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22828091 No.22828091 [Reply] [Original]

How legit is Lasik eye surgery? Im investing in my sight with this surgery, curious if any anons have gotten it and what their experience was . Jannies please have mercy upon me

>> No.22828116

Jannies he’s posting something not crypto related

>> No.22828129

it's bad m8 real bad

>> No.22828132

read this entire site first
the tl;dr is that you're going to have shit night vision

>> No.22828172

Bought some yesterday, already down my total investment.

>> No.22828257

I got it about 5 years ago for 4 grand. It seriously changed my life. I wore glasses to see at a distance as I was near sighted. It hurts the first night like someone jamming handfuls of sand into your eyes but I would do it again and anyone that has even remotely bad vision should do it absolutely. Its a life changer. Right when I got home I had a couple shots of whiskey and a valium to pass out. Do it anon, you will never regret it.

>> No.22828293

Got it done 5 years ago. The week after was annoying as you become sensitive to light. After that it’s been smooth sailing with 20/15 vision. It was truly life changing.

>> No.22828322

Jokes on you I own a PVS-14

>> No.22828430

gah damn that sounds nice. I have ~-5.5 contacts in each eye. Waking up in the morning and not being able to see is a disability lmao

>> No.22828507

yeah it fucks up your night-vision your eyes won't accept contacts anymore and any optical correction only works at a given distance. you can replace your glasses from reading to driving you can't replace your eye surgery. also your eyes will deteriorate over time and they may promise before surgery they can correct it but they will tell you you are shit out of luck when you actually go back because your eyesight degraded again.
true story. it's a scam.

>> No.22828549

I tried contacts, they fucking sucked ass and glasses are even worse. If you have the money, I didnt btw I used Care Credit for a 24 month payment plan with 0% interest, fucking do it man. I'm telling you life will never be the same.

>> No.22828587
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do it. i did it 10 years ago, perfect vision still today, best money i ever spent

>> No.22828590

Lol, its a scam. Ok you fucking idiot. It was THE best decision I ever made. You sound like someone who never had it but watched some youtube video on it. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.22828662
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Complications depend mainly on the pupil size.
Which is why some people swear by it and some regret.
Everyone with larger pupils should be rejected, but that would reduce profits, so.

>> No.22828735

LASIK and lasek are totally different procedures. LASIK should prolly be banned. Lasek is generally considered safe and is what I had.

Complications are slightly dry eyes sometimes.

>> No.22828748

Interesting. I consider myself lucky I didn't get any adverse effects, I knew there was a possibility... a few people I know had issues seeing at night afterwards.

>> No.22828758

Got exit scammed.

>> No.22828794

-6.0 contacts here, I hate using glasses so I wear contacts from the moment I wake up until I go to bed. I would love to fix my eyes but I'm too scared of lasik. And the worst thing is that my medical insurance covers it but I don't want to risk damage to my eyes.

>> No.22828797

my wife wishes she never had her lasik, it sucks after a while

>> No.22828806

It's enough to take a photo of your eye in complete darkness while holding a ruler.
Diameter below 6.5mm - laser correction is most likely going to be fine. 6.5mm is the border zone, it's going to be a little bad with high myopia.
larger - progressively worse, 8mm - disaster.

>> No.22828823

Is it not better to have 20/20 vision and some annoying halos at night than to have shit vision all the time?

>> No.22828833

the industry is really amoral. This all should be common knowledge.
Instead "doctors" knowingly give correction to people with large pupils, knowing they are going to have complications. Then they gaslight them by pointing to people (with smaller pupils) that are fine, making it seem like an isolated incident, rather than a logical consequence.

If you are really fucking blind without glasses them the tradeoff may still be worth it, but it should be a decision, and not a surprise

>> No.22828840

I see lights with a halo burst effect at night but I don’t even notice it now, it’s similar to how I saw lights without my glasses. No other problems with night vision.

