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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22835050 No.22835050 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate niggers


>> No.22835141
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>thinking someone called BasedMan couldnt get anymore based

>> No.22835221
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>> No.22835234

You hate someone for being humble enough to admit they need help. You try panhandling. I hope someone spits on you too.

>> No.22835255


>> No.22835261

fuck off nigger imagine the hacker will even give one shit about them.

>> No.22835270

I call it bluff anon. Put your money where you mouth is. We all need help.

>> No.22835276

No, we just hate niggers, NIGGER.

>> No.22835283

Wanna gib me some shticoins then faggot?

>> No.22835285

I'm black and I never ask for crypto.
Link $1000 eoy

>> No.22835302

I didnt say i donate. I said i dont spit on someone while they ask for help. This OPs anger isnt justified and neither is the racism here

>> No.22835303

Thanks just sold my bags

>> No.22835326

>asking a hacker to helping them

yeah if he wants some ps5 just ask a looter for it then right?

>> No.22835329

Fucking Kantian pussy. Swim or die. If you can't figure it out yourself, you are just a meal

>> No.22835359

im swimming just fine, jew.
I cant wait until your people swim with us again

>> No.22835393

good one. Go reeee at your mom at arbies again

>> No.22835401

I just don't like niggers. Why would I?

>> No.22835432

I expect no different from a simpleton media consoomer. I guess you are eurotrash or Midwestern

>> No.22835437

Everyone wants to be nice to the homeless till they corner you and start saying that they're Jesus and know how to filter gold out of peoples blood.

Fucking panhandlers.
>Thinks they can go about interrupting other peoples day without backlash
>Doesn't even factor in backlash as part of the exchange for being a god damn begger
What is this fucking "gimme gibs" logic?

I sure hope no one here ever falls for this shit. Pro tip, people in need don't wander around in parking lots asking for money.

>> No.22835445

Jew? What has being self sustainable to do with being jewish, stormfronter

>> No.22835451

suck more jew dick apparently your loving it

>> No.22835469

hating the poor is more commonly jewish. Kicking people while they are down. Boasting. Claiming mental and and physical superiority to the poor. These are all jewish traits. Your posting in a shrecking on a poor dude gave you away

>> No.22835475

Based. Exactly. Fuck you niggers, pieces of shits begging for gibs is your natural quorom

>> No.22835482


>> No.22835487

you know when homeless dont corner people? When people carry guns. Eurotrash like you should lobby the jews for your guns back retard. Or live in fear

>> No.22835506

Based and slapping his pajeet ass pilled.

>> No.22835519

I’ll send him some BREEV

>> No.22835537

except i never said you should donate. I said to stop hating the poor.
Youre as dumb as a woman

>> No.22835546

Send him some niggercoin

>> No.22835560

no one hates the poor here, we hate niggers asking for gib from a fucking hacker who did nothing good.

>> No.22835565


> "ow Mr.Sir that hurts but if you pleasing more?"

>> No.22835569

You’re such a nigger licker. Do you simp for any other race or specifically niggers?

>> No.22835575

Wasn't BREV made for this?

>> No.22835576

> Kicking people while they are down
I'm going to let you in on a secret. Poor people, at least in the western world, are poor because they are lazy bastards. If you wanted to put in the work/effort you can, but people don't. They want to smoke weed, get drunk, etc. daily. They want to neet it up. There is nothing wrong with that, but don't pretend they aren't poor for a reason.

>> No.22835590

your racism is unbecoming. I believe black and white union is essential to defeat the jew

>> No.22835603

jew. Keep your opinions, finklestein. I dont want them and certainly dont ask me to pay you for that shit. Read the first 5 words. Nope

>> No.22835612

In minecraft this is a good strategy though. Some bros make multiple twitter profiles (also in minecraft) and post BLM stuff asking for money for bail and stuff.

>> No.22835625

Something wrong with you man. Not everyone is going to view the world the same way as you

>> No.22835629

I should add that they were white and racist and don't live in dem shitholes. I just assumed you would understand.

>> No.22835632

we americans see black people as "us". Get on board or your one of the jews

>> No.22835653


>> No.22835696

and i pretty much hate chinese and indian. But thats not a race more like just a people who sold their soul to the jew

>> No.22835717

>lazy nigger beggers don't use crypto
>this is probably someone pretending to be black and scamming losers out of their money
hello, based department? Yes, I have something to report.

>> No.22835732

Lmao what a naive pipe dream from someone who doesn't live around blacks. Jews may be more plotting and existentially dangerous but niggers are unironically brutal animalistic automatons. There's no internal life there, just clicking parts designed to steal and kill. Maybe 2% are human.

>> No.22835735

Jews import niggers so they don’t have to wait for the native population to mature into adulthood and take out a loan. They have an instant 1 million new loan applications backed by eurotrash govt. in every comment you attack the Jew and defend the nigger. So bizarre considering neither a Jew nor nigger would ever defend you.

>> No.22835738
File: 614 KB, 1077x788, 4ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? No donation? Are you perhaps a racist white supermacist nazi?

>> No.22835751

Oh i stand corrected. He is a nigger or someone coping for the fact he has niggered family.

>> No.22835756

>we americans see black people as "us". Get on board or your one of the jews
The jews want multiculturalism, not actual white people.

>> No.22835766

same could be said for white people. I guess you havent met the same people.
No one ever said the white man isnt passionate and angry. They are. Put the white man in the black mans shoes and hed still be pissed about just getting the vote too and his grandparents being literal slaves.

>> No.22835784

Your nazi propaganda means nothing to me. Clearly the nazis lost for attacking autistics and blacks. How stupid.

>> No.22835791

You sound like a complete faggot.

>> No.22835801

No this guy doesn't need help his profile pic is of him with ski goggles. Anyone who can afford to ski isn't poor. He's also not homeless if he's in crypto he's clearly just a lazy nigger. Also the BLM bs kinda seethed me too. I'd piss on this man let alone spit on him.

