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22742261 No.22742261 [Reply] [Original]

OG LINK Marine here, been here since the beginning. Not gonna lie this crash really has me on the fence about my investment. Should I dump or continue to HODL? Could go either way on this one...

>> No.22742278

sell everything, chainlink is bankrupt

>> No.22742290

unironic whale here. pump this shit back up or ill sell everything. you have 1 hour

>> No.22742291

Sell and put buy order at 6

>> No.22742298

OG ICO buyer here since the beginning too. Strongly considering selling my Chainlink tokens here too. Will buy back in at $1 range though.

>> No.22742301

If your in profit and didnt buy the top you're laughing, if you got in at ICO you're comfy with it.

>> No.22742303

chainlink is a scam sell asap

>> No.22742305

Why didn't you sell at $20? $19? $18? $15? $10? Why now?

>> No.22742308

if you were an og marine or indeed held a stack of any consequence you would not be posting this thread

>> No.22742364
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Like flies to shit, the paid FUD arrives. Sorry guys this thread was just to see how many pajeetles would come crawling out of the woodwork.

>> No.22742503

OG ICO token holder here
I sold my full stack to go into the single mother car leasing business after seeing a fellow anon post about it

>> No.22742544

>OG that didnt take profits at 20$.

larp. You cant be this retarded

>> No.22742612

Its too risky selling now, trust me link is going to pump again eventually to newer highs. Don't fuck up 3 years of waiting for a mistake

>> No.22742616

You should, unless you have $250,000 after this dump. Then hold. If you didn't take 200x profits, well, you're fucking stupid. Bella Protocol + ARPA is next.

>> No.22742651
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Fucking based op, they're everywhere. It makes me so comfy. Fuck street shitters

>> No.22742676

>OG LINK Marine here
and how many 75% corrections have we been through by now? it just feels worse now because the number is bigger, its not gonna get easier either, just relax.

>> No.22742690

b/c the market is about to go march status. even the eth maxies were trying to pull one last quick exit before the crash

>> No.22742716


Sorry anons we go lower. Next support is $6

>> No.22742721

imagine not being able to write and spell correctly. Let alone giving investment advice.

>> No.22742722

Yeah bros, I sold at a loss, but it's not really a loss cuz you sell when things are crashing and buy again when it's lower. Literally can turn a market crash into eventual profit when things go up again. It doesn't benefit holding through crashes when you can sell and rebuy lower, that's how you accumulate more coins.

>> No.22742750

The only people are in this still are the people who in the negative. We sold already. We moved on to better projects. Since your an OG your still in profit. Take profit. Invest it in the next chainlink just watch whats trending

>> No.22742762

Yes, now is the time to sell. When everyone else is buying. Fucking retard. If your to much of a crypto virgin: you missed it by a month. Lurk moar.

>> No.22742833

You’ll get meme replies, not sure why you bothered to ask. The reality is the product is...lacking in adoption. No one outside of literal whos actually use the price feeds. And node operators can’t survive on the utter shitshow that is eth. Best case scenario is Arbitrum not being a meme AND some serious corporate usage. As it stands Link is still quite overvalued.

>> No.22742836

Anyone selling now is newborn into crypto.
Link will bounce harder than any other alt.

>> No.22742891

Like flies to shit, the paid hopium arrives. Sorry guys this thread was just to see how many bagholders would come crawling out of the woodwork.

>> No.22742947


Not really, these fucks have been dumping millions for over a year

>> No.22742962
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holy fuck there's a lot of them out tonight

>> No.22742966


>> No.22742992

Look at your investment objectively faggot. You live in the real world

>> No.22743028

Sell enough where whatever rest you hold, you'd feel comfortable going below $1

>> No.22743586

If you really were an OG marine then you wouldn't need to ask

>> No.22743599

hold to zero

>> No.22743665
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>> No.22743708

Fuck bros now I'm only up x50 instead of x100 how am I recover from this financial ruin

>> No.22743784

Should linklets who invested at 13$, thinking it was the floor, sell? Asking for myself.

I'm probably not selling anyway. The way I see it, I can potentially lose hundreds by not selling, but I can potentially gain thousands by holding. Is this logic stupid or sound?

>> No.22743802


>> No.22743810

>we will fight for it and if necessary, fall for it

>> No.22743818

Please put link in your titles, i am so sick of seeing this link shit all over the place

>>my linkies wahhhh wahhhh
>>get rekt tard

>> No.22743854


If you really are a "OG"" (you are not), you know Link is undervalued below $100.

