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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22744858 No.22744858 [Reply] [Original]

lowered emission rate recently + deflationary tokenomics.

anyone else in on this?

uniswap: https://uniswap.info/token/0xd04785c4d8195e4a54d9dec3a9043872875ae9e2

>> No.22744893

pump will be as huge as sushi!!

>> No.22744896


>> No.22745588

ez 10x


>> No.22745696
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>> No.22745752

>Lowered emission rate
What does that mean? Is the APY on the pools a lie?

>> No.22745797

no, you lower emissions to cut down on the supply, when that happens the price goes up.

the emissions arent cut yet. they will be 12 hours from now. then you basically don't want to be in any pools then

they didnt lower rates yet. Op is a fag

>> No.22745918

>then you basically don't want to be in any pools then
So then what is the point of the emission cut? If the pools generate less income ROT has no use case.

>> No.22746059

No one is falling for this shitcoin scam. Gtfo

>> No.22746117

ROT is deflationary, 2.5% of each ROT transaction is burned, once emissions are lower the supply can theoretically deflate if enough ROT is changing hands, if price pumps more volume = more deflation = higher price. like $850k cap rn, get in here and rot with us. farming will be max worth still since 90% of the rewards are in ROT pools; this is what pickle did and went 10x in a day

>> No.22746122

This is a really solid DeFi experiment wrapped in a meme coin. Deflation triggered at exactly the right time. I have never seen tokenomics perform this well in the short term. Zero dev fee and Zero premine helps. Probably won't last long term, but good for an easy 10x

>> No.22746329

Think of it like bitcoin halving, they still generate revenue, (800% APY) but the price will be higher because ROT will have established itself as a non scam implementation of sushiswap. Since every other sushiswap clone has rugged or inflated to worthlessness.

>> No.22746501


you seem to think price moving up and down is solely based on when things happen and not when they are announced as well.

>> No.22746647

Looks kind of interesting, is it similar to NYAN i.e. NYAN with a deflationary measure added ontop of all transactions?

>> No.22746671

No, sTLP is similar to NYAN with deflation. This is SUSHI with deflation.

>> No.22746717

Oh, I missed the whole SUSHI thing so I know nothing about it.

>> No.22746754
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what's a /make it/ stack?

>> No.22746896


i really don't like giving financial advice, but there is a clear opportunity here to make some money.

realistically, if this doesn't shit the bed, we might see a 50 cents price per token.

>> No.22747118

by when?

>> No.22747154
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>> No.22747170

I just don't see how. And won't impermanent loss destroy gains when ETH goes up today?

>> No.22747227

this coin is gonna skyrocket once emission gets cut in 9 hours.. yes you have 9 hours anon.

>> No.22747547
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>> No.22748050

lets go!!

>> No.22748085

Won't everyone just dump their ROT because it will no longer generate revenue for small bagholders?

>> No.22748197

u are wrong

>> No.22748250

It just seems odd that a token with low market cap and few users will somehow moonshot when there are fewer users.

>> No.22748337

there will be some dumping but FOMO will be mad if supply starts deflating, apys will still be good even with 90% reduction the ROT-ETH pool gives 600% APY. higher the price goes the more valuable farming becomes

>> No.22748440

I bought in yesterday

>> No.22748529

$1 tonight?

>> No.22748603

i think it peaks at 50c at best. don't think 1$ is realistic.

>> No.22748794

maybe true. who knows how far this coin can go if it gets in the positive feedback loop of increasing price/decreasing supply

>> No.22749018

I earned a measly 180 ROT since I started farming yesterday because Im too afraid of getting sushied to risk more money, but the way its going is it worth it to risk another eth/uni LP into this for a few more days? How are you guys timing this to avoid losing everything do you just claim ROT as they are farmed and sell them once you have a set # or something? We all know this is going to die a sudden, violent death very soon and leave whoever didnt time their exit correctly bagholding worthless meme tokens

>> No.22749168

Weren't emissions going to drop in October? Why so sooooooOOoon?

>> No.22749179

Dump will be even bigger

>> No.22749258

the duality of crypto

>> No.22749529

ROT holders voted to cut emissions because they think a scarce token has value.

>> No.22749639

Probably not. If it gets memed across more social media, and stays up on the trackers, it can go higher, especially if other yield farming protocols start accepting it. The dream is $1 ROT which will cause non-holders to FOMO in.

>> No.22750294

I think this one won't be as big as sushi, however I bought 3 ETH, I just don't see how this can't get to 5c.

>> No.22750430

yea cant go that big but its sub 1 million cap right now, easiest 5 x at least

>> No.22750443

7 hours left, get the fuck in here anons

>> No.22750692

Been in since Saturday and I've made my initial and now waiting for the emission cut to watch this thing fly.

