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22844017 No.22844017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are you supposed to get a gf if you are over 35 and still a friendless virgin?

>> No.22844088

you have a lot of other problems to worry about first, looks like.

gf will come when you solve the friendless problem.

>> No.22844161

That’s tough bro

>> No.22844174

Maybe lower your standard? The problem with you incels is that you all want a model gf while looking like Shrek

>> No.22844198

I get rejected even by chubby women

>> No.22844315

your only hope is marrying a poor thai woman who is also ugly but at least you'll get to fuck

>> No.22844359
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How does a girl officially become your gf? Do you just ask her if she wants to be your gf?

>> No.22844407

basically it goes like this nowadays:
>get her comfortable enough to be alone, she has to be into you, she will want to
>you fondle each other and eventually bring her to orgasm
>you put your peepee in her hole
>after a while, she'll probably ask if she can be your gf
never ask a girl be your gf jesus christ

>> No.22844437

Then go for fat whales then retard

>> No.22844455
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Not at work.
Don't make the same mistake I did.

>> No.22844458

If you're making out and spending time alone and it's a given you're not seeing anyone else then you're boyfriend/girlfriend.
PS virgins here should do the sex tourism thing in south east asian countries. 1) You'll have a blast fucking tight asian women 2) It'll give you confidence with experience and asian girls wanting you to impregnate them 3) It's adventurous and you'll have stories to share.

>> No.22844460

Start treating her like a gf, you can never ask her to be exclusive, you want her to so you have an indication that she wants to be loyal.

>> No.22844468


The faster you face the fact that you're an autistic loser that no one likes the faster you can move on with your life. You will realize that spending time sad about what you don't have kills you because it steals time away from going and getting what you want.

>> No.22844489


>get told to fuck off
>keeps talking

>> No.22844490

At 35, it’s too late. I’m 26 and have already accepted that it’s too late. I wish could experience sex and smell a cute woman’s asshole, but it’s over for us. Better to focus on saving money and retiring early.

>> No.22844492

lmao how the fuck are you 35 and virgin?

just go to a prostitute, you retard. Then maybe you'll lose the fear of talking to females

>> No.22844497

stop talking to her.
holy shit.

>> No.22844519

>strikes out
>still acting interested
>still hunts me


>> No.22844521

No it's not. I'm 36 and unable to connect with anyone. I've been alone so long it's over for me. It was hard to accept I'll never get to experience that aspect of life but what are you going to do?

>> No.22844542

Prostitutes don’t count, you utter fucking brainlet.

>> No.22844558

nice full house

anyway it's shit like this that reminds me that women are pretty much in the right when they talk about creepy men always creepin', I really can't blame them anymore

>> No.22844583

I didn't ask her to take it up the ass, I asked her to go out.

>> No.22844589

Correct! You won't be a virgin anymore so you'll feel like a normal human being. Plus girls there really do want to get with a rich westerner, that alone will trump whatever your problems with looks are.
Personality will come later as you meet people, just get them to talk about themselves by asking questions.

>> No.22844610

Of course they do you virgin incel. Stop putting your virginity on a pedastal

>> No.22844641
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Prostitution is paid rape and does nothing to improve your skills with women. As soon as you pay a woman for sex, you admit that you are a loser who can’t get something that 99% of men can get for free.

>> No.22844698

Prostitutes are good for shy men. If you become a regular with one she can help you feel comfortable around women.

>> No.22844728

Literally her first reply gives you a hint to drop it, she's with someone else she doesn't want to talk to you. If she said bored, alone etc then you proceed you idiot.

>> No.22844730

i actively avoid women at all costs.
they approach me now. and i gtfo asap.
they're not fucking with me.
dont care.

2 days ago 1 was trying to tell me i look like some country music star she has the hots for, giving me crazy eyes and shit. like i had to know who i looked like.. i was totally him..

i got the fuck out there immediately.
some other whore type girl was sitting on the sidewalk checking me out.
i completely ignored that bitch.
all within about 1 minute.

this is why i dont bother going out.

>> No.22844732

You’d still be a rapist. Very, very few women choose to fuck losers for a living. They do it out of desperation and childhood trauma. I could never in good conscience pay a woman for sex.

>> No.22844745

They shouldn't have to resort to that. Women just need to have their hypergamy curtailed.

