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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22832613 No.22832613 [Reply] [Original]

We need an /entrepreneur/ board for REAL business and leave the coiners and trust fund kids play here

>> No.22832670

okay then, make a /entreprenuer/ thread then you unindustrious fag

>> No.22832699

It will disappear in a coupe of minutes since the board is constantly flooded by pajeet coiners and what not. This place is called biz but I don't see anybody talkng real business, just stupid alt coins and stock markets.

>> No.22832705

Why don't you make your own entrepreneur imageboard you lazy neet

>> No.22832712

Make sure you fuck off to there asap

>> No.22832875

Butthurt coiner. WoW money is worth more than your virtual shit.

>> No.22832953


We had a weekly thread for real web based businesses a while back. A couple guys actually knew what they were doing and gave some great advice. The kind you won't find with YouTube gurus.

They got tired of pajeets who are never going to make it making the same stupid questions again and again.

>> No.22832984

Even schizos know how to organize a general, and op eNtRePeNeuR talks about some funky video game coins but bashes crypto, have sexs

>> No.22833223

So, none of you is fucking sick of endless coin threads all day everyday?

>> No.22833244

No, cuz those ridicules filter themself out of real threads, and keeps reddit normies newfags outlisted

>> No.22833395

i'd be fine with weekend entg threads

>> No.22834145

I agree, fuck pajeets and their fucking scam

>> No.22834208


This post suck so I'm checking the get

>> No.22834209

I tried several times anon
it's impossible to organize a project with lazy unemployed incels living in a basement with food and shelter paid by the parents
I'm running a project with a couple of colleagues instead
Let's see, we try do do an ICO, if we succeed we build the company, the idea and tokenomics are quite good
Cannot say what the project is, but it's not another useless layer 1

>> No.22834822

What do you guys think about offering traveling notary services on the side? I'm currently in school for accounting, so I'm biased towards this paperwork type stuff.

>> No.22834831

I'd like this

>> No.22835230
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checked, but thats not the up-and-go attitude id expect from a desiring entrepreneur! come back to be when you've mown a lawn kid.