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22851612 No.22851612 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone tried or thought about faking being a jew to advance their career. I'm white but with my last name and appearance I could pass for a jew. Is this a good idea or am i just retarted?

>> No.22851837
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Being a successful Jew is all about schmoozing with other Jews, so you would have to be able to fool even the jewier Jews if you wanted to really get anything out of it. If you know Hebrew better than the average American Jew and look Ashkenazi why not?

>> No.22851964

there are tells for goyim even if you think you look like us and think you act like us, we WILL sniff you out
also stop falling for /pol/ memes, go outside every once and a while and have sex

>> No.22852077
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>> No.22852102
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t. seethingly jealous goy cattle

>> No.22852146

My little brother's friend who I secretly think might browse /biz/ is not Jewish, but for a long time he would go to these Russian saunas to Kvetch with the old fat Russian Jews that were a perpetual part of that place.

>> No.22852160

As depressing as this is, this

>> No.22852225
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I’m a real Jew but I guess I’m a failure because I haven’t made much money. The thing you don’t realize is that lots of Xers who came from upper middle class families pursued gay liberal arts careers instead of typical shekel-grubbing jobs in finance or law. Now I am going to inherit some money, how much I’m not exactly sure, by enough to not live in a trailer park or under a bridge. But now that I’m older I’m starting to think about using my Jew powers to network more effectively with wealthy Jews and benefit from some of the nepotism.

>> No.22852229

I already am a quarter Jew and could easily pass. Do you think they would sniff me out or let me into the tribe?

>> No.22852293

If you’re a quarter and you pretend to be really into it, the reform will let you be part of it no problem. Just go to temple or Jewish functions and start networking.

>> No.22852312
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Look at it this way: if Drake, who is half nigger, can assimilate into the tribe as well as he did, you should be just fine

>> No.22852382

I’ll let you in on a secret. The reform Jews welcome Schwarzas for virtue signaling reasons. But secretly we don’t really think blacks are real Jews most of the time. For the same reasons real Germans don’t think African immigrants born in Germany are real Germans.

>> No.22852450

So Tony Soprano was right to call Meadow's GF a charcoal brickette

>> No.22852569

I look more Latin than white. Do you think if I tan and try to do the Sephardic jew route I can get away with it?

>> No.22852730

just like when you try to act like humans

>> No.22852877

Tony was right about a lot of things. And thank god Meadow didn’t end up with that Mulignan.

>> No.22852993

You don't need to fake it. Just sell your soul to satan start worshiping moloch and worldly gains will come to you. But you are trading eternity for this. Just as the Jews who denied Christ their entire people's are cursed.

>> No.22853150

>We will sniff you out if you try and infiltrate our nepotism club
>Stop falling for pol memes

You kind of validate the memes kike

>> No.22853194

Anything that comes out of a Jewish Mother is Jewish. You are not a race anymore, jews are the most muttified race, you are only a people bounded together by Satan

>> No.22853195


>> No.22853294

I don’t have a problem with rational anti-semitism, but god and demons aren’t real, guy. I guarantee you that most Jews don’t think god is real and therefore don’t think Satan is real either. There may be some weird elites that worship Moloch, but regular Jews don’t ever encounter these people.

>> No.22853321

You're either descended from Satan spawned edomites (aka. Khazarians descended from Judahite Jews (NOT true Israelites)) or, you have shed the DNA somewhere along the way and have lost your evil power of the shmooze.

If that's the unfortunate case for you, just be a goy and work for a living. While you're at it, use whatever percentage of Jew you DO have left as clout to disclaim the holohoax.

Germanic people's major strength, our inability to grasp or engage (successfully) in subterfuge, is also our weakness.

>> No.22853387

Many Jews do not believe in Satan, but Satan believes in (((them))).

The best Jews realize the crimes of their race and bear the biggest burden of redeeming it by speaking out against said crimes.

>> No.22853472

They are real and you are a lying kike. There is no such thing as a regular Jew, you are all bounded together united against us. The Talmud permits that a Jew doesn’t need to be spiritual or religious that the most important thing is for a jew to be for Jewish interests and do whatever he must to subvert the goyim, that anything is permitted if it helps world Jewry. This is what makes a Jew a Jew, this is what a regular jew is and this is why there is no such thing as a good Jew.