>> No.22743875

You're not an OG if you are contemplating selling
Kys larper trannie

>> No.22743921

Learn how to set a smart stop loss, it'll burn you alot less than it will make you money

Also, God no, you didn't have the thought to sell when it was $20, why are you having the thought now? If you won't take profit but you will take a loss, you're doing it wrong. Your strategy is a long term hold, keep holding bruv. Crypto holds are just ups, downs and a fuck load of confidence

Definitely rethink your strat since you're watching it so constantly. Sell high and buy low to increase your holdings or if you don't have the time to learn how to do that well, then stop looking at it so much and remember why you bought it in the first place. Micromovements mean nothing on a 10 year scale if the business is good

>> No.22743945


>> No.22744012

My dearest friend, it is with immense pleasure that I inform you that your letter has found safe travel to my destination and landed in my hands. However, this pleasure was fated to remain short lived and bittersweet, for I must also admit to you, regardless of what distress it may cause to you, knowing you went to great trouble to pen it and deliver it to me, that I in fact declined to open it and refused to read the message contained within. Surmising your intentions, there exists no doubt in my heart regarding your sincere worries for my financial well being, but alas your attempts to convince me to modify my investment strategies shall regretfully remain futile, as my stubbornness in this matter has indeed been sealed irrevocably and no other voice shall rock its imperturbable foundations. Allow me then to reiterate my will once more, and do your best to forever remember it for no change will follow: I shan't part ways with my beloved asset for it is my utmost belief that I have invested wisely and foresee infinite potential in its future, and therefore no other possession in this world shall change my decision, not even a mountain of gold! For my possessed asset is indeed fated to be worth more than any other riches in the world. We shan't speak of this no more. Sincerely yours, a beloved friend.

>> No.22744195
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The LINK "OGs" as you know them are a fiction. Some OGs are never selling. Some OGs took profit on the way up. A good number of OGs got fucking rekt swing trading and now are trying to make up the loss on DeFi shit.

Anyone who tells you "OGs never sell" is either lying to you, or they are not an OG.

LINK OGs are a bunch of degenerate retards who wanted to pump and dump link, but were lucky enough to realize that the coin had some legitimate potential, so they adjusted their plans.

All I can say is, you need to consider your own situation, and your own risk/reward tolerance and decide from there. Link marines and Link OGs are not your friends. This was all a fucking psyop, as if that wasn't obvious by now.

I'm still fundamentally a believer in chainlink, and I think it can still be one of the biggest projects in crypto. But put yourself and your financial well being first. There is no brotherhood of marines looking out for you, you are in this on your own.

>> No.22744237
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Whenever I need a dose of hopium I just look at the history of ETH, not sure we'll ever hit ETH levels of gains but LINK is far from being finished.

>> No.22744246

Wait a scam wick to sell. I sold after conference but will will end badly.

>> No.22744297

this shit is going to smash through the 200dema right?

>> No.22744379

Doing God's work OP. Thanks.

>> No.22744429

Well when tokens start being used for collateral and starts being wrapped nd consumed price will go up without the need of retailers we will probably go through several bubbles like this one to 20 before that starts happening tho

>> No.22744454

The last few they'll be is bankrupt, Sergey keeps dumping 500k Link on the market, every fucking week.

>> No.22744469

Eth dipped from a peak of 400, down to 145. Drop of 62%. Link has dropped from a peak of 20 to 8.1. Drop of 59%. The question is, will it push back up and past? With staking, threshold sigs, oracle integration not released? It could happen. Or it could crab in the 2-10 range for infinity. Who knows.

>> No.22744491

based. since that’s out of the way does anyone of you anons plan to buy more link? and if so when? for me it’s 6.5

>> No.22744694

Profits from flipping shitty yield shits will go directly into link when it goes lower. And yes, I bought at this price too.

>> No.22744720

Thanks for the bait OP

>> No.22744746

> it could go up or down the post
brilliant truly you should share your knowledge with Reddit

>> No.22744781

Would have to drop below 4 for me to consider it, given my position and current zero income

>> No.22744791
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Yes yes sell low and miss out on the coming bull run goyim. The fud is real and constant let your sweet tired little hands sell my dear. It will all be over soon

>> No.22744838

What gets me with the externals, not the ironic ones and the swingers that sold around 5, they are well coached, and still use micro tracking words engrained in their minds which makes them stand out like sour thumbs. They are too few to dilute, too new to not be spotted and if they increase the amount of operatives the board dies down in legit honest replies, like during yesterdays raid

>> No.22744851

>Yes, now is the time to sell. When everyone else is buying
Yes? Sell when people are buying, buy when people are selling.

>> No.22744887
File: 62 KB, 537x537, EilRvUHU0AAljYr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dump em stinkies and buy em $DEUS. Unironically bringing in more waifus into your stonks

>> No.22744907

Still have 10k link.

Still haven't sold since 2017

I'm a dishwasher still lmao

1,000 or zero. Bring it on faggots.

