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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 316 KB, 498x470, Kekky wills it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22762855 No.22762855 [Reply] [Original]

The bottom is in.

Congrats anyone who bought that dip. I got me some 7,50$ linkies. My god what a beautiful price!

>> No.22762949

Imagine not waiting for the 4$ entry prices this weekend.

>> No.22762964

I thought $9.50 was a good price not too long ago... my pain will soon be yours, fren. chainlink has no bottom. $3 eoy if we're lucky...

>> No.22762976


>> No.22762987

Imagine waiting for some 4$ entry price that is officially, as of right now, never going to happen ever again

>> No.22763024

please let this be the bottom... i can't take anymore and i will not fucking lose half my stack or risk losing my whole stack to avoid liquidation. PLEASE GO UP!!!

>> No.22763039

You're gonna wait a longer for 4$ than this weekend anon.
In fact, if you wait for 4$ you're never gonna get in at all. Greed is clouding your judgment. Kek knows it! Best of luck though.

>> No.22763064

Its going to 2 dumbass

>> No.22763081

Waiting for that $5 LINK...

>> No.22763119
File: 288 KB, 1920x1080, $$link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically correct

>> No.22763145

Where can I long LINK with 3x or 5x leverage that isn't Binance?

>> No.22763146 [DELETED] 

> Succesfully fudded anons wait for 4$ link

We need them to fomo back in at 9$.

>> No.22763156

Reminder band is $30

>> No.22763180

imagine thinking this and not having bought in at 26 cents

>> No.22763212


>> No.22763268
File: 178 KB, 490x427, waiting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Successfully fudded anons waiting for 4$ linkies having been made wayyy to bearish by all the fud.

> Needing them to fomo back in at 9$

I don't have to imagine. I'm a 0.27 cents OG.

$7.50 buy is play money.

>> No.22763282

thanks anon. referred.

>> No.22763297
File: 65 KB, 1881x740, CENTRALIZED SCAMCOIN EXIT SCAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its gonna get a lot worse before it gets better. cope

>> No.22763298

Correction; 0.17 cents. 0.27 was a typo.

>> No.22763441

Some anons gonna feel some light fomo once we break 8$ in a dew minutes.
This is gonna be beautiful.

>> No.22763520

Correction, you lost 60% of your networth in one month, because you greedy fuck didnt cashed out the literal top of DeFi Bubble 2020, and now you acting like know shit :)

drns hold the line marines

stage denial
capitulation and anger coming soon

>> No.22763577

Added 4,000 LINK more to my stack. I appreciate the FUD of this board to make this possible.

>> No.22763604


I made and lost 6,000 LINK trying to find the bottom. I still have my stack though. If I’d lost my ticket in this shitfest I’d have ridden a bullet for sure.

>> No.22763704

i swear to god if link reaches the amount necessary for me to pay back the loans and withdraw my initial amount i'm doing it and never touching my stack ever again.

>> No.22763727

Making a lot of assumptions there bud. Almost as if you need them to be true in order to not seethe too much yourself.

Exactly this :) We're gonna make it fren.

>> No.22763840
File: 152 KB, 1559x813, coinbase-pro-linkusd-Sep-23-2020-18-10-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not happening fren, 200ema daily touched

>> No.22763862

Just like I didn't cash out at the $4.80 top or the $1 top. Just like we'll be having this same conversation when it crashes from $500 to $300 and I still won't sell.

>> No.22763909

didnt read, not selling

>> No.22763940

They are running a 20 year ico. The best thing for any holder is that the token price go to zero so the team either has to build a working project or call it a day. Otherwise they are just going to dump and destroy your profits and never give you actual staking anon.

>> No.22763999

You know, I think that was the bottom. After reading 100 of these posts, I am finally posting that I agree. The bottom is in fuckers.

>> No.22764028

Silly anons. It’s only Wednesday! See you all at $4

>> No.22764051

based and blue/orange candlepilled.

>> No.22764052

I’m sorry I don’t think you are getting $4. And it looks like you are also about to miss $7...so...

>> No.22764070

im a hohol so i like the yellow/blue

>> No.22764132

I'll be conservative bear and say i wait for 63k sats.

>> No.22764147


Liar liar pants on fire

>> No.22764250

Lol! And down again it goes.

>> No.22764322

Yea it's not gonna be a straight line retard.

