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22785339 No.22785339 [Reply] [Original]

>bancor is dead
>devs are slow
>v2 failed

i shilled u BNT in March at sub 30 cents and made you 1000% profit if u played it smart. if u missed that free money opportunity u now have another shot at this anon, so don’t fuck it up. loading up on BNT now while it’s at its absolute bottom in this cycle, with no hype, and holding for one month will prove to be the smartest and most profitable defi trade this quarter. bancor is playing it exactly like chainlink did in 2019 when there was 0 hype on their channels and only one price feed live. anyone not paying attention doesn’t see it, but the breadcrumbs are all over their telegram. don’t complain when BNT easily rips past $3 once v2.1 is live with dozens of liquidity pools that can be staked in without impermanent loss and say no one told u this was coming. yesterday, nate said in the bancor traders channel that the new contracts are already being audited. this likely gives anyone who wants to load up on BNT about 3 to 4 weeks before BNT begins its next 1000%+ pump cycle according to my giga brain forecasts. also remember that not a single one of the million cookie cutter pasta AMMs on the market has actually mitigated impermanent loss yet. not sushiswap, not uniswap, not balancer, not curve, not fucking dodo. none of them. they’re all the fucking same and are all at parity with bancor’s v1 that has been around since 2017. the original fucking AMM. prepare your body and your bags for the biggest defi black swan event of the year. and don’t say u didn’t receive fair notice. not this time anon. not this time.

>> No.22785557

looks good, wish you'd posted this 20 mins earlier to bring it to attention as it pumped 7% in the past 20min. bought a small bag anyway

>> No.22785581

Bnt is dead faggot, get over it you pajeet scum

>> No.22785599

imagine thinking 1000% since march is good
I feel bad for you

>> No.22785610
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>> No.22785704

Avi this is just some awful pathetic Shilling. How heavy are your bags? Bancor is dead and will get BTFO to bankruptcy in 3 weeks when Uniswap 3.0 Launches. No one cares about Bancor they, its irrelevant.

>> No.22785781

>based green ID

>> No.22785799

>yesterday, nate said in the bancor traders channel that the new contracts are already being audited.
he was replying to a post i made whining about the slow development, which on one hand is bullish because he made good points about how innovation takes time, but on the other hand is bearish because why tf is the CEO replying to whining retards like me in the telegram.

>> No.22785888

nate is a big faggot, if you trust this idiot, you deserve to lose all your money

>> No.22785899

LOL, Nate is not the CEO. He's in charge of communications and growth, hence he's supposed to reply to retards like you in Telegram.

>> No.22786070

The only brain in this thread

>> No.22786094

Keep hating. You're going to get BTFO by Bancvor v2.1. Never bet against the Jews. They're about to reclaim all your LPs.

>> No.22786179 [DELETED] 

fuck it’s pumping

>> No.22786236 [DELETED] 

fuck it’s pumping

>> No.22786265

you better be fucking right about v2.1

i bought your v2 hype and i'm 60% down on bnt

>> No.22786315

damn it anon. good that u bought early but why didn’t u sell the local top when i was telling u to sell in august? this is your chance at redemption. don’t fuck it up this time.

>> No.22786337

Entering here
20K in!

How has no one even come close to solving IL?

These jews still think they can do it eh?


>> No.22786370

went 3x long at 2.2 should have sold when it had the small pump to 2.4, been bagholding this position since

fucking rekt rn but I'm tempted to dump some of tomorrows pay check in

>> No.22786388

v2 was only a beta launch, unfortunately. They learned a lot from live testing their LPs and are nearly ready to completely own all the false LP gods.

>> No.22786420

did they even say v2 was a beta launch? the marketing was pushing it as a full launch

>> No.22786483

Yes, they were transparent about it. Too many people are unwilling to read a full article these days. I do think they took longer than expected to iron out some of the kinks. I know the LINK oracles provided issues related to front running and arbitration, which they seem to have solved and are auditing now to double check.


>> No.22786529

kek I guess I was too much of a brainlet. I was sold on the LINK blog post about BNT V2 IL mitigation
been in the LINK V2 pool about a week after it launched

pretty shit returns for me so far though, I guess it's the lack of vol?

