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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.00 MB, 2683x3561, D92VFM1XUAEDjpR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22720227 No.22720227 [Reply] [Original]

I bought a pair of Unisocks and I am now financially ruined

>> No.22720253

that picture is disgusting

>> No.22720274

>white "men"

>> No.22720277

he's so perfect

>> No.22720307

jesus christ what an effeminate looking queer.

>> No.22720354

i was told a pair of 8k socks was a good investment

>> No.22720378

Imagine the smell

>> No.22720391

Strong aryan features

>> No.22720395

Imagine being a man 1000 years ago and seeing a photo of this man. The sheer disgust, pain anguish would make your head explode.

>> No.22720428

That's a man.

>> No.22720460

Until they learned about how much money he has.

>> No.22720469

the absolute 11th century cope
this effeminate king is living better than any noble from a 1000 years ago

>> No.22720492

Not really kek

>> No.22720499

He is basically what we all want to be. Comfy as fuck, not a worry in the world.

>> No.22720501
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>> No.22720537
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Cool socks dood

>> No.22720566

True except he still wagies for uniswap. I think hes jewish. And if im comfy and not waging i plan to work out, this man clearly never does squats or overhead press

>> No.22720572
File: 105 KB, 399x505, 1584253110764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only $3,000

>> No.22720582

Imagine history books 1000 years from now trying to explain that people like that spent their annual salary on a pair of socks because they thought they would go up in value parabolically

>> No.22720604
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>> No.22720698

it will moon thats the funny thing

>> No.22720724

I respect what he’s doing with uniswap but man, I’ve never seen more s 0 y in one pic in my life

>> No.22720781

imagine going bald at 18

>> No.22720791

He looks like a man who has taken many-a-dick up his ass. He's still getting more than any of you guys.

>> No.22720865

I wonder if we will be in history books one day if crypto gets mainstream adoption

>> No.22720980

>implying a man's happiness and contentedness revolve around comfort and pleasure rather than bending his environment to his will
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.22720992

The söy is really unusually high in this picture.

>> No.22721038

You don't seem to understand how wealthy Hayden Adams is, compared to a medieval serf, he is a god.

>> No.22721070

its already doing that....look at the price

>> No.22721136

Someone trace this for a great soijack

>> No.22721168

He’s a marketbender

>> No.22721176
File: 223 KB, 702x1024, media.media.6bd3508b-96c1-4ad5-9da9-d2d2c1313035.original1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12th century was an absolute SIMP-fest my man, they literally invented simping.

>> No.22721181

>11th century cope
There was never a better time in human history than the 11th century. How many cathedrals that will stand for a thousand years has this generation of "kings" built? How goes the eternal fight against the Saracens?

>> No.22721221

You know that creature will begin "transitioning" soon

>> No.22721223


>> No.22721292

>goyim built a lot of buildings so it was a good time

>> No.22721335

>bending his environment to his will
What's your impact v. Uniswap, big strong man?

>> No.22721443

He can buy a solid gold with pink stripes anal sex toy with his wealth.

>> No.22721469

just one?

>> No.22721626

Pretty much everything soiboys like you say you love was developed in the 11th century including the scientific method and mass education. The buildings are a side effect of a kind of greatness you subhuman faggots can't conceive of. Even the serfs ate salmon, lamb, potatoes, milk, butter and freshly baked bread. This shadow of a man has never seen a healthy meal in his life.

>> No.22721628
File: 243 KB, 1122x1362, 3600052A-19F0-4884-B199-A2D2AEB730FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hayden is based for buying us all PS5 but he looks like a deviant homosexual.

>> No.22721762


>> No.22721862

Hayden is cool, gave us all free money, from those that sold at 400 to those that sold at 8

>> No.22721914

A young man with the hairline of a 50 year old and the body of a 90 year old. Utterly repulsive. Looks like it's time for his bed bath, too.

>> No.22721982


>> No.22721983

Megabased, how do we go back? Back to the past.

>> No.22722039
File: 213 KB, 730x860, D4087A5A-15BE-49B3-A92E-E2BEF6C77660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being so rude guys. I love this man for giving me hopium once again

>> No.22722091
File: 193 KB, 1762x1632, 0F62FC62-5A64-4AD1-9E6F-6E9BB1884949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are men....

>> No.22722123

If your father sees you looking like that he's gonna fucking disown you OP. No more inheritance.

>> No.22722154


>> No.22722172

hayden is a god, his masculinity is divine and you all should repent before your times come. sinners.

>> No.22722208

you sure about that?

>> No.22722211

A noble could fuck as much cunny as he wanted and simply kill people he disliked. This queer can only get fucked in the ass by other men and he doesn't even get to pick the time and place.

>> No.22722348

>Even the serfs ate salmon, lamb, potatoes, milk, butter and freshly baked bread.
Deluded & historically inaccurate

>Pretty much everything soiboys like you say you love was developed in the 11th century including the scientific method and mass education.
This doesn't mean things were good
things are objectively better in current year

>> No.22722460

That's a man

>> No.22722483
File: 190 KB, 630x384, BAC354D5-A2D9-4CCE-8942-D6491C4BC110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Imagine funko pops and beer hops are a high standard of living.

>> No.22722511

>things are objectively better in current year
By no reasonable metric is that true for anyone. A life of suffering and dying from some plague in the 11th century is an objectively better life than being the confused mess of meat and bones in the OP.

>> No.22722534
File: 56 KB, 720x720, 6C555747-2161-4895-9F43-C82EC25BD025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current year

>> No.22722609
File: 660 KB, 828x599, 1600611582848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks like the dude I push over when crossing the street, because he's zoned out looking at ants on the curb
>Receeding hairline
>Know of women that are built sturdier
>Needs glasses

>> No.22722753

>A life of suffering and dying from some plague in the 11th century is an objectively better life than being the confused mess of meat and bones in the OP.
The sad thing is that you think this is a "chad" idea.

>> No.22722938

The sad things is you have no reason to live or do anything. You're just an automaton trying to relieve short term urges with no thought, goals or ideals behind it. People like you could never have made the modern world you love so much and you can't maintain it. You're too dumb, too soft and too deluded by the fantasies you've made up instead of facing reality. When humanity rises again historians will remember you as the hedonistic zombies that destroyed everything good better men made for you.

>> No.22723230

>The sad things is you have no reason to live or do anything.
Are we talking about Hayden Adams or you? Because Hayden has more thoughts and by now achieved goals than everyone who browses /pol/.
Nice projecting.

>> No.22723950

pink was the color of kings back then

>> No.22724082

the amount of cope in this thread. dude has more money and status than anyone here. he could easily exercise and gain some muscle within 6 months to look more chad but why would he

>> No.22724149

>he fell for the history book representation of warrior men

>> No.22724264

This is why I love this place. This is why I I am here forever. A thread about a shit coin developed into a discussion about the 11th century and history. God I love you faggots, never change.

>> No.22724312

go back

>> No.22725003
File: 33 KB, 720x568, 1589263795352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intelligent faggot slash tranny desu

>> No.22725171

fuck off we're full, go back.

>> No.22725486

oh YOU! ^_^