>> No.22764409

Where TF you getting 4 from? My model has it settling around 5.50 to 6.25 in 3 to 4 days

>> No.22764414

Those bear divergences
This will hurt more than xrp

>> No.22764445

>Where TF you getting 4 from? My model has it settling around 5.50 to 6.25 in 3 to 4 days
care to share? im fucked at 5.90

>> No.22764466

Are you leveraged, or did you fell for bitconave?

>> No.22764487

yeah im locked into aave. i can put in another 1k link and push it down to 4.55 but not sure if its worth it at that point

>> No.22764509


>> No.22764518

It is. I think you will be fine though.

>> No.22764530

or sell for usdc now and despit that and i think ill be in mid $3's for liquidation with that or i can run like a degenerate and pull out 777 link out of 2k i deposited

>> No.22764546

Good luck taking that decision. Aave was an accident waiting to happen.

>> No.22764633

Congrats, hope you double your money in a week or two.

>> No.22764726

Lol you obviously don't even fucking know what a divergence is.
He's bullshitting. There is no divergence visible in that chart.

>> No.22764900

what is your liqd rate fren?

>> No.22764948

My speculation is based on how many times I can ejaculate in the next 3 or 4 days. It's very accurate. I've been able to hit my bed post before.

>> No.22764988

Well it isn't going to move like a laser. As it goes down it will level off

>> No.22765003

hahaha yeah I am thinking the same right now. That's if I don't get liquidated before link rises again :/

>> No.22765102

people are always too impatient its going sub $6

>> No.22765130

you seem to forget that after serger aave is one of the biggest holder. This is going to be bloodbath

>> No.22765272

Fucking hell that volume

>> No.22765551
File: 41 KB, 359x473, su29x5pe3asz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys im scared

>> No.22765925


>> No.22766005

Haha fag.

>> No.22766125

Me too fren. I'm suicidal right now. My whole stack is at risk of being liquidated at $6. I'm so fucking dumb, holding through 3 years and just got greedy with leverage and shit.

>> No.22766181

imagine being such a greedy bear that you think you're going to have another year of shorting after two years of bear market

remember the bounce of april 2018? that's what you, as a bear, are experiencing right now.
you have every reason to be as concerned as you seem to be.

>> No.22766226


>> No.22766431

This is a level of salt that would make Carthage blush.

>> No.22766469
File: 108 KB, 556x615, Watermelondrea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22766575


>> No.22766630

Where can I long link with link?

>> No.22766661
File: 412 KB, 722x1013, top hat meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


checked and cheers old chap!

>> No.22766685
File: 23 KB, 1876x224, Futures Price Manipulation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never ever ever ever ever post your liquidation price, anon. you are feeding the market makers very valuable data.

>> No.22766739

This is unironically as credible as the rest of the TA posted here.

>> No.22766753
File: 5 KB, 233x216, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its dumping hard as we speak

>> No.22766769

Where's the boring Tuesday that makes link moon outta nowhere

>> No.22766775


That volume spike is a classic sign of a bottom / reversal is it not?

>> No.22766799

>He thinks the bottom is in

Get fucked linkies

>> No.22766822

oh wow so the shills were paid by that bitmexico nigger to fuck with us. Thought they were chinks from cz

>> No.22766856

Should I leverage long now? With play money, like $100 and 10x?

>> No.22766914
File: 149 KB, 1200x630, 1597091863898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally don't give a fuck.

>> No.22766935
File: 164 KB, 2000x1074, 1596996753892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never, ever selling

>> No.22766974
File: 2.39 MB, 400x500, 1600377067036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now i know how fentanyl floyd felt

>> No.22767006
File: 72 KB, 496x634, 1597096344214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based emblem I literally just bought 104 more link. Metals look good too.

>> No.22767053 [DELETED] 

In classic Mumbai fashion, yes.

>> No.22767061

We are probably going to touch 6.70 before we finally reverse course.

>> No.22767136

give it up you pathetic ingrate
we gave you 3 years of nonstop bombardment of information and you still choose to wait until after it happens like a fucking DOORMAT

>> No.22768286

got a higher res image of that one?

>> No.22768627

I've been hearing that shit since $12

>> No.22768637

UH OH bears. It broke 8 like I said.

>> No.22768893
File: 147 KB, 600x800, 1589766598126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys thanks for letting me buy in at the same rate you bought in ! haha HODL THE LINES MARINES! NEVER SELLING YOU HEAR ME? NOT EVER!

>> No.22768902

how did he know!?!??!