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File: 21 KB, 597x559, stretchedpeepee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22753894 No.22753894 [Reply] [Original]

My normie flatmates (mostly females, none of them are particularly attractive) are having a drink tonight, what exactly do I have to gain by participating in this?

P.S. These are the types of girls that guys here who brag about getting laid have sex with, jfl you people have no standards whatsoever.

>> No.22753923

Actually nothing. I guess the drinks are the win. If you think otherwise you are thee incel

>> No.22753968


>> No.22753974

This isn't /fit/, but you have to post body.

>> No.22753989


Incel incel have s3x have sex noa! Sex incle nowA!!

>> No.22754021
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I'm talking about my lack of EMPLOYMENT here, dumb dumb.

Pic related

>> No.22754032

fuck em OP - /biz/ is the place to be tonight

>> No.22754052

free drinks
but more to the point why do you live with women? Are you a tranny?

>> No.22754053

> volcel
Kek, delusional incel cope

>> No.22754057
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Here's the kicker; I organised it.

>> No.22754106
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sure you do

>> No.22754118

how stupid can you be?

>> No.22754133
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Ah yes, there are only two types of people; guys who can't get laid and everyone else.

Definitely makes sense to put guys who women chase and guys who will settle for any old slampig (you) in the same category while putting guys who can't get laid and guys who have standards (me) in the same category.

>> No.22754193
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Lookin' good anon. Say, are you interested in owning some Chainlinks (ticker:LINK)? I have an offer that might interest you...

>> No.22754208
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Incels dont exist, internet porn is more fulfilling for these lads than the slamPiggies and uggos that they could easily lay. Take your demoralization bullshit back to pol, you faggot.

>> No.22754209

>what exactly do I have to gain by participating in this?
Practice social skills, get better at talking to women, gain confidence, maybe get your dick sucked (who cares about your volcel shit stop being a faggot)

>> No.22754215

Sorry, kid, all my tether is tied up in shorts.

>> No.22754242
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>> No.22754245

>maybe get your dick sucked
Sounds kind of gay, dude. I could just go pound my meat to pornography if I were looking to "get off".

>> No.22754256
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>living with women whomst you are not putting your penis in
The ultimate and final cuck

>> No.22754271

It's uni accomodation, I didn't get a choice guys.

>> No.22754315
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P.P.S - Your scam thread died for this.

>> No.22754343

Fuck you shorting nigger hope you die.

>> No.22754429

get very very drunk
and just go with the flow.

>> No.22754469

I did that last year with an all-mate flat and I ended up talking about the Holocaust, I would be guaranteed to get reported doing that with a female group.

>> No.22754505

They could hook you up with hot friends.
However if the 3 of you will be alone then you have other plans.

>> No.22754670

I'm not interested in "hooking up", you fags.

I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you all that casual sex was exclusive to the gay community (outside of prostitution) prior to the 1960s and that Tinder is a ripoff of Grindr. "Hooking up" is gay behaviour and yes, that is a bad thing.

Talking about White civilisation, of course, I don't care what your dysfunctional "civilisations" practised before you all trampled over eachother clambering for the West.

>> No.22754703

Lol nice bait, you almost got me.

>> No.22754747

It's not bait.

>> No.22754808

>I could just go pound my meat to pornography if I were looking to "get off".
Right, I forgot for a second I was not on /fit/, you probably dont care that being with an actual woman raises your testosterone while jacking off alone to porn lowers it

>> No.22754856
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>Wasting your male essence in a sterile hole is actually good for you
You're awfully gullible, Anon.

>> No.22754996

then go for the free drinks and make small talk. well that is only if you can actually drink and make small talk.
if you can't do either don't bother

>> No.22755009


Read this you uneducated faggot.
"The most extensive review of the physiological and psychological health benefits associated with various sexual activities found that across a wide range of health measures (e.g., neurohormonal and other biochemical indices, immune function, mood, and relationship and psychological function), it is consistently and nearly exclusively penile-vaginal intercourse (PVI)—and the orgasm that comes directly from it—that is associated with better health.2 Other sexual activities are variously uncorrelated or associated with poorer health outcomes."

Now Im not talking about this any more because its off-topic, sage.

>> No.22755108
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>Acshually some guy in a labcoat told me that fornication is good

>> No.22755209

Fucking negative autist faggot. What do you have to lose? 3hrs of shit posting and complaining online? Hangout with your roommates. If you’re so autistic you need your decisions to be strategic: ingratiating yourself with your roommates might result in them doing a favor for you when you need it. Also, you can work on your social skills and who know, you might even have fun.

>> No.22755226

Clearly they were right, because you sound like a depressed loser.

>> No.22755260

Is there something intrinsically wrong with being "negative"? Forcing yourself to fake being positive about everything is mental illness, dude.

I'm not depressed, I'm a polymath.

>> No.22755317
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>there’s no way evolution rewards our brains for mimicking procreation, sex is yucky!
Keep rationalizing your apathy. Dumbass.

>> No.22755322

>the "incel tries convincing people hes not an incel" episode again
you aren't fooling anyone my man, you sound like a fucking loser, that's saying something considering you're on 4chan.

>> No.22755356

You realise that evolutionary theory is entirely post-hoc rationalisation, right? Lol, you people really are fucking gullible.

