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File: 10 KB, 512x512, Lition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22764706 No.22764706 [Reply] [Original]

Lition has dipped, it's at the PERFECT buy point. Only 5m marketcap.
>GDPR compliant aka eurocuck compatible
>adds more functionality to any block chain (can delete chains for privacy and create side chains)
>runs on very simple hardware (good for embeded tech)
>SAP & microsoft partnership
>1000+ cities using lition block chain for p2p energy trading in Germany
>staking in genesis phase
>mainly white developers

>> No.22764788

I'm accumulating FUCK OFF SAGED

>> No.22764819

all has dipped

>> No.22764841


So I put in $1000 and I get $10,000? What the fuck am I going to do with $10,000? Fuck off with this trash and hit me up when you smell a 1000x

>> No.22764878

I bought back in to Lition, I'm feeling bullish, it has fallen a decent bit the last couple days

>> No.22764926
File: 423 KB, 633x724, Pepe never selling eyes Lition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lition will unironically reach $100.

>> No.22764982


>> No.22765015

lol seethe wite boi gonna bump just because you both saged

>> No.22765033

>can delete chains for privacy
You delete the data not the blocks or chains.

>> No.22765097

Aaaand into the trash it goes. Only care about 100x projects

>> No.22765157

>he thinks this isn't a 100x project

>> No.22765247

What's a make it stack?

>> No.22765329

You need at least 25k

>> No.22765383

Can you feel it?

>> No.22765398

Literally any low tier Pajeet could afford this, can't be that easy.

>> No.22765400
File: 272 KB, 636x640, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I held Chainlink for 3 years till I sold at the peak, I'm holding Lition for at least a year

I feel it so much my balls are tingling

>> No.22765475

If you hold it long enough, it is that easy. Crypto is a game where the strongest willed and smartest win, Lition is one of the few projects where the smart money is going.

>> No.22765506

I have 40k LIT. I kinda want 50k. I also don't really want to spend more because everything might go to shit again.

>> No.22765612

This board is also filled with people who were millionaires on paper and then held all the way to 5%-10% of that. Often on projects that were legit but just way overhyped and premature.

>> No.22765619

he cute tho

>> No.22765690

>thousands of cities using Lition
>5m marketcap is premature
I understand the sentiment but you should read the atmosphere, the best gains are when people are the most afraid, that's how it's always been. This is why you make a solid exit plan if your crypto goes down past a certain threshold for most crypto. But actually solid projects you just know at a certain point that it will go up. Things like ETH, Chainlink, BTC, etc people constantly have fudded over the years but where did it go? The people who knew at the beginning just knew, that's all there is to it.

>> No.22765715

That's only because they're relying on speculative bull runs and not genuine utility. There's a reason with BTC is still number 1 and its many clones are in the top 10. This will change when regulations and institutional money starts rushing in.

>> No.22765874

It's a solid looking project, I bought a small bag

>> No.22765912

Stop shilling this scam on biz faggot

>> No.22765952

Yeah Microsoft partnered up with a fucking scam token, fuck off and go shill curio somewhere else

>> No.22766014

pajeet faggot

>> No.22766164

Do you think this is a good buy point? I've been watching it for awhile and thinking about getting a stack

>> No.22766245

This is the best price point you'll get

>> No.22766284

the mainnet will be delayed. wait for the dump after the announcement to buy

>> No.22766369

Isn't that already priced in?

>> No.22766377

Fake scam

>> No.22766386

Think link 3 years ago, suicide stack was like $200. Lit isn’t link, but it has the potential. Dive into the Litgens and you will find some good info and some nice Fud.

>> No.22766396

I remember this being shilled alongside VIDT.....I picked VIDT and did not regret. Shill/fud me on this and refresh my memory.

>> No.22766516

Check out the archives for Lit generals like the other anon said, in a nutshell, one of the biggest corporations in Germany is backing Lition and it's expanding fast.

>> No.22766627

also look up GDPR compliance for Europe. SAP head cto is their advisor, it’s on his LinkedIn. There is more but I’m walking in to work. Good luck anon.

>> No.22766672

Alright.the fact people are still making generals is pretty interesting in and of itself. It's in a pretty obvious downtrend, might set buys for .05 or .06 and then just hold it awhile.