>> No.22844764

She's a single mother of a 2 year old. I'm pretty sure she is bored and alone. If the guy couldn't even last 2 years with her she obviously used goods.

>> No.22844766

I don't know why people would want to date people at their workplace

>> No.22844794

Yep. Civilization can only exist when women's sexuality is curtailed. Things might be different this time however. Porn, SSRIs, and endless entertainment might pacify the leftover men.

>> No.22844823

Why are you even trying to get with someone like that? Come on bro

>> No.22844861

She’s probably BBC only.

>> No.22844886

Good thing I'm black.

>> No.22844899

Anon, woman are hypergamous! They rarely are worth the investment. They will get bored with you and find another sucker.
Don't get married, so I won't be divorced raped!
I'm sure the real unicorns exists, but they all taken by lucky chads. The ones that hit the market don't stay in the market for long.
Better, cheaper and more honest to use the services provided by PROs.

>> No.22844957

Find a friend not a woman in that case? Harsh reality is most of them will fuck you over unlike a guy friend

>> No.22844999


The first time is going to be shit no matter who you're doing with, stop wasting time stroking your dick to anime girls and buying internet coins and do something, retard

>> No.22845104

Were you at least 95% sure she would say yes?

>> No.22845127

My first time wasn't shit, it was crazy fun looking back.. we fucked like rabbits for a good few months until the inevitable break up

>> No.22845130
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It should be special to lose. Marriage is only a successful institution if women are virgins beforehand. Civilization is only stable if families are stable. We're just now starting to see the consequences of the sexual revolution. Insane people, lots of insane people.

>> No.22845154
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I was. But she just told me why. Her sister used to fuck around with her old boss,now she hates all men co-workers. This is a lost cause

>> No.22845222

holy kek

>> No.22845240

the best advice in the whole thread. Solve your other problems first, whatever they may be and then it will come naturally.

>> No.22845289

4chan is your problem.. stop being a fucking dopamin junky, chuck your phone, stop tapping an. looking at fag porn . Once you have mastered that join Meetups with things you like like I don't know what ecer the fuck your into join or start a meet up group, not in cyber fagland space but in meat space.

>> No.22845378

Why are girls much more status then men by default. How come Everyman has to be a chad and up to women’s standards but women do not have to be up to men’s standards? In the old days men had control of women not the other way around

>> No.22845420

You don't. It's over you are single for life unless you want some used up thot that is ready to settle for a good provider boy. Your only hope is to score a 20 something and marry her immediately before she experiences the cock carousel

>> No.22845434

This. The simps will defend women but ultimately hypergamey is a loss for both men and women. Women have their fun but 90% of them do not secure a chad and end up a post wall thot no children, no chance of a functional happy relationship.

Men need to be in control again and restore the natural order

>> No.22845460

Because men today are pathetic low-t basedboys that are happy with a warm body.

>> No.22845481

The top 20% of men devour the entire market. Survival of the fittest, you can see it with animals too. Ladies in their 20's are in the prime of their lives and don't want to settle for average guys. Plus side for you is you have a lot longer to find a mate, but if you cant excel past the rest of the crowd you will stagnate.

>> No.22845554

which hole? do you put your peepee in her belly button? that's where the baby lives, right? what if she has an outy, can she not get pregnant?

>> No.22845584

Yeah and you can only get AIDS once anons!

>> No.22845653

Fellow 35 year old archmage checking in.
OP, what bags do you hold?

>> No.22845673

33 virgin here, i dont give a fuck anymore. People just annoy me, i feel best when im alone ao i dont need to pretend and please everybody

>> No.22845706

If your genes haven't forced you to figure this out by now (i.e. risk taking).
It's over.
Matter of fact, it was over 10-15 years ago.

>> No.22845709

>Ladies in their 20's are in the prime of their lives
this hasnt been true for a decade. average woman is visibly past her prime by the time she hits 21, sometimes earlier

>> No.22845725

What bags are you holding?

>> No.22845730

>33 virgin here, i dont give a fuck anymore. People just annoy me
>I'm not the problem.. everyone else is the problem.