Go fuck an ugly whore, dude. I'll be comfy right here.

>> No.22755467

Yes. Negativity and stress are damaging to your physical and mental health. People who are positive (to a reasonable degree) are well aware of the reality of negative situations, but it is counter productive to be negative about things. The “fake it till you make it” idea applies here. I have negative thoughts all the time but they don’t fix my problems. Approaching things with positivity results in solutions and less headaches. You’ll learn when you grow up. Or you’ll be a fat incel forever. None of us care but I would advise that you listen to the anons who are giving legit advice and not enabling your bullshit

>> No.22755513

I'm a physically fit volcel, dude.

By the way, if I wanted to convince anonymous old people (25+) on the internet that I'm not an incel, I would just lie about having sex.

Jfl @ u

>> No.22755555

If this isn’t bait then you are on the spectrum for sure. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it seems you have very little self-awareness about it.
Just imagine a Chad football player posting this thread. It would never happen.

>> No.22755641
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Checked, but you're still wrong.

Why are you viewing the world through the lense of 6'2 football player jocks and fat manlet sissies? Gay pornography isn't reality, dude. I really hope you weren't gullible enough to buy into the manosphere stuff at your age.

I can't be bothered explaining in detail that women are looking for beta males in 2020.

>> No.22755672



Can't you just call yourself celibate?

Do you call yourself a cis-man? What is the fucking point modifying a word to mean the same meaning of the word?

>> No.22755708

Even if I fell for it, at least I got digits.

>> No.22755738

If you were a trans-man, you would definitely label yourself as such because the "trans" part does not apply to the majority of people using the label "man". Same goes for the label "celibate", I'm pretty sure the majority of people who are celibate are involuntarily celibate, therefore it makes sense to make the distinction as I am not part of the norm within that group.

>> No.22755806

You're not invited anon

>> No.22755807


Umm, no. Celibate is to abstain from sex.

Abstain is voluntary.

t. Dictionary

>> No.22755842

Who gives a shit, autist? Colloquially, "incel" is used to describe people who are involuntarily going without sex.

>> No.22755935


Yes, I agree.

And celibate literally needs that involuntary modifier. Volcel is cope, being celibate is clearly how you define it in a mature way.

>> No.22756080

Am I supposed to rely on the majority of people here understanding that "celibacy" already implies the voluntary aspect? Due to the word "incel", celibacy is assumed to be involuntary unless the "voluntary" modifier is added.

That said, I will absolutely NEVER throw my incel brothers under the bus, they are still more based than the fags who go down on non-virgin women (or any woman, for that matter).

>> No.22756113

Anon they don't want you on their little party but felt obligated to invite you. Just say you can't join them. Tell them your to busy making threads on an image board about being a volcel. If they ask what a volcel is tell them it's when an ugly virgin decides to stop following human nature and makes mental gymnastics to cope with their life situation.

>> No.22756328

See: >>22754057

>> No.22756458

the honest term is copecel

>> No.22756698

> guys who have standards (me)
Delicous, more incel cope. I know some guys like this who stayed incel way into their thirties holding on to their delusions because they thought they were special little snowflakes only to settle for the most disgusting used up old hags because they never learned to talk to and attract hot women. Needless to say, they all had pathetic lives and we’re divorce raped quickly

>> No.22756742

You have eaten out a vagina that has had other dicks inside of it, haven't you?


>> No.22756918

Just don’t go if you don’t plan on simply having fun. Based off your posts you sound like you’ll drag the party down if you go.

>> No.22756943

Why is everyone on this board so passive-aggressive? Grow some balls, you pussy.

>> No.22756987

This is like watching fish in a barrel hunted with dynamite. Who told them it is a good idea to come to /biz/

>> No.22757010

What was passive aggressive about my post? I gave it to you straight up.

>> No.22757034 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22757036
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P.P.P.S - This thread was brought to you by Harmony (ONE)

>> No.22757116

he is copying stuff
I did the passive aggressive line to look if somebody would adapt it to track them. Worked well, did it? Same as other micro tracking words

>> No.22757333

You realise that you have an ID on this board, right?

I would say "take your meds, schizo" but in all likelihood, you're just a narcissist who unironically believes that he started a common phrase.

>> No.22757424

you can do a word search, and count them, come back with results. There are other words and sentences that weren't very common before I started this project

>> No.22757502

Yes, if I start spamming words then the frequency with which they are used after I start spamming them will be higher than before I started spamming them.

>> No.22757563

imagine you can force memes with spam. Not like this works. It needs to happen naturally, or at least look as natural as possible

>> No.22757788

Hey, if you aren’t going to fuck them can you just convince them to let you take photos of them naked? I need fap material.

>> No.22757927
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Based and Christpilled.
God bless you anon

>> No.22758056

What do you have to lose besides some times that you would use shitposting on an indian scuba diving microbloghing platform?

Go to it, if it's shit just leave pretending you have some work to finish.
I went to few parties where I knew noone, sometimes it was very boring and I just left, sometimes I had good laughs and made sone friends.

>> No.22758088
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OP is based for once

>> No.22758369

>you didn't get a choice to choose your roomates
at least they could have put you with other men, sounds like bs to me