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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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226023 No.226023 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>221468

>> No.226027

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN (PND). WHAT IS PANDACOIN (PND)? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))

UPDATE YOUR WALLET TO THE NEWEST VERSION(1.5.3): http://bamboohouse.info/bin/pandacoin-qt-win32_1.5.3.zip

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/

Want to help PND?
Send a mail for its inclusion on bter to: admin@mail.bter.com
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d/please_add_pandacoin_pnd_to_coinedup_0_premine_3
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND
Cryptsy votethread: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882

Services that accept PND:

Website: http://thepandacoin.net/

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

Pools can be found in the bitcointalk thread.



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)
Forum: http://forum.bamboohouse.info

Also test my tipbot script for 4chan:

>> No.226041

btw I'm mining PND right now. Difficulty of 2.2 sucks though it was around 1.8 in the afternoon

>> No.226042

why do you hate dogecoin now, amdoge?

>> No.226046

You should be happy it isn't 50 more then.

Or do I?

>> No.226057

Can you explain why you are shilling this shit coin and not DOGE anymore?

>> No.226059


niggahs kept complaining and blaming pnd for it's fall in value.

how goes the asian shill lambfroge?

>> No.226060

its called being stakeholder

>> No.226097

amDOGE what is the ETA for PoS?

>> No.226118

When it's done.

>> No.226122


trying to pull a gabenewellforever on us are you?

>> No.226126

Soon™ then?

>> No.226128

I don't know what you mean.


>> No.226135


Half Life 2

>> No.226212

That ended up great.

>> No.226247

>Spamming a thread about an altcoin not even worth 1 Satoshi


We might as well have spammed threads about Coinye

Daily spam threads of Tips

Daily spam threads of Topcoin

Daily spam threads of Shecklecoin and Niggercoin

>muh /g/ created anti Wolong coin
Who gives a fuck anymore? Isn't that guy dead by now anyways from the Yakuza?

>> No.226251


Jacob pls go

>> No.226256


pls go Nekomata

>> No.226264

Daily reminder: amDOGE is a dumbshit

>> No.226270


wolong pls

>> No.226310
File: 400 KB, 1920x1080, dashboardupdate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an ascreenshot of the current state of the user-defined dashboard project.
One countdown, two basestats, two graphs (one with mutiple data, DOGE and CR).
The data was plotted from a local server, scraped from swisscex thru the public API. Other excahnges may follow.

What do you think?

I think I'll start public alpha as soon as core functionality i kind working.

>> No.226318

is* kinda*
sorry I've been working on this all day, can't type for shit.

>> No.226319

Looks decent

>> No.226325

I don't think he's a dumbshit because he says sensible things on IRC. I just don't get why he speaks in nothing but coy nonstatements in threads.

Also PND is a fail idea that is fail.

>> No.226333


It's his persona, like Batman

>> No.226342

Thanks. You'll be able to choose what you want to see and rearrange the layout to your liking. I don't like how all the sites want to know how you want your info served.

>> No.226353
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>> No.227058

>I don't think he's


>> No.227087
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Can we please use the multipool to fuck over reddcoin?

They are literally taking donations to give adhd drugs to hyperactive children. it's kind of enraging me.

Seriously i will buy extra GPU's just to fuck them harder. they have a low difficulty and decent profits to be made as well.

i was thinking like I would feel bad doing a multipool dump on a crypto but not on these mother fuckers. Check out their subreddit, that actually deserve it.


Plus a lot of them are roid heads for some strange reason, their user names even refer to roids. Weird, but i fucking hate roidheads. Pic related.

>> No.227094

amdoge is a fucking shill scammer that uses 4chan to pump and dump his retarded memecoins, he's probably made tens of thousands of dollars from you fools

>> No.227106

>says a wolongist

>> No.227113


Why do you think I want to fuck them over?

I'm on your side my man.

Drugging children for adhd is fucking deplorable.

>> No.227123


Just get over it. you're right, we are retarded. in fact we are just sending amdoge all of our bitcoin at this point.

I sold my house for bitcoin and sent it to amdoge.

I wanted to be like mollymachine (my idol) and blow my life savings to a crypto scam artist.

Why the fuck not? I'm like you guys now.

LOL just kidding. I'm diversified just like everyone else here. You can't touch me you punk azz bitch. Stay mad though jacobux...or should I call you jacobNObux? AMIRITE?