>> No.22835804

>we americans see black people as "us". Get on board or your one of the jews
Nigger confirmed

>> No.22835806

Id like to have a lot of black babies for sure as it should be. Impregnate black women put your seed in them. As it should be

>> No.22835814

People who really leverage attention solely on jews are often anti-white leftists trying to distract you from the murder and rape enacted by browns and blacks through jews first and then just onto the '1%'. Both increasingly abstract things that lead you to inaction and dead ends.

At least jews are human, even if a great deal are plotting and hatefilled. Jews may be orchestrating the current events but it simply wouldn't work if not for the evil, destructive nature of blacks and browns.

>> No.22835820

Yet im right. Black and white have more similarities to each other. And both should hate the jew together rather than let the jew make them fight

>> No.22835822

hi crypto nigger? want to be my friend? my friends think im a racist and I need a nigger friend to cool the heat. (not paying in kfc or watermelon for this position)

>> No.22835834

he doesn't even close to the word "poor"


>Mountain Bike

>> No.22835837

small dick confirmed

>> No.22835844

This might be the solution if you're white. Bleach all the niggers because they clearly can't develop a society on their own. This is what the Jews want. A future filled with low iq nigger mutts that are easily controlled. Look at Africa. Name me one single good aspect of African society? The whole continent is a gapping shithole despite having some of the best growing conditions on the planet. Still can't figure out basic agriculture.

>> No.22835845

Im irish, so my ancestors were slaves for a lot of history whether in the barbary slave trade or indentured servitude. You know what else, so was literally every other group on earth at some point.

Maybe blacks are just violent hominids simply not up to speed for modern human civilization.

>> No.22835856

Go to >>/pol/

>> No.22835861

same evil destructive nature as the whites you faggot. School shooters, meth heads and heroin addicts

>> No.22835869

> jews 80% european dna
> blacks 90% african dna 10% some weird east coats monkey that no other race shares dna with

>> No.22835879

It is just a baiting /b/tard. Report for trolling outside of /b/ and get him the 30 day ban. No point in entertaining an ugly man that wants to be an even uglier woman

>> No.22835893

funny the irish is who i had in mind as the extremely violent white man. Your kind is the man pest in my city and i do fear you irish far more than blacks

>> No.22835896
File: 53 KB, 797x509, laughter-free-arabian-legion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were black and Muslim soldiers who volunteered to fight with them.

>> No.22835899

Literal niggercope.
> no knowledge of social stats: check
> high oestrogen emotional liability: check
> poor following of argument and response: check

>> No.22835907

How do you account for the fact that the most wealthy nigger neighborhoods have more crime than the poorest white neighborhoods. What about the lack of white men raping black women. Or how about the leading cause of death for blacks under 30 being being murder and whites being car accidents. Should we look at interracial assaults. Maybe you can simp me some info on black high school graduation rates. Maybe gibs arent going to work since they’ve been taking from society for so long . No wonder planned parenthood was designed to keep the black population at bay and ginsburg considered them undesirable.

>> No.22835912

so get to it. Your not helping humanity with your brain thats for sure. I read the first sentence. Correct. Now go do it

>> No.22835917

When they see a crowd with their hand up like they're asking for something you bet niggers ain't missing out

>> No.22835928

wow the lies go far. Volunteered? No. Maybe paid well. Blacks hate the jews.

>> No.22835952

No thanks. I made white babies and am self sufficient. The closest nigger is probably 100 miles or more from me

>> No.22835954

jewish trickery. The same media could focus on white crimes happening all around but no one cares when methd out Stacey hits her son for the 8th time that day

>> No.22835974

Right you're trolling. You got me well.

>> No.22835981

As long as its not jewish. Good work friend

>> No.22836003

not trolling. Also not reading most of these racists spitting out 10 paragraphs about what Fox news told them

>> No.22836039
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>muh dick

>> No.22836046

Wait, it actually works?
Literally the perfect crime. Morally speaking.

>> No.22836051

woah. Micro penis levels detected

>> No.22836093

Top notch bait

>> No.22836111

Why do Jews an black both smell so bad? So the blind can hate them too. What’s the difference between dog shit and black people? Dog shit turns white and stops smells when it gets old. Can you tell me the difference between a large pizza and a nigger? A pizza can feed a family of four. A nigger breaks into your house how do you get him out? A job application. Nigger spear chucked coon biglips. Why do Jews have big noses? Air is free. The only thing worse than the Holocaust is not having a second holocaust. How long does it take for shaniqua to take a shit? Nine months.

>> No.22836115

>targeting the most down ethnic group in the world and repeatedly metaphorically kicking them
>then saying that’s a trait of the group you are targeting
You should listen to the Michael Jackson song “man in the mirror”. It’s a good song. This is /biz/, by the way. The racist roleplay forum is over there.

>> No.22836124
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>> No.22836143
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>I'm swimming just fine jew.
Weren't you JUST whining about racism? Haha retarded hypocrite faggot.

>> No.22836152

some great classics in there

>> No.22836165

Smart negro

>> No.22836188

Oh wow. The single most privledged ethnicity on earth needs to make sure you and everyone knows they are an oppressed minority same as black people if not MORE oppressed.

Not buying it jew. Your place is working, not sitting fat and happy in your mansion.

>> No.22836203

Speak for yourself nigger lover.

>> No.22836213

imagine being this stupid. The jewish religion incorporated into a race specifically to avoid criticism. You dont see the catholics claiming racism when criticized. Your religion is evil and the culture around it is disgusting and filled with usury

>> No.22836238

Loving black people is doing gods work.

>> No.22836254

>The whole continent is a gapping shithole despite having some of the best growing conditions on the planet

Actually, that's precisely why it's a shithole. Cold, northern, high-latitude regions have higher GDPs and IQs for a reason: regions with harsher climates had more evolutionary pressure on IQ.

