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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22715830 No.22715830 [Reply] [Original]

>What is this?
A thread for discussion of news, connections and discussions relating to xrp that are founded on articles, sources, and provable speculation.
>What about XSG?
XSG is fun but heavily centered around religion, schitzo posting and hyper-speculatory discussion. Think of this as a sister thread for those more interested in recent news and factual/source based discussion.
So no gematria, or religious talk. That's for XSG.


Important Info
>Flare snapshot date - December 12th 2020:

>Useful Resources

>Known Ripple Partnerships

>Speculatory Ripple Partnerships

>> No.22715887

When boys... When

>> No.22716055


> he thinks he can separate the schizo from XRP


>> No.22716146
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hot damn, nearly checked
i wonder how many people would be prepared to hold out if nothing happens at the end of the year. surely we'll see some price action with the flare drop but i wouldn't be surprised if it was less than what people hoped for

I enjoy seeing the schitzo stuff but there have been times when a genuinely in depth discussion was btfo by schitzo christposting in xsg, with the recent threads it feels like its become increasingly harder to hold a conversation about stuff outside of 'insiders'

>> No.22716303


If nothing happens EOY I will wait till March 2021. After that I will kill myself for believing in this stuff.

>> No.22717021
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>On the flip side, the holders distribution chart from Santiment shows that holders with at least 1,000,000 XRP and up to 10,000,000 are increasing. The number of whales was as low as 1,327 two days ago but has now notably increased to 1,342, which means 15 new whales hold at least 1,000,000 XRP coins.

So number of whales are increasing, despite value going down.

>> No.22717338
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hold strong, don't forget this is a long term vision, despite what people believe will happen at the end of the year
good find anon, i wonder what specifically has led to the sudden increase

>> No.22718193

>Pretending the Christposters aren't also autismos

>> No.22718270
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the jews will have to rip my shitcoins out of my hands if they want them

>> No.22718406

>After that I will kill myself
I'll bet people said the same thing when BTC was ranging in the 200's for 2 years.

>> No.22718739

Anyone care to venture an opinion on what the minimum effective price of XRP is (i.e. the minimum level it needs to be at to function properly as a bridge asset for banks)?

>> No.22718782

oh look, we already have postponed the memedate, and it isn't even october yet


when did I see such a thing happening last time? Oh that's right, last year. Come to think of it in fact every year for the last 7 years...

>> No.22718831
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Also OP is a D&C kike

>> No.22718872

It will crash to like 0.0012 ¢ then explode to 2000-7000$ a coin a week later
Probably crash during election
Shoot to 4$ tons of people will sell and boom 2000$ a few days later

>> No.22718984

hahahaha i lol'd, same pretty much

>> No.22719057

I figured it'd shoot up and slowly bleed out.

>> No.22719094

*Then moon

>> No.22719128

I hope you’re right on that - it’d be great to have the chance to pack my bags up more!

My question though was more on practicalities - at $1000, that’s a total available supply of $10trn, which might (at the lower end) be enough liquidity for banks to use on a relatively wide scale, so I’d consider that to be the minimum effective price point (though it’d be a push at that level - they would quickly run out of headroom).

Any ventures as to alternative minimums?

>> No.22719204

Not in this life.
Lol at waiting till march.

>> No.22719209

why are you wasting time calculating that which has already been done
2k EOY is not a meme

>> No.22719212

maths is not a strong subject of crippletards I see

FYI 1000 * 100,000,000,000 = 100 trillion

only a couple of trillion more than all the circulating currency in the whole world

overnight, right?

>> No.22719320
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>> No.22719404

> muh marketcap.
Read a book faggot.

>> No.22719436
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it would be good if christposters contributed discussion here too, as long as they steer clear of that super speculative spiritual stuff, that stuff has to be seperated when looking at hard facts and sourced action

i haven't put much thought onto this specifically but i would image it being much higher than it is currently. i guess technically >>22718831 is right, it works at its current price - but that would only be maintainable while xrp at $0.25 is enough to not hit the ceiling of available tokens, the higher the price the less tokens required. i'm most bullish on this aspect of it, if ripple can pull through with all these partnerships, id expect the price per xrp to just rise passively as more and more liquidity is required

gonna be honnest, i have hardly any faith in this being the case. the mellon anon stuff is cool but im not gonna hold my breath on this no proof bullshit, though if it happens i guess ill know what to look out for

>> No.22719440

>muh market cap means value
aren't people tired of repeating this fud?

>> No.22719456

if i sell you an apple for $1000, what is the market cap of apples at that very moment?

>> No.22719505

Ha, fair enough - I’m a lawyer not a numbers guy!! (Also I used 10bn XRP, not 100bn).

I thought this was the non-schizo thread? This is basically where I’m coming to have a rational discussion about any questions I have, so that I can form a rational view. I’m also still on XSG and that’s where I’ll let my schizo out. The two are separate.

Anyway, with the correct maths (thanks to the anon above), $1k gives you a 100trn total available liquidity. I understood interbank transfers to be ~15trn daily at present. Is that correct? If so, that suggests an effective price point far lower than $2k. Perhaps $150-500 initially, with $1k being the upper end.