>> No.22744922

I just farted and imagined it came from that. Mmmm stinky

>> No.22744954


>> No.22744984

This man will be rich

>> No.22745013

10K stinkies that's already in top 10 would unironically not make you a hundred thousandnaire again. Being promoted to dishwater supervisor has a higher chance of making you more monies

>> No.22745033

Only a suicide stack. So not losing or winning much, but I get your feeling. There is no point in selling. What should be bought instead, btc? certainly not, eth, no thanks, any of the hundreds of defi scams, not a chance, random public blockchain #4545478441844 doing the same as the rest, with a dividend scam, no interest. It's LINK or nothing

>> No.22745038

Imagine if you sold at like $14, took your $140000, then rebought now at $8 before it goes back up to $14. You would have swung an extra 105k

>> No.22745065

I love that word. It says so much

>> No.22745073

dude, imagine if you could see the future

>> No.22745083

To be fair, everyone knew the Crypto market was going to dump September. And it did.

>> No.22745097

Tell me fortune teller what is your mother tongue?

>> No.22745306
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today OP was based.

>> No.22745378
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ITT: larpers and pajeets talking about a token no one really cares about anymore
still holding link but don't care what happens to it, unless it goes under literally $0.60 i'm not at a loss, but i seriously couldn't care if it did
my defi natives have outperformed link and i actually took profits
took those profits and bought real things with them
if you held link and didn't farm yield for literally free $ or at the very least bought into defi native tokens which would've taken you literally a day to do research on how it all works, you deserve to stay poor
good luck linkies, it's been a fun time, but the hype died a while back. i still think we'll hit $20+ again, but i couldn't give a fuck if we didn't.

>> No.22745426
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very interesting

>> No.22745455

It's not even pajeets it's Eastern Europeans and Russkies, which is proof that white people are not universally superior because easterns and russians literally don't have souls. They're just vodka powered automatons.

>> No.22745479
File: 219 KB, 1774x165, fuck_you_nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, everything i said there was absolutely true. especially this post
pic related
called it so well, i'm basically an oracle, pun intended

>> No.22745483

the imagine line is practically directly translated from chinese though, its so ingrained in their mind, they cant stop it

>> No.22745508

stop trying so hard, youve been caught up by stalker anon

>> No.22745548

trying hard at what?
if i tried hard, i'd have sold when we were around $20. instead i held on and i still think i could get out at a 30x+ in time, but right now i couldn't care less because defi natives and yield farming have made me gains that i've actually realized.
all i'm saying is, if you held link and DIDN'T yield farm, you were destined to be poor.

>> No.22745558

he is internal, not an external

>> No.22745662
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> Slavic subhumans are white and other hilarious lies kikes tell you

>> No.22745695

I have 24k link from feb 2018, not ico but 5 months after. Went from 20k > 3k > 50k > 20k > 100k > 40k > 200k > 130k > 450k > I’m now at 190k. Pretty comfy, I dont plan on selling. I’ll sell if it crashes to 80k to keep a 400% ROI

>> No.22745715
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LINK is over my fren. Although it's still above $8, and it's still a very good price point, if you were buying at 30c. Look at charts of every crypto from the old generation like NEO, LTC, BCH, XRP and so on. Each of them had one point, at which they had it's ATH, and now they're 90% below it. LINK will do the same. It's going below $2, and it will stay below $5 for years. It might be, that LINK did well in bear market, while in bull market, it might be completly forgotten. After all this market is not made with fundamentals, but with emotions. People could just be getting bored of LINK's memes, and OGs have to drop their bags at one point or another. Back in the day there weren't any interesting projects. This is why we went balls deep into LINK. But now everyone knows, that ETH can't scale, and it won't scale before the bull market. And there are already a couple of very solid projects, that are new, fresh, and way more advanced than ETH, and boomercoin (BTC). Even LINK is getting obsolete, as most of the new projects already have built in oracles, bridges, and so on.

>> No.22745822

it is obvious you are a linklet also
>cashing out at the start of a bullrun

>> No.22745843

a linklet, yeah maybe. 10028 link total (extra 28 because lucky number)
i'm a linklet to some link whales out there sure, but compared to 99% of biz i'm doing alright with my link stack

>> No.22745873

It might be, that LINK did well in bear market, while in bull market, it might be completly forgotten
think about what you're saying you sputtering mongoloid

>> No.22745903

I come to biz once a week to see what the next LINK will be, one can dream

>> No.22746155

don't you idiots understand that he'd most likely have to pay tax on the 140k?

>> No.22746202

are those swing trades?

>> No.22746208
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>> No.22746223

You should *have* sold but the next best thing is to get out while you can

>> No.22746357

Don't you retards ever consider taxes? Enjoy getting fucked in prison retard.

>> No.22746439

Your own fault if you live in a country where you get robbed by government

>> No.22746441

absolutely fucking based

>> No.22746466
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>> No.22746492

Put it all in UNI, while you still have time.

>> No.22746493