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File: 201 KB, 1294x1316, avax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22747942 No.22747942 [Reply] [Original]

The day 1 pump and dump was a shakeout by exchanges to increase their AVAX holdings.

The founder literally created the first POW cryptocurrency well before Satoshi, why the fuck aren't you accumulating right now.

> His Karma system, published in 2003, is the first cryptocurrency that uses a distributed mint based on proof-of-work


Coinbase listing imminent.

>> No.22748249

I'm in, this is the crypto with the biggest chance of getting adoption from outside industry and financial services.

>> No.22748285

>Coinbase listing imminent.
so it is about to dump even harder?
Avax is a VC scam with the most shitty tokeconomics, it’s literally Algo 2.0

>> No.22748342

I will wait for dump.

>> No.22748385
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>tf the entire supply is basically vc, team, foundation, and “strategic investors”
enjoy getting dumped on and on like rippletards

>> No.22748432

Indeed, especially since they're already using solidity which should help speed up adoption.

Staking is working perfectly on day 1 and I can't wait to see the first dapps being built on Avalanche.

I think there might be some major announcements in the coming weeks.

>> No.22748435

Yeah it's shit. But in a years time, supply will be high enough - all those coins will be on the market and it should be pretty decentralized

>> No.22748497

Waiting for that Coinbase listing!

>> No.22748503

Fuck no, mirror the staking reward, basically the team and foundation will own half of the entire supply
Enjoy the permableeding, these turkroaches rushed the mainnet with dozens of shortcuts to ride the defi hype buzzword
As soon as hype fades, this coin will be permadumped

>> No.22748638
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Thanks for your opinion trannies, it's not needed here. Go back to your scam coin threads, you missed out on the public sale and now you're surely priced out of AVAX.

Investor allocations unlock after 1 year, until then it will pump. Try and do a better job of understanding supply allocation and vesting schedules. Clown.

>> No.22748643

>rushed the mainnet
they have been working for years before doing the ico.
bear cope

>> No.22748669

We are all waiting for a lower price. There are a lot of tokens currently not in circulation. The current price is way too high.

>> No.22748950

>"Avax is a fairly well known protocol in the U.S and it combines the best approaches of nakamoto and classical consensus into one package".

Idk about you guys, but I'm in.

>> No.22749211

>it combines the best approaches of nakamoto and classical consensus into one package
nakamoto consensus was not about handing over cheap coins to venture capitals and keep half of the supply for the team.
For fuck’s sake don’t even compare it

>> No.22749507

I don't think it was about 4 mining pools controlling over 50% of the network either.

This new consensus allows a lot more in the ways of decentralisation and still keeps performance.

The team have about 10% of the tokens

>> No.22749895

pooling is used to decrease the risk of getting zero rewards for too long
pools don’t control how the network operates
and miners cannot do much damage (they also have very little incentives to do that), they just mine new blocks and include tax with the highest fee
thay have pay for hardware and electricity so they don’t just fuck around
you are completely clueless
avax is an oligarchic system where team/foundation (basically the same entity called with another name) owns most of the supply and will continue to get richer and richer because they will basically get the mirrored allocation for staking rewards

>> No.22750206
File: 65 KB, 600x516, haram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if they sold everything to retail you think that would make it fairer? What a terrible take.

Wow I feel dumber after reading that, you literally have no idea what you're even talking about you buffoon.

>> No.22750552

Great project looks solid.
Probably a good idea to wait a couple months until price flatlines, like every other hyped project to come out recently, big or small.

>> No.22750624

Classic BTC maxies seething
Ethereum minted 72 million ETH from the start in 2015, that's 64% of current total supply, I'm sure it's a centralized shitcoin but Bitmain dominating ASIC production and Chinese mining pool aren't a problem.
Keep screeching while Ethereum/ Avalanche bring your BTC into DeFi and make banks from it.

>> No.22750759

So much disinfo. I'll try my best.

1) The foundation committed to burning/re-disturbing their staking rewards. So no, you shouldn't mirror the allocation.

2) The foundation has a TEN YEARS vesting period.

See for yourself: http://info.avax.network

Foundation (10 years vesting)

Team (4 years vesting)

Community & Development Endowment (1 year vesting)

Strategic Partners (4 years vesting)

Airdrop (4 years vesting)

3) Satoshi owns about 10% of Bitcoin's supply.

4) The team has been working on this project for at least 2 years and it had a functional
tested network before the ICO, nothing was rushed.

5) Bitcoin mining pools do have great power. Remember Segwit2x? It was canceled only when the mining pools decided privately they won't mine at a loss for more than 12/24 hours. Imagine what would have happened if an enemy of Bitcoin decided to fund them. Before segwit2x, many exchanges said they will give the ticker to chain that has the most PoW. A true digital currency shouldn't rely on a cartel or hardware.

6) The public sale price is same as the private ($0.5). Only exception is the seed round ($0.33). So no, it's not a VC coin.
Always DYOR. If you believed any of the disinfo above then 4chan will cost you a lot of money.

>> No.22750838
File: 310 KB, 1083x456, paidshillalert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was wondering how a project with so little traction has so many new memes, and I realized they have a full-time corporate wage slave making them all.

None of this is organic, plus it is a VC coin and a Professor coin at the same time. Faggots.

>> No.22750914

He doesn't make memes. He's reposting memes from the telegram groups that have +9k members. Many of these memes are created by LINK holders.