>> No.22836266

Why do niggers have white palms and feet? Everyone has a little good in them.

>> No.22836284

>26 posts by this id
Why are you seething?

>> No.22836307

actually the iq test was written by white people to test for white cultural aptitudes. If the black person wrote the iq test, it would favor black people as the higher iq. Its a bias you idiot. Everyone who talks about psychology or neuroscience never knows anything. Its not fucking voodoo. Its statistics and logical leaps

>> No.22836323

racism just to be racist annoys me to be honest

>> No.22836328

He’s baiting and having great success, everyone else ITT is seething and giving him (you)s

>> No.22836344

Panjeet confirmed. Only has .4 uni left.

>> No.22836366

Then why do Asians do well on the white mans test? What’s the difference between a boomerang and a nigger dad? A boomerang comes back

>> No.22836369
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>muh racism
Fuck off and die, do you know where you are? I hope you, your mother, and any other female relatives of yours get raped by a pack of niggers.

>> No.22836383

someone send him some money just to make biz seethe

>> No.22836385

Slow down, Mel.

>> No.22836393

It’s not the fact that he’s asking for money, but the BLM part that would immediately disqualify him if I were even considering sending him money

>> No.22836447

asians study us to be us. I work with all chinese and indian and once all the white people are gone and they have no one to copy then you see how smart they are.
Its like a mouse finding cheese is much faster than without cheese. Chinese found cheese being as white culturally as possible. As well as historically their societies were set up closer to ours, vs black was closer to native american or aborigines. All of the above is okay its just differences people think makes them better.

>> No.22836459

not to mention he's begging from a fucking piece of shit HACKER

>> No.22836475

Little bitch. You wouldn't say that to my face. Faggot.
Ill make it my goal in life to get a black man to anally destroy your mother

>> No.22836492

>30 posts by this ID, all are nigger loving zoophilia

Anon, I...

>> No.22836502

Fucking threatening me.

Oh i bet he was white too

>> No.22836531

a lot of clueless anger here needs addressed. Apparently im the only non jew washed person left. I will speak its all i can do

>> No.22836573

So you’re a quota hire that’s a tax write off and you contribute nothing of importance to the company. You’re a true nigger leach aren’t you. Funny the three cultures you mentioned all have problems with addiction and are idiots. What’s the difference between winter tires and niggers? Tires don’t sing when you put chains on them.

>> No.22836592

I'd like to remind you this is not a nigger loving board but lebanese basketweaving forum.
Go and speak your truth IRL, on da streets, and hopefully get shot and mugged by one of your kin

>> No.22836595

wishing harm. Yet taking the moral high ground of being better than black people in terms of violence.

Anon. Are you really this mad to wish someone this level of harm? This is school shooter level mad. I wish i could personally fuck you up, friend

>> No.22836626


>> No.22836634


>> No.22836637

Ill speak where i want until banned.

>> No.22836659

im white you retard. Its amazing how stupid racists always are

>> No.22836679

God more than likely hates niggers.

>> No.22836698

Kill yourself.

>> No.22836722

additionally i assure you its the jews leeching. Not the blacks. Figure out the amount the jews skim and youll see the amount of handouts to black people is 0.00001% of that

>> No.22836757

Both jews and blacks are detestable. Just leave this place and never come back. Go watch your wife fuck some homeless nigger or whatever you cucks are into these days.

>> No.22836765

I prefer a beggar than a motherfucker shortminded son of bitch

>> No.22836783

everyone has flaws. Im just saying if you think blacks are detestable what about whites?
Jews we agree are flat out detestable

>> No.22836819

Whites are shitty too, but at least they work and provide for themselves, which means they stay to themselves. For whatever reason jews and niggers get this craving of having to be around whites, it's not enough for them to just live around whites, they crave the attention of whites, they wish they were white.

>> No.22836824

I probably will leave and never come back. Just wanted to spend a couple weeks posting truths before i become a drifter and have no access to dissemination of knowledge. Some day id like to come back to civilization to lead you all but your not ready

>> No.22836840

Maybe you should jump off a bride to show those racist what's what!

>> No.22836843

have you ever actually worked with/lived around/interacted with regularly, black people? you sound like someone who lives in an upper middle class 99% white suburb lol.

>> No.22836851

Both are leaches. Just in different ways. Add all black income tax then subtract black govt gibs and you can see your niggers are a net negative. Aka leaches. What’s faster than the black guy that just stole your bike? The nigger that just stole your car.

>> No.22836857

Maybe blacks are being failed by the communist k-12 system. Our society is so narrow minded on expectations. Its just sad you cant expect a life without aceing school while your dad leaves and your mom works 2 jobs

>> No.22836874


Probably indian

>> No.22836882

Bridge* just kill yourself you disgusting faggot. And you're a drifter? Why do all travelling bums have this attitude that they need to suck nigger dick all of a sudden? This is an attitude developed within the last 3 years, what the fuck. All travelers used to hate niggers, not even 5 years ago. You disgust me and I can't wait to become rich, lure travelers like yourself into my remote ranch and slay you in minecraft.

>> No.22836905

Yes i spend much of my time with a 72 year old disabled black woman who is wiser than you

>> No.22836915

He's an uppity trust fund travelling kid. Of course he's never lived around niggers, he's probably from Connecticut or some shit.

>> No.22836936

The older ones are a bit better than the younger ones, but they still refuse to police their own communities. All niggers are guilty by association.

