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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 520 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200925-214115_Tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22825989 No.22825989 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a legit business model?

>> No.22826008

hell yeah ask for free cock pic

>> No.22826011

Yes, most simps pay $50 for a picture she took 3 seconds to take. The only work put in was making her look desperate with a sob story.

>> No.22826016

Yes, there is legit people living off income from whoring like this
yep. think on that one for a second.

>> No.22826415

Yeah. If you’re around my age (24) pretty much every female you know has something like this going on unless they have a boyfriend or older guy that pretty much takes care of them. It isn’t always as far as the girl in the pic but at the very least they have a list of 30 or so guys they strung along over text or give a little attention on Facebook to that they know will send them a decent amount of money if they ever need it.

>> No.22826438

that is a fucking sad image

>> No.22826466

kek they get all the money but dont need to put out...

how did this happen zoomers? Xiennial here, I used to get more ass than a toilet seat and didnt have more than 30 bucks to my name. If anything, the girl would be buying me stuff.

>> No.22826490

The legit business model is to save her pictures and copy her messages and create a catfish account to cash in on other simps.

>> No.22826497

it's legit...gotta feel bad for these hoes...they don't know any other way...feminism fucked them over

>> No.22826666

Oldest business model in the book

>> No.22826693


There is a class of men (bottom 40% or whatever) who are put through this torment while the top 20% continue to get all the ass they could please >for free. Basically, they get paid by the incels and laid by the chads.

>> No.22826702

Will we hit a point where e-whoring hits critical mass and starts to hyperinflate, or are simps just unlimited demand? Basically what I'm asking is how can I short internet sluts?

>> No.22826745
File: 59 KB, 852x480, 009CLD_Jonathan_Torrens_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

legendary 6666 check em w/ JROK Goy ID

>> No.22826761

If you’re a decently attractive woman or smoking hot gay guy yes

>> No.22826798
File: 48 KB, 808x767, 1600711495001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22826804


>> No.22826848

>jews rock, goy
What did he mean buy this? Should I sell my UNI for STA or RSR?

>> No.22826853
File: 3.39 MB, 314x293, 1573360646131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> imagine recession Germany but with cellphones
thanks cyber feminism

>> No.22826868
File: 49 KB, 720x497, 1596924908705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> goy ID
> quads
checked and kekd

>> No.22826899

>paying niggers
omg, is this shit real?

Back in the days you could buy an ENTIRE NIGGER for $25, and use her in a cotton field.

>> No.22826953

She will meet up with you and then her boyfriend will rob you.

>> No.22826971

Very true. My girlfriend has spend far more on me than I have on her

>> No.22826983

Checked. This is the best example of debasement I have ever seen

>> No.22827191

price needs to crash...reel in the simps boys

>> No.22827230


Pussy pilled

N there is a percentage pimping their gf out n basically using their gf as a proxy to the simps money.

>> No.22827237

I’m beginning to wonder if mass simping is itself a psyop. Like yes I know there are dudes who actually do this and throw money at thots, but it would really not be that expensive to hire people to anonymously troll through social media and subsidize thot behavior. Imagine the Chinese destabilizing western society simply by funneling a few billion into thot culture lmao

>> No.22827245



What did kek mean by this!?

>> No.22827270


Welp. They got the boomers on about some bat virus n younger generations orbiting thots. I mean. Seems like it's working.

>> No.22827311

That we should make a /biz bois OnlyFans site

>> No.22827340


Blows my mind we kind of shrugged at their social engineering and data collection of America's younger generation through TikTok

>> No.22827361
File: 196 KB, 640x460, 79F6974E-B34E-4FF3-B947-8506E8F15134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks he can handle the African pussy

>> No.22827403

shes not even that good looking lmao

>> No.22827414

Shoo shoo jew

>> No.22827476

Black women are literal whores for my BWC

>> No.22827769

women can do so many things for money these days
kinda think that i was born as the wrong sex for making money, and no amount of trannyism will get me paid on onlyfans

>> No.22827892

Fuck you.

>> No.22827914

Harder for us man but we get to keep our dignity. There is a trade off there

>> No.22828067

You wouldn't want to trade off dignity for $100k a month?

>> No.22828212

Dude less than 1% of OF girls make even a living wage and less than 0.2% make 100k+

If you could guarantee me 100k a month, I would tickle your feet wearing a maid costume 8 hrs a day. But thats not the reality for them girls. 99%+ are making fuck all and debasing themselves, ruining career prospect etc

>> No.22828275

Good. Women are trash. Artificial wombs are more worthy of my seed.

>> No.22828472
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did women want to enter the workforce again? I can't imagine why anyone would willingly push for the right to wageslave. Housework isn't fucking difficult. Raising a kid isn't any fucking easier when both parents are too exhausted and busy instead of just 1. Who thought any of this was a good idea?

>> No.22828503


>> No.22828552
File: 479 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20200921_070623999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex work is real work. Pic related. I'll sell my nudes to the first anon to get dubs.

>> No.22828553


>> No.22828602

Thispersondoesnotexist, I also frequently use that site

>> No.22828613

Huh? What does that mean? lol

>> No.22828646
