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22817772 No.22817772 [Reply] [Original]

Is usury immoral?

>> No.22817802
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>> No.22817849

delete this anti-semitic post immediately

>> No.22817866

Yes, but so is defaulting on the loans that you agreed to.

>> No.22817877
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In medieval times when Usury was illegal, banks made money by imposing massive late fees if you were slightly late in repaying debt.

>> No.22818009

Based, that system punishes people for not being competent human beings instead of not being financially minded robots

>> No.22818019

cute kitter
it introduces inefficiency into the system of capital so we are incentivized to prevent it

>> No.22818128

Is Israel a legitimate state?

>> No.22818176
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Back then if you couldn't pay your debt banks just emptied everything you had and then sent you to debtor's prison where you work shit jobs until you can pay back the debt.

>> No.22818274


>> No.22818295


>> No.22818384
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>> No.22818397

Yes. Any and all interest is sinful

>> No.22818740

What is the incentive to make loans without interest?

>> No.22818777

Isn't that effectively the same as interest?

>> No.22818877

Not really. Interest is something you always get. A penalty is a penalty (you get it only if you fuck up).

Anyways, banks made a lot of money using either method.

>> No.22818953

To please the Lord and do right by your fellow man, simple as. Interest leads to corruption, greed and Mammon worship, the very bedrocks of judeo-capitalism

>> No.22819481

Without interest, loans wouldn't be made in the first place. It's not profitable.

>> No.22819796

Does it truly profit a man to sell his soul for silver?

>> No.22819827

The modern banking system allows the wrong kind of people to have too much power and influence in society. It used to be that if you wanted to be a part of the nobility and lords of a country, you needed to invent or make something that benefited society as a whole. Nowadays, any parasite that makes a decent trading bot can be wealthy.

>> No.22819873

What does this have to do with selling your soul?

>> No.22819914

The central banking system is awful, agreed.

>> No.22819924

This threads go me right in the gorillion.

>> No.22820101

>people should lend money to others, expose themselves to default risk, without renumeration
>muh joos
Civilization can't exist without some form of usury.
>but muh joos
You can also just have a king who drops by, fucks your wife and takes 1/3 of your harvest if you prefer that.

>> No.22820630

You fucking retarded? Kill yourself you dumb cunt
The Jewish Question is an obvious point of interest, especially as regards usury and finance in general; to deny this is to deny reality. Civilization can exist without usury - access to capital is based on trust. Even now, in our modern era, trust is imperative, which is why we have credit scores and financial history. What the fuck do you think usury is? You charge huge interest on loans to people you don't trust. Usury is a sin.
Regarding your sly comment on prima noctis and tithes, you clearly know fuck all about how life worked before Jewish finance. For the record, prima noctis was a myth and tithes were a tenth of your harvest, paid to the church or the local magistrate. In fact, in most non-church land, taxes were as little as <5%.

tl;dr kill yourself you know nothing worm

>> No.22821307

>muh sin
>muh idealized medieval life
Ok guy, have fun with all that cognitive dissonance, self hate and cope.
Your catholic utopia is just around.the corner I'm sure.

>> No.22821340

>This fucking retard owes so much money he'll never pay it back what should we do with him?
>ehh just send him to that shithole we found near the orient hopefully he dies
This is how aussies came to be

>> No.22821355 [DELETED] 

Let's just get rid of dajooz and we don't have to worry about that anymore.

>> No.22821593


>> No.22822631


>> No.22822857

According to the Bible? Yes.
According to Capitalism? No. Buyer beware and all that..

>> No.22823040

guy steals your money from your wallet? -> illegal
guy in the bank steals your money from your account because of new "fees"? -> perfectly fine

capitalism everyone

>> No.22823111

>Civilization can't exist without some form of usury.
except you know, the huge periods of history in various places around the world where usury was not legal

>> No.22823150

Capitalism is the legalization of usury

>> No.22823230

Not if it's decentralized.

>> No.22823281

>Not if it's...
What's the definition of usury anon? Centralized or decentralized? It's the same..

>> No.22823329

No. DeFi lets you commit usury inception. Were it immoral, all of the faggots here would be diving straight into hellfire.