>> No.22751269

What is with yesterday's FUD? Was the problem solved?

>> No.22751302

anything not laughing at this point when a thread like this is made is beyond help

>> No.22751332

But if emissions are cut and the coin value goes up, which it may or may not, but if it does then farming is still viable since each ROT is worth more. Wouldn't that be true for staking in general

>> No.22751378

made my initial in 12 hours
waiting for cut and moon

>> No.22751411

Its hilarious. Please sir take my money

>> No.22751450

If price goes up farming is still viable. 90% APY is still good

>> No.22751745
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this will be all of us when this token goes 10X

>> No.22751776

I can't figure out how to stake it, ie what is necessary.

>> No.22751784

Dao style voting was a mistake prove me wrong direct democracy will always fail

>> No.22751811

Yeah but you can make a lot of money off democracy

>> No.22751921

Can anyone spoonfeed me on how to stake and farm this shit? Not sure what I need to do.

>> No.22752015

By us do u mean pajeets

>> No.22752297

i was fudding yesterday
the problem was the ROT/MAGGOT pool
people were somehow able to "drain" some of it.. happened every time MAGGOT became more expensive than ROT
Some would argue that this is not a problem but just organic
Either way the ROT/ETH pool is 100% safe and the devs are already working on the MAGGOT problem

>> No.22752472

Moon mission starts in about 6 hours

>> No.22752546

-Find a pair you want to farm on rot for example UNI-ROT
-buy ROT on uniswap equivalent to the amount of uni you want to stake
-add rot+uni to uniswap pool, you will receive a pool token for this
-go to rot website and stake the pool token where it says uni-rot

Thats how I did it maybe im missing something and other anons can chime in. Just be aware all these steps will cost you gas fees and you might not make enough ROT in time to be profitable before the rugpull comes. If you are a whale and can farm thousands of ROT in a few hours and pull out then u dont give as much of a fuck about the dangers

>> No.22752899

thanks anon, not a whale, so I might just hodl and sell before the rugpull

>> No.22753069
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>> No.22753124

Really no way to rug pull like SUSHI did. This is different. I am sure we will see sell off at certain levels tho.

>> No.22753170

Anon why do you stake and farm as opposed to just buying some?

>> No.22753181

Rofl, so how many of you fuckers had the rugpulled under you? why are you still shilling this worthless piece of shit? Did the fact that the 200k whale in league with the dev pulled out when you bought this token at .10 make you this desperate?

Emissions weren't supposed to stop until Oct 2nd, there was supposed to be an airdro that never happened, and the "Tim Templeton" is in league with someone who is dunking on all of you

>> No.22753199

There is no rug pull!

>> No.22753595
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These threads are filled with shills and bots responding to each other, right? Who in their fucking right mind would invest actual money in something called rot? A token that yields another token called maggots. It is disgusting in both practice and theory, and I think can only serve as a parable to the state of the overall defi market at large.

>> No.22753774


rugpull not possible

>> No.22753819

This thing is huge

>> No.22753848

No, just the contrary, Maggots were getting cheaper so people getting for their LP less ROT and more useless MAGGOT. I unstaked yesterday because of fud, and there were significantly less ROT than I added to the LP.

>> No.22753863


lmao you don't know shit. why don't you research a bit before you try to FUD like this.

>> No.22753871


>> No.22753922

Because ive never farmed before and want to give it a try Im still angry at not paying attention to /biz/ for the last 5 months and missing out the yield farming craze.
Agreed but I have said the same about many other meme projects and watched them go up while my sensible investments go down. I wouldnt put a lot of $ into it obviously because no matter what the shills say about being impossible to rugpull the truth is it isnt safe and the scam can be over in a flash I just hope to make a few bucks for teh lulz before that

>> No.22754003


>> No.22754062

I like meme projects with deflationary tweaks. I have like 20k in this

>> No.22754104
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>> No.22754151

how invest in uniswap while being poor?
how much time until i can recover from the gas fees?

>> No.22754237

His FUD is mostly right though. Nobody got the 100k ROT airdrop, emissions being cut early is bad for an ecosystem, and Tim Templeton is a Twitter AI.

>> No.22754250
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>> No.22755110


who are you even? stop posting here all the time if you don't like the project.

>> No.22755271

I've been farming for a few days. This is the best farming project yet!

>> No.22755336
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>> No.22755363


make ur own thread jfc.

>> No.22756002
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well, have you?

>> No.22756284

just a reminder that this project has:

deflationary tokenomics + no dev fund OR pre mining meaning no rug pull possible like Sushiswap did.
emissions down by 90% in a FEW HOURS.