Go to one of their telegram groups
Avalanche Trading

and try to say something bad about LINK.

>> No.22751142

Very good post Anon

>> No.22751427

I'm all in unironically

>> No.22751678

Me too. I mostly decided to go all in when I watched this presentation 2 years ago:

Many people here still don't understand that Avalanche made the first and probably the last breakthrough in consensus since Nakamoto consensus.

100% of other coins are variations of proof-of-work or proof-of-stake. This is something new. Something that works today. Ethereum 2.0 won't be ready until a couple of years (according to Vitalik) and it's inferior to Avalanche.

>> No.22751726

theres 100s of shitcoins better than ETH already, this is nothing impressive. See Harmony ONE, FTM, etc.

>> No.22751777

The problem is not about if the project is good or not (it is very good), the problem is whether it is worth the investment at the current price.

>> No.22751788

Nope. These coins are very centralized. Avalanche managed to be more decentralized than both Ethereum and Bitcoin while delivering a higher throughput and lower latency.

There's no comparison.

>> No.22751827

pretty much /thread
avalajeets are being paid to shill this vc scam

>> No.22751840

Thanks for writing this up anon, hopefully it helps others make an informed decision.

>> No.22751881

>Satoshi owns about 10% of Bitcoin's supply.
No, satoshi doesn’t have 2 million btc, fake and gay
And he learned them with proof of work, it was not a premined scam

>> No.22751883

Personally, I believe it will be a top 3 coin, so I don't care about current fluctuation. It will eventually be >$100 no matter how long that takes.

>> No.22751988

Bags filled. Ready for pump.

>> No.22752123

>And he learned them with proof of work, it was not a premined scam

Difficulty was low, inflation was very high, and he and and few people knew about Bitcoin.

That's equivalent to a pre-mine or ICO team allocation.

To make matters worse, it was proven that Satoshi used a non-public optimized version of the mining software:

"Bitcoin had a fair launch" is a myth.

>> No.22752209

Good for you anon. Remember to not sell all your bags or you will become suicidal in 1 or 2 years. This is a product that works today and ready for global adoption.

Visa at rush hour: 4000 tps. Avalanche capacity: 4500 tps.

>> No.22752214

So much reddit spacing that my eyes are bleeding.
Avax shilling is definitely not organic, everyone already repeating the same things over and over, are you the same pajeet team shilling BSV for rupees?
You are literally using the same techniques, I guess that’s also the reason why BSVfags disappeared...

>> No.22752298

You could always start with a small amount like 0.5% of your portfolio and just keep the project on your radar.

Fwiw I'm in for ~5%, waiting to see what gets built on top of it and have very high hopes.

>> No.22752341

Algo got Coinbase listing and market cap at $300 million right now. AVAX has to 3x to get to that market cap.

>> No.22752347

What's not organic is the FUD by desperate pajeets like you who are probably bagholding an inferior VC shitcoin like DOT.

>> No.22752414
File: 199 KB, 900x660, B950FFE1-4710-449B-B1EB-E3FDAF4A19F0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VC scam war
yes anon definitely, you understood everything

>> No.22752443
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>> No.22752470

already sick of these avax shills

>> No.22752621

>VC scam war

Seed sale: $0.33
Private sale: $0.5
Public sale: $0.5

Try harder, pajeet.

>> No.22752719

This right here ought to be obvious to any idiot who does the most surface level research into the project.

>> No.22752764

We ain't pajeets, we're mostly muslims brother.

Notice how there's hardly any talk about price, unironically we're in it for the tech.

>> No.22752784
File: 54 KB, 475x963, bullish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check 'em

>> No.22752839

>comparing to eth
Great way to show how stupid you are. I will now filter this shitcoin. Thank you.

>> No.22752928

you don’t belong to this board, go away

>> No.22753084

>vitalik thinks it's legit
>charles thinks it's legit
absolute state of this roachcoin

>> No.22753132
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Congrats anon, you win the award of biggest clown in this thread.

>> No.22753503

Trash coin, Tron already solved scaling and next-gen technology, will STILL having 99% of their funds available for marketing. Technology doesn't win when Justin will just copy-paste it in Tron if he sees it's successful.

>> No.22753558
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Pic-related another coin with "superior technology".
Invest in chad marketers not virgin science/tech types.

>> No.22753602
File: 5 KB, 230x230, justin-sun-230x230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this anon get it
82M population
1.393 billion population
no chance guys, Justin is already copy-pasting the source code and adding some cool tech copy-pasted from some other coin, my bet is on him

>> No.22754019

>theres 100s of shitcoins better than ETH
> Harmony ONE, FTM, etc.
Absolute shitcoins

>> No.22754858
File: 75 KB, 458x458, jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already gave my money to this damn jewcoin

i just hope all of this ain't a shill or i'm gonna have to sell my fime to that damn rich pajeet for the third time

>> No.22755034

give me one single piece of news that will pump this coin other than muh tech

>> No.22755249

Shit coin I'm buying EOS. EOS took ETH and added a judiciary system to it to be able to rollback criminal transactions. Another project can do the same to AVAX. Don't waste money on tech coins.

>> No.22755434

Hedera Hashgraph
Flare Network

the rest is about to be replaced by 2021 shitcoins

>> No.22755954
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People were incentivized not to make AVAX post, the ico was extremely crowded and people who missed ico didn't want to shill the project before they can get in. Now we can finally freely talk about this project.

t. bought the ico