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22750282 No.22750282 [Reply] [Original]

the new turing 3 testnet for sentinel cosmos based blockchain has successfully launched and 2 of the biggest validators of cosmos are participating

A new upgraded #dVPN application will be launching on Turing-3 and dVPN nodes will be migrating away from the Ethereum Rinkeby testnet to Turing-3.

The Turing-3 also introduces several custom built Cosmos based modules (e.g transaction escrow), which will be fully open-sourced for other developers in the Cosmos ecosystem to integrate into their own dAPPs. More in-depth documentation will be released pertaining to the back-end functionality of the v3 client as well its micro-services architecture. This documentation will also focus on how the Sentinel decentralized VPN will interact with and utilize its future Cosmos/Tendermint based blockchain.

To find out more about the Turing-3 testnet and what it has to offer the ecosystem, read:


>> No.22750304

>another testnet

>> No.22750305
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^here you can trade SENT on UNISWAP

>> No.22750333

Sirs! Buy SENT Sirs! Now that Kleros Court is in flames, you must do the needful and buy SENT

>> No.22750348
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yeah its the final one before launch, it has all the dVPN logic integrated directly into the chain and at the end of it main net will be launched, if it lasts the same time as cosmos testnet we should have sentinel main net in 1-2 months

>> No.22750368
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why you come shilling kleros in a sent general thread , it has nothing to do with the topic

>> No.22750438

sent main net in November will be very dope, alts usually pump hard in that period, historically December is the best month for alts

>> No.22750490

How many sent for a node and what does a node pay? On mobile so won't look it up myself

>> No.22750558

how much do i make in fees if i stake on uni-swap with sent?

>> No.22750733

you dont need to stake sents to run a dvpn node, but you can stake sents with validators and earn 15-25% interest rate

>> No.22750758


but wat is the difference?

>> No.22750783

should be around 2% monthly

>> No.22750810

with dvpn nodes you sell your bandwidth and get payed for it, with staking on validators you will secure sent cosmos blockchain and get inflation as reward

>> No.22750915

Ty anon

>> No.22751061

What does validating achieve?

>> No.22751131

it gives voting rights to validators which vote on the blocks like in any dpos chain, this way the tendermint consensus engine can keep the blockchain safe and transactions can be confirmed, without staking cosmos based chains would be unsafe

>> No.22751658
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for anyone that wants to host a openvpn sentinel dVPN node, here is a video walk through :

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK2cd731Jr4 [Embed]

here is a github text guide:


here is a github guide for the ikev 2 nodes:


after main net SENT will also launch its own multi hop relay net which will initially have 3 types of nodes:

-relay node which will never come in contact with unencrypted dats thats what normal users will host it will only relay traffic between themself and to a exit nodes
-normal exit nodes which will require more expert users and will be subject to the same precautionary measures as when you host a tor node.
-tor exit node here the exit node funnels the data into tor its thought for people that run tor nodes already to offer them revenue for their service

you will be able to exit directly into tor think of it as a way to reach security through layering:
your pc > relay node 1 > relay node 2 > relay node 2 >....any x n relay >> exit node > tor exit node > tor entry > tor relay > tor exit.
(you can add as many relay nodes as you want, if even one of them is safe you will be protected from surveillance)

>> No.22751971

Let's hope mainnet aligns with the eoy pump. God knows we all need it.

>> No.22752228
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ATOM 2021 is happening and Sentinel is going to be a huge part of it. Strap in anons. 20x pending.

>> No.22752843
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^here you can try the dVPN dapp for free (till main net)

^here you can check sentinel blockchain testnet speeds, general stats and validators

^here you can check SENT dVPN total sessions

^info about the liquidity pool

^here you can see the historic data on the dVPN userbase, currently it has 175k weekly users

So far 2 apps #dVPN apps have been built on Sentinel and more are coming.

Sentinel dVPN on Android:

Velocity dVPN on Android:

>> No.22752916

>brown id
To all new frens. Sent was a pump and dump of last year. It is known that dvpn are not needed. The volume hasn’t changed on this shitcoin for years. Token is not needed. Only pajeets and brainlets buy this utter trash.

