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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 104 KB, 1200x800, orthodontic-options.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22842840 No.22842840 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, just got denied some extractions and fillings because my braces already met my $2K lifetime benefits or some gay ass shit like this
How old were you when you realized that the USA is a fucking 4th world shit hole?
>inb4 hurr duur go live in Sweden

>> No.22842879


>> No.22842887

are you 15?

>> No.22842905
File: 123 KB, 680x772, Nandroid+is+for+hug+not+for+fug_1723e6_7474810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm paying for this shit my guy
Not all of us were born with parents who had money you fag

>> No.22842922

How old were you when you realized dentistry is a scam?

>Tooth doctor

Give me a fucking break

>> No.22842929
File: 82 KB, 1200x820, 1600550209152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God can't be expected to do all the work
I do feel for those sad sorry sons of bitches who live in Appalachia like it's the 19th century still. Have you ever seen mountain dew teeth?

>> No.22843040
File: 58 KB, 550x750, dentures-reline-denture-visage-toowoomba-Nathaniel-Davies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the few cases where being poor is a good thing. Fillings lead to never ending tooth pain/problems/procedures when they fail ending in root canal and extractions. Extractions are the worst thing you can do, having a decayed tooth filled with holes is preferable to the rapid aging, diminished jawbone and smaller airways it will cause, not to mention the inability to eat many foods.
Never going to the denti$t again is unironically the best thing you can do for your oral health. Just cut sugar, eat more nutrient-rich animal foods, and you'll never have an issue again.

>> No.22843075 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 1120x977, grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not my fault you we're born to shitty parents. Fuck off.

>> No.22843101
File: 136 KB, 1120x977, grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not my fault you were born to shitty parents. Fuck off.

>> No.22843103
File: 216 KB, 1920x1080, 1600099294231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sociopaths like yourself deserve the rope

>> No.22843129

nah my teeth are pretty fucked up m8
I mean of course there's a fucking conspiracy behind the tooth jew on 4flan
what ever the fuck mewing is like flexing your jaw is gonna magically straighten that shit out lmao

>> No.22843234

>How old were you when you realized that the USA is a fucking 4th world shit hole?
Starting noticing the cracks in my early 20s. Solidified by 26-27.

I actually left for over a year in 2016. Only came back because the tech industry pays the best in the world. Now that I'm in a position to start reprioritizing and I'm remote, I'm looking to leave again.

USA sucks and I wish that wasn't the case. I ask myself "what reason do I have to enjoy being here?"

Because I enjoy paying landlords stupidly high rent?
Because I enjoy 40% tax that goes to the shittiest public transportation I’ve seen in my life?
Funding single motherhood?
Receiving no healthcare from the state and getting gouged for IV gatorade due to artificially low supply of doctors?
Because I enjoy being literally and figuratively looked down on?

It’s in my blood; it’s in our heritage to eventually see that things have gotten so bad, that the elite have elevated themselves to such an untamed status that it’s better to say “fuck it” and hop on a boat and see what you can find.

>> No.22843308

i was 16. i haveng lived in america since 2003 and life is good.

>> No.22843316

I've spent about $675 in the last month on an exam, a cleaning and two fillings and i'm not done. Finance tip: floss and brush twice a day

>> No.22843348

Why didn't you brush and floss your teeth mroe often, op? That's gross

>> No.22843527

mismashed teeth and hard to reach areas to clean (((braces)) should straighten that out

>> No.22843546
File: 316 KB, 622x418, Teeth-weston-a-price-cavities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dentists are taking on $200-300k in loans at a time when everyone is losing health insurance--obviously an honest man won't succeed under such pressures. Prevention will always be the only cure, looking to "experts" to solve your problems for you is a fool's errand. I'll bet my teeth are far worse than yours. 20+ fillings already and I'm still young, yet as soon as I stopped eating grains/sugar and switched to mainly carnivore with some fruit and veg, I've had no issues since. Small cavities in the dentin can even disappear given proper nourishment. It may be too late for us to regain what we've lost through diet or to espouse radical change using Mew's methods, but we can certainly practice them to prevent further degradation and to guarantee the next generations never experience the poor health modernity has thrust on us.

>> No.22843636

Exactly this. The Bernie haters on this are idiots who’ve never interfaced w the medical world. Biden and for sure that faggot trump will give insurance co’s all the power

>> No.22843673

Not to mention that obscene amount of alcohol people tend to cumsoom.
That coupled with a shit diet is recipe for terrible teeth.
We're bombarded with adverts as soon as we are able to read
We live in a 4th world dystopian hellscape

>> No.22843884

it ok anon.
i had perfect teeth once.
just last week broke another 1 brushing them.
i had dentists drill teeth and fill them in when i never in my life had a problem with them..
not those teeth i cant chew at all with, not even a soft slice of bread, nothing.
so my face muscles atrophied on 1 side after some years. not using 1 side of my face.
then the fillings i did have, all fell out.
so i have brown cavities all throughout.
still have stumps/tooth rot where my wisdom teeth were. never removed..
they are cut/stumped right at the gum. used to be wisdom teeth there. now just decayed stumps.
dentist helper cleaned my teeth once and scraped the fuck out of inbetween my teeth
resulting in brown lines of decay. and widening the gaps between my teeth for more fuckery/flossing/shit getting stuck in there.
can't eat anything without caking in between my teeth half a fucking steak worth of debris.
used to have perfect teeth.
used to always get complimented on my perfect white teeth.
went to the dentist, and after getting them scraped/drilled/enamel ground off etc.
have a mouth of horror.
i havent smiled in 5+ years, because it offends/freaks people out.
i can never smile at anyone for the rest of my life.
i have tried going to the dentists 4 times this year alone and the fucking covid shit just sets me further back.

had 3 teeth break this year. insane tooth aches.. call dentist get appointment, get it canceled from covid.. they tell me theyre booked out for 4+ months..
have 1 retard dentist tell me i need 8 teeth removed. when all they need is to have the fillings that fell out put back on..
that white shit they hit with the light would fix them for a few years np..

visually theyre bad, but performance wise, eating/chewing they are 100% fine.

i got through the years of pain by reminding myself "people lived with tootaches since forever"
if someone pisses me off. i will smile at them.
but i can smile to people to be nice/frendly anymore.

>> No.22843904

I was born with genetics that gave me straight, proportional, teeth. My wisdoms came in straight and fine too.
I am white.

>> No.22843952

beware the dental assistant the fucks inbetween your perfect teeth with her metal scraper.

>> No.22844320

That's rough. Can only trust yourself. When mine fall out I plan to ask them to refill without drilling, otherwise you'll lose a lot more tooth. Additionally, try eating raw dairy, butter, liver. They contain all that teeth are made of (hydroxyapatite + vit A,D,E) and can heal them from within. Has worked for many with toothaches. Search Ramiel Nagel for more info.