>> No.22836941

im not a drifter. I said i was probably going to become one, meaning when society falls apart.
I assure you i would never set foot on your ranch lol. If anything you can suck my dick to get access to my ranch in the future, faggot. Better get every drop of come out or your not coming in though

>> No.22836949

5 minutes ago you wished his mother was anally raped lmfao
pretty decent troll if you're not actually braindead

>> No.22836966

i meant in a non violent consensual way. Like i hire a charming black man to wine and dine and anally brutalize her. If she wants it. Unlike him who wished rape

>> No.22836987

and if someone threatens violence on me. Yes i will defend myself too

>> No.22837033

I am from the keystone state. Hence why my opinions are the keystone to healing America. My home state is the real melting pot of america

>> No.22837036

leave, faggot

>> No.22837039

>Some day id like to come back to civilization to lead you all but your not ready

>> No.22837053

aspirations to be president is cringe. Ok

>> No.22837066

What the fuck is up with the influx of libtards on /biz/? Like seriously we DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT BLACK LIVES UNTIL ALL. LIVES. MATTER. Your movement has radicalized people who weren’t even racist to begin with, including myself. Seriously are we not safe from them anywhere?

>> No.22837074

the only Americans we dont get are the west coast. They weird as fuck

>> No.22837076

Bro you are so incredibly full of shit I actually like reading it. American nigger culture holds them back. Obsessed with birches drugs and fast money. The drugs the cia gave to black communities has turned into their culture that is exploited by BET mtv and the entire music industry. The Jews would only promote a certain type of artist that fit the violent gang banging drug dealing monkey mold. In high school and college every nigger from Africa specifically Ethiopia had straight A’s did no drugs same was true in college. K-12 did not fail. Their priorities and culture failed them their parents failed them their drug dealing neighbors failed them. What do black peoples eat on thanksgiving? KFC.

>> No.22837099

my movement? Black lives matter is a Jewish movement. Me and the black people im around get upset about shootings but do not partake in jewish rallies

>> No.22837109

You can go back to your cringe ass yood

>> No.22837135

K-12 is objectively a failure in every way especially for blacks but whites too
We libertarians don't care that someone sold or took drugs. If anything the bad person was the jewish CIA who funded latin america coupes by addicting black communities with crack. Same thing they do now with whites on heroin

>> No.22837142

Did I tag you? If the shoe fits...

>> No.22837143

Nope, they never cared about making money with risky assets until they saw right-wingers occupying this space. Now they are just buying scams and losing their money while inviting their fellow rats in.

>> No.22837160

wow calling liberals the jews instead of realizing they live in a police state and if anything need help fighting the jews. Youre a retard to forsake your northern brethren

>> No.22837183

btw im a mean trader before biz and after. I bet im better than you are track record wise. I am very very autistic even while being functioning

>> No.22837206

Oh yes then the cracker in the comments. Bro can I have money I just play wow all day!!

A fucking 33 year old man playing wow begging for money.

>> No.22837227

Nice and nice gets

>> No.22837230

why does he have to add that?

>> No.22837248

This guy thinks anyone telling people about biz irl

>> No.22837258
File: 258 KB, 791x1080, jewsinthepornindustry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow calling liberals the jews
yeah because they have had no involvement with so-called liberalism

>> No.22837265
File: 2.64 MB, 424x250, RectangularKlutzyIrukandjijellyfish-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some day id like to come back to civilization to lead you all but your not ready
You're completely incapable of learning, you couldn't lead files to shit if you fucking tried and no amount of words or money could convince me to live among black people EVER. Even if your sister sucked my cock every day for a year. What you think about that?

>> No.22837269

because niggers

>> No.22837271

Why did you reply to me three times retard? We have IDs here

>> No.22837276

i said nothing about a BLM movement. You want to imply i agree with the movement to discredit me. I think its jewish lead.
Same shit liberals do here try to say oh your republican look at what trump did. Its like ok i didnt support any one movement or person

>> No.22837295

grammar jew is on me. Help

>> No.22837300

You are too emotional racist pieces of shit... that's why you will never make it. Your IQ is not higher than the sidewalk pajeet shit on.
That's why your destiny is to be broke and miserable for eternity

>> No.22837308

The black guy goes outside has friends and hobbies. The white guy lives with his mom and plays wow.

>> No.22837310

The difference between the Jews giving white youth opiates and niggers crack is that niggers flaunted their earnings in the form of Cadillacs and gold chains making the entire block envious of a drug dealer and promoting a cool carefree lifestyle. Whites had dirty doctors write prescriptions. So you’re a black guy living with his grandma? Also what’s the absolute worst word starting with the letter n that you can call a nigger? The answer is neighbor.

>> No.22837315

You said "Be nice to the BLM nigger, racism ain't o.k." right here >>22835234

>> No.22837320

Kys nigger

>> No.22837356

i agree especially the Christians are today pushing jew values. So what? The north and west is a lost cause? Being from not-the-north i still believe we can figure out whats jewish and what isnt and fix things peacefully. Such as helping northerners get 2A back. Seriously where is the ACLU on gun rights?

>> No.22837364

This is getting sad

>> No.22837368
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>> No.22837381

That explains why you're such an insufferable faggot.

>> No.22837383

Yea when you beg for money its normal to try to invoke sympathy. Wow now im pro blm apparently

>> No.22837422

DUDE seriously give it up, youre not going to convince anyone of anything here, just like if I go to Twitter, I'm not convincing libtards either, even with all the evidence in the world. Go join your fellow twittards and circle jerk together

>> No.22837440

I think i have won the debate. I dont see the racists responding anymore.

>> No.22837465
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If anything you have only succeeded in making biz MORE prejudiced. Good job faggot.

>> No.22837471

What do niggers and my bike he just stole have in common? They need a chain to work.

>> No.22837494

>In high school and college every nigger from Africa specifically Ethiopia had straight A’s did no drugs same was true in college.
>blacks are smart, it's the culture!!
Oh my god you're just as retarded as the other guy. Ethiopia is poor as shit. The only way someone from Ethiopia is getting to go to an American college/school is if they're a combination of really intelligent and really rich. This is called an outlier. Do I have to spell it out? Blacks are genetically less intelligent and prone to impulsive behaviours.