>> No.22752952

How are there always so many replies in sent threads but only 16k in volume topkek. Fuck off trannies

>> No.22753020
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Looks like somebody needs vpns

>> No.22753104
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you are fucking retarded sentinel token will be used to secure sentinel blockchain and both price and volume have been increasing steadily in the last months, last year we were in deep bear market so its obvious uptrends couldn't be sustained, this time new money is flowing in crypto and sentinel will be on main net soon

>> No.22753136
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sentinel has a strong community thats why you see so many replies, thats why after LINK we have the most memes on this board , i have around 400 in my foders, but there is way more that i haven't saved

>> No.22753326

how much for make it / how much for suicide

>> No.22753397

Strong community of streetshitters that cant generate more volume than a used mini van lmfao

>> No.22753603
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cause of the low float on exchanges sentinel is a microcap, very little of the supply is actually tradable, nobody is selling big amounts of sents, the moment any big order gets published on orderbooks it gets eaten very fast, if your only argument is calling people streetshetter then you are just a low iq retard which is not even able to fud beyond some insults, /biz doesn't have the good ol fudders of the past, smart anons used to make deep analysis of coins, nowdays you have only fags you repeat the same shit over and over

>> No.22753815
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And I'm NEVER selling

>> No.22754239

>he thinks its just a dVPN
>he doesn't know they're in BPSAA
>he doesn't realize sent holders are OGs btc whales
>he doesn't realize it's done a 3x since april
>he doesn't know it's shilled by everyone in cosmos
>he doesn't know it's one of the largest holds for cosmos whales
>he doesn't know they won both cosmos incentivized testnets by taking the first place both in 2019 and 2020
>he didn't check the https://stats.sentinel.co/ website to see 4.5m total users and 156k weekly users
>he doesn't know what proof of bandiwdth is
>he doesn't know who james mcdowall is :)
>he doesn't know about the multi hop relay net
>he doesn't know about the whitelabel solution that will allow anyone to build their own vpn with few simple clicks, and without having to manage hardware or legal costs
>he doesn't know about the sweet passive income form staking sent when it hits main net
>he doesn't realize sent has 3 diff DAPPs ready for their mainnet https://sentinel.co/downloads
>he doesn't realize sent helps chinese citiziens evade the great firewall
>he doesn't realize orchid doesn't allow to host nodes without asking the team permission
>he doesn't know what fair distribution looks like
>he doesn't know 1 LINK whale bought 1% of sent supply when it pumped last year
>he doesn't know that okex invited sent to host a validator
>he doesn't know sentinel team has secure fiat gateways and credit card integration already thanks to the e-money partnership
>he doesn't know the token sale sold out in a week by email
>he doesn't know they raised $1.89m in their token sale and it wasn't advertized
>he unironically and unequivocally thinks sent is actual Indians
>he doesn't realize sent is one of the most advanced teams in all of crypto
>he will probably sleep thru mainnet swap and first staking rewards
you still have time to buy SENT....

>> No.22754243

You can’t sell. There’s only $15k of volume hahahahah

>> No.22754272

Fuck off I created this green text for pnk. So here’s the needful
>he thinks it’s for courts of law
>he doesn’t know they’re in Thomson Reuters incubator
>he doesn’t realize pnk holders act like pajeets for fun
>he doesn’t realize it’s done a 20x since Feb
>he doesn’t know it’s shilled by vitalik
>he doesn’t know it’s one of the largest holds for the top 5k link wallets
>he doesn’t know they received $500k and $1M grants
>he didn’t check kleroscan.com to see that the project has already brought in over $1M to the users
>he doesn’t know what dispute resolution is
>he doesn’t know who colin rule is
>he doesn’t know about Tyler technologies
>he doesn’t know about modria
>he didn’t turn $5k to $100k holding pnk
>he doesn’t realize kleros has 8 diff dapps besides their court dapp
>he doesn’t realize kleros helps link solve the oracle problem
>he doesn’t realize link cannot handle subjective data
>he doesn’t even know what subjectivity is
>he doesn’t know the token sale in February sold out in a week and a half
>he doesn’t know they raised over $1M in their token sale
>he didn’t see link whales put 500-1000 eth each into the token sale
>he unironically and unequivocally thinks pnk is actual Indians
>he doesn’t realize kleros is one of the most advanced teams in all of crypto
>he didn’t believe 4MOONXGG
Congrats, you failed the IQ test.

