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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 960x816, 537FF6AE-F2C5-4598-927F-5A98403A2ADC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22811130 No.22811130 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry to burst the bubble.
The hint to getting into legit DeFi projects early is NOT falling for /biz/ shills but by visiting the most recent verified Etherscan DeFi contracts


Just refresh every week and always check for new projects with low holders. You’ll always win this way.

Scam projects on /biz/ will NEVER even try to be verified on etherscan.

>> No.22811160


>> No.22811196

I feel like such a fool for not doing this in the past

>> No.22811240

every time I see something shilled I know not to buy it. you look at the chart and its always pumped and those bagholders shilling are just waiting to dump

>> No.22811248

depends on the token. I am having just 1 fav and talking about XCredit Finance with their XFYI toke, pretty sure that you've heard of it. Recommend you to check out what XFYI is bringing onto finances field. CoinCodex has listed XFYI, total supply updated on Etherscan now, almost 10% decreased. New supply is 28.81 K XFYI

>> No.22811264
File: 97 KB, 469x385, 817D3BC2-FED1-44BF-93EF-5A1C11B779EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol it’s literally an automated process and a shitton of scams are listed there, even easier than Coingecko

OP is a confirmed brainlet or wants to shill his shitcoin

>> No.22811285

Most things shilled here are not verified on etherscan

YF BEAM for example


If it was legit, it would be verified a long time ago.

>> No.22811328

Basic contract verification is automated.

Actual token updates with a logo and social profiles is a manual process that takes a week or 2. All scams will never take the time because this requires an email for the domain. The scammers are afraid of being caught so they’ll avoid this step.

>> No.22811410

yea most scams dont have logos

>> No.22811427

You’re an idiot who’s probably behind Kiwi, a token with no logo or socials on the etherscan

>> No.22811485

He’s talking about a logo update along with the website and socials on the etherscan contract.

Even if a DeFi project is a scam, only the best ones actually update their shit.

If a token has no logo, you can be sure it’s a lazy scam and quick rugpull.

>> No.22811546

t. scammer with “MUH VERIFIED CONTRACT” but no token updates on his shit.


>> No.22811557

Absolutely BASED

>> No.22811657

Based anon making pajeets SEETHE

>> No.22811722

if you buy a token and the etherscan token contract has no logo, you’re retarded

>> No.22811764

This thread is pretty high IQ by /biz/ standards

>> No.22811788

Oh shit thank you for this

>> No.22811863
File: 201 KB, 861x929, 3392846D-053F-419B-80C5-2DC0CABC948D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol a shitton of projects didn’t have any verification at the ground floor (eg sushi)
When it’s on etherscan it’s too late already

Seethe more samefag

>> No.22811871

How do you see how new they are? A lot of these seem like low mc coins that have been out for a little bit and are in that dying shitcoin phase

>> No.22811911

After you study the list for weeks, you’ll know which ones are new.

See mint date, holders, etc.

>> No.22811944

Of course scams will get through the verification process but this is an easy way to weed out lazy Pajeet scams.

No logo = quick rugpull detection
Logo = at least worth speculation

>> No.22812047

this should be a sticky t b h
good work OP

>> No.22812063
File: 98 KB, 634x498, C0F411AB-925B-42A7-B83C-450DA154556C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a confirmed poorfag. If you invested after sushi was on etherscan (3 weeks in), you bought the top. Same goes for kimchi, Statera, all the other meme coins before they mooned.

This is a retarded indicator, and etherscan by the way literally accepts everyone.

>> No.22812084

agreed, at least scams with effort can be ridden. Low effort scams with no logo are to be avoided. Such a sad state we’re in.

>> No.22812100

OP why samefag this hard? You have your own scamcoin that just got listed on etherscan?

Lmao jeets man

>> No.22812122

Even if they’re scams, if they have a logo, there’s probably gains to be made. It implies effort.

You seem angry as if you own an unverified token and this thread seems like a threat to your scam?

>> No.22812128

you only need to find 1 gem and get in early to make it. here is one https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/many

>> No.22812129

Does that mean Walletreum is safe?

>> No.22812147

I’m trying to tell people that coins with no logo or social profiles on etherscan should be avoided at all costs.

>> No.22812179

what about getting into a solid rug-proof project even before etherscan verification? if You don't know Fuck Off

>> No.22812201

I’m not saying that things with a logo ARENT scams. Some most definitely are.

I’m just saying that if you’re going to invest in ANYTHING at all, or should at least have a logo and proper social profiles on the etherscan contract. I’m not trying to shill for any specific project. If anything, I’m trying to help people.

>> No.22812233

>avoid sushi at 0.50 usd at all costs
>avoid kimchi and Statera

Actually investing into coins that are already two weeks in with etherscan logo is a GUARANTEED way to buy the top and lose money

>> No.22812236

That really depends on how long ago it was minted. If a project is minted and gets shilled immediately afterwards, that’s another easy indicator of a lazy rugpull.

Projects with effort take time/patience.

>> No.22812263


>> No.22812274

That’s the risk you take when you invest in new contracts.

>> No.22812295

Check out all the jeets in here trying to DEFEND investing in rugpulls that were minted less than 3 days ago

>> No.22812306

Your whole point is moot, 100% of legit defi project have already mooned by the time etherscan logo is added

>> No.22812332
File: 12 KB, 200x200, Jamaicoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this isn't a good indicator. Jamaicoin for example managed to scam anons between February and August while having a logo on etherscan. As OP said, this is just yet another hurdle to filter cheap scams. Those with a little morte effort into them will see the value in taking the time to properly have their tokens registered on etherscan.