Lack of intelligence + impulsive behaviour = violence, drugs, crime

Niggere created nigger culture, not the other way around.

>> No.22837498

Many eurotrash and Midwestern and southern americans will never be convinced. Thats not my goal. My goal is to reach those here who want to have an honest discussion. I didnt march into a klan rally. See the difference? Im sure there will be someone who reads this who needed my knowledge

>> No.22837523

damn that would be funny if you made it about the jews

>> No.22837528
File: 66 KB, 850x400, quotemostjewsdonotliketoadmititbutourgodisluciferandwearehischosenpeopleharoldwallacerosenthal11710194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>especially the Christians are today pushing jew values
preach nigger

>> No.22837535

>60 posts by this ID
>in 2 hours
I usually don't see an issue with some troll getting engaged, but wow, nigger, take your meds and I mean some oxys come down, stop boofing speed

>> No.22837547

thats the truth. And Christians worship the pedophile jew king: jesuz

>> No.22837555

A wise person once told me that the best comedy is rooted in reality.

>> No.22837556


>> No.22837566

not everyone needs your forced medication, liberal. The jews overran pharma so they can make you take your meds. I would kms before putting synthetic drugs in my body. Biologics or hormones maybe occasionally, such as antibiotics or steroids.

>> No.22837567

Fuck off kike, hell no we don't.

>> No.22837568
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Just read the entire thread. Well done.

>> No.22837577


>> No.22837579
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>> No.22837599


>> No.22837602


>> No.22837617

Damn the royal treatment. Im unironically into that sexually. Lucky you

>> No.22837622
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>> No.22837663

how does anyone think a jew wants you to like black people? The jew fears the black man, especially non christians. Black Christians worship the jew. Remove christianity and jew worship and youll begin to solve the problem

>> No.22837679

look at how fiercly critical the black muslims are of judaism. Its glorious

>> No.22837686

>Using Kantianism as a curse word
you are not a very convincing troll but A+ for effort

>> No.22837691
File: 93 KB, 1080x1038, 1c48f0adbd5f92dfd5b7662bc8c8fd56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe more nigger

>> No.22837747

According to the FBI’s Expanded Homicide data from 2018, the most recent report of this kind Reuters was able to find ( here ), 80.7% of the murders of white people were committed by white offenders (2,677 of a total of 3,315) while 15.5% of the murders of white people were committed by Black offenders (514)."

>> No.22837758

>66 posts by this ID
Get a job, nigger

>> No.22837774

seems wrong. Not wasting more time on it though

>> No.22837792

i work. Thanks. Probably a more important job than you. Can you come by today and plunge the rubber ducks in my toilet again it wont flush

>> No.22837796

Jews call blacks nigger cattle and Need their semi retarded population in civilized society because they’re easy to control and civilized society has more money so naturally Jews are magnetically attracted to the west. Ever wonder why there is cotton is pill bottles? It’s a nigger reminder that they were cotton pickers before drug dealers.

>> No.22837826

Totally agree the jews hate blacks the most. Like i said listen to Farrakhan. Slave trade and ownership was largely a jewish crime against blacks.

>> No.22837851

Are you on my side that black and jew is opposite or did you accidentally make my point for me?

>> No.22837863
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>saw two homeless men the other day, one white, the other a nigger
>hand the white guy a 20, ignore the nigger

>> No.22837880

You trying to get the white guy robbed and killed?

>> No.22837934

He was alright the black bum was too butthurt to bother with the white guy, he kept following me down the street berating me and calling me racist.

>> No.22837970

Yes I agree with you that blacks are mentally inferior and do nothing for society besides strengthen the Jew and accelerate the downfall of western values.

>> No.22838000

Doesn't mean anything. They still haven't figured out rudimentary agriculture yet they still keep shitting out babies that they can't take care of. Africa should have been left alone. Mobkey/black man zoo. Tourists could visit to help fund more banana plantations

>> No.22838037

or is it jews are mentally inferior that when they sieze power they destroy everyone and everything around them. The jews were the blacks slaves too and look at all the work they accomplished those pyramids are killer. Thats what they belong doing, working not leading.
Claiming blacks strengthen the jew is blaming the victim. Not many jew supporters in black communities, more like addicted to consooming

>> No.22838058

note whites are addicted to consooming and worship the jew king same as blacks.

>> No.22838177

King tut grandma had red hair She may have not even been from the region. Leave your nigger Egypt hoopla at the door. Current Egyptian and ancient share 90% the same dna. If you want cool nigger history refer to the Moors

>> No.22838234

The point isnt one snap shot. The point is that at times: the white man ruled his lands, the black man ruled his lands, the red people ruled his lands, and the yellow people ruled his lands. All had fucked up violence and weirdness. But none abused to the point of total collapse. Only now is the jew in charge of all the above listed and the destruction is before your eyes to see. Our society will collapse soon. Know your allies.

>> No.22838279

first thing the jew did when he gained control? Equal rights for women. Boom fucked. NO OTHER PEOPLE DID THIS SHIT

>> No.22838336

>75 posts by this nigger


>> No.22838424


>> No.22838544
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>> No.22838583

If you want to see what Blacks are capable of when given the opportunity research Dunbar School in New York. Blacks have been absolutely shit upon since the mid 60's welfare state destroyed their family unit on purpose.

>> No.22838772

>remove Christianity and niggers won't nig again
kys kike

>> No.22838820

There's a defense mechanism if ive ever seen one. Call the person what they fight against. Are you female?

>> No.22838842

No but I'm also not a nigger jew.

>> No.22838851

Just sent him $200 racists

>> No.22838869

Cant be black and Jewish. So youre just a butthurt Christian. Wake up bud see the truth. You worship catholic pedophile creed and you worship the jew pedophile king.