>> No.227199

looks really nice, appreciate it

>> No.227492

trannies aren't grills.

>> No.227717

hey I know people who take steroids and they are pretty decent people

also swole as fuck

>> No.227733
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>> No.227739
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>> No.227746


>> No.227747
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>> No.227749
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>> No.227754
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>> No.227758
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>> No.227759
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>Dogecoin at 123
>mining not any easier than at 250

>> No.227764
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Guess what it will be like in a year.

>> No.227767
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>> No.227775

what should I mine .... millions of shitcoins piliing up at my courtyard... pnd, flap, sloth...you name it I got it..

>> No.227777
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>> No.227782

diff jumped to 20 and increasing because of the price jump.. only mined 350 back then when you recommended it in december ;_;

cryptos are so cruel..

>> No.227784

PND it is then.

>> No.227785

I really want to get back to mining mona since I've only got around 230. But at the same time I want to stock up on PND before PoS is implemented.

What would you do in this situation, amDOGE? I only have one card, so can't mine both at once.

>> No.227786

alright...next aim 50 million....

>> No.227788

amDOGE, how much PND has been mined?

>> No.227792


>> No.227795
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Right now PoS seems to be rather impossible to add so I'm not sure whether or not we're going to see it at all.
Mine the coin you want to support.

Good luck.


>> No.227798

I misread your post. You can look it up at http://pandachain.net/chain/PandaCoin/q/totalbc..

>> No.227804

>so I'm not sure whether or not we're going to see it at all.

Oh boy

with PND/LTC coming near to a crash , i am not sure if PND would survive

>> No.227805

Not PND but I do have a crypto question.
I sent BTC from my wallet to an exchange, I currently have 14 confirmations but the transaction is still processing. Why and am I fucked?

>> No.227806

1mhz are yielding only 40coins now per day

>> No.227808

>current value is everything

Blame the exchange.
>and am I fucked
Is the transaction showing as processed on the exchange?

>> No.227811

It's here.

>> No.227813

You should contact them then.

>> No.227815

Have you heard how the multipool is coming along? Or are there any other interesting thoughts for PND's future?

Yeah, it is pretty sad thinking that a week ago I was getting 40 coins with my 400khash. Then again, in just a few weeks it could be that 1mhz are getting 10 coins per day.

>> No.227816

Who? It's not the exchange it's the bitcoin blockchain holding it for some reason, I just hit 15 confirmations.

>> No.227817

>>current value is everything

considering noone wants to use it in their service because of losing value , i reckon it is as of now

>> No.227818


whats the current plan then doss?

>> No.227821

Will it even be alive? ASIC Scrypt miners coming soon.

>> No.227822

Last I heard is that the payout system needs to be done, and that's probably it. Mining is done already.
>are there any other interesting thoughts for PND's future?
The rebrand that will come with the pool and hopefully successful transition to pos.
Otherwise we're currently creating its future so nothing.

If the exchange says it's getting processed and the transaction has more than 3 confirms then it's the exchange being wonky.

Everything starts out with no value. We're doing better than bitcoin 5 years ago.

What do you mean?

They could always switch algos. Also ASICs for scrypt have been a reality for two months now.

>> No.227825

>Everything starts out with no value. We're doing better than bitcoin 5 years ago.

Bitcoin didnt have many rivals then and it easily had a bigger community

We are not even trying to get it on other services

>> No.227828


other than the pos integration, what will pnd have in future?

>> No.227829
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>"The software driving Bitcoin's network was upgraded Wednesday, with security fixes addressing a problem that defunct bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox blamed for losing nearly half a billion dollars worth of bitcoins. The latest version of bitcoin's software, 0.9.0, contains more than a half dozen fixes for transaction malleability, according to the release notes for the software. Bitcoin Core also contains a new feature for payment requests. Previously, merchants couldn't attach a note describing an invoice, and people also could not supply a refund address to a merchant. The latest version automatically supplies a refund address."

>> No.227832

The multipool is under testing right now and help is needed on IRC if you have some hashing power available.

>> No.227834

The exchange isn't showing anything at all, it's like I never sent anything on their end.

>> No.227836

>easily had a bigger community
Or did it?
>We are not even trying to get it on other services
You can change that easily.

I can't look into the future.

Then contact them.

>> No.227839

yeah just look at bitcoin, when asics kicked in value went to shit and it never recovered... wait what

>> No.227846


may I look into your butt~?

oh well, I'll keep buying up regardless.