>> No.22845760

im 10 years younger than him and have double digit sex partners and a long term gf and i feel the exact same way

>> No.22845762

riiiiight, better luck next time dude

>> No.22845790

Devil may care attitude is the default for fucking on the reg.
If you are a male, > 25 years old, and havent fucked some trim... i don't give a fuck what you think.

>> No.22845846
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Im not saying everyone else is the problem. I just cant tolerate most people. Just dont understand normies and all the bullshit they yappin about. My long term goal is buy small home innawoods, have few dogs and a gun, idealistically i would love to work from home, but abit brainlet for those coding joobs

>> No.22845847

What’s “devil May care?” I only know devil may cry on PS4

>> No.22846041

For late in life virginity it’s often the following;

>not consuming any alcohol
>a non-existant social life
>pornography addiction
>Depression, aspergers, etc.
>Religious upbringing
>Obesity, poorly controlled diet

Attending school work or college, there would have been at least a handful of opportunities to socialize and get to know a woman that might be interested in sex, but there is strange tendency to self sabotage. If an attractive woman approaches them or makes her interests known, they can’t act right or are too fed up to reciprocate.

>> No.22846061

why friendless? what's your prob buddy?

>> No.22846106

If they wanted sex bad enough, it would be a matter of time and effort alone. Simply going out and asking for dates, playing the numbers and suffering rejection until they found a hole willing to open up would happen eventually, but they won’t. There is much more neurotic behavior going on behind the scenes preventing from getting close to anyone besides family.

>> No.22846160


>> No.22846168
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Get a fine lass such as the one provided

>> No.22846197

I got rich and fit over the last 3 years and now I have people offering me their daughters and friends and sometimes themselves but I don't feel anything.

>> No.22846210

You can only place so much responsibility on the individual. Why are so many men becoming incels? Our civilization is BROKEN.

>> No.22846252

"Hey chanon! Please fucku muh whyte baby girlfu!"

>> No.22846267
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First you get the money
Then you get the power
Then you get the women
Then you get the yayo

>> No.22846287

Imagine thinking you need friends to get laid. Absolute cuck.

>> No.22846297

Not really true at all. Some ppl use them because they simply are too busy to have a "relationship".

I for one have and wound again use one if work comes first. Like non-wage cucks who have large businesses to run cannot always deal with emotionally dependant women. You gotta put a lot of effort to keep a girl around sometimes.

Each to their own, nobody has to know!

>> No.22846308

Never leaving the house, jacking off with a flaccid dick and fertilizing their hands might having something to do with it.

>> No.22846315

Yes, and why are so many men doing this?

>> No.22846331

They have no other circle to pull women from.

Really it's an HR disaster. I've "fucked" a few girls from my own business, but since non were on the contract it wasn't such an issue.

On today's world, it's fucking risky. More risk than most business moves!

>> No.22846338

Who wants to fuck that kind of things?

>> No.22846346

It means being able to initiate and maintain a conversation without sperging out. If you have trouble doing that with a friend, it might make getting pussy difficult too.

>> No.22846367

You're a lost cause.

Don't mess with women in your work unless you're the boss. Simple as. (Or they approach YOU)

>> No.22846376

get yourself a fat but cute girl. they have low selft esteem because fat. exercise with her and bang, eventually will lose weight. profit. if she leaves you at least you banged her.

>> No.22846384
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Fucking hell man just walk away, she isnt going to fuck you and is probably going to fuck the boss she just bitched about to you. Don't do this to yourself, you are walking through a fucking mine field of pain wearing clown shoes.
>Read pic related
You could pick up a 25 yr old cutie tomorrow if your mental was right.

>> No.22846392

hey anon, I just want to tell you that is not over for you, I was a kissless virgin at 25, I suck at talking with people all the time, I had bad relationships with women in the past, even just talking, a year ago, I met a girl from some shitty dating app, we randomly started talking, we share the same values, she is really hot (with a great ass), even though I wouldnt want you to go to the psychological hellhole that is dating apps I encourage you to keep looking, it's never late.

t. average 4/10, with a gf 9/10 with amazing ass.

>> No.22846397

>reminds me that women are pretty much in the right when they talk about creepy men always creepin', I really can't blame them anymore
He literally asked someone he knows personally if she wanted to go out, and when she said no he was fine with it.

