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File: 395 KB, 900x1163, melencolia colorized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22843466 No.22843466 [Reply] [Original]

the charts are shizo on any coin that isn't BTC or ETH

>> No.22843506
File: 1.73 MB, 1125x1452, Amazing Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good book

>> No.22843602
File: 38 KB, 440x323, iranian police shoot a woman for not wearing her hijab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically clown market. Nothing here makes any sense, you'll see bigger returns if you stop trying to understand and embrace the absurdity

>> No.22843658

what book is that? I'm unfamiliar with it. I'm just aware it's art "melencolia 1" by durer
the OP pic is just a colorized version.


>> No.22843672
File: 116 KB, 907x1360, Now - Physics of Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what book is that?

>> No.22843725

thank you!

>> No.22843753
File: 2.77 MB, 520x293, time motion 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very good book
this documentary goes well with it:

>> No.22843756

Umm well you have "inflation", fighting the larger problem of deflation. Theoretically good for Bitcoin/gold.

Some news on institutional wealth beginning to warm up to Bitcoin a bit more. Bitcoin still tied to S&P500 though. Probably going to be correlated until a golden bull run. Many stock values at similar levels as shitcoins. Larger spikes and dumps mostly schizo as you say.

ETH dependent on 2.0 news.

Altcoins is a revolving door of new users.

>> No.22843780

Defi Ponzi scams are what's happening in crypto right now. I don't think defi in itself is a scam, but i hope all these meme food scams are regulated into nothing soon. This shit is unironically going to set crypto back by a decade once enough normies lose their shirts due to ignorance of the market

>> No.22843802
File: 373 KB, 750x800, 1598568419721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying to make sense of it all. It's so bad im almost convinced of buying a small bag of bsv and xrp just in case we go full clown world. I have no idea what is gonna be here and what is not by next year and defi projects making insane gains is just baffling. Im making small profits farming ROT and feel like an idiot for missing out on the early yield farming craze

>> No.22843807

the pump made no sense to me. the dump makes perfect sense. youre back in my world bullfags

>> No.22843973


>> No.22843978

also the movie Tenet deals with a lot of the topics discussed in the book and documentary I linked
very good movie

>> No.22844115

xrp is total trash no one fall for it please. defi space and uniswap is where the money is still. try ChartEX for a coin its quite new for a token but the chart service has been adopted by like 20k daily users as they are the best uniswap chart service and now have a partnership with Astro announced. The coin has made a nice bottom and I'd be surprised if it doesn't pump. If you do get this thank me by taking care of yourself and being kind~ laters

>> No.22844169

I lost so much on chart why are you shilling it? Ive yet to see any proof the numbers they cite are actually real. Even more than that I do not see a use for the token we dont even know if the anonymous dev can even program a succesful trading bot which is the only reason anyone would consider paying for a premium subscription what else do you know about chart that nakes you think it has any potential?

>> No.22844377
File: 14 KB, 259x194, key-to-success.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone can trade crypto and make a fortune, as long as they never stray from the number 1 most important rule of the game (see pic related)