>> No.227848
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>buying cryptocurrencies

>> No.227863


I just offload doge for pnd as it gets me the most and costs me nothing~

>> No.227865

You're supposed to hold your doge.

>> No.227867

So, you're trading something that may go up in value, with something that is in freefall in value? I have some ZEIT I would like to trade to you.

>> No.227868


I can only be bothered to hold one, pnd can only go up from here whilst doge is diving.

>> No.227870

1) mine doge
2) sell for pnd
3) make 25% more pnd

at least if you are mining on a potato

>> No.227873


I'll trade you some of my topcoin for it, or a couple stablecoin~

>> No.227919
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I see.

Buy more hardware then.

>> No.227936

>tfw cryptocurrencies made me greedy as fuck
>already made over 10 bitcoin
>can't get enough of it

>> No.227946

teach me your ways senpai.

>> No.227950

Do you research.
No one wanted to tell me what to mine/buy/sell when I started.

>> No.227954

I'm good.

mine promising shitcoins on release day, dump on exchange day is not exactly a secret

>> No.228043

God I hate all these exchanges

they have been like removing a couple of satoshis from my account which i am assuming is due to rounding off problems in calculations

>> No.228054

>You can change that easily.


>> No.228057

Suggest a service you'd like to see PND on and post a contact here. The problem is that people stopped doing this so the thread is pretty slow which makes people stop posting.

>> No.228059



>> No.228061

I've sent them a mail two days ago or so

>> No.228068

no reply yet?

try contacting them in the IRC

>#coinswap on freenode.net

>> No.228071


I can try that.

>> No.228081

Seems rather dead in there.

>> No.228086

the site does say support hours are 8 AM - 5 PM , guessing EST

do maybe tomorrow between that time then

>> No.228090

But I got a reply. That's something.

>> No.228092

from whom?

if it isnt from the coin-swap team does it matter?

>> No.228093

you fucking poor badholders, while amDOGE was luring you into PND pit of hell and bags he was hoarding MONA and is ready to make crazy dosh again.


>almost 2015
>still posting in amDOGE thread

>> No.228101

>i haven't had a chance to add coins lately, i've been working on version 2.0 of the exchange. should be released in the next few days
>i'm going ot be removing a lot of coins without volume
>and then add some

>> No.228102



>> No.228113


bottom of the page

we fucking missed it

we need to get people to tip Doge to DTiiP8CV8QCJ3Q6QjRNzTt6VV9G6JURJU5 to get PND listed on https://coin-swap.net

>> No.228115

Don't pay money to the exchanges. This will only do harm.

>> No.228117

See >>227782

He's our shepherd. Don't blame him when you didnt listen to his prayers.

>> No.228123


we voted with crypto on coin-payments to get PND accepted

how is this any different?

>> No.228127

And see what happened to it.

>> No.228129

Coinpayments actually donated the amount and each vote is low. They also (temporally?) delisted the coin, similar to mintpal which got 2.5BTC.
100k doge is currently worth $72 which is way too much just for including the coin.

>> No.228131

The based fucking 1337 anon donated 1337 Doges to https://coin-swap.net

you are awesome

>> No.228132


i kinda see your point

but desperate times calls for desperate measures

>> No.228135

It's also just another exchange where people can dump their coins. It won't add anything to the value of PND right now.
If you need to have it on there though, go ahead. I recommend against it and just sit it out.

>> No.228140

i understand your viewpoint

However since in https://coin-swap.net you can trade PND with any other available coin there i want to believe that the dumping will spread and dilute

Not being on more exchanges is not lessening the dumping

>> No.228142

Fine then.

>> No.228154

If PoS is not going to be implemented,
What about the multipool?
And I have to add how good those can be, because as of lately, both of the multipools that I was using, mintpool and wafflepool are shitting themselves for some reason

>> No.228167

According to the creator of the pool it will be able to take up to 20k miners which should be quite good.
As for pos, someone proposed a new idea on how switching to it could work so it's not completely off the table yet.

>> No.228174

Oh ok, if miners are required you have my ax, and my potato. I was assuming that it was harder to do, because yesterday I saw mintpool.us and the statistics showed an amazing 0.00KH/s pool mining speed

>> No.228192

Cloning into pos doesnt just go that easy, but it is not totally impossible. Cloning PoS coin: easy, cloning litecoin: easy too. Peercoin->litecoin-fusion: problem. So if anyone with good insight of the crypto algorithms wants to take a look, just join the IRC. It seems that basic c++ knowledge is just not enough.