>> No.22846405

not him but one time i was talking to a customer at work and he legit asked me if i wanted to date one of his daughters. he was a rural farmer type guy though so i imagine he was just trying to offload responsibility of his daughter onto some other guy

>> No.22846410

Learn to do things on your own and stop using others as a crutch. If you don't have the balls to find a girl friends wont help you.

>> No.22846422

Yeh minefield for sure, the "I'm dying to know" gets me good.

If a woman is getting emotional, weather its a good or bad response in the context provided, she finds that person curious.

They will investigate curious males and usually end up fucking them.

Just stop please anon.

>> No.22846430
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Because women are the gatekeepers of humanity and it's in our biology to be fruitful and multiply. There were a lot of rules put in place women BECAUSE of their innate worth, though they've been weakened due to current collapse of our society.

>> No.22846447

Girls pick mates,
Men compete for selection.

>> No.22846452

Easily available porn, smart phones, medication, poor economic outlook, religious institutions, our sense of community, fraternity, familial bonds and masculinity are being replaced with consumerism. You asked me what’s causing the systematic destruction of life as we know it? The answer can be found in a certain tribe of fanatics with a monopoly on banking, the media, government and Wall Street.

>> No.22846476

Men stop competing if they realize the game is rigged.

>> No.22846477

Why does your life have so little meaning if there's not a girl in the picture?

>> No.22846507
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>I'm 36 and unable to connect with anyone
The older you get the harder it becomes, but conditions can also change and you, also, can change. I've seen it happen many times, but you have to really, really want what you're after. You have the choice to accept your fate or at least die trying to change it.

>> No.22846516

>for free

>> No.22846519

Sure, but a very large portion of Biz seems to wanna become wealth for a "waifu" so to speak. The imaginary desired women they wish to find at the end of their hard work finding wealth.

This is fine of course. Generally you will find better women if you focus on building your own "empire" (business, social circle). If you focus on chasing girls, its a waste and something only normies or those who are empty go for.

Each to their own regardless, personally I'm for the building my own wealth/empire. I have build my business since I left high school for the past 5 years and its all that matters to me, cause at the end of the day its the only thing that sticks around. Pussy is nice too though

>> No.22846539

redshield jews

>> No.22846564

>How the hell does his ugly ass get that much pussy
>I'm dying to know
She wants to fuck him. I'm sorry anon, but if you understood women you'd know this. It might not be something she's thinking of directly, but its defiantly crossed her mind briefly but subconsciously she wants him. Move on from this one.

>> No.22846583

Are you actually 35? Because by that age you usually are mature enough to accept your lot in life, stop caring about such things like thots and just live your own life.

>> No.22846597
File: 83 KB, 1254x261, postTits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the roastie, post tits whore.

>> No.22846599

I am 36 with no gf and almost no friends but not a virgin.

>> No.22846622

I'm nearly 23, and I feel like I'm already done with thots etc. I only bother with any women which approach me and focus on the building of my business.

Like I really only want one thing, wealth and the creation of future projects that will for decades to come, ran by my teams.

>> No.22846652

Indeed, and nature sorts out those that couldn’t be bothered to show up and try. Lots of people are frustrated they can’t find anyone, much less someone compatible, to date or fuck right now. If you decide, as I did, long ago, to check out and stop playing the game, you get that whole self fulfilling prophecy thing where you’ll miss or drive away any Opportunities for sex. You spend too much time alone or wire yourself to porn for your release, the women you pass when you do go out are just kind of there

>> No.22846657

im virgin at 21 because i literally dont talk to girls, never even tried really

>> No.22846672
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>> No.22846804

Wizard anons, resign yourself to being alone and dying a virgin if that’s what you really want, or get therapy and sort yourself out so you can enjoy sex and a partner which is fully obtainable too. Just shit or get off the pot, your only a cuck if you do nothing and whine about it or you find a solution and evolve. Nobody cares if you get laid or not but you.

>> No.22846851

Most women won't date anyone who they find out has paid for sex. It lowers your chances forever

>> No.22846864
File: 217 KB, 605x305, BC3305F7-C84D-46F3-AB40-F6C7C6C1C959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holds true to this day

>> No.22846865

It's actually more realistic to just change society.

>> No.22846870

It would be something you keep to yourself, especially so if it was your first time having sex.