>> No.22853575
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peak mutt neet hours, I see

>> No.22853636

I do what I can. I don’t care about losing credibility in the Jewish community of which I’m not a participant. But while my parents are alive I try to keep them happy. It’s bad enough to them that I’m somewhat openly far right. When they’re dead and I have “fuck you” money, I’ll be a bit more vocal. I’m already a TRS paycuck. I’m doing what I can to keep the US from going full globohomo.

>> No.22853657

Ok guy, well. Seems like your mind is made up. I’m not actively trying to harm the goyim. I just want to make enough money to not wage cuck and buy a home away from niggers and chinks.

>> No.22853756

nice projection. unlike you, I actually work honestly for money.

>> No.22853758

And you use your Jew privledge to easily get by in life at our expense so you can break free of wage cucking while we have to wage cuck well into our 60s, unless we somehow get lucky gambling in your people’s Ponzi schemes. You are harmful so long as you identify as a Jew and use your privilege. Also your people brought blacks and Chinese into the west in the first place. You should be upset your people would do such a thing. It’d be paradise without the Jewish cultural subversion and banking enslavement.

>> No.22853811

I do bring up that the soap and lampshades aren’t real and that the 6 gorillion number was decided upon for symbolic reasons and that the real number was probably lower. I don’t buy the neonazi arguments that only a few hundred thousand Jews died. If millions of other people all throughout Europe died, it stands to reason that several million Jews also died. But probably mostly of shootings, hangings, starvation, disease, and exhaustion. I think the “death camps” were always intended to just be slave labor camps and as the war dragged on, things got worse in those camps. Probably people were dying from disease and getting sent to crematoria and later that got conflated into rumors about gas chambers and what have you. But you have to understand that for the boomer generation who grew up post war, they all had parents and grandparents who never saw their family members again. So for them the stories ar very easy to believe and there is no way to talk them out of it even if I explain about Prussian blue and the math of burning 6 million bodies.

>> No.22853841

What is each European races' major?

>> No.22853897

I’m not easily getting by in life. I’ve worked a blue collar job for 20 years and have saved and invested and made some money in crypto the same as everyone else here. I don’t have a Jewy job. I work with my hands. I don’t have a Jewish last name and I’m not part of the Jewish community. I basically live my life like a goy. Jews weren’t the only people that were involved in bringing slaves to the west. Yes Jews owned many of the ships, but the American nation was founded 99% by goys and if they really didn’t want Africans on this continent, they had the power to send them all back at any time. You think 10k Jewish merchants in the 1700’s could have somehow stopped it? I own what Jews have done. You need to own that goys have created many problems for themselves and stop blaming Jews for every single thing. When you do that, you’re acting like a black who blame whites for everything.

>> No.22854700


based Hebrew national

>> No.22854940

Based enlightened and self aware kike. If only the rest of your tribe were not so evil.

>> No.22854955

Idk but I'm faking being a goy for spiritual success hope this helps

>> No.22854976

>Drake, who is half nigger, can assimilate into the tribe
Fucking lmao
Is this the face of diaspora jewry?

>> No.22855025

>Anything that comes out of a Jewish Mother is Jewish
This is just religious doctrine, it's relevant for religious retards not for actual classifications that are in line with reality. I never get why countersemites so happily adopt the laws of orthodox judaism as if they have a bearing on reality.

>> No.22855036

One of the best posts I've ever seen on 4chan

>> No.22855053

>so long as you identify as a Jew
That is the correct definition of "there is no such thing as a good Jew"

>> No.22855095

The mistake gentiles made was trusting that Jews are individuals, honestly. The "you’re acting like a black" bit is tiresome. Blacks really did not achieve anything regardless of whites, while whites achieved the entire modern/cultured world. Whites don't have an interest to destroy black society, while Jews openly proclaim what they feel towards gentiles.
Doesn't sound like you owe what our ancestors did. Although you sound based personally.