>> No.228200

If you're mining pnd it would make sense to use the multipool anyway, as it automatically gives the coin more value.

>> No.228224

could i get a tip? starting out
is pnd in trouble?

>> No.228227

And support the price. I still think that PoS will be best for the coin, as PoS has alot of reasons regarding coin stability, less dumpings happen, once people understood what PoS means and where the benefits are. But having the multipool before PoS makes sense too.

>> No.228232

sent ;)
It's priced lower than it was three weeks ago which seems to be a problem.

Yep, constant buy support will give it at least activity on the market.

>> No.228233

thanks anon

>> No.228237

y-you too amdoge

>> No.228240

amDOGE is a loser

>> No.228248

But why do you care?

>> No.228249

Aren't we all anon?
Aren't we all losers on this game of life?

Are we not bound by physical constrains that stop us from winning the game and from cheating the game, but also force us to play the game without being able to quit?

In the end we are all losers, but we are losers together.

>> No.228252
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clone pos coin, premine number of pnd mined, exchange for pnd 1:1

>> No.228267


>> No.228308

Well stated. It's important to not take things *too* seriously.
It's pretty funny watching people get worked up over PND or DOGE when you take a step back.

I appreciate the hard work amDOGE does for us.

>> No.228325

Is EDG good? PoS coin i think

>> No.228331

Also IPO coin.

>> No.228336

Are IPOs bad?

>> No.228337

IPO = scam

>> No.228338
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They are also not needed.

>> No.228339

The Stackcoin dev who scammed 69.5 Bitcoin was hilarious though.

>> No.228342

Lol kek IPOs can be good sometimes

>> No.228344

And still people fall for that crap and pay early profits to the next IPO scammer.

>> No.228345

The amount of scams far outweighs that possibility.

>> No.228350
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They will never learn.

>> No.228351

Look at this: IPO scammers get BTC for nothing (literaly just a forum post with neat pictures) while investors get a bucked of coins of unknown value. If the coin really succeeds, who earns double profits? IPO-investors or coin devs?
It's really that simpe.

>> No.228355

Let's make an IPO coin guys.

>> No.228359

I hope they will soon, less shitcoins, less failures, less scam in a community, thats already glut and fed with mistrust and slack.

>> No.228363

What coin did pnd fought against once?

>> No.228364


>> No.228367

There will always be the newfriend or the person with chronic stockholm falling for those schemes, just look at molly (if he is actually serious all the time).

>> No.228368

Scams never stop

>> No.228370

I don't care, I want money.

>> No.228372

As people continue to fall for them. One the one hand this makes me feel bad for them but they are asking for it.

>> No.228373

>One the
*On the

>> No.228381
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one more slip up like that and I'm going to slip up pictures of my penis

>> No.228383
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>> No.228385

I have to agree.

DOGE is dying, but at least DOGE has a strong community behind it.

PND is long dead and there is absolutely nothing special about it. It was basically made as a trollcoin. We need a new coin.

>> No.228386

shut up jacob

>> No.228523


>> No.228549
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>amDoge IDF in full force
Why are you so white knight defending against a coin that is less than 0 satoshis?

Isnt it because you have a shitoad stored up yourself and you want to continue marketing off these goddamn redundant threads?


>> No.228577

fuck off nekomata

>> No.228609

>shilling PND in a PND thread

>> No.228656
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I'm not that guy but yeah, I'd like it to go up.

I started mining again from 0 yesterday :^)

>> No.228663
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>anyone who disagrees is, i dont even know who the fuck that is
Oh yeah? How many people have bought and sold PND to each other in this thread?

Take a wild fucking guess.

You know the answer?

It's fucking zero.

>> No.228664
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So you're still around?

>> No.228667

fuck off woschlong

>> No.228674


I should ask you the same question.

>> No.228678

I will be for the next year. I think I've made my case clear when starting these threads.

>> No.228679

That might be worth 1.5 Litecoins if you're lucky

>> No.228680

If PND starts rising in value, post which price points would trigger you to sell and what percentage you would sell.
I personally plan on holding indefinitely.

>> No.228683


Well, I'm selling most of my mining equipment because I'm tired of wasting all of my life watching prices and such.