>> No.22828851

based info poster

>> No.22828862
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If the thread exists for long enough, all the LASIK complication anons will eventually chime in. I'm one of them. I'm also drunk and tired so I won't give you my very long spiel about why not to get it done. Here's the tldr:

1. Most people will -at least- have nighttime visual complications afterward because almost everyone's pupils dilate beyond 6mm at night, which is the size of the optical zone that gets carved out by the laser.
2. Will it affect you, or will you care? Better to find out now vs after you get irreversible surgery done. There is a kind of contact lens called a prevue lens that mimics the tiny optical zone of lasik. Get a pair and walk around at night and see what you think.
3. If you do decide to get it done, skip LASIK and go with PRK (flapless LASIK). It hurts much more, but that's because it actually heals after. With regular LASIK you have a flap that can come loose for the rest of your life and visual side effects are usually greater as well.
4. Consider looking into IOLs and other technologies that are developing as well. LASIK tech is inherently limited by the topography of the cornea, other techs aren't/might not be. I haven't researched alternatives in a long time though.

Let me reemphasize 2 above. TRY PREVUE LENSES FIRST, NO MATTER WHAT. I cannot emphasize this enough. It is a cheap and reversible way to experience LASIK side effects and see if they're something that will bother you, before you get surgery done that you can never undo. If you don't do this before you get LASIK done, you are simply a retard.

And yes, this was the fucking tldr version.

>> No.22828878

In general, I would advise everyone to first try ortho-k lenses before getting an irreversible laser correction. You put them on to sleep and they imprint on your eye (temporarily). They are not perfect and you progressively lose some acuity as hours go by, but it's all perfectly reversible and at least worth a try.

>> No.22828901

That’s interesting, is it true of lasek or just lasik?

>> No.22828907

this is kind of how I imagine it. "yeah okay I lose my ability to see lights at night super crisply while wearing contacts in exchange for 20/20 vision".

Sounds like a fair trade.

>> No.22828912

All laser correction methods.

>> No.22828942

>Then they gaslight them
fuck it I was going to pass out but this activated my almonds. This really is the worst part. Not the paying $2000 to get my eyes permanently damaged by a man in a white suit. Not losing the ability to safely drive at night or enjoy /nightwalks/ anymore. Not getting called a neoluddite and wet blanket every time you try to talk someone out of making the same mistake you did.

No, the worst part is trying to complain about these objectively wrong issues with your eyes (that can be measured - HOAs can be measured with a machine) and getting told by the very people who did it to you that you're a whiny faggot who's imagining things. That's absolutely the worst part of it.

>> No.22828953

did it years ago. awesome!

>> No.22828957

Basically yeah. Also some eye dryness, I used to get it a bit bad in the mornings where they’d be painful opening because of no moisture, so I’d have drops handy. But it barely happens now 10 years on.

Overall I’m happy, but I went with lasek and dropped a lot of money on the best treatment available. They used a low power laser to map the cornea topography before deciding what to ablate or some snit like that.

Some people get it done for 500£ with a coupon out of a newspaper.

>> No.22828985

Can you correct lazy eye/amblyopia/strabismus with exercise? Can you improve "time to focus" at arbitrary focal lengths with exercise?

>> No.22829006
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You could get an eyepatch and train your eyes.

>> No.22829125

>Consider looking into IOLs and other technologies that are developing as well
Right now, imo they suck, but in 10 years AR vision IOL is possible, at which point laser correction would be incredibly dumb to get.
The technology for supervision (like imagine being able to zoom 10x with your eyes) is out there, the industry is just completely stagnant and nothing gets commercialized. It needs an outside push and AR is going to provide it.
Neuralink + AR IOL with zooming capability, now that's what I would like to see.
Good advice.
I don't know about exercise, but I sort-of accidentally fixed my lazy eye with lsd. For my entire life I had no binocular vision and one eye was completely dominant. Suddenly on 300ug of lsd it turned on - I got full 3d vision, what a surprise that was.
Since then it's like the brain 'noticed' that these connections exist and vision in my weaker eye has been slowly improving, along with the binocular vision.
I should probably try lsd again to see if it fully turns on again.

>> No.22829209
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Every light source at night or low light situation for the next 60 years will look fucked up vs minor inconvenience of putting on a 20$ set of glasses. Had it 3 years ago, don't even remember what the moon or stars look like anymore. I see 20/20 according to these doctors and no it's not worth it, you are trading your best vision for the convenience of "functional" vision. You lose a lot for that functional vision, believe me, in ways you cannot even begin to understand until you've done it. My pupils are huge by the way but they did it to me anyways.