>> No.22823347

Yes, there’s a reason why it was forbidden in Europe for centuries until fractional reserve banking started to spread, a practice which originated from the goldsmiths of the late Middle Ages

>> No.22823377

I just trade, I don't stake anything.

>> No.22823896

Yes, God hates usury.

>> No.22824115

The impersonal natural of decentralization removes the sin.

>> No.22824132

Ofc kike

>> No.22824181


1/10 low effort troll

>> No.22824223

Found the jew. Victim blaming jew

>> No.22824275

no loans are morale.
Only lend money youre able to lose. Only allow borrowing money youre willing to give away
No jailor prisons. No repo loans.

>> No.22824316

And what more, no providing services without prior payment. Nothing gets my blood boiling more than finding out im $300 in debt for 5 months back pay on electric, gym, and phone

>> No.22824350

Wouldn't standard of living plummet to 19th century levels if loans stopped being made?

>> No.22824994

>The impersonal natural of decentralization removes the sin.
It is to laugh.
There are still other real humans on the other side of the equation.
Convincing yourself otherwise is folly and a belief (religion) in itself.

>> No.22825334

in the short term it may seem worse until you realize our entire system is collapsable. A system with no loans does not have the same inherent fragility as everyone is spot.
Take note the fed owns 33% of housing loans that their central banks issued. This cannot continue

>> No.22825440

The problem is not the lender getting back more than they lent out. The problem is the ever-growing debt that is annual interest. Lending someone $100 with the agreement that they'll pay you back $120 is perfectly moral. Lending $100 with the agreement that they're going to pay you back the $100 with an additional 8% per year FOREVER is obfuscated slavery.

>> No.22825488

>You can also just have a king who drops by, fucks your wife and takes 1/3 of your harvest if you prefer that
They call those taxes and we have both that and usury

>> No.22826870

Why would you give out loans you won't be getting paid for? Makes little sense for non-kin.

>> No.22826898

To elaborate, I think the form it currently takes of "interest" is questionable since it obfuscates the real costs where up-front contracts of "you pay this much in addition to repayment of the loan" plus standard, predictable late fees would be far easier understood by debtors since it's more in line with how every other business operates.

>> No.22827063

>It used to be that if you wanted to be a part of the nobility and lords of a country, you needed to invent or make something that benefited society as a whole
Cut the fucking bullshit.

>> No.22827091

What is the right-wing equivalent of an SJW?

>> No.22827131

Not legal for *whom*?

>> No.22827252

I know a guy who once tried to save the world from kikery

>> No.22827287

too bad the same man invoked the wrath of the autists. You do not attack the mentally disabled, black people, sided with japanese who brutally tortured chinese

>> No.22827304

And id like to think the jews can be countered without violence. Its not too late. It just requires the black people to listen to Farrakhan

>> No.22827336

too bad hes demonized and banned. If someone with technological powers put Farrakhan on blockchain never to be muted again that would be a massive advance for all human kind. Listen to the black man! Hes hurting, not lying.

>> No.22827373

>japanese who brutally tortured chinese
>trusting chinks

Every photo of NANKING MASSACRE seems to be fake.(2/2)
•Aug 14, 2007

>> No.22827439

Fucking Jewtube kikes removed it.

It was a Japanese TV show program that demonstrated how the Chinese took innocuous photographs of alleged massacre and doctored them to look bad. Sound familiar?

>> No.22827449

I mean im a pacifist at heart. So i also believe the concentration camps were not acceptable. Make the jew do what the jew does best. Jews are hard working and when they have no money they are assets. Feed them, keep them happy, and make them work. These hoarding jews at the top wont do

>> No.22827465

ok well without commenting on japan i guess. Not my main point

>> No.22827488

ALL interest is sinful anon. The interest rates in your latter example are a natural progression of the former

>> No.22827509

I found a mirror of the video.

13 years ago|2.6K views
Every photo of NANKING MASSACRE seems to be fake

>> No.22827522
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>b-b-but usury was illegal, then jews! then fractional reserves, jews!
>mfw fractional reserve banking literally started the industrial revolution
>mfw "usury" has improved the quality of your life in orders of magnitude
>mfw you think "usury" is sinful
>mfw you think people will just let you borrow money at 0% instead of spend it themselves
>mfw you think I'm a kike

>> No.22827547
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I'm sure he tried his hardest

>> No.22827570

christians have always been the biggest jew defenders. Listen to you. An expert on all things industrial revolution you truely must be a masterful economist and id love to read your thesis

>> No.22827596

usury has improved the lives of those at the top. And at the cost of many repo'd possessions. After i lose $400k in payments on a house for missing 1 payment how is usury good for me again?

