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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22744623 No.22744623 [Reply] [Original]

Toast.finance is an actual scam which is different for the sake of difference like XMM with dynamic deflation. No decimals means that at higher prices there won't be any buyers only sellers. Impermanent losses with no decimals are retarded, nobody is pooling and nobody will be.
This wouldn't be bearish for Statera if they would not announce it as an achievement.
Also, regarding these threads
>statera posting is identical to link posting in 2018
It literally isn't. Many link threads in 2018 consisted of breadcrumbs and spoonfeeding, statera threads are lacking iq, it's tg moonboys with tg memes.

>> No.22744789


>> No.22744935

Toast dumped to $9.7 and little liquidity it had continues to decrease rapidly. I was retarded to trust biz just this once, but God, was I in time to get out.

>> No.22745044

Toast dropped to 9.4. Gonna bump it to bump limit also just this once

>> No.22745048

everyone knew it was a scam

>> No.22745146

And I trusted biz just this once, thinking it was some sort of proof of concept that has hype potential no matter how silly/retarded it looks. Lack of decimals will kill any attempt of hype so there won't be any.

>> No.22745154

NEO is lacking decimals also and it mooned hard.

>> No.22745178

I learnt the hard way sold Statera at a loss for UNI yesterday already making a return. It's dead I sold as I think there delaying the dash as that thing will only show 20% APY might as well pool USDC to ETH on UNI for that return and it would be a lot safer

>> No.22745237
File: 33 KB, 536x479, 1565203725128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some anon posted that STA was a scam and literally fucking outlined how the developers were making all the threads and posting all the replies through some botnet shit and posted proof etc
someone pull the thread and post it if you have it saved so i can laugh at anyone who continued to hold the STA scam after that

>> No.22745250

If Toast would also cost a few cents, then yes why, it could moon. Average transaction is probably less than $500 on uniswap even considering that fees are high. If Toast goes to $100 ever, people will stop buying. I thought at first that the idea of no decimals was to decrease volatility since it's a joke anyway, make it never surpass 10mil market cap.
I was emotionally invested in it, made some memes. But they see a partnership with literal Toast as an achievement.

>> No.22745272

>and posted proof
Nope he didn’t

>> No.22745273

>Many link threads in 2018 consisted of breadcrumbs and spoonfeeding,
There's been a lot of breadcrumbs AND spoonfeeding on sta threads these past few days, you must have missed it. I know that for a fact so you've actually just confirmed that sta posting now is like link in 2018.

>> No.22745382

I remember a screenshot, and it was real I searched it. TG group is fudding statera in such a way, so fud will be received as a joke. They never post legitimate arguments against Statera.
Give me a link, all latest threads were lacking IQ as far as I can remember. No breadcrumbs or spoonfeeding, just posting something that could be received as such without discussion and argumentation.

>> No.22745443

Statera has no reason to seriously moon aside from pumps following BTC because its use case and scope is too narrow

>> No.22745486

A couple I found after a quick search:


>> No.22745504

>buying any "finance" token posted on /biz/

deserve to get scammed you idiot

>> No.22745809

it's nothing, some future speculation based on dude trust me and some profit numbers
yeah, figures.

>> No.22746008


>> No.22746026

Sounds like you're biased but whatever, no point in continuing arguing.

>> No.22746069
File: 6 KB, 250x241, 1600608273321s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saying sold my STA for UNI and already up an ETH

>> No.22746074

of course you won't argue with me like in 2018 link threads.

>> No.22746089
File: 246 KB, 615x550, 716EE286-55B6-422C-9CCF-74E7B3B5520F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could bet one BTC on that Statera will never surpass the $1 mark no matter what kind of news there will be.

>> No.22746625

Or let's meth heads. If you were arguing with them, they tried to deliver explanation, and you could see that they weren't just shilling, they tried to understand the project themselves. There was a discussion. That was more organic.

>> No.22746658

>breadcrumbs and spoonfeeding
You can't read then

>> No.22746749

>let's say

>> No.22747040

Can anon summarize the breadcrumbs?

>> No.22747146

You nubiz retards will ngmi, and i couldnt care less. Just bought 33k more Sta to get to 7 figures soon, stay poor muh bot net brainlets.

>> No.22747160

>>22744963 just look at these shills

>> No.22747175

>what is warosu
Or just wait a few days and look out for it itt

>> No.22747187

Dont know about statera but HOUSE will go moon soon

>> No.22747190


>> No.22747577

How can it be a scam if it partnered with another well known scam (STA)? LMAO

>> No.22747632

>sta posting now is like link in 2018.
Sta posting involves copying link memes, link posts and trying to hype shitera as "the next link". You want to copy links success but its not working, nobody on /biz/ is interested in your useless shitcoin

>> No.22747667

>recent breadcrumbs from based anon
"Not to mention COMP, MAKER, and LEND pools which we are working on right bow and will be the next tasks completed right after the dashboard. We were working on the AMPL pool right before the hack and are revisiting it now but it is exploitable. We are thinking about doing the pool o ly with DLT or BPT to decrease the risk of exploit.

We are also working on more CEXs trading the delta token or DLT and BPT directly allowing for the burn in burn out function and creating additional arbitrage and price pressure. Why?

Imagine ETH is 400 and STA is 0.1 and you mint 16 DLT tokens at $25 each consisting of 0.5 ETH and 2000 STA. Now currently in the pool on uniswap there are only 4000 DLT tokens in circulation. If at any time the price of DLT goes down below $25 this is an easy buy because it will mean that you are getting super cheap ether, but there are only 4000 currently available and we hold 16 of them. Holding DLT also means you can hold ethereum but are generating high passive income and this increases demand since why hold ethereum at all when you can hold DLT and make gains while holding ether? This demand leads to the price of DLT to go from $25 to $26 but this means that our 16 DLT tokens total $416 intead of $400 making a net profit of $16 or $8 over 2000 STA tokens. Which is 4% compounded every time this discrepancy occurs and capitalized by the arb bots.

How many times do you think in a year could the DLT token on a CEX have a slight increase (the 4% increase as above as an example) in price relative to the underlying worth of eth and sta? Call the value "x" now calculate (1.04^x) and that is your gain in terms of apy from this arv concept alone. As an example the discrepancy between DLT and the underlying ETH and STA occurred positively an estimated 20 times in the last month but only at a rate of 1% so if we capitalized on this the it would be (1.01^240) = 10.8x over the year."

>> No.22748097

LINK is no better. Why do you think the price of Link is dumping even after it got to top 10? Because it was memed all the way there and there is no reason for the token to have such a high price. Staggots are retarded for wanting it to be the next LINK when it’s a dogshit token in all honesty

>> No.22748262

>nobody on /biz/ is interested in your useless shitcoin

Now that's bullish if anything.

>> No.22748291

You cant meme something to such a high MC. Lets not kid ourselves and how much influence /biz/ memes really have

>> No.22748377

>nubiz detected
Kys faggot

>> No.22748430

I have not seen a post this retarded in a while.

>> No.22748453

Have sex incel.

>> No.22748998

Statera dump is actually bullish, r-right?

>> No.22749101

You didnt read shit...
Read the above again

Also, the dump is not bullish but you should learn to buy LOW. Most projects will pump with BTC and the market in the upcoming year as BTC hits ATHs. You want to buy projects with a large upside while it is cheap. Preferably projects that are undervalued and have teams that, I don't know, refunded their community out of their own wallets. Anyway. The sad part is that if you hold almost anything over the next year, even a retard like you will make it.

>> No.22749386

HOUSE token is recovering nicely
I hope you bought the dip anon