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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22794739 No.22794739[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this true /biz/? Is racism holding the economy back?

>> No.22794760


>> No.22794785
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the absolute state...

>> No.22794820

Discrimination against white people. Ship the niggers back to africa.

>> No.22794851
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>Discrimination against white people. Ship the niggers back to africa.

>> No.22794862

Discriminately allowing black advanced opportunity to fuck things up really bit us in the ass.

>> No.22794869
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>> No.22794876

Taking of my /po... sorry, /biz/ hat for a moment the answer is probably yes if your definition of racism is of the systemic variety.
All those creatures in the hood just wasting away? Imagine if they were supported in to semi decent careers, paying tax etc.
>inb4 some Kato Institute retard claims they ought to be able to do that themselves
Then why don't you, you fucking NEET

>> No.22794949

>Then why don't you, you fucking NEET

You answered your own question, retard. Cut off welfare gibs and mail out job applications instead.

>> No.22794988

Worth it for niggerless workplace.

>> No.22795034

jesus. the jew media will write any bullshit article to distract you from the fact that the socialist policies of the government and federal reserve are fucking everyone over.