Electricity is also causing me to lose money.

I'm just going to keep one 4mhash rig to fiddle with. I figure I'll keep mining PND for giggles.

>> No.228685

That's a shame. Why not at least run it on some multipool and transfer the BTC to fiat. I don't think you're going to lose much on electricity that way.

>> No.228690


Incorrect. My electricity is more expensive than yours.

When I bought everything, DOGE was worth just about twice as much.

Even mining on multipools isn't profitable. I am risk adverse. I don't like holding. I'm sitting on a million DOGE and hopefully at least 100 million PND, though.

>> No.228694

how powerful is your rig? renting can be more profitable than mining.

>> No.228695


>> No.228698

why is bamboohouse.info broken

>> No.228700
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I see.
Well at least you're going to keep 4.

What is not working?

>> No.228703


Better than nothing. My electricity is tier-based, so mining with just 4mhash will take it from $0.38 to $0.08. That's much better.

>> No.228706

Is lower the total coin count a possibility? Kitteh slashed theirs by half. I guess depends on how much are mined already, it probably doesn't matter all that much.

>> No.228709

Yes. But why?

>> No.228713
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I wonder if there's any type of flatrate for industrial usage or something. This would be pretty handy for bigger mining operations.

>> No.228717

it's actually on my end I think, for some reason I can't connect to any sites hosted in/around Germany

>> No.228730

okay I can connect to some German sites, just not any where the connection is going through hetzner.de

>> No.228732


Yes, in my state there is. Commercial allows one to get electricity at something like $0.02kWh, but you pay a meter access charge of something like $30/day.

I've considered moving out of state. If I were to move 800 miles away, I could get flat-rate at $0.07. I would need 22mhash to live VERY comfortably. I wouldn't need to work. But, that's a gamble. I'd be selling daily.

>> No.228736

Wait so.. Is DOGE dead? What?

>> No.228740

Try a proxy?

And so far the gamble has been working out quite nicely. Just remember that cryptos are still in infancy and we're on a playing field with every possibility.

70k+ subscribers on reddit would like to have a word with you. What makes you think it is?

>> No.228741

Price is STILL in decline. No more /dcg/.

>> No.228744

>i only care about price movements

>> No.228745

>And so far the gamble has been working out quite nicely

Yep. Friendly reminder that I am anonymously reminding you that I have been mining cryptos since January 2010.

I hope it continues, though! I paid off all of my debt with it over the years.

>> No.228752
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Don't sell your cards them and put them in the cold instead then. You'll never know when you'll get them as cheap as you got them back then.

>> No.228755

>cards them
*cards then

>> No.228765

Well yeah, I'm here to make a profit.

>> No.228767

Then BTC might be the better address.

>> No.228768

So what happened to "moon" then?

>> No.228769


I may or may not have a family connection that gets me cards at MSRP. But thank you :)

>> No.228777
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Doge is how old?

Ah. Feels good, no?

>> No.228779

Why would cards ever be price gouged again. We have Nvidia friendly scripts and more efficient cards. ASICs are coming up too. I don't see it happening.

>> No.228782


It does. The shipping times, not so much. But could be far worse.

>> No.228791

Darkcoin is god.


>> No.228796

No one can look into the future.

Looks like I have a bit better in that regard as they are selling those parts on a daily basis.


>> No.228798
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>> No.228802

I can connect through some proxies, but then MPOS won't let me log in.

>> No.228825

Sweet dreams

>> No.228853

Darkcoin > shitty_doggy_scamcoin_of_the_week

>> No.229034

I would consider selling at over 200 satoshi, if I had no reason to believe it would go substantially higher

>> No.229051


If i would sell then i would do so only to buy back for margins

>> No.229072

Could any PND millionare tip me 100K PND?

>> No.229205
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>> No.229220
File: 86 KB, 1044x506, pndltc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suddenly more than 100% price increase.

>> No.229223

Hey thanks anon

>> No.229234

shit you can but @5 in swisscex and sell it for 7 in Mintapal

>> No.229242

leaving this here instead of new thread.
> Mtgox finds 200,000 btc in forgotten wallet

>> No.229269

Mt Goy pls

>> No.229275

I wish everyone stopped using mintpal

scx has been nothing but supportive

>> No.229307


>> No.229318

>I wish everyone stopped using mintpal

It has a lower Sell fee than Swisscex , so i still see a benefit of using Mintpal

using both currently since both have their Pros and Cons

>> No.229321

Mintpal is owned by bots though.