>> No.22838927
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>Cant be black and Jewish.
>Cant be black and Jewish.
>Muhhh Catholic Pedophiles

>> No.22838936

>I work.
>78 posts by this ID
I smell nigging

>> No.22838940

this is the post that ousted you as a kike btw. better luck next time

>> No.22838951

Daily reminder that BLM is a communist movement that exploits black people to further their own agenda.

>> No.22838998

My point is culturally, not genetically. The jewish culture is not more polar opposite any other than black culture.

Ok so youre a blood drinking catholic. Burn in hell pedophile

>> No.22839039

youre clearly the jew rat here or emotionally taking up their cause. Black people are in no way jewish. Being an ally to black people has zero correlation to judaism. In fact most jews hate blacks, why would they say make babiez with them

>> No.22839098

Yes diametrically opposing culture. The Jew kike father teaches his children to read the Torah from an early age. The feral nigger father leaves for a pack of Newport’s after drinking the last bit of kool-aid from the pitcher and is never seen from again. Leaving their children to get a degree in niggerology from the school of hard knocks.

>> No.22839117

Black people are what Jews would be if they all had a 75 IQ

>> No.22839141

having hard ships doesnt make a people. Its overcoming it that does.

Check yourself about what the jewish father is really teaching his sons. The Jewish bible says usury is okay unless on another jew. They have elaborate discussions on the best ways to disrupt for profit and use the goyim

>> No.22839157

where in black history do you see usury or loans? Ive never heard a dumber person talk. Please shut your mouth

>> No.22839171


Is that an ethernigger?

>> No.22839190

oh and btw ever listened to eminem? White people abandoned too. White and black really not so different. Just want health and happiness. Its the jew who wants to step on others

>> No.22839259

>unveils jewish tricks
>calls everyone racist
Oh boy... /pol/ really did a number on you, didn't they?
Enjoy your Blacked porn, faggot.

>> No.22839282

Bro you act like I don’t know they teach to exploit the goyim. It’s ok to get them addicted and not pay them and blah blah blah. Jews have a us vs them mentally. That’s why Zionism is an indefensible border less auxiliary government set up in host nations to form and divert funds for a “greater Israel”. That doesn’t change the fact that niggers are borderline animals with low adaptability and even lower intelligence not to mention being attracted to negro women is kin to zoophilia

>> No.22839289

being anti religion and generally thinking women belong in the home doesnt make me racist. Also never been on any other 4chan board. This isnt really my scene just passing through

>> No.22839315

I am black and poor, give me some money whitey BLM


>> No.22839335

i know black people smarter than you. Do you realize that the people who survive into adulthood in black America are the strong? The jews are literally culling the intelligent blacks as we speak

>> No.22839338

Most of black history you dumb nigs didn’t even have money. Fucking chickens and playing with lion tails is pretty much peak African civilization.

>> No.22839352

money is the greatest evil on earth. The world invented money in the 1910s you retard in america

>> No.22839369


>> No.22839376

You are so terrible at reverse psychology. I see right through you kike. Get the fuck out.

>> No.22839383

You realize your view of “surviving until adulthood “ comes from the fact that niggers under 30 leadings cause of death is murder and 90%+ of those murders are from your fellow feral niggers. Black lives don’t matter to black peoples.

>> No.22839391

nothing more evil too than lending fiat.
Lending real commodities in exchange for other commodities thats the only lending allowable

>> No.22839429

Gold backed fiat was first seen around that time. Before they used valuable metals. Then nixon made their fiat not even gold backed in the 70s

>> No.22839432

>The world invented money in the 1910s you retard in america
My god, he's a nigger..

>> No.22839439

>Retarded nigger apologist
You're not intelligent, but you think your are and it's sad. I hope you die, repugnant subhuman loving faggot.

>> No.22839442

There's a school of thought that says the original Hebrews were black.

>> No.22839452

you realize our system is broke and youre putting the hate and blame on the wrong people

>> No.22839464

my iq came in at 142 on the tests you seem to love

>> No.22839475

No they're to blame as well, and people like you are also worse than kikes.

>> No.22839482

my god, does he not know the history of fiat on a crypto board?
Or is this jew trickery

>> No.22839499

My mensa IQ is 147, nigger lover.

>> No.22839501

Educate yourself before trying to school scholars.

>> No.22839505

Found the jew worshipping Christian

>> No.22839524

imagine a man with a penis so small to say this. Competition between men is also evil. Youre a faggot. No one is impressed in your comparison

>> No.22839527

Found the nigger loving mutt who fights for jews

>> No.22839535

>91 posts by this ID
>Roughly 4 hours
>about 2.5 posts per minute
This is one of the best turing complete bots I ever saw. Mark, is that you? Send me the fucking libraries

>> No.22839540

go ahead and explain. We moved to a gold backed dollar in the 1910s and then to non gold backed in the 70s. Prior to the 10s everything traded was commodity, such as metals or goods

>> No.22839541

Sounds like projection
Niggers are evil and so are you you godless cock sucker

>> No.22839560

again youre the jew. And youre a racist piece of shit with a micro penis. I hope your wife gets it good from her black boyfriend

>> No.22839581

oh im not godless. Im Christian. We quakers dont accept your pedophile christ or creed though.

>> No.22839582

I'm not here to explain shit. I said, educate yourself. Fiat money comes from Europe in the 1600's. If you took 1 hour out of the 4 hours you posted in here you would know this too.