Of course, that assumes it’s only being used for interbank transfers. Are there any other markets that could make use of all the excess liquidity $2k (or even $1k) would provide?

>> No.22719574

you think you are seeking sanity, but you have left it

>> No.22719606

And it only takes into consideration non fraudulent transactions.

>> No.22719655

How so?

>> No.22719771

To answer my own question (what it would be used for other than interbank transfers). I would guess banks and central banks would want to hold reserves to ensure liquidity, which would move it up from the 15trn (again, correct me if I’m wrong on that being the level of interbank transfers). They could also use as collateral at clearing houses and for triparty Repo/sec lending transactions (though in the case of triparty, I suspect governments would resist as this would take deman away from govvies).

I think derivatives collateral would already by included in the 15trn though, so that might not add to the total.

>> No.22719842

sanity is insanity.
insanity is sanity.

>> No.22719857

i like this thread anon. it was about time we get our very own safe space

>> No.22719880

spoken like a man who dresses up as a woman to prey on young girls in women only spaces

>> No.22719913
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>So no gematria, or religious talk. That's for XSG.

Sleep with one eye open tonight op!!

>> No.22719987

David Swartz is speaking today at a Forbes Blockchain Webinar about the role of crypto in the coming decade. Might be interesting. Free to sign up, starts at 2 pm EST


>> No.22719989

did you see this anon? https://aws.amazon.com/partners/success/ripple/
xrp could be perfect for the private market, specifically international online purchases, bank conversion rates are a bitch and visa / mastercard always take their cut. xrp can pretty much provide a way for normal people to get a 1:1 ratio of another nations currency

>> No.22720081
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i'll be ready and waiting

>> No.22720092

I take your point about total circulating money, but it doesn’t really fit for me.
I may be wrong, but my view on the primary purpose of XRP is that it’s not intended as a currency - it is simply a tool to facilitate transfers. In that sense, the market cap is really a misnomer. I’d think if it as bandwidth - the price will determine how much bandwidth it has to allow/facilitate the transfers. It needs to be high enough to account for all the movement.

I’d also note that so long as it’s stable, the price is irrelevant to banks - if they need to make a transfer, it’s a simple FX spot trade into XRP and a spot trade out (back to the intended currency). The ‘FX risk’ can be hedged out as with any other currency. This is where the sudden jump makes sense - a slow climb would show too much volatility.

>> No.22720128

I did see that - don’t know why I didn’t include it. Thanks Anon.

>> No.22720260
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You will burn in Hell you gigantic sodomite.
You didn't like the religious talk because it reminded you that no matter how much xrp you got you won't be able to buy yourself into Heaven. Filthy fucking faggot.

Just like science was first established to proof God and was later infiltrated by s o y c u c k s like OP to make their own tranny cult exactly the same thing is happening. Jews can't stand having to read about Christ.

>> No.22720282

I don’t think it does. I’m not sure there are many actual ‘hidden’ transactions (certainly with major banks). The fact that they have to use swift/correspondent banks, etc, makes I very difficult. The fraud/breaches tend to arise from the lack of due diligence (AML/KYC/Sanctions). Rather than actually hiding them.

>> No.22720299

So you use UHNWI information and then say christians arent welcome in this thread.

How about you kys?

>> No.22720558

Nobody said Christians aren’t welcome you gaping faggot. We just don’t need the thread to devolve into constant discussions about god and the bible and whatever else.

Don’t ask don’t tell. As with the fudders in all XRP threads, if it’s not for you (if you are in able of a discussion without it devolving into god talk), there are other places you can be. Why be the type of insufferable cunt that joins a thread just to say he doesn’t wike it?

>> No.22720573

You turn our brothers and sisters away from their creator when you belittle and damn them. Put away your pocket full of stones-- you are not Christ. Brother, we are commanded to bring them into the fold. Your image as a Christian is reflecting bile, thereby your faith is being corrupted by he who stands to gain from those who see that bile and take another step away from God.

>> No.22720982
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Some all already given up. And fuck you and your cult of reason shit. Muh kumbaya singing around the campfire.
>Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
>God gave them up unto vile affections
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
> the men, leaving the natural use of the woman
>faggots like OP who hate God so much that they feel the need to make another thread only to discuss xrp.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
>God gave them over to a reprobate mind
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

>> No.22721051

Yes, you should sell your whole stack now and buy back when it's at 0.0012.

>> No.22721130

I wish the depth of God's love upon you, that your hate might be transformed. We are all His children together. I could quote a wall of scripture back to you, but I won't change your heart. I'm back to the schizo thread, in respecting OP's wishes.

>> No.22721139

I think you need to reacquaint yourself with the Holy book, brother.

>> No.22721266

Hate the evil, and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate: it may be that the Lord God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph.

“A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.”

“The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.”

>> No.22721322


>> No.22721693

>non-schizo thread
>devolves into Christians arguing with each other over their god and their books
Well, an attempt was made.

>> No.22721981

Ha, I think I’ll pass, thanks.

>> No.22722009
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ah well, we can only try, theres been a bit of insightful discussion and it's a breath of fresh air compared to the tone of xsg

>> No.22722096


>> No.22722100

It was a good idea mate. Appreciate you putting it together.