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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22751554 No.22751554 [Reply] [Original]

In 2017 I was here for LINK's ICO. I even bought 10k at ICO, and then upped that to 30k at 11 cents.

In 2018 when everything was shitting the bed I had 30k LINK 10k REQ and 10k 0x. I sold all my 0x and 20k LINK for REQ because REQ had taken a much bigger hit and I thought "when everything bounces, I'll make a bigger profit and then put it all in LINK".

When REQ dipped more I thought "I'll add more money"

I spent $50,000 USD on REQ all the way down to the bottom at around 2.5 cents where I finally capitulated and sold it all, and I STILL don't regret this today.

LINK looks and feels just like REQ did. I sold my 10k LINK and thankfully now after taxes actually have made a profit in crypto, albeit a small one.

I am begging you guys don't be me. If you're going to hold, fine, but don't listen to these anons telling you to keep accumulating. It's a very risky game. If things go south then you will really resent not just keeping your average cost as low as possible.

>> No.22751582

And I mean I don't regret capitulating and selling. I very much regret putting all that money in.

>> No.22751632

chainlink actually works tho

>> No.22751634

zoom out fag

>> No.22751667


>Request Network
>Never been used by any company for anything

>Used by all major defi companies

Somehow these are the same to you?

>> No.22751673

if you were actually around back then you already knew LINK was /biz/ coin of choice and that all those other shitcoins were likely going to dump 90%.

>> No.22751682

Surprisingly REQ works too, just nobody cares.
Yea I get it and I hope everything goes well but this is a pretty rough dip it's hard to come back from something like this because people will be scared to touch it.

>> No.22751735

There are a number of cryptos actively using REQ today. Same as Chainlink.

Whatever, I know you moonbois think I'm trying to fud but I'm just trying to help you make a rational decision.

>> No.22751758

I have 100k in cash on the sidelines anon. I am not suicidal and will not go all in, but I will drop a healthy portion of cash into the bottom of link. The sell at $19-20 was a no brained. When port it bought chainlink. That was the LITERAL top. I market sold.

>> No.22752064

>rational decision
you lost

>> No.22752121
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>There are a number of cryptos actively using REQ today.
Name them. I guarantee they are literal whos.

>> No.22752194

Who is using Req?

>> No.22752507
File: 68 KB, 1255x263, Request.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not knowing about these fortune 50000000 companies

>> No.22753210

Also Maker which is probably the biggest

I mean, it's clearly a product that will die eventually, but that can be said for most of crypto I think. I hope for your sakes LINK is an exclusion. I'm just saying be careful out there if you are thinking of throwing more money at something on an obviously unhealthy downtrend. You don't know the bottom, and it may be way lower than you anticipate.

>> No.22753900



>> No.22754671

Erm REQ is getting used? Nobody cares but it is. QSP is working with binance too. The market isn’t based on actual value on many projects but hype. This is like the dot com era and soon the real projects will gain real value. LINK among them.

Crypto is basically a space where before it existed you had banks and boomers creating software to run the financial industry. Much of this is dinosaur tier but they didn’t care. Then BTC comes along and a new space opens up, when ETH gave people the ability to create their own ERC-20 this was like giving developers access to the Apple App Store. We are now experiencing a dot com era but for financial applications via crypto. Soon those with real world use will leave the rest behind. If they can save the financial institutions and accountants money then they are good, if not they are trash.

You now understand crypto.

Ps. QSP is being accumulated, no idea why but I suspect it will be used to audit something with genuine use in the near future.

>> No.22754723

By audit something I mean per transaction on a used network/application so a stamp of authenticity.
Who knows but whatever, the chart clearly shows accumulation.
Good luck!

>> No.22754785

I know someone who uses it for their online business. It does work. It makes it so people can buy items they sell with crypto and then it automatically converts that into fiat invoices for their accountants. Kind of basic but it works. They have other working aspects too but I didn’t care enough to ask.

>> No.22754787

You couldn't even buy that many LINK in the ico, unless you had multiple wallets ready but the ico sold out in less than 3 minutes, I dount you were one of less than 100 people on the planet with the foresight to be able to pull it off. Screen shots or kill yourself.

>> No.22754806
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>> No.22754870

>Yea I get it and I hope everything goes well but this is a pretty rough dip it's hard to come back from something like this because people will be scared to touch it.
Every damn coin has crashed like this or much worse, LINK is still up 5000%, to say no one is going to touch it is silly. People still buy the shit out of BTC and ETH.

>> No.22754875

I’m an adult

>> No.22755117
File: 101 KB, 640x830, 5ntJA7zk16VW5ScvS6crYxOZkXlY-hQvCalxjGySZL0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There have been quite a lot of supposed "oldfags" coming out of the woodwork since link dipped below $9 to 'warn' everyone here to sell now quickly before this dumps. How interesting.

>> No.22755173

This. OP is a LARPing faggot.
Also, this makes the implication that REQ’s fundamentals are somewhere close to as sound and lucrative as LINK’s. Literally go fuck yourself

>> No.22755423
File: 224 KB, 750x1334, FDF8A0DD-E4AC-40F0-8009-5C0B193189CF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REQ is good but it is no LINK. It’s still seriously undervalued. I would not sell LINK and OP is a fag but REQ and QSP are solid.

>> No.22755736

>buy req
>being a trustworthy financial advisor
pick one

>> No.22755864

It got fudded to death, the project is actually good and imo a steal at this price. Holding it from 1$ down is retarded though after all the fud and community reeeeeing. The community sucked but business will be able to save money with REQ. same with LINK and QSP will provide security for business which is a needed expense for liability reasons.

>> No.22755952

Sorry, I mean buy latest new token on uniswap, sirs. Very good x100 EOY. If you know you know. LINK no new, boat missed. REQ go diwn, scam. Thank you sirs.

>> No.22755963

the real OGs pooled ETH together to buy in, and we always knew it would be at LEAST a 3 year hold.

OP is a LARP

>> No.22756042

RSR and RLC are the only good projects shilled here but RSR is being pump and dumped by satsgang and RLC has LINK level fudders because they are bored and assholes. DOT is alright too maybe. Not seen anything else shilled that is good for a while.

>> No.22756075

I bought it after sibos because I didn’t trust you faggots :)

>> No.22756224

>this is a pretty rough dip it's hard to come back from something like this because people will be scared to touch it.
Why are you retards so dumb. This is not a rough dip, this is not even a dip. Zoom out, Link is literally pumping right now. Nobody with any real amount of link is concerned about current price action, because it is bullish