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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22792958 No.22792958 [Reply] [Original]

We tried to tell you, but you never listen, do you?

>> No.22792962
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>> No.22792993
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they never listen

>> No.22792997

How high are you expecting this to go? I got in earlier but im pissed off i ddint buy in a couple days ago for 1/4 the price. fuck.

>> No.22793027

Also how is this mooning while BUIDL just flatlines like a dead corpse?

>> No.22793030

seems like there is a resurgence in YF coins, let me take a look

>> No.22793032

I was gonna but the website is absolutely shit

>> No.22793047

Absolute brainlet

>> No.22793054


>> No.22793063
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why the fuck didn't i buy this shit on tuesday

>> No.22793073

This will be the project that finally brings attention to BUIDL and DFO.

>> No.22793237
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>> No.22793259

Fuck i hope so fren

>> No.22793278


>> No.22793332

Man if it's an ERC20 you have 1place to check... The Swamp, everything's there

>> No.22793369
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beg a little more, we tried to tell you but you didn't listen. Now you have to beg.

>> No.22793401

wow $3k already! its a good thing i bought a couple days ago

>> No.22793413

every time i look the priceis higher literally every time i m gonna kms why didnt i buy why whywhy

>> No.22793757

1) Not listed on coingeck
2) If a coin is "too good to be true" (0 to 2800 dollars in 2 days? You expect me to believe this shit?) then it's almost certainly a scam.
3) The people who actually bought your chink scam are going to get dumped on.

Because it's obviously fake, dude. Even YFI took months to get where it was, $MEME too. Do you really think it's a coincidence that chinks make this coin 2 days ago and suddenly it's 3000 dollars? It's clearly a fucking pump and dump.

>> No.22793845

It's not listed anywhere, for all purposes it doesn't seem to exist. Fuck you.

>> No.22793856

at one point yfi was not listed anywhere

>> No.22793926

I find it on blockfolio though

>> No.22793964
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>It's not listed anywhere

While not specifically endorsing this particular coin, since I know exactly fuck all about it, loading your bags before the listings is literally how big money is made.

Every coin I've bought that's done any sort of big returns (except XOR) I bought before they were listed anywhere.

>> No.22794092 [DELETED] 
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fine will spoonfeed you retards

UNISWAP: app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x34f7be81679f8ee497014de298aabfddf83b0a84
STAKING LIVE: dapp.dfohub.com/?addr=0xAd76ea0424C6Ea40FDA875914f11bedD01250346
ETHERSCAN: etherscan.io/token/0x34F7Be81679F8ee497014DE298aABfddf83b0A84
DEXTOOLS: www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xe7e1f559bdfebef1efebdf438cf453d1d9c36cf5
WEBSITE: yfo.farm

Telegram chat: t.me/yfochat
Telegram Announcements: t.me/yfodfo

there. all the links. blockfolio just listed it today btw

>> No.22794093

big brain anon curb stomps fud

>> No.22794161
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fine will spoonfeed you retards

UNISWAP: app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x34f7be81679f8ee497014de298aabfddf83b0a84
STAKING LIVE: dapp.dfohub.com/?addr=0xAd76ea0424C6Ea40FDA875914f11bedD01250346
ETHERSCAN: etherscan.io/token/0x34F7Be81679F8ee497014DE298aABfddf83b0A84
DEXTOOLS: www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xe7e1f559bdfebef1efebdf438cf453d1d9c36cf5
WEBSITE: yfo.farm

Telegram chat: t.me/yfochat
Telegram Announcements: t.me/yfodfo

there. all the links. blockfolio just listed it today btw

>> No.22794162

Cope harder, only because you're ignorant it doesn't mean a project is a scam

>> No.22794202

Oh I see and you think it's realistic that a totally unlisted token went from >>22792962 in 2 days?

>> No.22794245

It is extremely obvious it's a scam from the fact that it's a totally unknown token that magically went from 0 to 3000 in the span of 48 hours, you blatant chink scam shill.

>> No.22794250
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>he doesn't understand marketcap

>> No.22794305

>reading is hard xD!

>While not specifically endorsing this particular coin, since I know exactly fuck all about it

So now I went and looked at it, price action is in fact sus until you notice that the market cap is tiny. If it runs to even 5 million then you've got another 10x coming.

Does that mean it's not a scam? Of course not, but it's not as obvious as you'd think.

>> No.22794471
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>> No.22795184

Just so you guys know, YFO at $100k is only a $20m market cap kek

>> No.22795276


I threw some UNI profits at it, why the hell not

>> No.22795654

Probably because the coin peaked right when you did and it's already dropping again lmao.

And a pajeet pump and dump is a market cap of 0 with a token value of 0+asshurt.

>> No.22795673

whats the max price and what happens after the 1000 is created?

>> No.22795682

Well gosh Mr. Pajeet, that's not very useful to post when your friends are already dumping it. Couldn't keep up the charade more than 48 hours? It's funny by your own words if you "did the needful" and held you'd probably get it up to 100k and make enough to buy a new village.

>> No.22795725


Looks like I'm just bad luck lol

>> No.22795741

I sold my YFV bags at $5 (bought at $70) and bought 3.5 of this at 500-600...am i gonna make it?

>> No.22795818

You'll be okay dude, it was having a pretty massive run up so someone selling makes sense.

You'll do just fine

>> No.22795820

dumb fucking low iq pajeet. Just because you can't use a simple search function, doesn't mean its unlisted. You brain dead fucktard.

