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File: 1.11 MB, 1280x800, 1551844958649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22767535 No.22767535 [Reply] [Original]

friendly reminder that most cryptos are at least 2x what they were from the last 2 giga capitulations. Most of the world knows covid was a scam in more ways than one, that trump will win in a landslide, and any WW3 type scenario is pushed back to 2024+ at the very least.

Any de-risking in the short and medium term will be relatively low in magnitude and short-lived. We are enterring a golden bull run for all financial assets, cash and retail banks will die, and then fiats and central banks soonafter that.

good luck bros. youve known about bitcoin, ethereum, and chainlink for years now. you know who satoshi is. you know who is backing ethereum. you didnt buy back then but here you are now. what will you do?

>> No.22767572

>reddit spacing
Kill yourself

>> No.22767595

kys satanist

>> No.22767600

>Most of the world knows covid was a scam
It's not

>trump will win in a landslide
he won't

>any WW3 type scenario is pushed back to 2024+
there was never ww3 on the table although militia faggots will undoubtedly try to start some shit when trump loses hard and refuses to accept the results.

I don't like wearing a mask, I don't like biden, but this is the 2020 we live in. Sometimes shitty things happen to everyone for actually no reason and you just have to realize it and deal. But also feel free to keep spinning all inconveniences in your life as some massive conspiracy against you.

>> No.22767617 [DELETED] 
File: 1.55 MB, 750x1334, 119909CA-986F-4E16-92BC-B088DF2D2073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m ready .... toooo coommmeeeee

>> No.22767625
File: 3.51 MB, 1756x2048, 5D828801-2F96-4B85-A4B3-57C58098F93E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22767642

What will you do?

>> No.22767654
File: 81 KB, 500x303, live-breaking-news-trump-makes-anime-real-super-tuesday-victory-6277530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there was never ww3 on the table although militia faggots will undoubtedly try to start some shit when trump loses hard and refuses to accept the results.

Imagine typing this propaganda in 2020

>> No.22768430


>> No.22768483

Trump is more hated in be 2020 than he was in 2016. he didn't even win the popular vote in 2016. what on earth makes you think he'll win in a landslide?

>> No.22768485

redditfag replying to another redditfag.

>> No.22768503

Trump proved the best president for israel. It'll be a huge fucking landslide

>> No.22768514

You know you are in a thread with legit info when a shill posts a roll meme in an effort to destroy a thread.

>> No.22768527

>more hated
by who, the jewish owned mainstream media?

>> No.22768531

>reddit spacing
heh almost had me

>> No.22768541

>hating on paragraphs and readability
Stop being obsessed with some other website that isn't relevant here.

>> No.22768603

Etherium is trash

>> No.22768609
File: 1.22 MB, 750x1000, 1598127325393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know you are in a thread with legit info when a shill posts a roll meme in an effort to destroy a thread.

>> No.22768711


>> No.22768871

Everyone who voted for Trump in 2016 is voting for him again, he's won over former blue collar dems, 2020 there's no historic "first woman president" hype backing the dems, nobody likes Biden, nobody likes Harris, lawlessness in some cities pushes moderates to the right, all the bad things they said would happen under Trump haven't happened, the left has no more "dirt" to throw at him (they've used up all their ammo). Twice the amount of black people are going to vote for him this time. Welcome to the Trump landslide.

>> No.22769017
File: 146 KB, 917x871, sadp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait who is satoshi and who's backing eth? please don't neglect me i genuinely dont know

>> No.22769113

What is that a pic of? Gondolin?

>> No.22769131


>> No.22769148

>you know who satoshi is
No, I actually don't. Do you?

>> No.22770283

Mostly true. I'll bump.

>> No.22770358
File: 6 KB, 563x258, C3TZR1g81UNaPs7vzNXHueW5ZM76DSHWEY7onmfLxcK2iPEw1Es1YvtQutNWdFNNX33D2mhg8JEApcWFJn1fGjotodUDCdFRrqmsWGJTux9qXx7XBjJ3P6E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gosh just look at the sweet Nectar that flows from those valleys

>> No.22770387

Did they not teach your caste about paragraphs?

>> No.22770406

Yes biz knows

>> No.22770449

Don't be an idiot, governments will never allow some individual to control their economy they will make their own digital currency and everyone will have to use that instead, and then all you coiners will have worthless digital garbage that you'll only be able to trade to yourselves.

>> No.22770450


omg lol, what a complete and utter moron

>> No.22770486


>> No.22770495

Kys seriously

>> No.22771170

Go home cuck

>> No.22771238

Cringe kys

>> No.22771640
File: 252 KB, 537x669, 1596254052050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know

>> No.22771742


>> No.22771766

Communist faggot detected

>> No.22771908

No way that faggot is Satoshi

>> No.22771927


>> No.22771957

I'm not voting for him again. Lots of my other white, college-educated, Republican friends aren't voting for him again
The whole "first woman president" thing didn't convince a single person to vote for Hilary. A majority of white women voted for Trump
Everyone expecting Trump to pull off another upset is going to realize that he only one in 2016 by running against a monumentally unpopular establishment candidate in the middle of populism's golden moment. Biden's lead is 2x what Hilary's was when MSM drones were giving her a 90%+ chance of winning
The death knell comes Tuesday. Trump has spent months hyping the "Biden is mentally incompetent" line. When Biden holds his own at the debate, lands a few zingers, and Trump loses stamina by the end while Biden twists the knife with a smile, it'll be the end
Hopefully we can keep ahold of the Senate

>> No.22772005

That faggot is satoshi. It checks out if you research for a week straight

>> No.22772020

You're in for a rude awakening. 5% will never wake up, good luck.