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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22845875 No.22845875 [Reply] [Original]

hes on crytstal meth, isnt he?

>> No.22845904

Yea pretty good chance i stopped watching like 2 months ago content fell way off. He just shills kusama now. I liked the ren content

>> No.22845923

An upper. But as American, probably crystal meth

>> No.22845929

He looks like a proud Chechnyan warrior. Mashallah

>> No.22845971

>ey yo egg yolks

>> No.22846002

How much do you reckon chico charges for a sponsored video. Cunt would be rolling in it

>> No.22846026

with not even 150K subs and on average 30K views, 50 dollar, everything else is too much

>> No.22846051
File: 57 KB, 257x210, chico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here he is 3 years ago.

>> No.22846067

to be fair hes a slave to youtube waging so him looking more burnt out over the years may just be waging

>> No.22846092

nice jawline brah

>> No.22846137

He looks like Rick Grimes from the walking dead. But on meth

>> No.22846246

Made some stupid commitment over a year ago to not shave or cut his hair until BTC breaks the ATH.

>> No.22846694

this guy is such a fucking moron
he was calling for a miner collapse
meanwhile, poolin posting pictures of their new machines 10 times more efficient going live specially for the halving
we're at ATH now and the retards who shorted it are fucking destroyed

>> No.22846755

looks like one of those kids that would of loved Insane Clown Posse and hacky sacks, but bless him for informing the retards of the NEET alliance community (aka /biz/)

>> No.22846859

looks like one of those kids that would of loved Insane Clown Posse and hacky sacks, but bless him for informing the retards of the NEET alliance community (aka /biz/)

>> No.22846978

nice doublepost

>> No.22847001

Who isn't

>> No.22847036

25k. PM me before you pay him to shill your shitcoin.

>> No.22847101

I prefer the beard chico, this one looks faggy

>> No.22847103
File: 37 KB, 240x240, 1600461071552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would he obscure his naturally good looks by taking on the appearance of a homeless drug addict hippie?

>> No.22847108


>> No.22847113
File: 108 KB, 1440x1481, DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22847121

he is a communist

>> No.22847130


>> No.22847173

>”tewwwwb” with his weird ass accent

>> No.22847204

looking like an actual ISIS member here kek

>> No.22847417

This, also manlet.

>> No.22847583

Hey guys Chico here, just for the record I don't smoke meth. Thanks

>> No.22847641

>Good looking

He looked like a faggot back then, he should keep all the beard and get ripped again

>> No.22847731

I know Tyler IRL. He's never tried meth or any other type of drug lmao

>> No.22847761

Cuz he made it, you can see that he has over 1000 eth in a single wallet on one of his vids

>> No.22847899

dude if you've watched even 20 of his videos or livestreams hes a pothead. tyler smokes weed weed weed and anyone who has been around for at least 3 decades can confirm weed is a gateway drug. tyler is smoking meth, why do u think he has all the schitzo vids all of a sudden? its the drugs dude, come on.

>> No.22847938

too much porn

>> No.22847954

Weed and alcohol ain't drugs bitch!

>> No.22847967
File: 40 KB, 640x628, 1567980455801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weed and alcohol ain't drugs bitch!

>> No.22847968

what schizo vids?

>> No.22847973

Alcohol is a drug

>> No.22848034

i would never do meth

>> No.22848097

90% of all hard drug addicts start with weed.
90% of all long time weed smokers dont do anything else

>> No.22848116

I still want to cum on his face

>> No.22848293

>anyone who has been around for at least 3 decades can confirm weed is a gateway drug
fucking boomer lmao you should make sure to go to bed soon to make it to church in the morning faggot

>> No.22848311

it would be a shame is someone reported this poster for being under the age of 18.
all youngfags are poor and pathetic jst like (You)

>> No.22848312

can you post it if he lets you. Thats the first onlyfans id pay for

>> No.22848324

lmao where are the beer boxes he had besides his head on that ugly brown couch

>> No.22848340

>t. 300k/yr, 3 years out of college, 2 degrees debt free
cope more faggot

>> No.22848632

>>t. 300k/yr, 3 years out of college, 2 degrees debt free
larp more poor wagecuck youngfag.
not my first rodeo. been on the chan before /biz/ was even created.
take your bullshit to >>>/trash/ where it belongs, nigger.

>> No.22848663

i'm not larping faggot, continue to seethe

>> No.22848674

Nothing wrong with the beard per se but his overall appearance gives the impression that he is a total mongrel.

Tell him to practice some basic grooming standards.

>> No.22848679

>not my first rodeo. been on the chan before /biz/ was even created.
this just makes it more apparent you're a bitter old boomer bitch who is salty they don't make money and can't fathom a fucking faang engineer making this much out of college.

neck yourself anon

>> No.22848708

He's still better than Ivan on Tech

>> No.22848760

>he replied twice to one of my posts
yep, hes a seething larp faggot who is triple assmad hes been found out.

like clockwork, the youngfag posters show absolutely no self restraint. ahh, the folly of youth.

>> No.22848780

found Tyler, how you doing bud?

>> No.22848793
File: 1.97 MB, 540x304, afuckingbitchnamednico.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer beard chico

>> No.22848815
File: 46 KB, 625x625, 1520660465777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he couldn't be further from a communist

>> No.22848838

yeah, meanwhile he has 60% of his folio in link. and he pumps coins at will. he's definitely made it.

>> No.22848859

'found out' lol, continue to seethe anon

>> No.22848871

i know heaps of oldfag guys from biz who have way more than that dude.

Tyler isnt poor but he isnt as rich as you think.
He admits to not being a trader, hes a long term value investor.
By the end of 2023 Tyler will way more than have /madeit/ tho as will the overwhelming majority of /biz/ everyone in fact except this guy: >>22848859