>> No.22829228

Strange, I didn't notice my lazy eye until an acid binge when I couldn't focus my eyes to save my life. I'm glad it helped for you though, give it another try!
apropos to exercise question

>> No.22829251

if that picrel is how your night vision looks, i'm truly sorry anon. that would be sickening

>> No.22829323
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holy shit, I didn't know AR contact lenses were already in the (early) prototype stage
>Mojo’s newest and smallest display, it squeezes 70,000 pixels into a space that’s less than half a millimeter across.
>This display is the centerpiece of the Mojo lens. It’s positioned directly in front of the pupil, so that it projects and focuses light toward a specific area of the retina at the back of the eye. The display is so small and so close that the eye can scarcely see it. At least in the beginning, its quality will be more utilitarian than aesthetically pleasing—you don’t need stunning quality to perform tasks such as display weather information.

>Sinclair told me every pair of Mojo lenses will offer vision-enhancement features, with sets of custom AR features added on to serve the needs of specific vertical markets.

In light of this information, getting laser correction sounds like an extremely bad idea. Just wait 10 years, get a neuralink + AR IOL or contact lenses and join the first generation of cyborgs with me

>> No.22829334

One thing I've noticed which I don't even see the other LASIK victims mentioning usually: my peripheral vision has lost a ton of resolution as well. For the same reasons as nighttime blurs, since peripheral light passes through the untreated extremities of the cornea. I still notice general form, shapes, movement, etc, but I can not actually resolve/identify discrete objects in my peripheral vision anymore. You'd think it wouldn't matter since it is peripheral and all, but the effect in my experience is that I have a sort of extra subtle layer of tunnel vision and less 360 degree awareness of my surroundings now.

>> No.22829349

It's good. I got it done and then took a deep sigh, looked at the ARPA chart, and did the needful before Bella Protocol. Now I can truly see.

>> No.22829369


I had PRK in 2018. The first 24 hours were absolute hell, so fucking bad. I wish I'd had a gallon piss jug because waking up needing to piss, unable to open my eyes and stumbling my way blind to the bathroom with a bursting bladder was a fucking nightmare. Get an empty milk jug to use as a piss jug.

Second day wasn't bad at all.

Three days later, I saw the moon clearly for the first time ever and I teared up. You have no idea what it's like to see the moon for the first time after a lifetime of it being kind of this gray disc in the sky.

I can see trees now. Best money I've ever spent.

>> No.22829383

>the tl;dr is that you're going to have shit night vision

I had the old-school slice-your-cornea-open surgery and my night vision is a hundred times better than it was before.

I had just as bad halo'ing before, but now it's all in focus.

>> No.22829449
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>> No.22829524


These make my cock rock hard. The ability to cheat at poker alone will make me rich.

>> No.22829664

I have terrible eye sight without my contacts, borderline legally blind. I've got some light sensitivity problems, visual snow and sometimes it seems like the walls and sky are moving (this might be a schizo thing tho lol). After reading this thread i would probably legitimately kms if I had lasik and some of this stuff happened. Putting in my contacts isn't that big of a deal, and I have really good nighttime vision which I would not trade. The irreversible shit associated with the operation is no way worth the little convenience.

>> No.22829866

ALL lasik patients lose some contrast sensitivity, it's one reason doctors insist on doing both eyes at the same time to mask the fact that you are losing resolution in your eyes since you won't have a "normal" eye to compare to anymore. That general blurriness is like going from a 1080p youtube video to a 360p youtube video, it's still functional but its inferior and your eye-hand coordination will suffer for it.

>> No.22829903

The flap made only lasts for about 5 to 10 years so congratulations you will need to get it again. Imagine having ethanol flowing through your veins to literally damaged tissue.

>> No.22830619

I can't drive at night. When they did the surgery they didn't put the eye drops in right, the rolled out the sides. I could feel the guillotine cut my eye open and the laser in my eyeball. I would have rather had all of my limbs broken than experience that again.

>> No.22830763

You mean the intra ocular lens? I had the same thing
I'd recommend it to op

>> No.22830795

I got lasik, i had a stigmatism in my right eye too. Doctor said it wont be a problem and the laser will shave it right off. Best decision i ever made, 9 years without glasses now. I used to buy glasses every year so its actually saved me money in the long run.

>> No.22831155

im in your boat. for every 1 anon who says it works im reading three horror stories. either the kikes are playing 10D 6000 IQ chess and want me to pay money to destroy my eyes or somehow shooting lasers directly in my eyes actually helps me.