>> No.22754410

stop larping as someone who has more than $500 in their portfolio. Plenty of liquidity.

>> No.22754456
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The Turing-3 Testnet is now LIVE with over 20 participants validating to support the network.

This testnet can be viewed at: explorer.sentinel.co

The incentivized testnet will begin on the 28th of September and end on the 15th of October.

The Testnet will not only incentivize stable and resilient performance, but will also encourage participants to compromise Sentinel's custom built Cosmos based modules (e.g transaction escrow)

To read more:

>> No.22754457

t. Cuck

>> No.22754504
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you didn't write that stop lying, ive been in pnk since early and i don't recognize your writing style at all

>> No.22754952

175k weekly users, ok you got my attention, tell me something more

>> No.22755090
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COPE, check the time stamp faggot.

>> No.22755387
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New news:

>SG-1 validator is now on the new testnet.

>incentivized testnet begins the 28th and ends October 15th. View the new testnet at

>> No.22755887
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>thats totally a proof now i believe you
says the retard thats doesn't know photoshop exists

>> No.22756513
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"Sentinel is a dVPN net its not a single dvpn"


sentinel is many vpns:

sentinel decentralizes both the back end (by letting anyone host a node) and the front-end (by letting anyone build on top of the open sourced apps)

sentinel goal is to have hundreds of VPNs built upon it with many payments options, languages and different set of features , anybody can easily become a VPN provider without the need to own hardware, and given the decentralized nature of the whole system you will never have any legal problems by launching your sentinel based app

>> No.22756685

400keks EOY. Screenshot ur bags and win OPs wife for the night.

>> No.22756778

Incentivized testnet means free Sent or they're just testing an aspect of their protocol?

>> No.22757583

this is dope, partnerships will start flowing fast when other coins build their own frontends to accept only their coins

>> No.22758212
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thats where the bpsaa alliance comes in they recently onboarded komodo, pirate chain will be having a custom sentinel wallet that allows for fully anon transactions to pay the nodes

>> No.22758287


>> No.22758793
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validators will get free sent for their performance it will work the same as game of zones from cosmos, and yes sentinel is testing various aspects of their protocol from the escrow to the payment channels to the dvpn logic

>> No.22759443

komodo is in bpsaa ? will take a closer look

>> No.22760172

@aaaaaaaaaaa btc is dropping

>> No.22760656
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yeah also turtle network the platform on which polarity is built

>> No.22761267

Its over until next year. Rug pulled on BTC

>> No.22761290

Alts are the new BTC, I hear thats the word on the street.

>> No.22761358
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As fees only continue to climb towards 500gwei and pass further, users continue to pay for ETH devs / miners free lunch.

https://fees.wtf (see how much you wasted you cuck)

Sentinel cares about its users and so it worked with Polarity.Exchange to get listed on a layer 2 scaling platform with a native DEX.


- AMM built in
- FLAT FEE Model 1c maker taker
- 2FA on Chain
- 10 Min deposits
- Clean UI / Tradingview

>> No.22761373

Is there any way to stake my 50K SENT?

>> No.22761509
File: 640 KB, 2518x1024, 1D2A725C-6ED0-4E62-B1E9-958EC646939F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eth fees absolutely bonkers

>> No.22762122

when main net launches yeah, you will be able to stake it

>> No.22762219

When does mainnet launch? Not gonna lie, I bought 50K on a whim and haven’t really paid attention to it.

>> No.22762844
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main net will launch before the end of the year but before that there are many planned releases

>sentinel upcoming releases:
-public release of the IOS app
-V3 client update with microservice api
-wireguard integration
-private nets
-Sentinel Node Management Tools
-incentivized tendermint 3 blockchain testnet
-reveal of sentinel team
-launch of a for profit corporation in switzerland
-main net launch of sentinel DPOS blockchain

>> No.22763546
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