>> No.22795866


Yeah, I'm not an idiot -- nothing's going to do 60% and not pull back a bit. If it touches $3k again after this I'll throw a couple dozen ETH at it

>> No.22796179

>I'm not the pajeet for shilling a YFO clone

When we have flags you shit-colored subhumans are going to be run off this fucking boad.

>> No.22796206

>if it peaks again I'll buy high

Pajeet or idiot? Why the fuck would you spend "a couple dozen eth" on this?

>am I gonna make it

He asks, but if someone has 22 eth to throw at a scam why would he need to make it? Fuck you, pajeet, keep your story straight.

>> No.22796220

>if someone has 22 eth to throw at a scam why would he need to make it?

... because 22 ETH is like nine grand?

>> No.22796354

I'm not gonna buy the top of your bags.

>> No.22796384


No fear of that Anon, I did that for you. It of course dropped 30% after that but is now coming back up (thank Christ)

>> No.22796454
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>> No.22796468

chad fad all the way to 100k

>> No.22796500

But I could've dumped NOW.

>> No.22796536

I'm admin of the YFO tg, and know almost everything about this project.Ask me anything

>> No.22796561



>> No.22796564

wait till you try and sell and the smart contract won't allow you too

>> No.22796653

doesnt that mean they cant rugpull if they cant sell

>> No.22796689

>>2279656this is true I just tried it.

>> No.22796719

wait until you find out what slippage is

>> No.22797410

I took my initial out already, the rest is locked in the staking contract.

>> No.22797454


Who knows. Probably by the time enough tokens are released that the community can vote to control the treasury. The larger the treasury, the more desirable the token becomes.

>> No.22797888
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Pajeet, ask yourself why anyone who hasn't made it would just carelessly "yolo" and throw 9000 dollars at your scheme? Huh?

>> No.22797899

What part of India do you live in?

>> No.22798011

>Pajeet, ask yourself why anyone who hasn't made it would just carelessly "yolo" and throw 9000 dollars at your scheme? Huh?

I mean, I'm not anywhere close to making it and I've yolo'd ~17 ETH at this.

Throwing 5 figures at low mcap shitcoins is how you make it.

Doesn't look like I'm gonna with this one though lel, thank God for LINK, PAR and CREED this week

>> No.22798039


>> No.22798146

Nobody should just yolo in. The scheme comes with its risks, the tokens that are bought every week could lose value over time.

The way it's set up though is very cool and water tight. Nobody can run with the money, unless they could somehow accumulate enough tokens (over half of the supply) to reach quorum all by themselves.

The fund is DCA buying assets, and which assets are bought can be changed by community vote.

This is experimental, and the price will fluctuate a lot in the first weeks while the liquidity is low and weak and impatient hands will start selling their bags, happily being bought up from other members witnin the comunity.

I'm sure you'll find a better entry point if you're patient.

>> No.22798209

Now list all the shilled garbage that didn't make it.

>> No.22798388

>Nobody should just yolo in.

The hell they shouldn't, I'm almost at the point of yolo'ing in more

>> No.22798685

There's only 1000 tokens. I'm in

>> No.22798812


Not any time recently, you're not

>> No.22799299

it dipped to 2k just sayin

>> No.22799321

What the fuck is this? All I saw shilled was ybeam and yfbeam and whatever the fuck but never this

>> No.22799322

What's the bottom?

>> No.22799345

Probably 1000 dollars like $MEME

>> No.22799353

how the fuck should i know

>> No.22799367


Microcap yield farming index fund, interesting idea and it's at around 300k mcap right now.

That said, I threw ETH at it and I'm down like 30% right now

>mcap ~120k


>> No.22799400

oh you mean you bought it a few hours ago at 3k and now its 2k? should have bought yesterday when it was 1k

fully diluted mcap is like 2 mil

>> No.22799432

Could easily see this hitting 10k EOM

>> No.22799460

>fully diluted


>should have bought yesterday when it was 1k

True, but I was busy with other shitcoins and this one flew under the radar. That said, someone from the project needs to come get this guy because if I see another post from him I'm dumping


Hey Ranjesh, we have thread IDs here.

>> No.22799489

don't worry bro there's a lot of excitement around this one, it's just taking a breather before Tuesday

>> No.22799572


It's interesting because even some mild hype could send it moonward. I'm frankly surprised the project hasn't paid one of the CT or YouTube crypto whores a couple grand to shill it

>> No.22799589

What happens on Tuesday?

>> No.22799626


Prakash, I know you're trying to help, but there are thread IDs on this board. Everyone can see these are all posts by the same person and nothing kills a project deader here than retarded shilling from guys who have clearly never spent a day on /biz/

>> No.22799743

you've posted in this thread 15 times........
you'll see ;-)

>> No.22799811


Yeah, I'm interested and I've thrown some ETH into it. This thread is where it's being discussed on the board.

Keep that moron away from here, though, his retarded shilling makes your project reek of curry

>> No.22800017

Every time the same fucking thing happens. Anons shill some scam, I think it's legit buy and it dumps. Anons shill some actual decent project - I think it's a pajeet scam and it pumps. Fortunately it's only 2k so I still can buy some

>> No.22800055


The trick is therefore to consider your instincts and then do the complete opposite

>> No.22800602

the charts looks nice, I’ll give you that mr pajeet

>> No.22800886

jeets have printed a nice chart. just be honest what was the presale price?

>> No.22801633

no presale, dude. fair distribution for all anons at extremely low MC.

>> No.22801649
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>jeets have printed a nice chart. just be honest what was the presale price?

>> No.22801738

Just took a look at the chart, you anons have just been HOTDOG’ED