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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22804609 No.22804609 [Reply] [Original]

Uncet Gems is literally /biz/: the movie

>> No.22804658

does the main character buy 10,000 usd of hotdogs or something?

>> No.22804665


>> No.22804678

Uncut Gems is /biz/ the movie, Kaiji is /biz/ the anime.

>> No.22804713

Except nobody loses their money in that movie. That’s too hard to depict on film.

>> No.22804813

Give me your biz-certified movie suggestions boys

>> No.22805370

Wolf of Wall Street

>> No.22805388

It made me rethink coming here...

>But this is how I win

>> No.22805437
File: 17 KB, 640x360, 1593979490782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kino.

>> No.22805620

Wolf of Wall Street
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Wall Street
The Big Short
Lord of War
War Dogs
Office Space

Don't watch Boiler Room, that will only train you to be a wagecuck for someone else.

>> No.22805631

Jack and Jill

>> No.22805777

>Lord of War

>> No.22805801

This movie was so fucking shit jfc

>> No.22805861
File: 122 KB, 894x1376, GaddisJR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is /Biz/: the Book.

>J R tells the story of the eponymous J R Vansant, an 11-year-old schoolboy who obscures his identity through payphone calls and postal money orders in order to parlay penny stock holdings into a fortune on paper. The novel broadly satirizes what Gaddis called "the American dream turned inside out". One critic called it "the greatest satirical novel in American literature. Novelist Louis Auchincloss thought it "worthy of Swift."

>> No.22805935

Sounds cool, will give it a read

>> No.22806217

Uncut gems is jew seething at based euros uncircumcised giga cocks

>> No.22806269

Almost. He got a family and a side thot. Most here are virgins.

>> No.22806356
File: 377 KB, 645x773, EGfM0dDXoAM_p5Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most here are virgins.
I'd argue the opposite anon. Not virgins but burned out losers. I'd say the average user's age is higher than most of 4channel.

>> No.22806465

I lolled and was quite surprised by your knowledge of Kaiji

>> No.22806499

kaiji is class, got me into riichi mahjong

>> No.22806518

Good picks. Thanks anon. Any more?

>> No.22806552


>> No.22806575


>> No.22806586

Watch the 2018 anime about Tonegawa, the second in command of that evil president

>> No.22806610

The whole movie is like a metaphore for shitcoin trading

>> No.22806621

This. It's a fucking piece of garbage.

>> No.22806624

I made it like 10 minutes in before turning it off. Absolute shit movie

>> No.22806690
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>> No.22806955

Actually do watch Boiler Room. And Glengarry Glen Ross.

Always be closing, nigger.

>> No.22807033

There Will Be Blood

>> No.22807051

I did enjoy it. Felt like it didnt pussy out at the end like most movies

>> No.22807070

Uncut gem is the title I give to my penis

>> No.22807294
File: 1.57 MB, 1357x2000, pain-gain-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is /fit/ + /biz/. Maybe not on the technicalities of running business, but an excellent take on American prosperity mentality.

>> No.22807527

If you like wolf of walstreet. Watch "White Gold" - should be on netflix

>> No.22807646

That anime isn't about gambling, but about office politics. Not bad but not the same.

>> No.22807654

XRP = fight club

>> No.22807664


>> No.22807694


>> No.22807706

Dumb & Dumber staring Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels

The movie is about 2 /biz/ LINK investors

>> No.22807741


>> No.22807769


>> No.22807808


Glengarry Glen Ross
Margin Call

>> No.22808105



>> No.22808795

Where the fuck do I find a physical English copy of this book

>> No.22808864

Good movie. High anxiety. Really felt like you were in the middle of all of it

>> No.22808933

"What is this? What is this? Where's all the money?"
"That's as good as money, sir. Those are linkies. Go ahead and add it up, every cent's accounted for. Look, see this? That's where it dumped. They were 275 thou bags. Might wanna hang onto that one."

>> No.22808935

The Sting
Matchstick Men

>> No.22808995

The Dalkey Archive one went out of print, but NYRB is publishing a new edition in October.

>> No.22809096
File: 60 KB, 372x425, hollywood-hulk-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based

>> No.22809112

>A movie about a kike scamming people
>This fucking retard thinks this is /biz/ certified
Was so fucking glad when this bastard got shot at the end. Also you’re a fag.

>> No.22809693

thank you

>> No.22809740

Staring a jew. No

Office space is a good pick.

>> No.22810119

Step Brothers

Prestige Worldwide is a metaphor for the sorts of companies most of us invest in.

>> No.22810430

American psycho

>> No.22810781

>Kaiji is /biz/ the anime
gib more /biz/ animes senpai

>> No.22810797

Best move I’ve seen this entire year.

>> No.22811399

/biz/ is where 05 /b/tards have come to rot

>> No.22811589

>Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
one of the best movies easy

>> No.22811947

>Glengarry Glen Ross
Unequivocally based

>> No.22812021

Boiler Room is one of my favorite movies and I've been independent for the last four years. It just glorifies the grind. Smile and dial bitches.

>> No.22812059

>A movie about a kike scamming people
He said it represents /biz/, not that /biz/ certified it. Sometimes imitation is not flattery..

>> No.22812073

I was 100% serious

>> No.22812967

Mississippi Grind and Rounders are both solid, centered on poker though