>> No.229344


you can work it to your advantage, all it takes is timing

>> No.229346


Also its not like you cant use bots in Swisscex.

>> No.229347

It's pretty extreme on mintpal though

>> No.229368

How about this
a deflationary crypto currency that effectively deletes a tiny percentage of every coin in the total supply of coins every time a block is created, like a tax for every coin. the percentage is more for coins that are further down the block chain. So it encourages spending and ‘sort of’ avoids hoarding. the percentage only starts to gradually rise from a few Xtoshis or so after around a days worth of blocks, this would still make it worth holding coins and increase transactions volume.

so your coins are basically deducted a tx fee that gets deleted whenever you make a transaction, derived from how manny blocks have passed since they arrived at that address. when coin supply is reached and no new coins are created the tx fees switch over to the miners. could even make it so the tx fee is more for addresses with less coins kek. its sort of an obscure scam coin but we should do it. it would be fun and interesting.

>> No.229371


>So it encourages spending and ‘sort of’ avoids hoarding.

Actually we need the opposite because the main problem of new altcoins is they are being dumped in exchanges for BTC or whatever

Hoarding needs to be encouraged so the marketplace isnt flooded with the altcoin

Which is why a lotof POS coins are taking off now

>> No.229374

Sadly, PoS coins still get dumped. The BTC one gets at good coin prices is more than the few satoshi PoS one gets hoarding millions. Also a problem that lately appeared is, that exchanges seem to dump the PoS they get for the wallets of their traders and getting some kind of an extra fee.

>> No.229376

how about flip it then, the longer you hold your coins, the more you get as 'interest' when you make a transaction. creating new coins for you and keeping more.

>> No.229377


Mintpal has actually removed POS functionality from whatever altcoin it possibly can informed its users to withdraw as much of their POS coins as they can back to their wallets to take full advantage of the coin

i liked that they are in a way setting a standard for other exchanges that dea with this type of coin

>> No.229379
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Where's the hashrate coming from?

>> No.229381


mining farm?

>> No.229382

regular coins are still mined in blocks as usual, just with a modified transaction function really

>> No.229384
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I would guess so.

>> No.229388

Holy shit. PND Pump n Dump incoming!!

>> No.229482

holy doge! i've been mining mona every so often on my rig's spare time and now i realize i'm sitting on a little fortune: 5400!

>> No.229483
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They are just getting started.

>> No.229509

MONA高で苦しんでいる人が多数いるようだが、 逆に考えるんだ、MONA安時にBTCを売ってMONA高時にBTCを買い戻せば 結果として儲かるではないか。#もなとれ

The Japanese have cracked the secret to making a profit!

>> No.229518

>google translate
>Seems to have a large number of people suffering from MONA high, but I think on the contrary, do not profitable as a result if Kaimodose the BTC to MONA high at the time of selling BTC to MONA depreciation time. # And also take such

>> No.229519

so is doge dead? should i sell it?

>> No.229521

All altcoins are dead, sell and buy bitcoin.

>> No.229549
File: 52 KB, 600x470, aKzOZ26_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doge is pretty flatline
its depressive but not dead

>> No.229556

yeah im not really watching it anymore. I dont know if its even worth keeping it anymore

>> No.229557

It basically says buy mona cheap sell mona high.

>> No.229563

Well, would you sell Bitcoin? look at the price... its not going anywhere. $580 atm

>> No.229567

id probably hold the bitcoin and see what happens. its just that doge looks like its only going down

>> No.229573

It's the depression. Latest news about Mt.Fucks have lowered the price again. I really hope, they will get over it soon, when enthusiasm returns, price will return to doge aswell.

>> No.229600

so do you have resources left on that host you bought? why not add a few more pools such as doge?

>> No.229603
File: 7 KB, 1075x93, 1395414492963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's plenty left.
>why not add a few more pools such as doge?
It will act as secondary node for the multipool soon.

>> No.229604

Yeah, scx should probably go 0.1/0.1 until they have more volume

>> No.229605
File: 162 KB, 768x1024, 1391272674307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, everyone think about the SERVICES you could run on that thing

>> No.229614
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A hosting company.

>> No.229618


an online marketplace that accepts PND and DOGE? something like ebay.