>> No.22786697
File: 40 KB, 615x447, D13DBBF8-6B32-4D42-99DA-81521833F56A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sergey's blog about bancor was spot on. chainlink team saw it coming. bancor will be the dex of choice for institutional finance.

>> No.22786845

That pic always fucking kills me. Based AF.

>> No.22786958

Uniswap robbed your cake

>> No.22787071
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When nate births bancor V2.1 my pants come off.

>> No.22787243

Lol this. I've seen him called ceo before

>> No.22787275

you will never hear about Bancor ever again after Uniswap releases V3

>> No.22787482

the reverse anon.

>> No.22787762

Not many shitcoins at Bancor. The gas fees is even higher than Uniswap. Why use?

>> No.22787798

when impermanent loss is mitigated for liquidity providers in bancor v2.1 every shitcoin will have a pool there.

>> No.22787824

Uniswap copied the AMM idea from Bancor. But the crafty Jews are carefully developing Bancor v2.1 to provide liquidity amplification, negligible impermanent loss, and single token pooling. I doubt that little onions boy in charge of Uniswap can accomplish all of that with Uni v3.

>> No.22787883

LOL nah not buying ur bags. 2017 called it wants its shitcoin back

>> No.22788060

Don't say we didn't warn you. The downward price action is setting up to provide some serious multipliers for anyone savvy enough to buy a bag now.

>> No.22788077
File: 63 KB, 960x540, E99423C1-78D6-4786-8098-C9840348BB65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2020 called, BNT pumped when I said it would last time and was the top performing DeFi token of Q2 and it’s about to do the same again. Don’t cry when it’s up 1000% again.

My fucking galaxy brain

>> No.22788119

We're looking to repeat that PA. Q2 price was ridiculously beaten down, and then it went bananas. We've seen a very similar pattern over the past 30 days, and with v2.1 nearly ready for prime time, sign me the fuck up.

>> No.22788247

my bags are packed. ready for $20 BNT this time around.

>> No.22789225

fuck it, either i'm going to be rich with bancor or go broke

when i get paid tomorrow, anything left over is going in to a 3x long

>> No.22789578
File: 39 KB, 800x500, bnt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may allah bless you with wealth far beyond your wildest dreams.

>> No.22790129

Should I trade my 2k OMG for 7k-ish BNT? HELP ME I HAVE SO LITTLE BIZ I NEED A MOON

>> No.22790236

if they release v2.1 on time with the full feature set you're looking at a 10x

>> No.22790712

might put an eth into this

>> No.22790721

OMG. Really anon? BNT is a fucking blue chip and you’re wondering if you should still hold on to OM fucking G. The answer is staring at you in the face. Incredible how some people won’t even take free money when it’s handed to them on a silver fucking platter

>> No.22790785
File: 11 KB, 429x230, impulse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LETS DO THIS, MARKET BUY, biz level intelligence. Ive been wanting some bnt for a while and at 2+ I thought I missed the boat (and I dont mean the USS Liberty)

>> No.22790829

I DID IT, Im sorry I thought skateboard would actually have a product after 3 years

>> No.22790968
File: 132 KB, 1280x796, on the tongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based and liberty pilled.
Congrats on getting the deal of the century and buying BNT at the literal bottom in this cycle. Thank me in November.

>> No.22791342

im 200k long uni not sure if i already should switch to BNT. help

>> No.22791551

Why are you long on UNI? Serious question. Everyone dumped that shit on day 1 of the free money drop. The whole governance system is rigged. It’s impossible to create a proposal without having a quarter of the entire supply delegated to u. fucking scam coin. money god andre said it himself. BNT is the real deal. It’s what Uniswap based it’s AMM on and now Bancor is about to take all of uniswap’s liquidity with v2.1.

>> No.22791669
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back to 2500 sats

>> No.22791930

The advantage Bancor has with having the foresight to release a token before other all other AMMs is that BNT is literally in every single Bancor pool on the network. Once V2.1 is launched Bancor’s network effects are going to create tremendous upward price pressure on BNT. Few understand this. UNI, on the other hand, has just been duct taped on to Uniswap’s system and exists in a single pool. It is actually, unironically, a completely useless token that serves no purpose other than enabling the Uniswap team to tell the SEC (who served them with legal action) that they are a community governed protocol.