>> No.22839594

Is that what you do on Saturday nights? sound like you fantasize about niggers
I'm racist because I'm smarter than you and have a soul while you're a repugnant godless nigger loving incel

Can't wait to hang you mouth breathers

>> No.22839610

Youre that slightly too intelligent everything you say is REEEE because of severe non functioning autism. Im at least functioning im glad my iq landed where it did

>> No.22839616

Lmao oh not it's retarded
God hates you and niggers you accursed Canaanite faggot

>> No.22839634

>thinks iq makes a person smart
Ngmi. I assure you in every way i can and will outsmart your donkey ass

>> No.22839638

You're life sucks because of you and it's not anyone elses fault lmao cope harder faggot you live in a mental prison and don't even realize it. God hates you

>> No.22839642
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>implying that being humble is a skill that is worth me giving you money
Humility is for people who don't have any skills worth mentioning.

>> No.22839649

youre a very hateful person. I am almost sure at this point youre a pedophile because youre flat out giving me the creeps. Back up gay boy go the fuck away

>> No.22839656

Africa is what it is because of IQ and you love niggers because of your low IQ. Go listen to nigger music you knuckle dragging troglodyte

>> No.22839668

my life is great. And god walks with me. He hates the pedophiles like you. Your jew king doesnt forgive what you do to those boys

>> No.22839678

>As usual the kike who fucks kids and loves niggers calls me a pedophile
Stop projecting

>> No.22839690

africa is what it is from being exploited. Can you go away i hate weird fucks

>> No.22839703

Jesus is Lord. Seeth harder kike

>> No.22839732

Nigger cope
Niggers are worthless subhuman slaves and cursed by God as the sons of Cain
You're a worthless nigger lover
God hates niggers and hates you

>> No.22839734

pedophile pedophile pedophile


You havent made a single point except i should worship a jew king and the catholic written creed. Both are pedophiles. Nope. Fuck epstein. Fuck the vatican. Fuck the muslim pedophiles

>> No.22839760

god hates you faggot pedophile. no one forgives you despite what your text says. I promise. Burn in hell

>> No.22839793

Nigger loving Canaanite cope
Worthless shitskin hated by God, an eternal slave

>> No.22839829

Oh also


t. Subhuman shitskin

>> No.22839843

You know when you keep smelling shit everywhere you go you probably stepped in shit or are just around a bunch of niggers but the point I’m trying to make is if the system works for everyone else but niggers maybe niggers are the problem and Jews those greedy stinken Jews.

>> No.22839862

Again. Im quaker, not whatever you make up. We are Christians despite being attacked by Christians like you. Theres a reason we fled to america to get away from the pedophiles and hatred like you. My people will tell you that god speaks to us and walks with us. That scares you so you killed us. It doesnt mean we wont keep standing up against pedophiles and usury and violence, kill us all you want

>> No.22839884
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What an absolute embarrassment.

>> No.22839889

Ok ill first break the chains of slavery and then make sure my neighborhood doesnt have shit on the road. Got it. Good pointers bruh

>> No.22839914

>105 posts by this id
jesus just fucking stop

>> No.22839931

it is a bot. Somebody that has access to some great nvidia hardware and scrapped biz and pol

>> No.22839961

Niggers are shit on society shoe. And we need a shoe shine pronto.

>> No.22839973

thats jews

>> No.22839995

Where am i wrong? This is ad hominem

>> No.22840008
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Unfortunately we’ve stepped in both.

>> No.22840021

wow, I'm impressed it also answers to non replies
I need those libraries

>> No.22840032
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>107 posts by this ID

>> No.22840042

well if ever there was a time to realize priorities matter. Fix the jew state and the black anger will subside, and actually the white anger too. We need to realize why we are mad not focus on who we're mad at at the time

>> No.22840044

>We are Christians despite being attacked by Christians like you.
>Christians worship the pedophile jew king: jesuz
Why are people still responding to this blatant troll? He's contradicted himself about ten times already. Just ignore him.

>> No.22840060

Wow, you're some kind of racist, hate-filled cracker. Tell me, do you hate black people more because they're more successful or less successful than you?

>> No.22840084

all christians except quakers worship jesus the jew. I guess you want me to clarify every time i say that quakers are the one exception?

>> No.22840094

You're a nigger lover and God hates you, that's all you are you worthless dreg. Just like everyone here in this thread you hates you, you're wrong and a stupid cock sucking nigger lover because guess what, you're a shitskin. A worthless shitskin who will be killed or put on chains and set back to wakanda.

>> No.22840118

t. Shlomo shekelstein the nigger lover

>> No.22840139

Well at least you stopped with the "im better than you" religious and iq act and showing your true inner self: racist.
Still thinking pedophile too. Just giving me weirdo vibes

>> No.22840153

I'm donating any gains over 50c in rot to BLM and antifa. Join me in this pledge biz.

>> No.22840159

Im a wolf and you're a sheep, you think about nigger cock while I think about killing niggers, jews and nigger lovers like you and making America great again.

>> No.22840163

Again, im against the ways of the jew. So youre just making shit up. High iq with low maturity and a lot of defensive anger. Dude just stop making yourself look worse. I already am picturing a fat greasy angry italian man

>> No.22840183

You're also a heretic and will burn at the stake

>> No.22840188

Nice keep threatening people. Youre whats know as the first to go when society collpases.

>> No.22840212
File: 927 KB, 1280x1013, a-dead-nigger-is-a-good-nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22840214

literal klans member

This is your ally biz? Sad.

This is either a school shooter or a fat larper cant tell. Definitely lied about his iq

>> No.22840220

Niggeranon I’m not a racist like you. I don’t even think of the nigger much less hate the damn thing. I’ve just never seen someone defend them like you. I just wanna see what you’ll say next. Like I said before it’s totally bizarre that you hate the Jew and love the nigger that’s the most obvious sign you’re a nigger. Anyways it lunch time, sorry no watermelon and cat fish over here. Gonna have some capriottis. Try it out some time. They don’t kind niggers as long as your in and out. Great sub sandwiches.

>> No.22840232

You're gonna die with the niggers and kikes. All enemies of Christ will burn.