>> No.22827687

And? What's wrong with that Shekelstein?

>> No.22827693
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>mfw you have to scapegoat your own lack of financial understanding
>mfw you regurgitate what you have been progammed to say, in order to avoid taking responsibility for your own failures
>mfw your idea of an ideal world is "dude trust me bro" whenever you don't even understand basic finances
>mfw you get defensive in order to avoid the ugly truth

>> No.22827727
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>christians have always been the biggest jew defenders.


>> No.22827745

All ad hominem without a single point just pure assumptions

>> No.22827780

thats catholics. Ill admit they have been good on calling out the jew. I also dont think of them as any more christian than Muslims. Catholics are very, no offense, weird eating flesh and pedophilia just like the jews so maybe some links that arent out in the open despite calling out usury

>> No.22827813

it is not immoral to buy bonds, but it is immoral to buy bonds with someone elses money that youre supposed to be holding in your vault for them.

>> No.22827838

and christians are good about anti mutilation too. Ill give them that

>> No.22827853
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>thats catholics. Ill admit they have been good on calling out the jew
Are you awakening from a 200 year coma?
Jews and Catholics are absolutely one and the same in the year 2020. Don’t let one in a million based Catholics like Mel Gibson fool you.

>> No.22827859

I don't know. Ask the US Federal Reserve.

>> No.22827903

Ok fine i guess i needed to clarify historically. I agree that every catholic i know is one of the biggest unironically jew worshipper

>> No.22827952

It's okay to be on the winning side of usury (lending money). Borrowing is for idiots.

>> No.22827972
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It's all Christians that weren't kiked by 20th century infiltration and demoralization. Christianity probably started as a defense mechanism against Jews.

>> No.22827984

But its not okay to use my government to enforce your dirty loan. All the good it does us to have loans adds a layer of making every jew the police, "officer i loaned him money and he didnt pay see his signature right here! Lock him up!"

>> No.22828030

ok ill admit while im profusely non religious im not an expert on it and do see some positives in each religion, except basically judaism

>> No.22828194

No. Morality is just opinion. In reality or nature morality doesn’t exist. There is only doing what’s best for yourself and your people. The only sin lies with the goyim for letting us abuse them for our own gain we simply have done nothing wrong we’ve always done everything correct in accordance to nature and to ensure our superiority, this is why we are g*d’s chosen people, we understand what really matters in life. Everyone else are blind. Mindless goyim. We are closet with g*d and why we win and always will win. Cope

>> No.22828214

The goyim know, shut it down!

>> No.22828232

> cope

>> No.22828239

No one cares about how wealthy another is. Its what you do from there. Hoarding over production, destruction over healing, further greed over giving. Love will always win. And this chosen people complex is hate, not love

>> No.22828264

For example, if you lobby the government for 15% taxes but love to promote taxes on others or use the government to create yourself a monopoly. I see these as evil.

>> No.22828280

you claim to be the best then why put so many regressive taxes and inflate money so heavily? Someone is sweating at the crypto movement stealing his power. Cope

>> No.22828342

I bet you can't type kike

>> No.22828498
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>catholics are not christian

I guess you'll have to tell Jesus Christ that after he bestowed our first pope with the keys to the church and only path to salvation. Btw it was Catholics who compiled the bible.

>> No.22828532
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>what is sedevacantism

Everything since vat II has been heretical to nearly 2k years of Catholic doctrine. Try to follow along.

>> No.22828537

well to tell you the truth i am christian myself despite previously claiming to not be as i dont practice. And my sect is anti creed so consider me not impressed. We are also the only Christians who accept disbelief in jesus. So all that fairytale shit seems unlikely given the Bible was written like 100 AD. Ill leave it to you to guess my sect if you care haha

>> No.22828617

my sect also allows total non practice as a devote follower following only your inner compass. God walks with us all

>> No.22828629

Your reply is nonsensical. Mine was based in the scripture and quotes from church fathers.

