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22729003 No.22729003 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine believing he’d ever let this ship sink. Don’t let all the doomers fool you, there’s no bubble, no chance the US ever sees hyperinflation, and absolutely no chance the dollar crashes. If you listen to these people, you’re just going to end up poor.

>> No.22729019

next round of stimulus when? I want my 1000 goy shekels

>> No.22729105

Does the FED really have the kind of power and influence you're insinuating?

>> No.22729126

>ever let this ship sink
the ship is sinking and he's adding more water to the ocean

>> No.22729137


>> No.22729175


And? Still never going to sink. They would never let it happen.

>> No.22729176

Le money printer is a meme but the ability of the fed to control rates is massively powerful

>> No.22729183

only sensible thread in the sea of retards
>controls the biggest and most powerful economy ever to exist in history
yes, I think so
get the fuck back to where you came from

>> No.22729230


>> No.22729242

>They would never let it happen.
by negative interest rates and secret helicopter money for wall street?
$1000 gibs only go so far

>> No.22729332

I've no idea who the guy is but your absolutely right. They've got a system that works even though everyone in crypto will tell you it doesn't and it may be a dog shit system. Inflation and printing up more cash. Dollars going nowhere, covid is just an excuse to print.

>> No.22729423

They’ll do whatever it takes, including shit that no one’s even heard of. I will admit we might run into trouble eventually, but that’s 50+ years out at the earliest. There’ll be another armed revolution before then though

>> No.22729495

literal pennies

>> No.22729604

Seriously, what specific methods or tactics does the FED have available to prevent a collapse of the dollar or at least another huge imminent correction?

>> No.22729658

This is true. 1000 is enough to cover my car payment, internet bill, and a week of groceries


>> No.22729702
File: 151 KB, 1100x825, starlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will admit we might run into trouble eventually, but that’s 50+ years out at the earliest. There’ll be another armed revolution before then though
Not even close. Once pic related is finished in 5 years it's over. We are entering the era of Pax Americana but literal sheep are preoccupied with muh rights and racism nigger bullshit. Republic America is dead. Long live America Imperium.

>> No.22729770

>Seriously, what specific methods or tactics does the FED have available to prevent a collapse of the dollar or at least another huge imminent correction?
lot's of ways.
1. Print more money
2. Switch the us standard to digital dollar
3. Start a war with China and annihilate them

>> No.22730043

Printing more money isn’t going to “fix” anything.

>> No.22730070

It will if it's the world reserve currency

>> No.22730181

What’s a bunch of satellites have to do with anything. Cheap internet?

>> No.22730268

The war with China is more imminent than a dollar collapse. China’s gonna get fucked up eventually, they’re like the kid that screws with people til finally someone just knocks em out cold.

>> No.22730271

Absolute surveillance over every single person in the world.

>> No.22730369

That sounds like a nightmare to keep track of, not to mention the resolution of those satellites would have to be nuts to get any meaningful images of the surface. Unless we’ve got RFID chips in us which won’t happen

>> No.22730519

>Printing more money isn’t going to “fix” anything.

Sure it will. Devalue USD with the printer.

Whoever doesn't inflate their currency with us, we go devalue it with bombs, sanctions, psychological operations, or otherwise.

>> No.22730533

>China’s gonna get fucked up eventually, they’re like the kid that screws with people til finally someone just knocks em out cold.
And the world will shout..."Worldstar!"

>> No.22730564

>That sounds like a nightmare to keep track of
what do you mean? (((They're))) doing it right now. It's not that hard. Even China's doing it with their billions of bug people

>> No.22730567

>That sounds like a nightmare to keep track of
uhh computers. hello.

> not to mention the resolution of those satellites would have to be nuts to get any meaningful images of the surface
starlink is low earth unlike your directv geosynchronous sattelites 38k miles up

>> No.22730578

Is he unironically not jewish? I read he was a catholic lol

>> No.22730598

You're exactly right, something big is coming down the pike this October and will kick off what you're talking about.

>> No.22730723

>The war with China
why would we go to war with china?
if it wasn't for US, they'd still be a nation of peasant farmers, not much better off than the NorKs

>> No.22730873
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 20200917_231124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does Rio Defi believe in?

@riodefiofficial believes the idea that if one blockchain should dominate, to the detriment of all others, is an obstacle to innovation in space and negatively impacts the broader adoption of distributed ledger technologies.

>> No.22730913

Chinese goods are in every room of every household and business in this country. Going to war against your country’s biggest supplier of literally almost everything makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.22731188

>why would we go to war with china?
Human rights abuses like slave labor and forced sterilization of Uighur Muslims
China claiming rights and territory in the south china sea they by international law don't have a claim to
Border disputes with our ally India
Veiled threats against our ally Japan
Stealing American tech
Covering up how bad the covid situation was at the beginning
Hacking and spying on American citizens, companies, and politicians.
Helping Iran while Iran was under US sanctions
Debt trapping poor countries by building shit tier infrastructure for a price China knows the host country could never pay, then China taking over said countries infrastructure as payment for the debt, because they couldn't pay it back.
The treatment of the people of Hong Kong under the new CCP national security law
The threats against Taiwan.
The global economy is shit and war is good for business.
Literally pick one.

>> No.22731224

>no chance the dollar crashes
you're already crashing nigger
your nigger economy is already seeing hyperinflation, your 6month CPI is averaging on 12%
if Biden wins you'll see your first triple digit chapwood index
your economy is niggers tuning cars into niggercars

if you kill every nigger and mestizo living in USA, maybe you can bounce back

>> No.22731427

that might make sense until you realize (((who))) was behind the cultural revolution

>> No.22731956

"low earth" is still a few hundred miles up. that's a long ways, man

>> No.22732035
File: 20 KB, 408x347, 1594817589872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. Start a war with China and annihilate them
Oh God please yes.
What's China's stance on them anyways? Do they deal directly with Israel and the FED shareholders through backchannels?

>> No.22732108
File: 109 KB, 1799x885, CPI12Aug2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you seeing the 6 month? I'm looking at 1.3% on 12 month, obviously that doesn't seem realistic, Bacon for instance is up 2.50$ on average, and some people have complained about increasing rent prices.

>> No.22732223

Yes, of course, just like Bill Gates :)

>> No.22732225
File: 8 KB, 221x229, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need retards to buy our bags at the top so they can hold them on the way down for us