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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22825219 No.22825219 [Reply] [Original]

You fucked me completely. I created a thread
bitching about losing money on shilled projects..

An anon I thought was my friend told me to go all in on $HATCH.

Two days later...

I'm officially out anons. I lost everything.

Take care of each other.

>> No.22825250

How much did you anons lose on this? I only lost 10 ETH

>> No.22825297

12 ETH aka my life savings.
I'm a student.
Thought I could make something happen.

>> No.22825368

Going all in on one coin. You deserved

>> No.22825383
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>An anon I thought was my friend told me to go all in on $HATCH.
Wtf is wrong with you people i dont get it
why would you trust someone and invest everything you have just because some retard put a picture of frog and said "we are all gonna make it fren"
You deserved this

>> No.22825405

What did you expect? Rule of thumb, don't invest in food-type crypto.

>> No.22825417

When will you motherfuckers learn? Not only did u buy a shitcoin, you went all in too. Sorry you had to learn the hard way but these coins are like playing blackjack, either you win big or you lose it all.
Hope you can come back to crypto one day with a more mature mindset bro

>> No.22825456

You fucked yourself

>> No.22825477

I sure hope this isn't true. No one can be so dumb.

>> No.22825478

I agree completely

>> No.22825480

What happened anon?
I sold as soon as farming began, should have got out when it went over $5 luckily didn't get raped too hard.

>> No.22825502

Come $rot with us, we accept all forms of retards

>> No.22826465

Team members pulled out from an exchange scam.
Dev minted a bunch of coins and sold at 46k USD tanking the price from 3 to .007.

>> No.22826482

it seemed like the least scammy of them all.

>> No.22826496

you deserve this for being stupid and believing satsgang shills

>> No.22826503

i know.

>> No.22826510

Not buying the most obvious 100x at these prices. Classic haha! I’ll scoop up your tears

>> No.22826518

I dont know. I thought the anonymity of biz created some brotherhood where we looked out for each other?
I cant figure out who to trust in this space.

>> No.22826526

Look, the fact that Hatch was a payment system for people writing articles instantly clued me in that it's actual value would be relatively low. Look at BAT. Look at Verasity.

These are not speculative tokens. They are currency tokens, i.e. they need to be cheap to remain liquid.

>> No.22826545
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I am all in on TULIPs and ROT and I've already 4x'd in 4 days.

lol, this is the ultimate newfag story. If you were around back when /b/ got shit done, maybe, maybe you'd be right. But /biz/? No fucking way.

>> No.22826549
File: 14 KB, 350x350, hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I feel bad for you. Have a hug from Rei! If you see something relentlessly shilled on /biz/, proceed with caution.

>> No.22826594

>I dont know. I thought the anonymity of biz created some brotherhood where we looked out for each other?
There are a minority of anons like this, but thats a minority.
>I cant figure out who to trust in this space.
Nobody. Not the bizz shills, not the influencers on youtube, you cant really trust anyone.

>> No.22826624

they did. They all moved to prive twitter groups and discord.

>> No.22826650

Whoever shilled it most likely didn't know it was a scam, seems it was orchestrated by the dev and he ran away with everything.

>> No.22826651

yep. im a fag i guess for trusting someone.

wont make that mistake again at least.

>> No.22826691

yeah this is fair. I've had some time to sit with it. I dont think anyone couldve known.

it seems like a legit project even given the BREE similarities. It seems like there's plenty of competiton in the crypto market. I thought it was different/innovative enough to make something happen. I wasnt looking for a 100x.. just something small and quick to help with the quarantine shit

>> No.22826707

yeah im new to crypto and still figuring out what to look for. the space evolves quickly and i've found it difficult to keep up.

>> No.22826724


>> No.22826775

Oh, update on this, I had no idea HATCH rugpulled. I thought it was just a typical
>Oh it dumped 50% after getting all that attention

Holy shit, that must be terrible. I've never gone all-in on anything but BTC and ETH precisely because I remember how people suffered in 2017. Not that I did; I only trade on CEX like Coinbase to minimize risk.

>> No.22826813

If you want "nice" threads, the Monero General threads are pretty good.

>> No.22826878

Never go all in on a shitcoin. Easier said than done because I have done it a few times myself, and made good gains but also huge losses, at one point I was all in BREE but then it dumped from 50 to 15... and BREE wasnt even a rugpull or a scam, it simply dumped

>> No.22826985

I'm not even looking for nice threads i was just looking for some guidance in this space.

it's difficult at times to navigate because everyone seems to have some ulterior motive.

4chan shilled ETH and I didnt buy in at 14 dollars. 4chan shilled Link and I didnt buy in at a few cents. I thought I could trust the site this round.

Again, it's not the anons fault. The owner of the project didnt see this coming.

Just a tough position to be in and I'm more apprehensive of anons and 4chan and the crypto space in general now.

>> No.22827018

>4chan shilled ETH and I didnt buy in at 14 dollars. 4chan shilled Link and I didnt buy in at a few cents. I thought I could trust the site this round.
Selection bias, how many coins did 4chan shill that failed. Also dont forget that there are many actual shills here, that are paid for to shill on fiver
people shilling their bags,

but once in a while you DO see a genuine anon shilling a good project like the PRQ shill before it mooned, or the honey shill before it mooned...

>> No.22827134

Stop believing in shills here. No matter what anyways says, they’re not trying to help you. They’re trying to get your confidence so you can buy their bags and so they can dump on you. This board is fucked behind all recognition.