buyer's eye.
>when in fact its in the red
Since last week, I've been up almost 40% doing nothing while the price kept fluctuating thanks to the daily rebases. I'll remind you that they're also compounding. It's like a slowly building sandcastle. The chart I posted right above your post PROVES this.

>> No.22857382

feeling comfy collecting my daily rebases

>> No.22857948
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I'll post the TG channel so that you can at least follow what's being said regarding announcements, market sentiment and other stuff :