But yeah I guess the new testament just magically assembled itself, exclusive to all the other books that were deemed not legitimate enough to make the cut.

>> No.22828657

Ah so you're a degenerate self worshipping hedonist who should be smited. Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.22828678

I dont claim to be a theologian friend. My point is i dont care about your creed or who wrote what. I can decide despite what was said or done 2000 years ago that catholics are a very offputting pedophilia ridden sect that i really dont even see as Christianity today with the blood drinking and the flesh eating and anti gays and no contraception. Again your creed doesnt lead the christian faith to the eyes of another christian of a different sect that has no creed.

>> No.22828699

Now you want to threaten me im not surprised as my people have been attacked by yours before. I am of the quaker sect and i assure you its you who worships the pedophile cult, not me

>> No.22828721

leave it to a faggot online to threaten me. You should be smacked upside your head, boy

>> No.22828774

Please explain I'm a simpleton.

>> No.22828793


>> No.22828800

And btw i said god walks with us, not we are god. Youre a violent dumbfuck like all christians except quakers. Christians. Jews. And muslims have something in common. The violence.

>> No.22828821

this thread is full of jews, yellow jews and curry niggers

>> No.22828838

Post your hand pajeet

>> No.22828875


Look at all these tears. I never threatened you btw, moron. Have fun trying to live in hedonism land by your own compass when judgement day comes, though.

>> No.22828889

despite autistically name calling someone having worked while making a request for you in the past, i assure you you can go fuck yourself after whence you referred to me as pajeet

>> No.22828904

Ok good to hear sorry if i misconstrued what you said. Then you shouldnt be smacked upside the head.
i assure you my moral compass is stronger than yours. Praying to the pedophile god wont forgive you of your preying on children. Burn in hell.

>> No.22828938

and just to clarify i mean the god of the jews: jesus. The unironic anti Christ
How could a jew be our savior? Fucking retards. The quakers are quiet but they still speak. You choose not to listen because you have your books and your priests and your theology blah blah blah

>> No.22828972

>he fell for the jesus meme

>> No.22829002

why do you think over time the christians got more jewy like you said? They worship a jew

>> No.22829037

same is true for the jews grip on the black person is predominantly through christianity. The jew fears the american black muslim

>> No.22829336

The Christian worldview is too weak to be able to cut off and hate a different nationallity for a time long enough to have effect.

>> No.22829656

All I know is Suterusu staking will soon be a normie thing, and Polytrade will bring private liquidity to the masses.

>> No.22830786

Yes. Genocide all kikes and kiked-Christians
T. Muslim

>> No.22831212

Common thought process of simpletons from reddit.

>> No.22831813


Usury is how the banks leverage idiots without money and sense to rob the common working man of his purchasing power to the point where they agree to debt slavery too.

It is the worst, most destructive kind of evil.

>> No.22831903


This is the right question! Normally you would only put money into a productive enterprise. In exchange, you get partial ownership and a cut of the profits. This is called a production loan.

Its counterpart is a consumption loan, where some impatient retard buys something they can't afford with money they don't have in exchange for slave labor. That is what a mortgage is. It destroys price discovery and creates artificial scarcity and bubbles. It destroys the ability of the free market to allocate resources the most efficiently by making everything so expensive nobody can afford anything without a loan.

>> No.22831936


Usury is money creation through abusing idiots, and all fiat money creation dilutes purchasing power of the money already in circulation. As in, your savings. So it's common thievery.

>> No.22832097

You unironically believed our standard of living increased in the past century?

People will think you are trollling and maybe you are, but what you said is 100% correct.
Nature only cares about the winner, and it's our own fault as stupid goyim that we haven't exterminated you after the previous 100 times you showed you are a danger to us.

>> No.22832139


You are Evil, yes. But you don't have to be. People will willingly work for you if you reward them appropriately.

>> No.22832219

>Maybe if I use technical terms I won't have to put forth an actual argument

>> No.22832270

Yeah buddy, down with supply-side economics! Everything will be free in the socialist revolution! Prices are just a function of demand and artificial scarcity!

>> No.22832275



>> No.22832281


Shut the fuck up you retarded communist, your ideology already killed hundreds of millions of people.