>> No.229620

Do you guys still find pandachain.net useful?

>> No.229625


>> No.229629


that sounds nice.

>> No.229634

Sure, why not?

>> No.229640

I don't see a lot of hits on my server log.

>> No.229642

Probably because pnd.showed.us has been more stable in the past / more uptime. It also has http://pnd.showed.us/static/Top100.html..

>> No.229646

>someone has 880 million pandacoins

>> No.229647
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>> No.229654


since POS is in doubts can the multipools discourage PND dumping

>> No.229656

Is that a question?

>> No.229658

Do you guys think it's possible (and a good idea) to get something like this:


And stick a cheap 750 ti on it?

I plan to let it mine at work next to my desk so electricity and internet won't be a problem

>> No.229659

yes i forgot the ?

>> No.229661

I dont exactly know what multipool does and what its purpose is

>> No.229666

If it has a free pcie slot then sure.

Dumpers will dump either way. But it will create constant buy orders which is good and brings activity in the market.

It mines random coins that are on top of the profitability list, sends them to an exchange, exchanges them to litecoins / bitcoins. The profit will be used to buy up PND on the market.

>> No.229667

Can the motherboard handle 60W over the PCI-E slot?

>> No.229668

>mining for 1 day
>in top 100


>> No.229670

>The profit will be used to buy up PND on the market.

I see

>> No.229671

And after that the PND will be sent to the user obviously I forgot to add.

>> No.229674


ahh and when will the multipool be implemented

>> No.229676

When it's ready.

>> No.229678

It has a free pcie 2.0, do I need a riser for that?
I think it does, or if you are more of the /g/ kind, I was thinking about the thinkcentre for the same price.

>> No.229679

i should have known

>> No.229686
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>do I need a riser for that?
You need risers when using more than two cards. It's mainly for cooling and positioning.


>> No.229691

Will the PND buy up be automated? Or will someone check what exchange PND is currently lowest at and buy it there? It won't always be the case the best value for the mined coins is the same place as the lower PND value.

>> No.229696

i hope youre all in drk, try not to make a loss of over 50% k?

>> No.229702

tru potato here, plx send

>> No.229698

>Will the PND buy up be automated?
Should be.
>Or will someone check what exchange PND is currently lowest at and buy it there?
I'm not sure.

>> No.229714

sent ;)

>> No.229733

PND reward halving is in less than 12 hours.

>> No.229761
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>> No.229785
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>> No.229791
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>> No.229797
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We need Dogecoin the Animation btw

>> No.229829
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That could be interesting, i'm trying to think what it would be about exactly, taking Spice and Wolf and the economics thematic as a reference

>> No.229844


MFW no one is caring about the halving
MFW i have no face

>> No.229846
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>> No.229855
File: 30 KB, 577x435, 1395387100157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's clear what must be done. coins are grills

shh I want to see how a halving goes that nobody is aware of

>> No.229854


as usual, just you and i sitting at the top of bamboohouse, raking it in, dreaming of a day when it could be worth something.

>> No.229860
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>> No.229864

why is there still a mintpal link on the first post?

>> No.229866
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Why not?

>> No.229879

the btc one doesn't work, should be replaced with ltc

>> No.229884
File: 34 KB, 620x171, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't miss the train train

>> No.229885
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>> No.229888

Net hashrate is increasing due to the halving soon.


>> No.229893

actually i mean the bitcointalk thread

>> No.229895

Oh. I'm not the OP of that.

>> No.229931


>> No.229928

Multipoo tomorrow or sunday?

>> No.229937

Me neither.

>> No.229934

I don't know when that is though.

>> No.229943

i think he means Half life 3

>> No.230204

Thanks, I had daywork to do, now I'm back on thrack.
If I manage to get some things sorted out, maybe I can launch a public alpha on Sunday.

>> No.230222

that would be sooo amazing!!! Thanks for all the hard work pandas!!!

>> No.230244

anyone ready for rotocoin?

>> No.230248
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Sounds awful.

>> No.230250

I know ;_;

but muh profits.. that fucking btctalk thread has already a big pagecount. I dont even know why but seems like there's gonna be some interest. Also since I missed the vtc train...

>> No.230254

Is that a racially stereotypical version of lottocoin?

>> No.230258


>> No.230290

Just *imagine* a coin with which you could buy real-world GPUs!
If that happens I'm sitting on some serious cents