>> No.22840236

And i think about defending black people against people like you and the jews. Cant wait for you to storm our homes because we'll bring the fight. Stay on your farm, farmer joe

>> No.22840252

>Implying the KKK was bad

>> No.22840264

>thinks jesus will rule the new world


>> No.22840281

your wife loves black dick as you rape your son>>22840264

>> No.22840289

Lol who says cracker. Oh yea NIGGERS hahahahaha. Anon does it hurt? You know, being black? Niggers aren’t more successful than me but plenty of black people are.

>> No.22840302

Imagine thinking hes on the right side but cant explain worshipping a jew. And just breaks down into a violent tantrum.

>> No.22840312

Your mentally illness and love for niggers and kikes and their way of life is repugnant

Id blow you're brains out from 400m while you're sitting in your living room watching nigger ball and listening to nigger music

>> No.22840331

My girlfriend hates niggers
Cope harder nigger you worthless slave race, imagine being such a worthless race even your fellow niggers sell you because they can't do anything else to make money lmao

>> No.22840332

i swear to god stop threatening me or i will remember you permanently. Remove yourself from my presence. Your klans rallies arent so hidden and secret as you think. We know who you are.

>> No.22840334

The only reason you don’t like Jews is because you can’t exploit others like they do. It’s envy is the dumbest of ways. That’s why your ngmi

>> No.22840346

>A non sentient human with no soul
Lmao niggers are funny

>> No.22840365

damn i just got a deep rage. I might just have to move to the midwest and infiltrate with my beautiful blonde hair and then poison some faggot pedophiles like you

>> No.22840368

Tell me where you live so we can come murder you and rape your wife in front of you like you niggers do to White women

>> No.22840392

You're a nigger and we hate niggers out here.
>Muh blonde hair
Lmao you're funny jamal, you niggers have to most disgusting nappy nigger hair and you animals due your hair and get weaves to look like white people lmao

>> No.22840395

this is the fun part. Your fighting a hidden enemy. You cant win. I see you. I see you bud.

>> No.22840414

Oh also niggers don't have fathers lmaooooo

>> No.22840450

>Be nigger
>Invisible enemy
I'm taking about you jamal, not the shapeshifters who's ideologies you promote.

>> No.22840456

You think youre fighting a black person. You're not. Im a blonde aryan by ethnicity. And i am getting extremely angry at your threats

>> No.22840477

well trust me you fuck with black people and ill get back at you klansman. You have a family. I dont. We drifter libertarians have not much to lose

>> No.22840545

Thanks for the trolling nigger man. I see you’ve got a new friend. The banter was fun. Time to pick up my sandwich. A sandwich that can feed two people unlike a nigger. Don’t forget two niggers and two quarters don’t make a dollar.

>> No.22840561

Not black:


>> No.22840575

You're a nigger jamal. Don't be like that nigger who thinks she's a White women. Whites are angelic and the descendants of divinity, divine creation. You niggers are an accursed race and have been made into something less than man. You're an animal jamal

>> No.22840593
File: 177 KB, 920x1124, 4-48660_ultra-rare-pepe-6-of-9-in-collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CIA Glowy niggers turn any post that hates on jews into a lets hate on someones fucking pigment. The sooner you dumb fucks realise that pedos, rapists and murderers come in all colors the sooner you can hate the real enemy the kikes. #DirtyJews #GlowingCIAniggers

>> No.22840619

its interesting this kid doesnt get that the insults dont even pertain to me. But the threats do. I dont threaten back ill just get back. You feel me tough guy? Take out your aggression in the army because if you threaten my family like you did, even when i dont have a family, i go to some dark places

>> No.22840671

>Drifter libertarian
I fuck with niggers all the time, we stopped them being niggers here in Utah after they got upity. Im also the hiring manager for a fortune 400 company tech division and I only hire White people and deny every fucking nigger and shitskin who applies. I'm not a klansman but even I were they don't wear their outfits around you retarded nigger.

>> No.22840692

The sooner you realize when someone complains about niggers and shitskins it's not actually about the color of their skin, do you actually think people are racist because of how others look and not because of the intellectual, emotional and cultural differences?

>> No.22840709

Utah will be my destination then

>> No.22840729

You threatened me with bullets and rape. At this point i dont care what you say

>> No.22840768

You've kvetched and seethed like a nigger the more personal I became towards niggers. You've been so psychologically distraught you resorted to using the classic nigger argument of nigger cuckoldry of my wife which you made up as well. One has to wonder, you say you're White and Aryan yet what White Aryan would ever wish cuckoldry on another one? What White Aryan would even say that when it doesn't pertain to them?

No you're just subhuman shitskin nigger, a worthless slave who's jealous of White people because you don't have a soul and harbor resentment from your inferiority complex of subconsciously knowing you're completely worthless and you're entire race has never accomplished anything and you yourself never will.

>> No.22840791

Come on down nigger

>> No.22840812

Everything i said was a response to your total disgusting behavior and lies.
My man. If you have a family. What the fuck are you doing saying this shit pissing people off online? I urge you to stop. Fortune 400 wow. You must feel powerful

>> No.22840833

Ok hit me up with your address bud ill sleep on the couch

>> No.22840861

Ah he even speaks yiddish "kvetch". I should have known it was the jew threatening me. Now i feel stupid

>> No.22840888

i cant wait for my snowboarding trip to Utah this year

>> No.22840940

You must be some kind of racist white trash that doesn't realize that all of humanity is in the thrall of the beautiful Jewish race. Well?

>> No.22840957

notice hez more upset by being told hes a cuckold than a pedophile. Because both are true. I dont wish it on you, but a cucks a cuck. And you a cuck

>> No.22841047

>where in black history do you see usury or loans?
Nowhere, because they're not smart enough for that.

>> No.22841070

Imagine thinking usury (USING PEOPLE FOR WEALTH) makes you intelligent or worthy