>> No.22766867

>It's in a pretty obvious downtrend, might set buys for .05 or .06 and then just hold it awhile.
TA doesn't work for low volume cryptos. Or in general.
You're also completely oblivious to the fact that they are launching their mainnet soon, ramping up utility and making key announcements.

>> No.22766913

Half TA half SA. Everything is in fucking freefall as people flee to cash. Crypto moves with stonks now like it or not.

The lition generals seem to rehash TG nonsense, very cringe.

>> No.22766959

I threw a grand in it, it looks promising, even if it goes down a bit fuck it, I feel like this is close to the bottom for the market

>> No.22767106
File: 7 KB, 222x227, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling it, are you anons feeling it?

>> No.22767255
File: 11 KB, 309x163, neet cozy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling it brother

>> No.22767340

I hope you got a fat stack NEET fren, wagies will fomo in after it's done a 10x

>> No.22767532

If lition is so great why has it been sideways for a year now?

>> No.22767575

If you did your own research you'd know why

>> No.22767591
File: 12 KB, 396x330, frug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I buy?

>> No.22767622

You can buy on Uniswap

It's went up 2x but dumped a bit because mainnet was delayed, it's coming out soon though.

>> No.22767633

DYOR faggot.

>> No.22767674

known scam

>> No.22767873

They just announced phase 3 of the rollout with another 10 nodes.
If it isnt clear by now that this is the real deal then i dont know what is.

Just want to add that this is going to do much more than 10x and that, yes, I am feeling it.

>> No.22767929


>> No.22768070

>wite boi
im arab, just like your trust node holders LMAO

>> No.22768075

Some people won't make it even if you show them the path and give them a push on the back, that's just how it is.

>> No.22768127

Sandnigger detected.
Time to sell my shitty LITties.

>> No.22768170

I'll get a bag at 5 or 6 cents.

>> No.22768268

What do you think is going to happen in the next week? Even if mainnet gets delayed it will never go back to those numbers. You had literally a year to accumulate. Stop coping.

>> No.22768338

People on biz buy high and sell low, he'll buy in after it's hit 25 cents and then seethe

>> No.22768389

If it pumps I just abandon it and move on to something else.

Cash is the best place to be right now.

>> No.22768422

yet another blockchain zzzzz, crypto is really dying

>> No.22768470

>crypto is really dying
People say this every day and have been saying it since the beginning

>> No.22768498

Isn't this like the western form of ARPA?

>> No.22768549

It's a much better version of ARPA with a much lower marketcap

>> No.22768631

What's the best exchange to buy it on? I might buy 5 ETH worth

>> No.22768635



>> No.22768704

You can buy a bag on Uniswap

>> No.22768914

where was phase 3 announced anon? thanks in advance

>> No.22768928

Telegram and Twitter. Other than Medium they're the only places that they announce stuff.

>> No.22768980

Just saw it, originally checked this morning, hence why I missed it. phase 2 was less than a week ago. if this market can just start crabbing, we’re in for some movement up. I’m pumped.

>> No.22769129

I bought a stack after hearing about phase 3, thanks anon

>> No.22769174

which one of you chads is typing "niggers" on the telegram?

>> No.22769236

A high test anon ITT

>> No.22769323

How much Lition to make it?

>> No.22769389

5k is a suicide stack, 25k is a make it stack

>> No.22769485

I'm feeling bullish

>> No.22769520


50k min

>> No.22769841
File: 73 KB, 1239x657, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to put 5 ETH into this if the devs don't announce mainnet and just roll straight into October. How could I not invest in such an alpha team?

>> No.22770013

They literally did this last quarter.

>> No.22770067

They said "well before Q3" and now it's almost over. Apparently gas fees are to blame but ultimately a team that gives so few fucks about the short term price action knows their shit is good.

>> No.22770124

>Apparently gas fees are to blame but ultimately a team
No it isn't. That just delayed them by a few days when they onboarded the first 5 nodes. It definitely isn't the reason why they failed to launch in Q2.
>but ultimately a team that gives so few fucks about the short term price action knows their shit is good.
I completely agree.